The Nuclear Option - and there is nothing the Dems can do

The nuclear option is a procedure that allows the Senate to override a the 60 vote supermajority with a simple majority of 51 votes. This option defeats the filibuster.

The nuclear option was popularized by Harry Reid to get Obaminationcare passed. The chickens are coming home to roost!

They might not like the SCOTUS pick or any of the other nominations, but tough shit. The nuclear option will be used to confirm all of them despite the Dimocrat protest, objections or even filibuster.

They might get one or possibly 2 Republicans to buck the party (not likely though), but they would need 3, since Pence would be the tie breaker.

It sucks to be a Dimocrat right now. As a dumb negro once said, "Elections have consequences."

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Do you think this is the right move to make? Have we completely given up on diplomacy?
Nuke option isn't in place for sup court positions.

The problem with dropping a nuke is that the radiation lasts a long time . The GOP knows that power swings back n forth .
The Dems used it to seat their picks for lifetime judgeships, I see no reason that the Republicans should not do so.

Because the cons refused to fill those positions! No matter who was up.

And the Democrats won't even show up to vote! So your argument is moot!

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I see some great election related ads being made of this for the next mid terms. Especially if any of those Libturds waffle.
The nuclear option is a procedure that allows the Senate to override a the 60 vote supermajority with a simple majority of 51 votes. This option defeats the filibuster.

The nuclear option was popularized by Harry Reid to get Obaminationcare passed. The chickens are coming home to roost!

They might not like the SCOTUS pick or any of the other nominations, but tough shit. The nuclear option will be used to confirm all of them despite the Dimocrat protest, objections or even filibuster.

They might get one or possibly 2 Republicans to buck the party (not likely though), but they would need 3, since Pence would be the tie breaker.

It sucks to be a Dimocrat right now. As a dumb negro once said, "Elections have consequences."

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No Harry Reid didn't have to use a Nuclear option on Obamacare. Democrats had super majorities in both houses, and it was considered filibuster proof.

If there is a filibuster, the Senate has to confirm with 60 votes, and if they can't get that then the ruling party can toss the rule and confirm with a simple majority. THE PROBLEM: It backfires on the party who uses it, as an underhanded tactic, and be assured that Democrats will use it for their campaign rhetoric in 2018 to regain the Senate.
Nuke option isn't in place for sup court positions.

The problem with dropping a nuke is that the radiation lasts a long time . The GOP knows that power swings back n forth .
Yes they do but the dems already set that nuke off. It is over now and set as precedent. The only reason that the SCOTUS was left out of that maneuver is because there was not one to nominate at the time and there will be no political fallout from the right simply extending Reid's own asinine mistake to cover appointing a SCOTUS judge.

In this particular case, there is no real problem with the swinging power either - you are looking at appointments that will secure the court for DECADES. The damage done to the dems on this is already sealed and a done deal - they really screwed up BADLY when they not only pulled the trigger on the nuclear option but then followed it up by borking this last election cycle to an extreme degree.
The nuclear option is a procedure that allows the Senate to override a the 60 vote supermajority with a simple majority of 51 votes. This option defeats the filibuster.

The nuclear option was popularized by Harry Reid to get Obaminationcare passed. The chickens are coming home to roost!

They might not like the SCOTUS pick or any of the other nominations, but tough shit. The nuclear option will be used to confirm all of them despite the Dimocrat protest, objections or even filibuster.

They might get one or possibly 2 Republicans to buck the party (not likely though), but they would need 3, since Pence would be the tie breaker.

It sucks to be a Dimocrat right now. As a dumb negro once said, "Elections have consequences."

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No Harry Reid didn't have to use a Nuclear option on Obamacare. Democrats had super majorities in both houses, and it was considered filibuster proof.

If there is a filibuster, the Senate has to confirm with 60 votes, and if they can't get that then the ruling party can toss the rule and confirm with a simple majority. THE PROBLEM: It backfires on the party who uses it, as an underhanded tactic, and be assured that Democrats will use it for their campaign rhetoric in 2018 to regain the Senate.
No they will not because it will not have legs. It has already been done by the democrats. I know that they are massive hypocrites in congress but whining about using the nuclear option simply is not going to have legs with anyone other than hardcore partisan democrats who are going to vote for them anyway.

I don't think there is going to be a filibuster anyway - the dems do not want to be taken entirely out of this process and should they try and block appointing a judge they may not get a say in seating one at all - the only thing that would be worse for them than the shitty hand they have now.
The nuclear option is a procedure that allows the Senate to override a the 60 vote supermajority with a simple majority of 51 votes. This option defeats the filibuster.

The nuclear option was popularized by Harry Reid to get Obaminationcare passed. The chickens are coming home to roost!

They might not like the SCOTUS pick or any of the other nominations, but tough shit. The nuclear option will be used to confirm all of them despite the Dimocrat protest, objections or even filibuster.

They might get one or possibly 2 Republicans to buck the party (not likely though), but they would need 3, since Pence would be the tie breaker.

It sucks to be a Dimocrat right now. As a dumb negro once said, "Elections have consequences."

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No Harry Reid didn't have to use a Nuclear option on Obamacare. Democrats had super majorities in both houses, and it was considered filibuster proof.

If there is a filibuster, the Senate has to confirm with 60 votes, and if they can't get that then the ruling party can toss the rule and confirm with a simple majority. THE PROBLEM: It backfires on the party who uses it, as an underhanded tactic, and be assured that Democrats will use it for their campaign rhetoric in 2018 to regain the Senate.
No they will not because it will not have legs. It has already been done by the democrats. I know that they are massive hypocrites in congress but whining about using the nuclear option simply is not going to have legs with anyone other than hardcore partisan democrats who are going to vote for them anyway.

I don't think there is going to be a filibuster anyway - the dems do not want to be taken entirely out of this process and should they try and block appointing a judge they may not get a say in seating one at all - the only thing that would be worse for them than the shitty hand they have now.

I don't know what they're going to do, but he will have to go through confirmation hearings and that should get interesting. Being born and raised in Denver, I kind of doubt you have another Justice Scalia or what you were expecting to get.
The nuclear option is a procedure that allows the Senate to override a the 60 vote supermajority with a simple majority of 51 votes. This option defeats the filibuster.

The nuclear option was popularized by Harry Reid to get Obaminationcare passed. The chickens are coming home to roost!

They might not like the SCOTUS pick or any of the other nominations, but tough shit. The nuclear option will be used to confirm all of them despite the Dimocrat protest, objections or even filibuster.

They might get one or possibly 2 Republicans to buck the party (not likely though), but they would need 3, since Pence would be the tie breaker.

It sucks to be a Dimocrat right now. As a dumb negro once said, "Elections have consequences."

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No Harry Reid didn't have to use a Nuclear option on Obamacare. Democrats had super majorities in both houses, and it was considered filibuster proof.

If there is a filibuster, the Senate has to confirm with 60 votes, and if they can't get that then the ruling party can toss the rule and confirm with a simple majority. THE PROBLEM: It backfires on the party who uses it, as an underhanded tactic, and be assured that Democrats will use it for their campaign rhetoric in 2018 to regain the Senate.
No they will not because it will not have legs. It has already been done by the democrats. I know that they are massive hypocrites in congress but whining about using the nuclear option simply is not going to have legs with anyone other than hardcore partisan democrats who are going to vote for them anyway.

I don't think there is going to be a filibuster anyway - the dems do not want to be taken entirely out of this process and should they try and block appointing a judge they may not get a say in seating one at all - the only thing that would be worse for them than the shitty hand they have now.

I don't know what they're going to do, but he will have to go through confirmation hearings and that should get interesting. Being born and raised in Denver, I kind of doubt you have another Justice Scalia or what you were expecting to get.
And what was I 'expecting' to get?
I don't think it's going to the nuclear option. Dems just have to put on their dog and pony show for their base. Ask mean questions, gnash their teeth, wring their fists, get emotional, put on some theatrics, and they will eventually pass the guy.
The nuclear option is a procedure that allows the Senate to override a the 60 vote supermajority with a simple majority of 51 votes. This option defeats the filibuster.

The nuclear option was popularized by Harry Reid to get Obaminationcare passed. The chickens are coming home to roost!

They might not like the SCOTUS pick or any of the other nominations, but tough shit. The nuclear option will be used to confirm all of them despite the Dimocrat protest, objections or even filibuster.

They might get one or possibly 2 Republicans to buck the party (not likely though), but they would need 3, since Pence would be the tie breaker.

It sucks to be a Dimocrat right now. As a dumb negro once said, "Elections have consequences."

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No Harry Reid didn't have to use a Nuclear option on Obamacare. Democrats had super majorities in both houses, and it was considered filibuster proof.

If there is a filibuster, the Senate has to confirm with 60 votes, and if they can't get that then the ruling party can toss the rule and confirm with a simple majority. THE PROBLEM: It backfires on the party who uses it, as an underhanded tactic, and be assured that Democrats will use it for their campaign rhetoric in 2018 to regain the Senate.

Correct, they voted in ACA without even reading it. That Congress then got kicked out the very next election, and the American people have made sure that the House has remained Republican.
I'd heard that there wasn't enough Dem objection to this guy to warrant fighting it. I suppose I'll have to look into it.
I remember learning about filibusters in 8th Grade Civics for the first time.

It did not make any sense to me then.

It still does not make any sense at all.

This tradition began in the early 1800's.

History may now see this tradition finally ending forever in 2017.

It seems to have taken about 200 years to get rid of this anomaly to democracy and representative government.
I'd heard that there wasn't enough Dem objection to this guy to warrant fighting it. I suppose I'll have to look into it.
Schumer and the DEM's are still pissed off about Merrick Garland.

Other than raise a ruckus there is nothing effectual that they can do about it however.
hmmm yea I can see that, Dems do seem to hold grudges in general more-so than Reps.

I guess we'll see what happens shortly.
The nuclear option is a procedure that allows the Senate to override a the 60 vote supermajority with a simple majority of 51 votes. This option defeats the filibuster.

The nuclear option was popularized by Harry Reid to get Obaminationcare passed. The chickens are coming home to roost!

They might not like the SCOTUS pick or any of the other nominations, but tough shit. The nuclear option will be used to confirm all of them despite the Dimocrat protest, objections or even filibuster.

They might get one or possibly 2 Republicans to buck the party (not likely though), but they would need 3, since Pence would be the tie breaker.

It sucks to be a Dimocrat right now. As a dumb negro once said, "Elections have consequences."

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Do you think this is the right move to make? Have we completely given up on diplomacy?
It will take years to rebuild after the Harry Reid reich......

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