The Obama administration appears to be conceding to the new demands of Iran

Iran is the one who is expected to give up their capacity to defend themselves against the terrorist nation of Israel.

No wonder they want concessions.
Iran is the one who is expected to give up their capacity to defend themselves against the terrorist nation of Israel.

No wonder they want concessions.
So you approve of the spread on nuclear weapons in the middle east? Is that a new liberal position? :dunno:Did your "smart people" tell you that was a good idea?
What's worse is they always leave out the contingent group that is also negotiating with Iran....China being one of them, and China has stated it does not want a nuclear armed Iran..China is the country that builds the reactors and trains the engineers to operate them....In Iran..

China loves Iran, especially their oil
And Russia wants their warm ports....

Putin will make a lot of money selling military equipment to Iran. Plus he gets to fuck over Obama at the same time
How so?

Obama gave Putin cover to sell advanced missile defense to Iran. I don't think in the long run Obama cares much, but before any deal is signed it's bad P.R. for Obama
Iran is the one who is expected to give up their capacity to defend themselves against the terrorist nation of Israel.

No wonder they want concessions.
So you approve of the spread on nuclear weapons in the middle east? Is that a new liberal position? :dunno:Did your "smart people" tell you that was a good idea?

Have you not been listening? That has been a democratic position since Obama started down this path.
Any idiot who believes
Congress has already said no to the immediate lifting of sanctions when the deal is signed .

The deal is a non-starter.

Congress just agreed to give Obama veto power over this Iran deal. Trey Gowdy is an idiot, who conceded to Obama their treaty ratification power
Still it's a checks and balance thing...It means that no more stupid assertions of what Oblama is not doing with the agreement can be made into a lie..
Congress has no power now. An Obama veto means he gets what he wants, no checks or balances. Nuclear arms treaties have always needed the approval of 2/3rds of congress. Now these spineless , idiot Republicans gave that power away with the Iran deal. Which will come.
I missed that and that is rather HUGE. Care to provide a link?

As far as the deal, this source is not credible IMHO on something like this. Whatever Obama comes up with will not be enough because of how critical Israel is of Iran (and I am not saying that this is not without good reason). I don’t know if I believe Obama would endorse such a deal though.
What's worse is they always leave out the contingent group that is also negotiating with Iran....China being one of them, and China has stated it does not want a nuclear armed Iran..China is the country that builds the reactors and trains the engineers to operate them....In Iran..

China loves Iran, especially their oil
And Russia wants their warm ports....

Putin will make a lot of money selling military equipment to Iran. Plus he gets to fuck over Obama at the same time
How so?

Obama gave Putin cover to sell advanced missile defense to Iran. I don't think in the long run Obama cares much, but before any deal is signed it's bad P.R. for Obama
Here's what I don't get; some people here (possibly you) imply that President Obama wants Iran to have that capability, yet now you are stating that an air defense system sold to Iran by the Russians, is somehow "fucking him over".
What's worse is they always leave out the contingent group that is also negotiating with Iran....China being one of them, and China has stated it does not want a nuclear armed Iran..China is the country that builds the reactors and trains the engineers to operate them....In Iran..

China loves Iran, especially their oil
And Russia wants their warm ports....

Putin will make a lot of money selling military equipment to Iran. Plus he gets to fuck over Obama at the same time
How so?

Obama gave Putin cover to sell advanced missile defense to Iran. I don't think in the long run Obama cares much, but before any deal is signed it's bad P.R. for Obama
:eusa_hand: So Pootin needed Oblamas ok to provide military assisatance to Iran??

China loves Iran, especially their oil
And Russia wants their warm ports....

Putin will make a lot of money selling military equipment to Iran. Plus he gets to fuck over Obama at the same time
How so?

Obama gave Putin cover to sell advanced missile defense to Iran. I don't think in the long run Obama cares much, but before any deal is signed it's bad P.R. for Obama
Here's what I don't get; some people here (possibly you) imply that President Obama wants Iran to have that capability, yet now you are stating that an air defense system sold to Iran by the Russians, is somehow "fucking him over".
Obama continues to concede to the wishes of the mullahs. Is there any wonder why they supported Obama for president?:eusa_eh:


A Washington DC-based advocacy group said that President Obama’s comments on Friday regarding Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei’s insistence on the immediate lifting of sanctions in a nuclear deal, indicated that the White House was actually prepared to accept the demand.

“The administration appears to be conceding to the new demands,” The Israel Project said in an email to reporters.

Khamenei’s demand, along with a statement that Iran wouldn’t allow inspections of atomic work on its military sites, was made in a speech last week soon after the framework nuclear agreement was announced between Iran and world powers. His remarks directly contradicted a factsheet on the agreement released by the Administration.

Khamenei’s speech prompted “a firestorm of criticism,” The Israel Project said. “If his interpretation was correct, the US would have no ability, first, to detect, and second, to respond, to Iranian cheating.”

The White House “responded by telling lawmakers and journalists that the factsheet was accurate and that Khamenei’s speech was just for domestic consumption.” But, The Israel Project said, “Critics responded that the issue wasn’t about who was lying. Instead the concern was that the Americans would fail to stand up to the Iranians, even at the expense of contradicting the White House’s original (maybe originally accurate) factsheet. The Iranians, after all, have 100% record of ‘winning’ factsheet disputes with the Obama administration.”

On Friday, Obama was asked directly if he would rule out lifting the sanctions at time of a final nuclear deal. The President pointedly refused, instead calling for “creative negotiations” to reach an understanding with the Islamic Republic.

Watchdog Group Says Obama Appears to be Conceding to Khamenei Demand for Immediate Lifting of Sanctions VIDEO Jewish Israel News

Three American Presidents. Bill Clinton,GWBush and Hussein Obama have declared that Iran must never posses nuclear weapons and if it tries the US will act with military force to stop them.

Now we know that Hussein Obama was just kidding!

This agreement guarantees that Iran will acquire nuclear weapons eventually.

Obama has capitulated.
Obama continues to concede to the wishes of the mullahs. Is there any wonder why they supported Obama for president?:eusa_eh:


A Washington DC-based advocacy group said that President Obama’s comments on Friday regarding Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei’s insistence on the immediate lifting of sanctions in a nuclear deal, indicated that the White House was actually prepared to accept the demand.

“The administration appears to be conceding to the new demands,” The Israel Project said in an email to reporters.

Khamenei’s demand, along with a statement that Iran wouldn’t allow inspections of atomic work on its military sites, was made in a speech last week soon after the framework nuclear agreement was announced between Iran and world powers. His remarks directly contradicted a factsheet on the agreement released by the Administration.

Khamenei’s speech prompted “a firestorm of criticism,” The Israel Project said. “If his interpretation was correct, the US would have no ability, first, to detect, and second, to respond, to Iranian cheating.”

The White House “responded by telling lawmakers and journalists that the factsheet was accurate and that Khamenei’s speech was just for domestic consumption.” But, The Israel Project said, “Critics responded that the issue wasn’t about who was lying. Instead the concern was that the Americans would fail to stand up to the Iranians, even at the expense of contradicting the White House’s original (maybe originally accurate) factsheet. The Iranians, after all, have 100% record of ‘winning’ factsheet disputes with the Obama administration.”

On Friday, Obama was asked directly if he would rule out lifting the sanctions at time of a final nuclear deal. The President pointedly refused, instead calling for “creative negotiations” to reach an understanding with the Islamic Republic.

Watchdog Group Says Obama Appears to be Conceding to Khamenei Demand for Immediate Lifting of Sanctions VIDEO Jewish Israel News

Three American Presidents. Bill Clinton,GWBush and Hussein Obama have declared that Iran must never posses nuclear weapons and if it tries the US will act with military force to stop them.

Now we know that Hussein Obama was just kidding!

This agreement guarantees that Iran will acquire nuclear weapons eventually.

Obama has capitulated.
Have China, Russia, Great Britain, France, and Germany "capitulated" as well? :)
Any idiot who believes
Congress has already said no to the immediate lifting of sanctions when the deal is signed .

The deal is a non-starter.

Congress just agreed to give Obama veto power over this Iran deal. Trey Gowdy is an idiot, who conceded to Obama their treaty ratification power
Still it's a checks and balance thing...It means that no more stupid assertions of what Oblama is not doing with the agreement can be made into a lie..
Congress has no power now. An Obama veto means he gets what he wants, no checks or balances. Nuclear arms treaties have always needed the approval of 2/3rds of congress. Now these spineless , idiot Republicans gave that power away with the Iran deal. Which will come.
I missed that and that is rather HUGE. Care to provide a link?

As far as the deal, this source is not credible IMHO on something like this. Whatever Obama comes up with will not be enough because of how critical Israel is of Iran (and I am not saying that this is not without good reason). I don’t know if I believe Obama would endorse such a deal though.

Mark Levin exposes the treachery in the US Senate today, who he says just capitulated completely to Obama by gutting their own constitutional duty to approve treaties, giving it solely to Obama. So in short, Obama can make a treaty with the Islamo-Nazis in Iran without submitting it to the Senate and the Senate can only stop it if they can get enough nays to vote against it.

Mark Levin EXPOSES how US Senate just GUTTED constitutional treaty power and GAVE IT TO OBAMA The Right Scoop -
China loves Iran, especially their oil
And Russia wants their warm ports....

Putin will make a lot of money selling military equipment to Iran. Plus he gets to fuck over Obama at the same time
How so?

Obama gave Putin cover to sell advanced missile defense to Iran. I don't think in the long run Obama cares much, but before any deal is signed it's bad P.R. for Obama
:eusa_hand: So Pootin needed Oblamas ok to provide military assisatance to Iran??


the Sanctions are over as far as Putin is concerned. Obama has a deal Putin like it:thup:
Obama continues to concede to the wishes of the mullahs. Is there any wonder why they supported Obama for president?:eusa_eh:


A Washington DC-based advocacy group said that President Obama’s comments on Friday regarding Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei’s insistence on the immediate lifting of sanctions in a nuclear deal, indicated that the White House was actually prepared to accept the demand.

“The administration appears to be conceding to the new demands,” The Israel Project said in an email to reporters.

Khamenei’s demand, along with a statement that Iran wouldn’t allow inspections of atomic work on its military sites, was made in a speech last week soon after the framework nuclear agreement was announced between Iran and world powers. His remarks directly contradicted a factsheet on the agreement released by the Administration.

Khamenei’s speech prompted “a firestorm of criticism,” The Israel Project said. “If his interpretation was correct, the US would have no ability, first, to detect, and second, to respond, to Iranian cheating.”

The White House “responded by telling lawmakers and journalists that the factsheet was accurate and that Khamenei’s speech was just for domestic consumption.” But, The Israel Project said, “Critics responded that the issue wasn’t about who was lying. Instead the concern was that the Americans would fail to stand up to the Iranians, even at the expense of contradicting the White House’s original (maybe originally accurate) factsheet. The Iranians, after all, have 100% record of ‘winning’ factsheet disputes with the Obama administration.”

On Friday, Obama was asked directly if he would rule out lifting the sanctions at time of a final nuclear deal. The President pointedly refused, instead calling for “creative negotiations” to reach an understanding with the Islamic Republic.

Watchdog Group Says Obama Appears to be Conceding to Khamenei Demand for Immediate Lifting of Sanctions VIDEO Jewish Israel News

Three American Presidents. Bill Clinton,GWBush and Hussein Obama have declared that Iran must never posses nuclear weapons and if it tries the US will act with military force to stop them.

Now we know that Hussein Obama was just kidding!

This agreement guarantees that Iran will acquire nuclear weapons eventually.

Obama has capitulated.
Have China, Russia, Great Britain, France, and Germany "capitulated" as well? :)

Russia has, China will, the Europeans will as well, they're spineless. France might be a hold out but we'll see
Last edited:
Nuclear arms control treaties...

  • In the Senate, the process (of treaty ratification) is often more important than the substance of treaties

  • Timing of Senate action on treaties has varied greatly:
    1. The 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty was ratified within a matter of six weeks
    2. The 1987 Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty took four months
    3. The 2002 Moscow Treaty took nine months
    4. START I took over a year because of the collapse of the Soviet Union
    5. New START could be ratified within 5-6 months after it is negotiated if opponents do not try to hold up treaty approval
  • Previous arms control treaties have been debated on the floor for a short period of time. The 1991 START I treaty required four days of debate, while START II, the Chemical Weapons Convention, and the 2002 Moscow Treaty each took two days. The INF treaty was on the Senate floor for 9 days.
  • If a treaty is rejected on the floor – as was the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1999 – it can be sent back to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (where it will remain on the Senate calendar).

The Basics of Treaty Ratification in the U.S. Senate Center for Arms Control Non-Proliferation
One thing is for sure. Saudi Arabia, Israel, US Oil companies and Republicans want to invade Iran. If we get another Republican President? Iran is in trouble.
One thing is for sure. Saudi Arabia, Israel, US Oil companies and Republicans want to invade Iran. If we get another Republican President? Iran is in trouble.
Where the hell you been? I see you haven't been deprogrammed.....No need to invade Iran, just destroy their nuke program.. You like nukes in the hands of islamonazis?
Iran wants a nuke so they don't get rolled. I don't blame them.
Iran wants a nuke so they don't get rolled. I don't blame them.
I thought you libs hated nukes? Funny you only hate our nukes. You like a nuclear armed religious fanatics do you?

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