The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

Sounds like you spent a year on a military base and formed generalizations based on a view from the distant outside.
Sounds like you spent a lifetime as an anti-American, pacifist ...and formed uneducated opinions based on the propaganda spoon-fed to you.
Wrong on all counts, of course.
I have asked you several times to link to any official document or statement that proves your point, you have not done so because they don;t exist. If Mac Aurther was offered a peace treaty other then just as I have said then LINK to a document that proves it.

Evidence has been shown to you dozens of times, old fool. You just squeeze your eyes shut real tight and cry “see? Nothing!”

Your act has grown as old as you.
The Japanese were seeking peace negotiations from Potsdam onward.
Common misbelief, but wrong.
It's not a "misbelief". It's called propaganda. The left lives for it and Joey loves to spread it. Even he doesn't believe it.

Uh, Poodle, try to pick up a history book. Shit, I'll make it easier for you.. here's something from Faux News.

"The Soviet entry into the war played a much greater role than the atomic bombs in inducing Japan to surrender because it dashed any hope that Japan could terminate the war through Moscow's mediation," said Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, whose recently published "Racing the Enemy" examines the conclusion of the Pacific war and is based on recently declassified Soviet archives as well as U.S. and Japanese documents..

"The emperor and the peace party (within the government) hastened to end the war expecting that the Americans would deal with Japan more generously than the Soviets," Hasegawa, a Russian-speaking American scholar, said in an interview.

Despite the death toll from the atomic bombings — 140,000 in Hiroshima, 80,000 in Nagasaki the Imperial Military Command believed it could hold out against an Allied invasion if it retained control of Manchuria and Korea, which provided Japan with the resources for war, according to Hasegawa and Terry Charman, a historian of World War II at London's Imperial War Museum.

"The Soviet attack changed all that," Charman said. "The leadership in Tokyo realized they had no hope now, and in that sense August Storm did have a greater effect on the Japanese decision to surrender than the dropping of the A-bombs."
Except the war party voted NOT to surrender and when the Emperor took it out of their hands they staged a failed Coup to try and stop THAT. Your historian is full of wishful thinking the FACTS as demonstrated by linked documents PROVE the majority of the Government was OPPOSED to surrender after 2 atomic bombs AND the Soviet Invasion.
Sounds like you spent a year on a military base and formed generalizations based on a view from the distant outside.
Sounds like you spent a lifetime as an anti-American, pacifist ...and formed uneducated opinions based on the propaganda spoon-fed to you.
Wrong on all counts, of course.
I have asked you several times to link to any official document or statement that proves your point, you have not done so because they don;t exist. If Mac Aurther was offered a peace treaty other then just as I have said then LINK to a document that proves it.

Evidence has been shown to you dozens of times, old fool. You just squeeze your eyes shut real tight and cry “see? Nothing!”

Your act has grown as old as you.
You HAVE NEVER linked to any document or actual statement from Mac. You have cited books that do NOT source the claim at all.
Except the war party voted NOT to surrender and when the Emperor took it out of their hands they staged a failed Coup to try and stop THAT. Your historian is full of wishful thinking the FACTS as demonstrated by linked documents PROVE the majority of the Government was OPPOSED to surrender after 2 atomic bombs AND the Soviet Invasion.

I think you really don't understand Japanese culture. All parties knew the war was lost by 1944. It was just a matter of how to end the war and still save face.
Here's the thing. At the time, it was just another weapon in a war that saw all sorts of weapons used by all sides... Horror on a level most of us couldn't understand today.

Later on, when Nukes became an existential threat to the species, people asked why we used them, but at the time, there was no question. We were at war, they started it.

It's a wonderful case of applying modern values to people in the past who would have looked at you funny.
Nucleophobia detected. Nukes are just ordinary (but powerful) weapon. It is not any kind of "an existential threat" in any way.
And yes, killing Japans was good, not bad.
Nucleophobia detected. Nukes are just ordinary (but powerful) weapon. It is not any kind of "an existential threat" in any way.
And yes, killing Japans was good, not bad.

Uh, guy, if there was a nuclear exchange between the US and Russia or China, it would end civilization as we know it. They've estimated that even if Pakistan and India had a nuclear war with their relatively small arsenals, it would result in 2 billion deaths and the collapse of the world economy.

We are now seeing how a MERE virus can bring the world economy to its knees.

Not sure what "Killing Japans" is. Is there more than one Japan? No, it was very unfortunate so many people died in WWII. I'm sorry you lack the understanding or humanity to understand that.
Nucleophobia detected. Nukes are just ordinary (but powerful) weapon. It is not any kind of "an existential threat" in any way.
And yes, killing Japans was good, not bad.

Uh, guy, if there was a nuclear exchange between the US and Russia or China, it would end civilization as we know it.
Really? May be, it would end Russia (China) and/or the US. May be not. Depends on how many Russian and/or Chinese nukes we can destroy before start, how many will be intercepted, how effective will be evacuation, mobilisation and retaliation. In fact we can try to kill them all and lost only half of our own population. But clearly it can do nothing about the whole civilisation.

They've estimated that even if Pakistan and India had a nuclear war with their relatively small arsenals, it would result in 2 billion deaths and the collapse of the world economy.
Bla-bla-bla. Just a stupid environmentalistic crap.

We are now seeing how a MERE virus can bring the world economy to its knees.
Really? Where do you see it? In your leftist newspapers?
Here's the thing. At the time, it was just another weapon in a war that saw all sorts of weapons used by all sides... Horror on a level most of us couldn't understand today.

Later on, when Nukes became an existential threat to the species, people asked why we used them, but at the time, there was no question. We were at war, they started it.

It's a wonderful case of applying modern values to people in the past who would have looked at you funny.
Nucleophobia detected. Nukes are just ordinary (but powerful) weapon. It is not any kind of "an existential threat" in any way.
And yes, killing Japans was good, not bad.
Killing hundreds of thousands of civilians was "good"?
Here's the thing. At the time, it was just another weapon in a war that saw all sorts of weapons used by all sides... Horror on a level most of us couldn't understand today.

Later on, when Nukes became an existential threat to the species, people asked why we used them, but at the time, there was no question. We were at war, they started it.

It's a wonderful case of applying modern values to people in the past who would have looked at you funny.
Nucleophobia detected. Nukes are just ordinary (but powerful) weapon. It is not any kind of "an existential threat" in any way.
And yes, killing Japans was good, not bad.
Killing hundreds of thousands of civilians was "good"?
Yes. If you mean Japan civilians, of course.
BTW, do you know, that Japanese leaders called their new "Light carrier", Izuma-class DDH-184, as "Kaga"?
Looks like, two nukes were not enough to imprint pacifism into the Japanese mentality.
If they want to repeat - somebody will repeat this lesson.
Here's the thing. At the time, it was just another weapon in a war that saw all sorts of weapons used by all sides... Horror on a level most of us couldn't understand today.

Later on, when Nukes became an existential threat to the species, people asked why we used them, but at the time, there was no question. We were at war, they started it.

It's a wonderful case of applying modern values to people in the past who would have looked at you funny.
Nucleophobia detected. Nukes are just ordinary (but powerful) weapon. It is not any kind of "an existential threat" in any way.
And yes, killing Japans was good, not bad.
Killing hundreds of thousands of civilians was "good"?
Yes. If you mean Japan civilians, of course.
Then you’re a scumbag.
Here's the thing. At the time, it was just another weapon in a war that saw all sorts of weapons used by all sides... Horror on a level most of us couldn't understand today.

Later on, when Nukes became an existential threat to the species, people asked why we used them, but at the time, there was no question. We were at war, they started it.

It's a wonderful case of applying modern values to people in the past who would have looked at you funny.
Nucleophobia detected. Nukes are just ordinary (but powerful) weapon. It is not any kind of "an existential threat" in any way.
And yes, killing Japans was good, not bad.
Killing hundreds of thousands of civilians was "good"?
Remind me of your thread on Germany and the fire bombing and overall bombing campaign there?
Here's the thing. At the time, it was just another weapon in a war that saw all sorts of weapons used by all sides... Horror on a level most of us couldn't understand today.

Later on, when Nukes became an existential threat to the species, people asked why we used them, but at the time, there was no question. We were at war, they started it.

It's a wonderful case of applying modern values to people in the past who would have looked at you funny.
Nucleophobia detected. Nukes are just ordinary (but powerful) weapon. It is not any kind of "an existential threat" in any way.
And yes, killing Japans was good, not bad.
Killing hundreds of thousands of civilians was "good"?
Remind me of your thread on Germany and the fire bombing and overall bombing campaign there?
Oh he is too self hating for any of that Gunny.
They can eat shit. Those ... fucked with the wrong gang.
You can eat shit. You're not an American.
I am...and you're just a pussy.
No, you're just some dickless bigmouth on the internet. Real American military leaders understand war and life and death.

"Admiral William "Bull" Halsey, the tough and outspoken commander of the U.S. Third Fleet, which participated in the American offensive against the Japanese home islands in the final months of the war, publicly stated in 1946 that "the first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment." The Japanese, he noted, had "put out a lot of peace feelers through Russia long before" the bomb was used."

They can eat shit. Those ... fucked with the wrong gang.
You can eat shit. You're not an American.
I am...and you're just a pussy.
No, you're just some dickless bigmouth on the internet. Real American military leaders understand war and life and death.

"Admiral William "Bull" Halsey, the tough and outspoken commander of the U.S. Third Fleet, which participated in the American offensive against the Japanese home islands in the final months of the war, publicly stated in 1946 that "the first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment." The Japanese, he noted, had "put out a lot of peace feelers through Russia long before" the bomb was used."

Oh God! WAAAAAAAAAHHHH! All those pooor poor Japs! WAAAAAAHHHHHH!
My original statement stands.
They can eat shit. Those ... fucked with the wrong gang.
You can eat shit. You're not an American.
I am...and you're just a pussy.
No, you're just some dickless bigmouth on the internet. Real American military leaders understand war and life and death.

"Admiral William "Bull" Halsey, the tough and outspoken commander of the U.S. Third Fleet, which participated in the American offensive against the Japanese home islands in the final months of the war, publicly stated in 1946 that "the first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment." The Japanese, he noted, had "put out a lot of peace feelers through Russia long before" the bomb was used."

Oh God! WAAAAAAAAAHHHH! All those pooor poor Japs! WAAAAAAHHHHHH!
My original statement stands.
You're NOT an American, couch potato.
They can eat shit. Those ... fucked with the wrong gang.
You can eat shit. You're not an American.
I am...and you're just a pussy.
No, you're just some dickless bigmouth on the internet. Real American military leaders understand war and life and death.

"Admiral William "Bull" Halsey, the tough and outspoken commander of the U.S. Third Fleet, which participated in the American offensive against the Japanese home islands in the final months of the war, publicly stated in 1946 that "the first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment." The Japanese, he noted, had "put out a lot of peace feelers through Russia long before" the bomb was used."

Oh God! WAAAAAAAAAHHHH! All those pooor poor Japs! WAAAAAAHHHHHH!
My original statement stands.
You're NOT an American, couch potato.
What about the air crew who zapped those nips? Were they American? What about the generals who ordered them?

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