The Nuclear Option - and there is nothing the Dems can do


Apr 22, 2007
The nuclear option is a procedure that allows the Senate to override a the 60 vote supermajority with a simple majority of 51 votes. This option defeats the filibuster.

The nuclear option was popularized by Harry Reid to get Obaminationcare passed. The chickens are coming home to roost!

They might not like the SCOTUS pick or any of the other nominations, but tough shit. The nuclear option will be used to confirm all of them despite the Dimocrat protest, objections or even filibuster.

They might get one or possibly 2 Republicans to buck the party (not likely though), but they would need 3, since Pence would be the tie breaker.

It sucks to be a Dimocrat right now. As a dumb negro once said, "Elections have consequences."

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Once again you have to hand it to President Trump. Bush would have stammered and avoided the issue and Barry Hussein would have done it in secret but Trump laid it on the line, if the appointment reaches a stalemate use the nuclear option.
Nuke option isn't in place for sup court positions.

The problem with dropping a nuke is that the radiation lasts a long time . The GOP knows that power swings back n forth .
McConnell's already said he doesn't want to use the nuclear option. And the dems won't be able to maintain 40 votes against this guy even if they try. What happens if there's a second vacancy is the question.
Nuke option isn't in place for sup court positions.

The problem with dropping a nuke is that the radiation lasts a long time . The GOP knows that power swings back n forth .
The court is getting younger & likely more conservative. Democrat stupidity is likely not a threat for a generation unless Ruth somehow manages to outlast Trump. If she doesn't you can kiss the court goodbye for a long time.
Nuke option isn't in place for sup court positions.

The problem with dropping a nuke is that the radiation lasts a long time . The GOP knows that power swings back n forth .
The Dems used it to seat their picks for lifetime judgeships, I see no reason that the Republicans should not do so.
Nuke option isn't in place for sup court positions.

The problem with dropping a nuke is that the radiation lasts a long time . The GOP knows that power swings back n forth .
That's funny. I heard that same argument a few years ago.
Breaking: Trump nominates a SCOTUS justice AND creates 2 million new jobs in the mental health industry as Dem's have a meltdown.
Nuke option isn't in place for sup court positions.

The problem with dropping a nuke is that the radiation lasts a long time . The GOP knows that power swings back n forth .

Lol the libs say that now! If the table was turned. They would be speaking a different tune.

Just like they complained when Trump hinted he might not accept the results and the libs cried foul and now they are not accepting the results!

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McConnell's already said he doesn't want to use the nuclear option. And the dems won't be able to maintain 40 votes against this guy even if they try. What happens if there's a second vacancy is the question.

No one wants to use it, but they do it if the other option is a prolonged stalemate until a liberal judge is appointed

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McConnell's already said he doesn't want to use the nuclear option. And the dems won't be able to maintain 40 votes against this guy even if they try. What happens if there's a second vacancy is the question.

No one wants to use it, but they do it if the other option is a prolonged stalemate until a liberal judge is appointed

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Oh, you're drooling for it. lol

McConnell got payback for Reagan getting Borked when the dems had the majority.

Robert Bork Supreme Court nomination - Wikipedia

And he kept the gop in control of the Court.

The dems don't have internal support to filibuster this guy. A SECOND vacancy before the next election. Now that's where we may see fireworks.
Nothing has changed, when the Dem's are in control they do as they choose without so much as reaching across the isle, when they are out of control, no pun intended, they conduct themselves like little spoiled children. The difference between how the GOP and Dem's conduct themselves when not in power is night and day.
The difference WAS night and day.

This is a new day and Republicans seemed to have learned their lesson.
Nuke option isn't in place for sup court positions.

The problem with dropping a nuke is that the radiation lasts a long time . The GOP knows that power swings back n forth .
The Dems used it to seat their picks for lifetime judgeships, I see no reason that the Republicans should not do so.

Because the cons refused to fill those positions! No matter who was up.
Nuke option isn't in place for sup court positions.

The problem with dropping a nuke is that the radiation lasts a long time . The GOP knows that power swings back n forth .

You would have thought the Democrats would have realized that, yet they screwed themselves pretty damn good.

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