The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

Why bother? I am debate the argument not the person. Your upset your argument failed so you go for the personal attacks
I never personally attacked you? But hey, you have done nothing but lie, and lie, and lie, and try to trap me in an argument of semantics.

Personal attack? You made claims against me, I can not make claims against you. You put words in my mouth, but I can not do the same to you?

You lost your argument and now you try to make up some other bullshit and use that to say history is wrong. You are simply a lousy person. You lied through your teeth and am not man enough to admit.

You debate the argument? You are full of shit. You posted dozens of comments that were full of nothing. When confronted with fact, you had one line, "but russia invaded". As if that one sentence defines an entire war fought over years and thousands of miles.

And, between me and you, you began the personal attacks. Between me and unkotare, which is a perversion, that goes back far enough that dumbshit (no pun intended) should no better than to stray off topic and even hint at attacking me, which it, did.

so fuck off, I entertained your nonsense full well knowing you were never sincere,
I never personally attacked you? But hey, you have done nothing but lie, and lie, and lie, and try to trap me in an argument of semantics.

Personal attack? You made claims against me, I can not make claims against you. You put words in my mouth, but I can not do the same to you?

You lost your argument and now you try to make up some other bullshit and use that to say history is wrong. You are simply a lousy person. You lied through your teeth and am not man enough to admit.

You debate the argument? You are full of shit. You posted dozens of comments that were full of nothing. When confronted with fact, you had one line, "but russia invaded". As if that one sentence defines an entire war fought over years and thousands of miles.

And, between me and you, you began the personal attacks. Between me and unkotare, which is a perversion, that goes back far enough that dumbshit (no pun intended) should no better than to stray off topic and even hint at attacking me, which it, did.

so fuck off, I entertained your nonsense full well knowing you were never sincere,
This whole post is about me.

You have completely abandoned the debate

Now it's all just personal attacks
This whole post is about me.

You have completely abandoned the debate

Now it's all just personal attacks
you never debated, are you really that stupid, to think any of us believe you are here to debate. You began the personal attack now you claim to be the victim?
This whole post is about me.

You have completely abandoned the debate

Now it's all just personal attacks
do you have two user accounts here? Are you unkotare, which is a scat perversion in japan? Nothing personal, facts are facts, I can not even post what we find when I google the name unkotare.

It is funny, that you step into my comments with scat/porn, and begin an attack on me, then claim victory?

The whole post is about you? Yet you step in, on comments not made in reply to you, and choose to personally attack me. And when I reply I lost the debate? What are you, a complete moron, me calling you an asshole after you attack me has nothing to do with debate.

All you have done is trolled and flamed, nothing more, except one dumb copy and past that you fucked up, giving a link to wikipedia, when the quote was not from wikipedia.
do you have two user accounts here? Are you unkotare, which is a scat perversion in japan? Nothing personal, facts are facts, I can not even post what we find when I google the name unkotare.

It is funny, that you step into my comments with scat/porn, and begin an attack on me, then claim victory?

The whole post is about you? Yet you step in, on comments not made in reply to you, and choose to personally attack me. And when I reply I lost the debate? What are you, a complete moron, me calling you an asshole after you attack me has nothing to do with debate.

All you have done is trolled and flamed, nothing more, except one dumb copy and past that you fucked up, giving a link to wikipedia, when the quote was not from wikipedia.
Oh look another post about me.

Oh look another post about me

You have nothing left
what more is there to say, when you never said nothing, when you repeated the lame, "russia invaded", at least 20 times.

Yes, you are a complete idiot, you never debated, all you did is troll and flame, and I have called you out on it.
what more is there to say, when you never said nothing, when you repeated the lame, "russia invaded", at least 20 times.

Yes, you are a complete idiot, you never debated, all you did is troll and flame, and I have called you out on it.
Oh look one more post about me.

You are done here

How about 10 year old girls raped, gang raped, by dozens of japanese, a hundred japanese, a 10 year old girl raped until she is so worn out, she simply dies.
"One of the tragic tolls of war that is often glossed over is rape. This is an odious crime, and historians agree that American soldiers raped tens of thousands of women. These rapes occurred both during the war and in its immediate aftermath."

ALL crime is wrong or no crime is wrong.
The japanese deserved every bit of atrocity perpetrated upon them. And whatever that was, it was nothing compared to what the Japanese did. You are crying about dead japanese having an ear cut off?

How about 10 year old girls raped, gang raped, by dozens of japanese, a hundred japanese, a 10 year old girl raped until she is so worn out, she simply dies.

Personally, I think your opinion reflects yourself, and I see you as about the ugliest human being that exists. You are a lousy piece of shit who deserves what the Japanese did to Americans. You and and your shit loving sexual perversion. It really is a shame you were never a prisoner of the Japanese, you deserve that treatment. Of course given the shit stained perversion of your user name, you most likely would relish any sadistic perverted torture dished out by the japanese.
You seem to have some serious personal issues. Take it up with your shrink.
Oh look another post about me.
oh yes, you are bigger than life, just look in the mirror and tell yourself so, everything is about you, your constant trolling, your flaming, your personal attacks, and I do not mean your attacks against me, the personal attacks you made before I entered into the conversation. And it was never a debate with you. You ignorant opinion never rose to the level of something intelligent enough to debate. All you did was troll, yes a very big yawn.

I am fine going tit for tat with you, and I will continue as long as you reply, I will continue to point out that your hundreds of comments were nothing more than trolling or flames. Nothing debatable, nothing scholarly.
oh yes, you are bigger than life, just look in the mirror and tell yourself so, everything is about you, your constant trolling, your flaming, your personal attacks, and I do not mean your attacks against me, the personal attacks you made before I entered into the conversation. And it was never a debate with you. You ignorant opinion never rose to the level of something intelligent enough to debate. All you did was troll, yes a very big yawn.

I am fine going tit for tat with you, and I will continue as long as you reply, I will continue to point out that your hundreds of comments were nothing more than trolling or flames. Nothing debatable, nothing scholarly.
Oh look one more post about me

Moving on without you
Szilárd, who had gone on to play a major role in the Manhattan Project, argued:

Let me say only this much to the moral issue involved: Suppose Germany had developed two bombs before we had any bombs. And suppose Germany had dropped one bomb, say, on Rochester and the other on Buffalo, and then having run out of bombs she would have lost the war. Can anyone doubt that we would then have defined the dropping of atomic bombs on cities as a war crime, and that we would have sentenced the Germans who were guilty of this crime to death at Nuremberg and hanged them?[113]

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