The NY times now sympathizing with pedophiles: says our laws fail them

Was the question too difficult ?


Then there’s Democrat Virginia legislator Joe Morrisey, who, Dunn writes, “succeeded in gaining re-election while serving a six-month sentence in the state hoosegow. His crime, similar to Epstein’s, was sex with an underage female, in this case a 17-year-old working in his office.” This isn’t unprecedented, either. Late Congressman Gerry Studds (D-Mass.) was re-elected six more times after it was discovered in the 1980s that he’d had a homosexual relationship with a 17-year-old male page.
Why dont you go back and read the original article rather than spout faux outrage over something on a hate site ?
You actually set up the OP without reading it. Mental !!!

My point of posting the other articles were to show that is actually is happening and was being tried out. That' sit.
Your OP is a lie because that is not what the article is saying. Anything you say after that lacks credibility.
Take your pick who has the what's your excuse for so called " source".


Was the question too difficult ?


Then there’s Democrat Virginia legislator Joe Morrisey, who, Dunn writes, “succeeded in gaining re-election while serving a six-month sentence in the state hoosegow. His crime, similar to Epstein’s, was sex with an underage female, in this case a 17-year-old working in his office.” This isn’t unprecedented, either. Late Congressman Gerry Studds (D-Mass.) was re-elected six more times after it was discovered in the 1980s that he’d had a homosexual relationship with a 17-year-old male page.
Why dont you go back and read the original article rather than spout faux outrage over something on a hate site ?
You actually set up the OP without reading it. Mental !!!

My point of posting the other articles were to show that is actually is happening and was being tried out. That' sit.
Your OP is a lie because that is not what the article is saying. Anything you say after that lacks credibility.
Was the question too difficult ?


Then there’s Democrat Virginia legislator Joe Morrisey, who, Dunn writes, “succeeded in gaining re-election while serving a six-month sentence in the state hoosegow. His crime, similar to Epstein’s, was sex with an underage female, in this case a 17-year-old working in his office.” This isn’t unprecedented, either. Late Congressman Gerry Studds (D-Mass.) was re-elected six more times after it was discovered in the 1980s that he’d had a homosexual relationship with a 17-year-old male page.
Why dont you go back and read the original article rather than spout faux outrage over something on a hate site ?
You actually set up the OP without reading it. Mental !!!

My point of posting the other articles were to show that is actually is happening and was being tried out. That' sit.
Your OP is a lie because that is not what the article is saying. Anything you say after that lacks credibility.

Well the Slimes is wrong....pedophilia is a crime...that's a fact

Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime
Oh and look I bet your are a HUFF's POST FAN aren't they one of your favorites too.


Legalization of Pedophilia The Wave of the Future?


Was the question too difficult ?


Then there’s Democrat Virginia legislator Joe Morrisey, who, Dunn writes, “succeeded in gaining re-election while serving a six-month sentence in the state hoosegow. His crime, similar to Epstein’s, was sex with an underage female, in this case a 17-year-old working in his office.” This isn’t unprecedented, either. Late Congressman Gerry Studds (D-Mass.) was re-elected six more times after it was discovered in the 1980s that he’d had a homosexual relationship with a 17-year-old male page.
Why dont you go back and read the original article rather than spout faux outrage over something on a hate site ?
You actually set up the OP without reading it. Mental !!!

My point of posting the other articles were to show that is actually is happening and was being tried out. That' sit.
Your OP is a lie because that is not what the article is saying. Anything you say after that lacks credibility.
Don't get me started about the queers who switched over to homo so folks like Tainted Tommy would vote them into parliament....
Shit like that is why my wife despises democrats. She used to claim them. Now she laughs at them.
Dad was a trades union guy and that mindset for Dems (edit; Dems for the working class) stuck with him even when he knew the Dem leader in his state was a coke head. He really believed a lot of the crap being shoved out on the boob tube until we sat down one day and had a conversation as he was getting off the prescription meds. He had believed the lies and was truly sorry for it when he learned the truth.
Oh and look I bet your are a HUFF's POST FAN aren't they one of your favorites too.

View attachment 102640

Legalization of Pedophilia The Wave of the Future?

View attachment 102639

Was the question too difficult ?


Then there’s Democrat Virginia legislator Joe Morrisey, who, Dunn writes, “succeeded in gaining re-election while serving a six-month sentence in the state hoosegow. His crime, similar to Epstein’s, was sex with an underage female, in this case a 17-year-old working in his office.” This isn’t unprecedented, either. Late Congressman Gerry Studds (D-Mass.) was re-elected six more times after it was discovered in the 1980s that he’d had a homosexual relationship with a 17-year-old male page.
Why dont you go back and read the original article rather than spout faux outrage over something on a hate site ?
You actually set up the OP without reading it. Mental !!!

My point of posting the other articles were to show that is actually is happening and was being tried out. That' sit.
Your OP is a lie because that is not what the article is saying. Anything you say after that lacks credibility.
And you still havent read the article.
A victim of childhood sexual abuse receives a life sentence...the same should hold true for the perpetrator
Have faith in knowing every bit is paid by them Sassy. They don't get a totally free pass. Judgment came into the world as very few are able to fully overcome the world in one trip. I know that is not how the preachers have taught it but it is the truth. We each pay for sins of the flesh in the flesh even though our souls are saved. Christ did not come to save the flesh being He crucified it. It is up to each to follow His ensample and live to the spirit not the son of perdition in us.
Check out what is in BOLD-----and these Democratic FKS can't believe we have a shadow Government involved in this bs. PIZZAGATE anyone.....

Even more disturbing than this undeniably creepy interview process is Kinsey’s “evidence” presented in Part II, particularly the subhead entitled “Pre-adolescent Orgasm.” The infamous Tables 31 through 34 document the numbers of babies and young boys who had “experienced” orgasm, the number of orgasms they experienced, and the length of the orgasm. The youngest of these children was two months old, but Kinsey includes 28 children in the “Up to 1 yr.” category.[22] Kinsey claimed that the information in these categories came from interviews with children, parents and teachers who had observed children, and adults who remembered their own experiences.[23] In responding to allegations that Kinsey actually paid pedophiles to abuse children and record their experiences[24], The Kinsey Institute responded, “ . . . Kinsey stated that there were nine men who [sic] he had interviewed who had sexual experiences with children who had told him about how the children had responded and reacted. We believe that one of those men was the source of the data listed in the book.”[25] John Bancroft, former director of The Kinsey Institute, examines the problem more fully in a reprint of Sexuality and the Human Female (Kinsey’s sequel to Sexuality and the Human Male). He believes that Kinsey was particularly impressed with the records of one man, who recorded in extensive detail all of his sexual encounters (with men, women, and children). Bancroft also observes that Kinsey was “intrigued by the various ways in which orgasm was experienced,” and outlined six different ways that both adults and children express orgasm.[26] Two of these involve sobbing or other signs of distress, and Bancroft notes, “As these descriptions were applied to pre-adolescent boys as well as adults, they have been taken by some to indicate that these children were being tortured. . . . In retrospect Kinsey’s judgment in not anticipating such misinterpretations, and in placing so much emphasis on this one man’s evidence, can be questioned.” Indeed.
Oh and look I bet your are a HUFF's POST FAN aren't they one of your favorites too.

View attachment 102640

Legalization of Pedophilia The Wave of the Future?

View attachment 102639


Then there’s Democrat Virginia legislator Joe Morrisey, who, Dunn writes, “succeeded in gaining re-election while serving a six-month sentence in the state hoosegow. His crime, similar to Epstein’s, was sex with an underage female, in this case a 17-year-old working in his office.” This isn’t unprecedented, either. Late Congressman Gerry Studds (D-Mass.) was re-elected six more times after it was discovered in the 1980s that he’d had a homosexual relationship with a 17-year-old male page.
Why dont you go back and read the original article rather than spout faux outrage over something on a hate site ?
You actually set up the OP without reading it. Mental !!!

My point of posting the other articles were to show that is actually is happening and was being tried out. That' sit.
Your OP is a lie because that is not what the article is saying. Anything you say after that lacks credibility.
And you still havent read the article.

I read it and they are trying to sugar coat it and call it a disease, which it is but it's not w/o victims. I don't give two shits about some perverted asshole that molests a child and the NY Times can try to justify it anyway they want but the fact remains children are harmed by it. The children are what matters, not some diseased perverted asshole
A victim of childhood sexual abuse receives a life sentence...the same should hold true for the perpetrator
Have faith in knowing every bit is paid by them Sassy. They don't get a totally free pass. Judgment came into the world as very few are able to fully overcome the world in one trip. I know that is not how the preachers have taught it but it is the truth. We each pay for sins of the flesh in the flesh even though our souls are saved. Christ did not come to save the flesh being He crucified it. It is up to each to follow His ensample and live to the spirit not the son of perdition in us.

I am very involved with a victim of sexual child abuse and I'll never give any pedophile quarter, the damage they cause is irreparable and if they act on their urges and harm a child they need to die. Touch one of ours and that may very well happen
You notice how the demented Democrats go around the total " ACT" and focus in on " the sugar coated part". While trying to twist the fact of the act into " Oh they are just saying it's a mental issue" ........Uhmmm ok is killing someone just an act too, and Charles Manson type killings are oh just because those mental illness caused it. ...........They will twist it and twist it and twist and these Democratic fkn idiots who can't see the act itself as a whole will be the same morons that get this legalized. They're just too stupid to realize it until it's passed.

That of course does not mean every single Demo. thinks that way. Just the majority of them .

Oh and look I bet your are a HUFF's POST FAN aren't they one of your favorites too.

View attachment 102640

Legalization of Pedophilia The Wave of the Future?

View attachment 102639

Why dont you go back and read the original article rather than spout faux outrage over something on a hate site ?
You actually set up the OP without reading it. Mental !!!

My point of posting the other articles were to show that is actually is happening and was being tried out. That' sit.
Your OP is a lie because that is not what the article is saying. Anything you say after that lacks credibility.
And you still havent read the article.

I read it and they are trying to sugar coat it and call it a disease, which it is but it's not w/o victims. I don't give two shits about some perverted asshole that molests a child and the NY Times can try to justify it anyway they want but the fact remains children are harmed by it. The children are what matters, not some diseased perverted asshole
A victim of childhood sexual abuse receives a life sentence...the same should hold true for the perpetrator
Have faith in knowing every bit is paid by them Sassy. They don't get a totally free pass. Judgment came into the world as very few are able to fully overcome the world in one trip. I know that is not how the preachers have taught it but it is the truth. We each pay for sins of the flesh in the flesh even though our souls are saved. Christ did not come to save the flesh being He crucified it. It is up to each to follow His ensample and live to the spirit not the son of perdition in us.

I am very involved with a victim of sexual child abuse and I'll never give any pedophile quarter, the damage they cause is irreparable and if they act on their urges and harm a child they need to die. Touch one of ours and that may very well happen
Stupid fuck. The author is looking for ways to better protect children from paedos. How difficult is that to understand ?
You notice how the demented Democrats go around the total " ACT" and focus in on " the sugar coated part". While trying to twist the fact of the act into " Oh they are just saying it's a mental issue" ........Uhmmm ok is killing someone just an act too, and Charles Manson type killings are oh just because those mental illness caused it. ...........They will twist it and twist it and twist and these Democratic fkn idiots who can't see the act itself as a whole will be the same morons that get this legalized. They're just too stupid to realize it until it's passed.

That of course does not mean every single Demo. thinks that way. Just the majority of them .

Oh and look I bet your are a HUFF's POST FAN aren't they one of your favorites too.

View attachment 102640

Legalization of Pedophilia The Wave of the Future?

View attachment 102639

My point of posting the other articles were to show that is actually is happening and was being tried out. That' sit.
Your OP is a lie because that is not what the article is saying. Anything you say after that lacks credibility.
And you still havent read the article.

I read it and they are trying to sugar coat it and call it a disease, which it is but it's not w/o victims. I don't give two shits about some perverted asshole that molests a child and the NY Times can try to justify it anyway they want but the fact remains children are harmed by it. The children are what matters, not some diseased perverted asshole
The movement started long ago organizing. The people will have to learn to be as well organized to get it back to where it should be. They purposely sought out and trained people and helped create a network to get them into leadership positions and position in places they do not belong. I can't recall offhand the guy in Ca. That started nambla but I did search that all out some years back and tracked down a lot of their networks. Being off the Internet for so many years I lost track of the name changes of their groups.
A victim of childhood sexual abuse receives a life sentence...the same should hold true for the perpetrator
Have faith in knowing every bit is paid by them Sassy. They don't get a totally free pass. Judgment came into the world as very few are able to fully overcome the world in one trip. I know that is not how the preachers have taught it but it is the truth. We each pay for sins of the flesh in the flesh even though our souls are saved. Christ did not come to save the flesh being He crucified it. It is up to each to follow His ensample and live to the spirit not the son of perdition in us.

I am very involved with a victim of sexual child abuse and I'll never give any pedophile quarter, the damage they cause is irreparable and if they act on their urges and harm a child they need to die. Touch one of ours and that may very well happen
Stupid fuck. The author is looking for ways to better protect children from paedos. How difficult is that to understand ?

They are trying to sell it as a disease and people need to "understand" them. I understand them perfectly...they are a danger to children and society
A victim of childhood sexual abuse receives a life sentence...the same should hold true for the perpetrator
Have faith in knowing every bit is paid by them Sassy. They don't get a totally free pass. Judgment came into the world as very few are able to fully overcome the world in one trip. I know that is not how the preachers have taught it but it is the truth. We each pay for sins of the flesh in the flesh even though our souls are saved. Christ did not come to save the flesh being He crucified it. It is up to each to follow His ensample and live to the spirit not the son of perdition in us.

I am very involved with a victim of sexual child abuse and I'll never give any pedophile quarter, the damage they cause is irreparable and if they act on their urges and harm a child they need to die. Touch one of ours and that may very well happen
The dead do not actually know they are dead with no light in them.
A victim of childhood sexual abuse receives a life sentence...the same should hold true for the perpetrator
Have faith in knowing every bit is paid by them Sassy. They don't get a totally free pass. Judgment came into the world as very few are able to fully overcome the world in one trip. I know that is not how the preachers have taught it but it is the truth. We each pay for sins of the flesh in the flesh even though our souls are saved. Christ did not come to save the flesh being He crucified it. It is up to each to follow His ensample and live to the spirit not the son of perdition in us.

I am very involved with a victim of sexual child abuse and I'll never give any pedophile quarter, the damage they cause is irreparable and if they act on their urges and harm a child they need to die. Touch one of ours and that may very well happen
Stupid fuck. The author is looking for ways to better protect children from paedos. How difficult is that to understand ?

They are trying to sell it as a disease and people need to "understand" them. I understand them perfectly...they are a danger to children and society
They are saying that the current laws put children at risk and need looking at. Dont you want to protect children ?
A victim of childhood sexual abuse receives a life sentence...the same should hold true for the perpetrator
Have faith in knowing every bit is paid by them Sassy. They don't get a totally free pass. Judgment came into the world as very few are able to fully overcome the world in one trip. I know that is not how the preachers have taught it but it is the truth. We each pay for sins of the flesh in the flesh even though our souls are saved. Christ did not come to save the flesh being He crucified it. It is up to each to follow His ensample and live to the spirit not the son of perdition in us.

I am very involved with a victim of sexual child abuse and I'll never give any pedophile quarter, the damage they cause is irreparable and if they act on their urges and harm a child they need to die. Touch one of ours and that may very well happen
Stupid fuck. The author is looking for ways to better protect children from paedos. How difficult is that to understand ?

They are trying to sell it as a disease and people need to "understand" them. I understand them perfectly...they are a danger to children and society
They are saying that the current laws put children at risk and need looking at. Dont you want to protect children ?

Are you daft? I just said kill the perverted and diseased deviants. There is no cure and if imprisoned and released odds are great they will reoffend.
Have faith in knowing every bit is paid by them Sassy. They don't get a totally free pass. Judgment came into the world as very few are able to fully overcome the world in one trip. I know that is not how the preachers have taught it but it is the truth. We each pay for sins of the flesh in the flesh even though our souls are saved. Christ did not come to save the flesh being He crucified it. It is up to each to follow His ensample and live to the spirit not the son of perdition in us.

I am very involved with a victim of sexual child abuse and I'll never give any pedophile quarter, the damage they cause is irreparable and if they act on their urges and harm a child they need to die. Touch one of ours and that may very well happen
Stupid fuck. The author is looking for ways to better protect children from paedos. How difficult is that to understand ?

They are trying to sell it as a disease and people need to "understand" them. I understand them perfectly...they are a danger to children and society
They are saying that the current laws put children at risk and need looking at. Dont you want to protect children ?

Are you daft? I just said kill the perverted and diseased deviants. There is no cure and if imprisoned and released odds are great they will reoffend.
But your "solution" is reactive and doesnt kick in till kids are abused.
The author is looking at ways to head this off and protect kids before they are abused. Maybe this is over your head?

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