The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

When you resort to childish lies like that you are signalling your own personal surrender. Maybe you should stay out of the deep end.
Lies? You are clearly not happy with the results of the Pacific War. We ended the war as quick as humanely possible. Any other ending, besides not existing, would of prolonged the suffering and dying of our POWs.

So what am I to think of you. My posts are only a reflection of what you present of yourself. Certainly you are not part of this discussion. That much is very clear to anybody who reads your posts. Yes, I should ignore and block you. But, on occasion I try to goad you into joining humanity, but all things considered, you have chosen to be a turd on the sidewalk. Something normal people always avoid. I guess I felt sorry for you, seeing how you are definitely pretty fucked up psychologically.
Here we go again.................those judging history by the mentality of today.......

Many American military leaders of that day recognized that the use of atomic bombs against civilians was unnecessary and immoral.
Tell that to my relatives that were waiting to invade Japan. The casualties were projected to be very high. Whether you like it or not the Nukes actually saved lives on both sides. The Japanese military was prepared to fight to the death, and it would have killed millions possibly if they had their way.

They should have surrendered earlier. It is their fault for STARTING THE WAR, and for refusing to surrender after they knew the War was lost. They caused the deaths of those cities by their actions, and not our military.

Millions of people had already died in WWII.............and nobody back then really gave a damn about 2 more cities being destroyed to end the war. Your continued outrage of it doesn't is part of the history and a history that was caused by Japan.........Not the United States.
It has been proven to you dozens of times here and on other threads. You are just playing the petulant child at this point because you lack the strength of character to face the issue directly.
You just did that, you failed to face the issue directly.


The issue is that we used the most terrible weapon in the history of the world to deliberately slaughter hundreds of thousands of civilians.
Killing the enemy is War is a deliberate act. To win the War you either kill the enemy or break his will to continue. That was achieved by the bombs.

In that time frame the World fought Total War............and their is no innocent civilians in Total War..............This style of War was fought all over the War by all sides.............Bombing entire cities into rubble.

The bombs intent was to force a quick surrender of Japan. It worked. End of story and end of the War.

Tokyo after operation Meeting House. Firebombing of Tokyo
Here we go again.................those judging history by the mentality of today.......

Many American military leaders of that day recognized that the use of atomic bombs against civilians was unnecessary and immoral.
Tell that to my relatives that were waiting to invade Japan. The casualties were projected to be very high. Whether you like it or not the Nukes actually saved lives on both sides. The Japanese military was prepared to fight to the death, and it would have killed millions possibly if they had their way.

They should have surrendered earlier. It is their fault for STARTING THE WAR, and for refusing to surrender after they knew the War was lost. They caused the deaths of those cities by their actions, and not our military.

Millions of people had already died in WWII.............and nobody back then really gave a damn about 2 more cities being destroyed to end the war. Your continued outrage of it doesn't is part of the history and a history that was caused by Japan.........Not the United States.

You've got a middle schooler's idea of the war (and war in general) at best.

Atomic bomb or mass invasion were not the only two options.

Chicago Tribune History

The Necessity of Dropping A-Bombs on Japan Was Another Evil Deception

How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor | Robert Higgs

FDR provoked the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

I'm very, very glad my country was victorious in that terrible war, but only children play cowboys and indians. Historians and cheerleaders are not the same thing. Tell anyone you want.
It has been proven to you dozens of times here and on other threads. You are just playing the petulant child at this point because you lack the strength of character to face the issue directly.
You just did that, you failed to face the issue directly.


The issue is that we used the most terrible weapon in the history of the world to deliberately slaughter hundreds of thousands of civilians.
Killing the enemy is War is a deliberate act. To win the War you either kill the enemy or break his will to continue. That was achieved by the bombs.

In that time frame the World fought Total War............and their is no innocent civilians in Total War.................

If Germany had managed to develop an atomic bomb and sailed it into NY Harbor, you damn well know you would not be saying that no innocent civilians had been killed. You're being dishonest with yourself because you don't have the stomach to admit the moral consequence of what really happened.
Here we go again.................those judging history by the mentality of today.......

Many American military leaders of that day recognized that the use of atomic bombs against civilians was unnecessary and immoral.
Tell that to my relatives that were waiting to invade Japan. The casualties were projected to be very high. Whether you like it or not the Nukes actually saved lives on both sides. The Japanese military was prepared to fight to the death, and it would have killed millions possibly if they had their way.

They should have surrendered earlier. It is their fault for STARTING THE WAR, and for refusing to surrender after they knew the War was lost. They caused the deaths of those cities by their actions, and not our military.

Millions of people had already died in WWII.............and nobody back then really gave a damn about 2 more cities being destroyed to end the war. Your continued outrage of it doesn't is part of the history and a history that was caused by Japan.........Not the United States.

You've got a middle schooler's idea of the war (and war in general) at best.

Atomic bomb or mass invasion were not the only two options.

Chicago Tribune History

The Necessity of Dropping A-Bombs on Japan Was Another Evil Deception

How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor | Robert Higgs

FDR provoked the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

I'm very, very glad my country was victorious in that terrible war, but only children play cowboys and indians. Historians and cheerleaders are not the same thing. Tell anyone you want.
Take your Teachers BS and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. The way to win a War is to kill or break the enemies will to fight. Mission accomplished with the Atom bombs. It broke the back of Japan who were continuing to fight even though they knew the War was lost. They were trying to cause more casualties to try for a better surrender deal. Their military was demanding to fight to the death. They should have surrendered if they didn't want to get flattened. I had Uncles over there waiting to invade mainland Japan. They said that had this happened they wouldn't be here today as the casualties would be massive.

Let's see...........should I listen to them or you. One who is Bible thumping endlessly over the racism theory of how evil the United States is for using the bomb........using some low level officer's word in this thread to justify it with the ability of hindsite. Playing the Racist card to the point of Nausism.....OR my uncles who fought there.

Let's see...................hmmmm........

I think i'll choose my father n law.........all who fought there...............And circular file your BS outrage of the United States doing what it needed to do to win the War with less American casualties.

Why don't you start a thread on the Japanese Attrocities in China, Phillipines, and well everywhere there were POW'S.............they worked captives to death......starved them..........tortured them......

So pardon me when I don't give a rats ass. about your outrage over using the bomb.

Japan shouldn't have attacked the United States............Shouldn't have invaded everyone in the region..............They chose that path and got their butts stomped. They chose it........and they chose the destruction of their cities.
It has been proven to you dozens of times here and on other threads. You are just playing the petulant child at this point because you lack the strength of character to face the issue directly.
You just did that, you failed to face the issue directly.


The issue is that we used the most terrible weapon in the history of the world to deliberately slaughter hundreds of thousands of civilians.
Killing the enemy is War is a deliberate act. To win the War you either kill the enemy or break his will to continue. That was achieved by the bombs.

In that time frame the World fought Total War............and their is no innocent civilians in Total War.................

If Germany had managed to develop an atomic bomb and sailed it into NY Harbor, you damn well know you would not be saying that no innocent civilians had been killed. You're being dishonest with yourself because you don't have the stomach to admit the moral consequence of what really happened.
If Hitler had gotten the bomb first, the Sadistic SOB would have used it.

Got news for you, when Japan surrendered they were trying to build Chemical and biological weapons.............You don't want to go there, because had they succeeded they would have used biological weapons on we won the tech race with the bomb..............and ended it..............That is how Wars are fought. They don't give a damn about your morality when it comes to winning and survival..............Millions had already died.............sorry............the cities bombed by the Nukes were a drop in the bucket to the blood being shed in the War.

Japan started the War.............they shouldn't have done so.........they got what they deserved. Again we can go to how they treated prisoners of War and what they did in China................You don't want to go there...............
Historians and cheerleaders are not the same thing.

History teaches us the top WW2 brass thought the 'bomb' unnecessary

Cheerleaders insist on an imaginary body count as validation

The body count of the GI's fighting the War were growing everyday.........Japan's surrender ended didn't it...................

History is what it is..................decisions made to save American lives and end the war.............Now the outrage about it forever...........on how evil we were for doing it. Trashing America for Racial politics..................

Ignoring the horrible things the Japanese did in that War..........which helped cause the decision to drop the nukes......OH WELL.

Let's see...........should I listen to them or you. ...........using some low level officer's word in this thread to justify it with the ability of hindsite [sic]. ....

"Low level" like Admiral Leahy? Secretary of War Stimson? Admiral Halsey? Eisenhower (you've heard of him maybe?)?

If you're going to listen to anyone, maybe you should consider thinking too. Read the links I gave you.
............the cities bombed by the Nukes were a drop in the bucket to the blood being shed in the War................

Again, you wouldn't think about casually writing off the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of American civilians (no one in their right mind would). Don't talk about history if you can't even bring yourself to look straight at it.

Ignoring the horrible things the Japanese did in that War..........which helped cause the decision to drop the nukes......OH WELL.

Are you saying the atomic bombs were used on behalf of China? I thought you claimed they were "necessary" to end the war? Was that a lie? Were hundreds of thousands of civilians slaughtered as an act of revenge for an attack on a US military base? Be consistent.
............the cities bombed by the Nukes were a drop in the bucket to the blood being shed in the War................

Again, you wouldn't think about casually writing off the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of American civilians (no one in their right mind would). Don't talk about history if you can't even bring yourself to look straight at it.
History about the raping of Nanking by the Japanese army. The Baton Death March.

They should have surrendered earlier. Had this been done by carpet bombing the result would have been nearly the same.

The History shows they surrendered right after the bombs were dropped. Mission accomplished.............your outrage today is meaningless...............The people dying and fighting in that war didn't give a damn if someone like you was offended 83 years later.

Japan started a War it couldn't win........and got it's ass kicked ............end of amount of whining from you changes that............nor your outrage of the bombs.
...........on how evil we were for doing it. .....

You have used the word "evil" several times now. Only you. Maybe you don't realize how you expose yourself when you resort to facile straw men like that.
Sarcasm to you and your BS outrage went right over your head. Let's clear this up............I don't give a rats behind you are outraged over the decision today.........neither did the people who fought it................Again.........I'll take the words of the people who fought there over you.

Ignoring the horrible things the Japanese did in that War..........which helped cause the decision to drop the nukes......OH WELL.

Are you saying the atomic bombs were used on behalf of China? I thought you claimed they were "necessary" to end the war? Was that a lie? Were hundreds of thousands of civilians slaughtered as an act of revenge for an attack on a US military base? Be consistent.
You are twisted..............I said that if we want more history that we should go to what the Japanese army did in China...............and what they did to POW's.........Given what they had been doing in the War.............nobody cared when they dropped the bombs to make them say Uncle Sam...........

You can play this stupid little game of how outraged you are to the end of days.........doesn't change a thing.............and you will not win me over on being outraged with you.

Japan got what they deserved for attacking us and the whole dang region..........Oh well if it gets your panties in a wad.

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