The Obama Administration's Genius Idea on the Debt Ceiling

Congress will jump on that if they can avoid getting the teabaggers riled up so shhhhh!
Ohh-My-FUCKING-God, You can't be serious!

We're supposed to give that spendthrift motherfucker a Platinum Amex with NO LIMIT?!?!?!?

Only a brain-dead Liberrhoid could agree with some STUPID shit like THAT!!
You can tell Luddy has no skin in the game.

None at all.

Probably framed the first dollar the government ever sent her
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Can name in modern times when the end resault has been not to raise the debt celing?
I sometimes have a hard time figuring out if liberals are joking or really being serious.
Obama's debt ceiling proposal: Replace it with a vote of disapproval.

This is a little lost in the dust of the fiscal cliff negotiations, but the White House's opening bid contains as a sub-theme a really smart idea on the debt ceiling.

from your link-

The Geithner proposal is to turn the debt ceiling back into a grandstanding game by flipping the order of operations. When the president goes above the ceiling, Congress will have the right to pass a resolution of disapproval. Then the president can veto the resolution. In theory, Congress can override that veto with a two-thirds supermajority, but in the real world that'll never happen. Congress gets its chance at symbolic opposition, and there's no risk to the economy. It's a great idea.

right , so removing the power of the purse from the house and turning into a useless exercise is a good thing? well of course to you it is...:rolleyes;
Obama's debt ceiling proposal: Replace it with a vote of disapproval.

This is a little lost in the dust of the fiscal cliff negotiations, but the White House's opening bid contains as a sub-theme a really smart idea on the debt ceiling.

from your link-

The Geithner proposal is to turn the debt ceiling back into a grandstanding game by flipping the order of operations. When the president goes above the ceiling, Congress will have the right to pass a resolution of disapproval. Then the president can veto the resolution. In theory, Congress can override that veto with a two-thirds supermajority, but in the real world that'll never happen. Congress gets its chance at symbolic opposition, and there's no risk to the economy. It's a great idea.

right , so removing the power of the purse from the house and turning into a useless exercise is a good thing? well of course to you it is...:rolleyes;

They chickened out and abdicated that responsibility to the "super committee" once, I can see many of them making the political calculation now that this might be a better way to do it since it is not actually a vote for more spending, rather a decision to pay the bills we already have and the fallout was just too damned negative for their tastes.
I have a much more brilliant proposal for the debt ceiling.

Pass a fucking budget and stick to it!

Debt ceiling solved.

You all can thank Me now.

How does an omnibus spending bill for a fiscal year help the debt ceiling? Are you talking a balanced budget? Still no help. The debt ceiling covers ongoing spending already committed to including mandatory spending which is not covered by the discretionary spending contained in the budget. You can now thank me for explaining this to you.
I have a much more brilliant proposal for the debt ceiling.

Pass a fucking budget and stick to it!

Debt ceiling solved.

You all can thank Me now.

Now that is a novel approach but never forget who you are depending on :)
I have a much more brilliant proposal for the debt ceiling.

Pass a fucking budget and stick to it!

Debt ceiling solved.

You all can thank Me now.

How does an omnibus spending bill for a fiscal year help the debt ceiling? Are you talking a balanced budget? Still no help. The debt ceiling covers ongoing spending already committed to including mandatory spending which is not covered by the discretionary spending contained in the budget. You can now thank me for explaining this to you.
It isn't rocket surgery you know.

We know how much income we have. You spend that income until you don't have it any more, and then you stop.

You include things in your budget like, payments on the interest of our debt, payments on our debt, payments on our security.......things like that.....

There will not be a need for a debt ceiling because you do not incur any more debt.

If a budget is balanced, there is no deficit to increase the debt. That means we need only apply enough interest payments on our debt to keep it from being added to the debt, while making a principle payment on that debt.

What is left over is what gets debated on how to be spent.

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