The NWO Timeline for Destruction of the Constitution


Evidence & Reason Rule
Aug 23, 2009
This graphic flow chart begins with the 1787 Constitution, which elements of the NWO opposed before the NWO existed, and sets the stage for the events after it in the timeline.

If one doubts the NWO exists, then see this page.

One Evil New World Order

This is the flow chart. It is a large scale .pdf.

There is a lot missing which many people know about. The flow chart deals with what most do not know about to fill in the gaps of what we do know.

All that does not matter much, or not nearly as much as strategy to oppose the NWO agenda. Such strategy is about a Lawful and Peaceful revolution. My first podcast bringing the basis for our unity needed to effect that revolution.

You can see some of those attempting to oppose our proper Lawful and Peaceful revolution. Strategy here.

CDZ - A Lawful And Peaceful Revolution US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Or here, the basis of our unity, the purpose of free speech.

Freedom of Speech Has An Ultimate Legal Constitutional Purpose US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Join in, defend our rights, our freedoms, our liberty, our futures with simple natural law reason as the framers of this nation intended.
Without reading any of your links, I'll say this...

Wouldn't the NWO be a sequel to the whole petro-dollar system? Every OPEC nation has to sell their oil for US dollars, as negotiated by Nixon in the early '70's. That increases demand for dollars, which allows us to inflate our money circulation and encourages oil exporters to re-invest in US equities and debt.
Without reading any of your links, I'll say this...

Wouldn't the NWO be a sequel to the whole petro-dollar system? Every OPEC nation has to sell their oil for US dollars, as negotiated by Nixon in the early '70's. That increases demand for dollars, which allows us to inflate our money circulation and encourages oil exporters to re-invest in US equities and debt.

Yes, and it goes back to the east indies trading company too.

The immersion in the false economy of oil works as you describe, to our short term benefit and detriment of oil producing nations while enriching NWO linked corporations immensely.

I made a mistake editing the podcast, so have taken that one down and uploaded an earlier version which is linked from this page where the podcasts will be located.


The graphic in the OP is related to the podcasts because it shows what the Lawful and Peaceful revolution opposes.
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There is no NWO or group of top mucky mucks running the world. That's a comforting thought, but self-deception. We like thinking that that's true because if it isn't then no one's ultimately in charge and we're on a run-away horse blindfolded running along the edge of a cliff.

The people at the top of the economic and power ladder are just people like everybody else. They're scheming to make themselves more money and gain more power, but they're not in possession of any special capability to control things. If anyone could control things on the global scale there'd be logic and meaning visible in global events. There isn't. Life is chaotic and random at it's base. Only time there's order or controll in evidence is on a small temporary scale.

If any organization of cabal wanted to eliminate the Constitution that's easy enough. Detonate a nuke on US soil. Constitution gets suspended overnight. But now what? If you can't then make money off that event it isn't worth doing. And it's just as possible detonating it somewhere else might have the same effect. Given how many nukes they are, and the laughable security measures protecting many of them, that they don't go off regularly suggests no ones wants to rule the world. If there were, nukes are easy enough to seize control of and detonate. To say nothing of building your own as every MIT engineering grad student demonstrates each year making a crude nuclear device (sans fissilible material naturally, but the mechanism is simple, straight-foward, 70 year old tech.)

The extent of the "NWO" scheming if flipping open newspapers, seeing what's going on around the world then asking "Can we make money off of this?" But they're not making those things happen, they're just profiting off of them.
If it was around in the 17th century it's not The New World Order....It would be the Older New World Order...
There is no NWO or group of top mucky mucks running the world. That's a comforting thought, but self-deception. We like thinking that that's true because if it isn't then no one's ultimately in charge and we're on a run-away horse blindfolded running along the edge of a cliff.

The people at the top of the economic and power ladder are just people like everybody else. They're scheming to make themselves more money and gain more power, but they're not in possession of any special capability to control things. If anyone could control things on the global scale there'd be logic and meaning visible in global events. There isn't. Life is chaotic and random at it's base. Only time there's order or controll in evidence is on a small temporary scale.

If any organization of cabal wanted to eliminate the Constitution that's easy enough. Detonate a nuke on US soil. Constitution gets suspended overnight. But now what? If you can't then make money off that event it isn't worth doing. And it's just as possible detonating it somewhere else might have the same effect. Given how many nukes they are, and the laughable security measures protecting many of them, that they don't go off regularly suggests no ones wants to rule the world. If there were, nukes are easy enough to seize control of and detonate. To say nothing of building your own as every MIT engineering grad student demonstrates each year making a crude nuclear device (sans fissilible material naturally, but the mechanism is simple, straight-foward, 70 year old tech.)

The extent of the "NWO" scheming if flipping open newspapers, seeing what's going on around the world then asking "Can we make money off of this?" But they're not making those things happen, they're just profiting off of them.

I hate to break this news to you, but the crusades happened for a reason.

That reason was to remove human societies use, then knowledge of oral histories kept in the unconscious mind.

So the elite are just people like anyone else, but they are a part of secret organizations that operate unconsciously with an agenda that is also carried unconsciously.

Keeping that agenda intact over time in itself is a form of power.

Because oral histories were removed, you do not know they existed. The written word was contrived to replace them because books are easier to burn than people, and you can always print new, different ones to control what people think the past is.

You can only think with what you know. What you know comes from the past. If that is mostly lies, you won't know it until you find a way to test each piece of knowledge.

Oral histories mostly carry the truth because a bearer of oral histories will not remember a lie they know of.

Indigenous American people were persecuted because they carried oral histories. I have done very powerful proof of this. However because of the latent fear created by the crusades, you will not be able to discuss the facts in this video, but you can still view the one hour production and know its veracity.

Please download the .aiff titled "CIRCA, Stolen Spirit, Frauds of Colonization" and view it rather than streaming it on the server.

From this page is a link to a page where the download will proceed.

Solstice Circadian Rhythm Hypnosis Sun Worship Mind Control telepathy and world peace Chumash story circle

Unfortunately, for your own protection:) that will be an external redirect to a page here where you will have to copy and paste the link into your browser.

But if truth has value to you, such will be done.
If it was around in the 17th century it's not The New World Order....It would be the Older New World Order...

With understanding you will realize that our human perceptions of the meanings of time is not too comprehensive.

Download the video I linked in my last post and the facts surrounding that statement will be evident.
I agree that a NWO is in play. It may not account for all things that are done in the name of "Free Trade", "Social Equity" , or any number of ephemisims that are being sold to us as beneficial.
There are Republicans and Democrats whom are neither.
Their actions reveal Who they Are - agents of The NWO.
I agree that a NWO is in play. It may not account for all things that are done in the name of "Free Trade", "Social Equity" , or any number of ephemisims that are being sold to us as beneficial.
There are Republicans and Democrats whom are neither.
Their actions reveal Who they Are - agents of The NWO.

Yes, it is true that politicians can automatically adopt NWO agenda without even knowing it. They do this thinking such positions will advance their careers.

This is the reason Americans need to define constitutional intent, and impose it lawfully upon the federal government by the citizens control over their states.

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