The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

Soviet land grab

Markle and Fort Fun Indiana agree on something!

You keep forgetting that we allowed that condition.

As you know, he was stripped of all his power and was maintained as a figurehead. Not unlike the King and/or Queen of England.

Prior to that change.

"Although by convention Hirohito behaved as a constitutional monarch, the Meiji Constitution granted him absolute power – he was after all enshrined as a God. On three separate occasions during his rule he had demonstrated his absolute powers; in 1929 he forced the resignation of his prime minister; in 1936 he overruled his military advisors to insist on the harshest treatment of the young officers involved in the coup d’etat known as the 26 February Incident in 1945; and finally in August 1945 he overruled his advisors by insisting on a Japanese surrender. Hirohito had the power to stop Japan’s military adventurism in the 1930s but chose not to."

"Furthermore, although the Emperor’s court papers were destroyed before the Allies could seize them, it seems clear from contemporary accounts that as Japan’s war situation deteriorated, that he became increasingly shrill in his criticisms of the military, and more insistent on his own strategic suggestions." [Identical to the actions of Adolph Hitler]

The Rape of Nanking was widely reported in the Japanese Press, even relaying in gory detail a competition between officers as to who could cut off most Chinese heads. Hirohito could not have been unaware of these reports particularly as his own family was closely involved in the atrocities in China. His own uncle, Prince Asaka had commanded the Japanese troops at Nanking. As a reward Hirohito gifted Asaka a pair of silver vases and they also resumed their regular games of golf.

In a genocide that killed 20 to 30 million Chinese, the Emperor’s relation, Field Marshal Prince Kanin, gave the authorization for the use of gas. Prince Mikasa, Hirohito’s youngest brother, even visited Unit 731 in Manchurian where live vivisection and other experiments were carried out on Chinese and western prisoners. Although unproven, it seems highly unlikely that the inquisitive Hirohito would have been uninformed by his relatives of these activities conducted by the Japanese Army. Like Hirohito, all the imperial family was excused prosecution at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal."

As you know, he was stripped of all his power and was maintained as a figurehead. Not unlike the King and/or Queen of England.

Prior to that change.

"Although by convention Hirohito behaved as a constitutional monarch, the Meiji Constitution granted him absolute power – he was after all enshrined as a God. ....
You keep talking about "facts" but you are painfully ignorant of this subject.
I have provided documented sources over and over and over, as have others. You ignore "facts" and then squawk about "lies."
You have provided a single source ad nauseum, with nothing to back it up, and no explanation of when the Big Six ever discussed it prior to 6 August.
As you know, he was stripped of all his power and was maintained as a figurehead. Not unlike the King and/or Queen of England.
The Emperor never really had any power.

The most he could ever do is arrange for one of the members in the cabinet to advance something he wished to have debated. But they were forbidden to say it was from him, it was always advanced as that member's position, and then the other five members would discuss it and vote. As he sat behind a screen and said absolutely nothing. The only time he was allowed to actually say or vote on anything is in the event that they were deadlocked at 3-3 and could not make a decision. Not unlike the Vice President in the Senate.

However, that happened only one time in the entire history of the Cabinet. And that was when they were finally deadlocked at 3-3 after the bombing of Nagasaki, and the entrance of the Soviet Union into the war.

Admiral Toyoda was the first of the Big Six to defect and start to urge the council to end the war. And there has been much speculation over the years if that was done at the request of the Emperor or not. But it must be remembered, that was on the evening of 6 August. And it was not until the evening of 9 August, 3 days later that he was joined by Togo and Suzuki. Which left the cabinet deadlocked at 3-3.

And here is the key. They were also proposing a settlement even if they decided to end the war. And this is very important. All 6 of them still agreed that there would be no occupation, no disarmament, no war crime trials, and no occupation. They all agreed that those were requirements of a surrender, but the remaining three hardliners still insisted that they fight on to the bitter end.

It was only in the early morning of 10 August that Prime Minister Suzuki finally declared them to be hopelessly deadlocked. And for the first time ever, the final resolution was handed over to the Emperor. Who threw out their joint decision, and ordered them to accept a slightly modified Potsdam Declaration. With only the Imperial family remain in office. He was even willing if required to face trial and execution himself, so long as the Imperial Line remained on the throne.

And offer that he later repeated to General MacArthur himself, but was declined.
There was TOTAL WAR. That's not just a term, it is a description of the situation. Yes, a few things were off-limits, poison gas for instance.

Even though it was never used, the Brits knew the bombings were coming, same as the zeppelins did in WW II; they had a yellow paint that would change colors that would tell a person there was gas being used and the Brtis painted their mailboxes with it in the lead up to the Germans taking France. They saw what happened to Rotterdam. They assumed London would be entirely rubble in the first bombing run, which didn't turn out to be quite true, thankfully.
This is really bullshit.

The idiot Jap apologists claim that the goddamn Japs really wanted to surrender but the meannie US just wanted to nuke them. Horseshit.

The way you surrender is to put down your arms and say "I give up".

If you aren't doing that then you aren't doing it right. Their negotiations weren't working and it is their own damn fault for fiddle farting around with a country that wanted unconditional surrender.

The goddamn Japs sure as hell didn't put down their arms at Okinawa when they had the perfect chance, did they?

Instead they fought to the last man inflicting tremendous casualties on the US then they go whining like little school girls when they got their asses nuked. Piss on them!

We learned from the mistake in WW I, not occupying Germany and demonstrating without a doubt they lost the war. That failure played a large role in leading to WW II.
The exact same terms we eventually accepted anyway. Are you having a hard time grasping this?
Seriously, what is wrong with you? You think the japanese would have unconditionally surrendered if not bombed? WTH is wrong with you. Their evil leader up till that point thought he could do anything and get away with it----it wasn't till they were bombed that he stopped doing whatever killing he wanted and surrendered.
All 6 of them still agreed that there would be no occupation, no disarmament, no war crime trials, and no occupation.
That is not surrender. That is a cease fire.

If you are getting your ass kicked you would much rather have a cease fire than an unconditional surrender any day, wouldn't you?

No wonder we had to use nukes to get their attention.
Seriously, what is wrong with you? You think the japanese would have unconditionally surrendered if not bombed? WTH is wrong with you. Their evil leader up till that point thought he could do anything and get away with it----it wasn't till they were bombed that he stopped doing whatever killing he wanted and surrendered.
Seems like you learned history from coloring books. Facts have been posted over and over again. You just deny and emote.

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