The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

Trust me, I do know.

In fact, most of the deaths of civilians on Okinawa was at the hands of the Japanese military themselves. They did not have the almost insane drive to self-destruction and suicide as those on the mainland did. Hence, the Japanese soldiers "helping them" make the right choice.

However, those on islands like Saipan were almost all settlers who came from the mainland themselves, so shared the same beliefs. Hence, the mass suicides (which did not happen on Okinawa - because Okinawan culture is vastly different than that of mainland Japan).

And even today, to most on the mainland (especially popular culture), those on Okinawa are largely seen as the "backwards rural cousins". Not unlike say Gomer Pile in most of the US. Quiet, somewhat backwards and maybe stupid cousins in the backwater. I know more than a few that told me they actually resented the "popular opinion" of them in the popular Japanese media. That it was insulting, and offensive.

Like some in the US, who see all that live on Hawaii as slightly stupid, screw at the drop of a hat, and want to do nothing but surf, frolic on the beach, and eat pineapple and spam.
I'm the palest, map-of-Ireland Bostonian you'll find, and I love pineapple and Spam. Ever try to frolic on Revere Beach? Hardly worth all the time pulling syringes out of your feet later.
A desperate, stupid response. The discussion of morals and ethics is about using them. Just give it up. Ya said something dumb. Moving on...
The discussion is about war. War is killing or being killed and only fools think otherwise. It's about killing; not what someone is killed with. People killed with bayonets bombs or anything else smell exactly the same after a few days of lying in the sun and one is not more or less dead than the other. Not using a weapon that would likely save the lives of a great many of your fellow countrymen is itself the height of immorality. How are you going to explain such idiocy to their loved ones? No thought for the children and grandchildren those young men might have had had you done your part to see them return home alive? The President and other military leaders are charged with doing their best to protect the lives of our soldiers and the other citizens of our Country. Your argument that their failure to do their duty is somehow the more moral choice is idiotic. And you have totally failed to provide any support for your lame argument. That is beyond dumb.
It did not have to be a question of whether we used them or not

Did we have to choose targets where 150,000 civilians were killed?
Could a non lethal “demonstration” have yielded the same results?

Drop one in a low populated or strictly military area and let the Japanese evaluate the results. Then tell them we have dozens just like it and would target Tokyo next
Why did it matter? The U.S. had already firebombed every major Japanese city anyway

what did you have in mind?
Naval blockade

Continued conventional bombing

Acceptance of other surrender conditions

Potential surrender conditions EXACTLY as those ultimately accepted anyway

Just for few
Naval blockade

Continued conventional bombing

Acceptance of other surrender conditions

Potential surrender conditions EXACTLY as those ultimately accepted anyway

Just for few
If we blockaded them and held for months MILLIONS of Japanese civilians would have starved and or frozen to death, Fire bombing killed more people then the nukes.
Naval blockade

Continued conventional bombing

Acceptance of other surrender conditions

Potential surrender conditions EXACTLY as those ultimately accepted anyway

Just for few
After 2 nukes the hardliners did not want to surrender, how would more bombing or blockade convince them?
One very good reason to end it quick with the nuke was the Soviets plan to occupy as much of the islands as they could grab, and that would have been a lot if given more time after they finally declared war on Japan. Sorry but no Pity Party for Japanese is necessary; they reaped what they sowed, and that goes for the Japanese here in the states as well; they cheered on their homeland heroes all through their massacres right up to Pearl, held parades and sent lots of 'Care' packages to the Japanese troops over the decades, and a few in Hawaii were helping arm downed Japanese pilots, hence the interning program on the West Coast. OVer a third of them were not American citizens, and it is noteworthy that out of the entire population hardly any ever turned in Japanese spies and agents to the U.S. govt. who were over here recruiting in the 1930's to work for the Japanese military as saboteurs and spies.
Naval blockade

Continued conventional bombing

Acceptance of other surrender conditions

Potential surrender conditions EXACTLY as those ultimately accepted anyway

Just for few
In order to do it your way you would have to keep the greatest navel armada in history floating around in the Pacific Ocean for months

while continued conventional bombing over that time would kill as many civilians as the atomic bomb did

assuming we didnt drop a 3rd atomic bomb

in the meantime Russia would be gobbling up more and more Japanese territory and soon
demanding their share of post war occupation of japan

Revisionists put too faith in the belief that japan was going to act rationally prior to an invasion
... Sorry but no Pity Party for Japanese is necessary; they reaped what they sowed, and that goes for the Japanese here in the states as well; ....
Then why weren't ALL German Americans on the East Coast thrown into concentration camps? You're no American.
.... it is noteworthy that out of the entire population hardly any ever turned in Japanese spies and agents to the U.S. govt. who were over here recruiting in the 1930's to work for the Japanese military as saboteurs and spies.
Unlike German Americans, no Japanese American was ever convicted of espionage or sabotage throughout the war, you ignorant dope.
Then why weren't ALL German Americans on the East Coast thrown into concentration camps? You're no American.

lol as if I care about some deviant's racist opinions. Ypu love them Japs so much mover there. Oh yeah, you can't, because they don't need any white fetish deviants for anything.
In order to do it your way you would have to keep the greatest navel armada in history floating around in the Pacific Ocean for months

By that time, the Japanese navy had been decimated, you dope.
To emphasize what goddamn animals the Japs were they murdered 250,000 Chinese citizens just for helping some of the Dolittle Raiders escape. That, by itself, were more civilians killed by both nuclear bombs.

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