The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

"the vibrant city of over a quarter of a million men, women and children was hardly “a military base.” Indeed, less than 10 percent of the individuals killed on Aug. 6, 1945, were Japanese military personnel."
..."Killing civilians was the primary purpose of the Hiroshima bombing. "

"At bottom, Stimson wanted to kill as many workers and their families possible. And he made no effort to ensure that the Interim Committee’s recommendation about dual targeting was followed. Ultimately, the crew of the Enola Gay was permitted to pick the aim point and chose the Aioi Bridge at the center of Hiroshima. More than 70,000 men, women and children were killed immediately. In a cruel irony, the munitions factories on the periphery of the city were left largely unscathed."

Those who perpetuate the myth of unconditional surrender forget that U.S. decision-makers in 1945 considered other ways of ending the war with Japan. Weighing the lives lost from the atomic bombings against the potential lives lost in an American invasion of Japan ignores the possibility that the war could end with neither an invasion nor nuclear attacks."

"At the Potsdam Conference, Stimson recommended that the U.S. modify the unconditional surrender terms to signal to the Japanese government that Emperor Hirohito would not be put on trial. Truman rejected this advice"


The Hiyō-class aircraft carrier Jun'yō. Launched June 26, 1941. Commissioned May 3, 1942.

The Unryū-class aircraft carrier Amagi. Launched October 15, 1943. Commissioned August 10, 1944.

The Unryū-class aircraft carrier Kasagi. Launched October 19, 1944. 84% complete when Japan surrendered. (Google Translate of Japanese Wikipedia)
Wikipedia ... :lmao: What great scholarship, Junior.
Who introduced Japan to "gunboat diplomacy," and set them upon a coarse of imperialism in the first place?

Why not tell the forum a little about Commodore Matthew Perry? :dunno:
Why not tell us about the gang rape of 12 year old virgin girls by the japanese soldiers. Certainly had they learned anything from Perry, morality would be one, but obviously, the japanese learned nothing and behaved as savages.

The idea that primitive societies should of been left alone, was not an option in history.
Well that was why he made a dumb decision
dumb, that is your opinion, but the fact is that japan surrendered after two atomic bombs were dropped saving the lives of thousands of americans, that were dying in the Japanese prisoner of war camps.

I dont know why I feel so bad for those souls, many died, many were crippled, but many died in agony, as a prisoner of war.

I thank god we nuked those bastards that were torturing our men. And that is a literal statement. Those that lived in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, some of those people were guards at prisons. Japanese men tormenting, torturing, starving, demeaning, killing our men.

How sick is the man or woman who fails to acknowledge the truth.
Wikipedia ... :lmao: What great scholarship, Junior.
sure, but in this case, are you stating wikipedia is wrong, or is wikipedia wrong every time, in which case we can reference many of your comments to wikipedia, and if wikipedia expresses the same sentiment as your source, by your rules we will dismiss your source as being a lie, for you have in this case stated wikipedia should not be used.
dumb, that is your opinion, but the fact is that japan surrendered after two atomic bombs were dropped saving the lives of thousands of americans, that were dying in the Japanese prisoner of war camps.

I dont know why I feel so bad for those souls, many died, many were crippled, but many died in agony, as a prisoner of war.

I thank god we nuked those bastards that were torturing our men. And that is a literal statement. Those that lived in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, some of those people were guards at prisons. Japanese men tormenting, torturing, starving, demeaning, killing our men.

How sick is the man or woman who fails to acknowledge the truth.
I know you thank god we nuked them. Yiu wish we would have killed every man woman and child in japan
Why not tell us about the gang rape of 12 year old virgin girls by the japanese soldiers. Certainly had they learned anything from Perry, morality would be one, but obviously, the japanese learned nothing and behaved as savages.

The idea that primitive societies should of been left alone, was not an option in history.
"Throughout the United States’ campaign in the Pacific theater, American soldiers indeed mutilated Japanese corpses and took trophies — not just skulls, but also teeth, ears, noses, even arms — so often that the Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet himself had to issue an official directive against it in September 1942.

And when that didn’t take, the Joint Chiefs of Staff were forced to issue the same order again in January 1944.

Ultimately, however, neither order seemed to make much difference. While it’s understandably all but impossible to determine precisely how many incidents of corpse mutilation and trophy taking occurred, historians generally agree that the problem was widespread."

Given your vast and total ignorance of this subject, you are the only junior here.

"the vibrant city of over a quarter of a million men, women and children was hardly “a military base.”
A military base is exactly what Hiroshima was.

Hiroshima's vast military districts held more than 40,000 Japanese soldiers.

Hiroshima was the military headquarters in charge of repelling our coming invasion of Japan.

Indeed, less than 10 percent of the individuals killed on Aug. 6, 1945, were Japanese military personnel."
15% of the dead at Hiroshima were Japanese soldiers.

..."Killing civilians was the primary purpose of the Hiroshima bombing. "
Whoever you are quoting is lying.

The primary purpose of the Hiroshima bombing was to kill soldiers and destroy a military headquarters.

"At bottom, Stimson wanted to kill as many workers and their families possible. And he made no effort to ensure that the Interim Committee’s recommendation about dual targeting was followed. Ultimately, the crew of the Enola Gay was permitted to pick the aim point and chose the Aioi Bridge at the center of Hiroshima.
Good aim point. Easy to find from the air, and right next to the military headquarters and a huge military district.

In a cruel irony, the munitions factories on the periphery of the city were left largely unscathed."
Hardly a cruel irony. The atomic bomb was focused on a far more important target: a large military district that held thousands of soldiers and was the headquarters in charge of repelling our invasion of Japan.

Those who perpetuate the myth of unconditional surrender forget that U.S. decision-makers in 1945 considered other ways of ending the war with Japan. Weighing the lives lost from the atomic bombings against the potential lives lost in an American invasion of Japan ignores the possibility that the war could end with neither an invasion nor nuclear attacks."
Japan was free to surrender any time they wanted to.

Japan was the one who chose to wait until August 10 before ever offering to surrender.

"At the Potsdam Conference, Stimson recommended that the U.S. modify the unconditional surrender terms to signal to the Japanese government that Emperor Hirohito would not be put on trial. Truman rejected this advice"
So what?
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Given your vast and total ignorance of this subject, you are the only junior here.

That is incorrect. A military base is exactly what Hiroshima was.

Hiroshima's vast military districts held more than 40,000 Japanese soldiers.

Hiroshima was the military headquarters in charge of repelling our coming invasion of Japan.

That is incorrect. 15% of the dead were Japanese soldiers.

Whoever you are quoting is lying.

The primary purpose of the Hiroshima bombing was to kill soldiers and destroy a military headquarters.

Good aim point. Easy to find from the air, and right next to Hiroshima's military headquarters and huge military district.

Hardly a cruel irony. The atomic bomb was focused on a far more important target: the large military district that held more that 40,000 soldiers and was the military headquarters in charge of repelling our invasion of Japan.

Japan was free to surrender any time they wanted to.

Japan was the one who chose to wait until August 10 before ever offering to surrender.

So what?
85% civilian casualty rate. My god
"Throughout the United States’ campaign in the Pacific theater, American soldiers indeed mutilated Japanese corpses and took trophies — not just skulls, but also teeth, ears, noses, even arms — so often that the Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet himself had to issue an official directive against it in September 1942.

And when that didn’t take, the Joint Chiefs of Staff were forced to issue the same order again in January 1944.

Ultimately, however, neither order seemed to make much difference. While it’s understandably all but impossible to determine precisely how many incidents of corpse mutilation and trophy taking occurred, historians generally agree that the problem was widespread."

The japanese deserved every bit of atrocity perpetrated upon them. And whatever that was, it was nothing compared to what the Japanese did. You are crying about dead japanese having an ear cut off?

How about 10 year old girls raped, gang raped, by dozens of japanese, a hundred japanese, a 10 year old girl raped until she is so worn out, she simply dies.

Personally, I think your opinion reflects yourself, and I see you as about the ugliest human being that exists. You are a lousy piece of shit who deserves what the Japanese did to Americans. You and and your shit loving sexual perversion. It really is a shame you were never a prisoner of the Japanese, you deserve that treatment. Of course given the shit stained perversion of your user name, you most likely would relish any sadistic perverted torture dished out by the japanese.
The japanese deserved every bit of atrocity perpetrated upon them. And whatever that was, it was nothing compared to what the Japanese did. You are crying about dead japanese having an ear cut off?

How about 10 year old girls raped, gang raped, by dozens of japanese, a hundred japanese, a 10 year old girl raped until she is so worn out, she simply dies.

Personally, I think your opinion reflects yourself, and I see you as about the ugliest human being that exists. You are a lousy piece of shit who deserves what the Japanese did to Americans. You and and your shit loving sexual perversion. It really is a shame you were never a prisoner of the Japanese, you deserve that treatment. Of course given the shit stained perversion of your user name, you most likely would relish any sadistic perverted torture dished out by the japanese.
Wow. You really would have killed every man woman and child in japan

Holy cow
and you are on the same side of unkotare, go ahead and do a google search on that user name, I dare you
Why bother? I am debate the argument not the person. Your upset your argument failed so you go for the personal attacks

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