The NRA won

I will need to read the bill before I will pop any champaigne.

I don't trust any "compromise" that is dealing with my enumerated rights that Obama likes.

This is a bipartisan group of pro gun Senators.

In theory, this is already happening, it just tightens it up so no one can argue that any private sales occur either online or at a gun show.
I would support a bill that makes it a crime for any public law enforcement official or elected official to fail to enforce existing gun control laws. I would also make it a 15 year sentence (Mandatory) for any elected official to introduce legislation that in any way, limits the rights of the citizens.
Universal background checks? Nope. biggie, you can never win: you are a reactionary is why.
We already have background checks
Yes or no?
Never mind the irony of the people who address the issue of the Newtown shooting by pushing for laws that would not have stopped that shooting and will not stop another like it calling someone else a reactionary.

Yep that would define someone who is reactionary.
darkwind, M14, and bigreb want to change the Constitution.

Sorry, reactionaries, not going to happen.

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