The Obama Administration's Genius Idea on the Debt Ceiling

I have a much more brilliant proposal for the debt ceiling.

Pass a fucking budget and stick to it!

Debt ceiling solved.

You all can thank Me now.

Now that is a novel approach but never forget who you are depending on :)
As long as politicians use taxpayer money and government programs to bribe the citizens into keeping them in power, it will never come about.

The Santa's in our government are addicted to the wealth and power that comes with their status as being our Masters.

Until such time as we disincentive the giving of government programs for power, we will never recover, and we will be doomed as a nation to die.
I have a much more brilliant proposal for the debt ceiling.

Pass a fucking budget and stick to it!

Debt ceiling solved.

You all can thank Me now.

How does an omnibus spending bill for a fiscal year help the debt ceiling? Are you talking a balanced budget? Still no help. The debt ceiling covers ongoing spending already committed to including mandatory spending which is not covered by the discretionary spending contained in the budget. You can now thank me for explaining this to you.
It isn't rocket surgery you know.

We know how much income we have. You spend that income until you don't have it any more, and then you stop.

You include things in your budget like, payments on the interest of our debt, payments on our debt, payments on our security.......things like that.....

There will not be a need for a debt ceiling because you do not incur any more debt.

If a budget is balanced, there is no deficit to increase the debt. That means we need only apply enough interest payments on our debt to keep it from being added to the debt, while making a principle payment on that debt.

What is left over is what gets debated on how to be spent.
Rising population, ever greater challenges in some sectors and inflation means we will always have to raise the debt ceiling since when it comes right down to it we are politically incapable of further cutting spending or raising revenues. Accept it, deficit spending is here to stay as it is so much more politically safe than raising enough taxes to cover what we spend or cutting enough to meet our selfish desire to have our cake and eat it too.
How does an omnibus spending bill for a fiscal year help the debt ceiling? Are you talking a balanced budget? Still no help. The debt ceiling covers ongoing spending already committed to including mandatory spending which is not covered by the discretionary spending contained in the budget. You can now thank me for explaining this to you.
It isn't rocket surgery you know.

We know how much income we have. You spend that income until you don't have it any more, and then you stop.

You include things in your budget like, payments on the interest of our debt, payments on our debt, payments on our security.......things like that.....

There will not be a need for a debt ceiling because you do not incur any more debt.

If a budget is balanced, there is no deficit to increase the debt. That means we need only apply enough interest payments on our debt to keep it from being added to the debt, while making a principle payment on that debt.

What is left over is what gets debated on how to be spent.
Rising population, ever greater challenges in some sectors and inflation means we will always have to raise the debt ceiling since when it comes right down to it we are politically incapable of further cutting spending or raising revenues. Accept it, deficit spending is here to stay as it is so much more politically safe than raising enough taxes to cover what we spend or cutting enough to meet our selfish desire to have our cake and eat it too.
Asking people to accept it is like asking people to ignore a child molester who has moved into a house across the street from a grade school.

I do not accept it. I will acknowledge that Americans have become so selfish and self-centered that they will vote for their own short term self interest, not knowing that they are voting not only against their overall best interest, but the best interest of their children and grandchildren.

Baseline budgeting is only one of the means by which we have dug this very deep hole, and it is the means by which we continue to be enslaved to our addiction. Big government.

However, means of freeing ourselves is not really that hard and can be accomplished with the most rudimentary accounting tools.

The Budget.

But lets us continue on down this path where we don't teach an ever growing population to be less dependent upon government (thereby reducing the need for ever increasing budgets) and lets continue to foster the notion that government exists solely for the purpose of taking care of our every want and desire.

When the end comes, people are going to scream, why didn't we do the hard thing back then?

But that will be far too late and those who will conquer us will not care about any of this.

But hey, it won't affect us, so screw it.... Let the next couple generations deal with it.
Rising population, ever greater challenges in some sectors and inflation means we will always have to raise the debt ceiling since when it comes right down to it we are politically incapable of further cutting spending or raising revenues. Accept it, deficit spending is here to stay as it is so much more politically safe than raising enough taxes to cover what we spend or cutting enough to meet our selfish desire to have our cake and eat it too.

Only a fucking commie would accept that.
It isn't rocket surgery you know.

We know how much income we have. You spend that income until you don't have it any more, and then you stop.

You include things in your budget like, payments on the interest of our debt, payments on our debt, payments on our security.......things like that.....

There will not be a need for a debt ceiling because you do not incur any more debt.

If a budget is balanced, there is no deficit to increase the debt. That means we need only apply enough interest payments on our debt to keep it from being added to the debt, while making a principle payment on that debt.

What is left over is what gets debated on how to be spent.
Rising population, ever greater challenges in some sectors and inflation means we will always have to raise the debt ceiling since when it comes right down to it we are politically incapable of further cutting spending or raising revenues. Accept it, deficit spending is here to stay as it is so much more politically safe than raising enough taxes to cover what we spend or cutting enough to meet our selfish desire to have our cake and eat it too.
Asking people to accept it is like asking people to ignore a child molester who has moved into a house across the street from a grade school.

I do not accept it. I will acknowledge that Americans have become so selfish and self-centered that they will vote for their own short term self interest, not knowing that they are voting not only against their overall best interest, but the best interest of their children and grandchildren.

Baseline budgeting is only one of the means by which we have dug this very deep hole, and it is the means by which we continue to be enslaved to our addiction. Big government.

However, means of freeing ourselves is not really that hard and can be accomplished with the most rudimentary accounting tools.

The Budget.

But lets us continue on down this path where we don't teach an ever growing population to be less dependent upon government (thereby reducing the need for ever increasing budgets) and lets continue to foster the notion that government exists solely for the purpose of taking care of our every want and desire.

When the end comes, people are going to scream, why didn't we do the hard thing back then?

But that will be far too late and those who will conquer us will not care about any of this.

But hey, it won't affect us, so screw it.... Let the next couple generations deal with it.

I told you to accept it because it is the political reality of our nation, watch while congress fights like animals to protect their sacred cows and special interests right this minute. we have an opportunity to really make a dent but it will not happen, both parties will eventually decide that they have given up all they are going to give up in cuts and taxes and it will not be even close to being enough. The reality is that we do not want to pay enough taxes to cover our spending and do not want to give up enough spending to pay for the low taxes we demand. It's screwed up but it is cold hard truth of our political leaders and the collective will of the people.

from your link-

The Geithner proposal is to turn the debt ceiling back into a grandstanding game by flipping the order of operations. When the president goes above the ceiling, Congress will have the right to pass a resolution of disapproval. Then the president can veto the resolution. In theory, Congress can override that veto with a two-thirds supermajority, but in the real world that'll never happen. Congress gets its chance at symbolic opposition, and there's no risk to the economy. It's a great idea.

right , so removing the power of the purse from the house and turning into a useless exercise is a good thing? well of course to you it is...:rolleyes;

They chickened out and abdicated that responsibility to the "super committee" once, I can see many of them making the political calculation now that this might be a better way to do it since it is not actually a vote for more spending, rather a decision to pay the bills we already have and the fallout was just too damned negative for their tastes.

They did not abdicate responsibility, when are you OWS idiots going to learn how the real world works? Just a quick history lesson, the Super committee you are referring to was part of the deal that resulted in the increase in the dent ceiling the last time, and it is why all the idiots are worried now as we approach the "fiscal cliff." The debt ceiling has always been raised by a vote of the full congress, with idiotic poseurs on both sides making comments about a lack of leadership until they get into office.
I have a much more brilliant proposal for the debt ceiling.

Pass a fucking budget and stick to it!

Debt ceiling solved.

You all can thank Me now.

How does an omnibus spending bill for a fiscal year help the debt ceiling? Are you talking a balanced budget? Still no help. The debt ceiling covers ongoing spending already committed to including mandatory spending which is not covered by the discretionary spending contained in the budget. You can now thank me for explaining this to you.

How does having a brain help breathing?
How does an omnibus spending bill for a fiscal year help the debt ceiling? Are you talking a balanced budget? Still no help. The debt ceiling covers ongoing spending already committed to including mandatory spending which is not covered by the discretionary spending contained in the budget. You can now thank me for explaining this to you.
It isn't rocket surgery you know.

We know how much income we have. You spend that income until you don't have it any more, and then you stop.

You include things in your budget like, payments on the interest of our debt, payments on our debt, payments on our security.......things like that.....

There will not be a need for a debt ceiling because you do not incur any more debt.

If a budget is balanced, there is no deficit to increase the debt. That means we need only apply enough interest payments on our debt to keep it from being added to the debt, while making a principle payment on that debt.

What is left over is what gets debated on how to be spent.
Rising population, ever greater challenges in some sectors and inflation means we will always have to raise the debt ceiling since when it comes right down to it we are politically incapable of further cutting spending or raising revenues. Accept it, deficit spending is here to stay as it is so much more politically safe than raising enough taxes to cover what we spend or cutting enough to meet our selfish desire to have our cake and eat it too.

That is bullshit. If we run a surplus every year we will never again have to increase the debt ceiling because we will always have more money than we are spending. That is something so simple even Clinton understood it, which is why he joined with Gingrich to convince idiots that we actually had a surplus his last tow years in office.
It isn't rocket surgery you know.

We know how much income we have. You spend that income until you don't have it any more, and then you stop.

You include things in your budget like, payments on the interest of our debt, payments on our debt, payments on our security.......things like that.....

There will not be a need for a debt ceiling because you do not incur any more debt.

If a budget is balanced, there is no deficit to increase the debt. That means we need only apply enough interest payments on our debt to keep it from being added to the debt, while making a principle payment on that debt.

What is left over is what gets debated on how to be spent.
Rising population, ever greater challenges in some sectors and inflation means we will always have to raise the debt ceiling since when it comes right down to it we are politically incapable of further cutting spending or raising revenues. Accept it, deficit spending is here to stay as it is so much more politically safe than raising enough taxes to cover what we spend or cutting enough to meet our selfish desire to have our cake and eat it too.

That is bullshit. If we run a surplus every year we will never again have to increase the debt ceiling because we will always have more money than we are spending. That is something so simple even Clinton understood it, which is why he joined with Gingrich to convince idiots that we actually had a surplus his last tow years in office.

Is it any wonder obummer wins the election when so many are so fuckin stupid that they think not passing a budget for 4yrs and living on limitless, credit while bypassing the checks and balance of the 3 branches of government is a good idea?

I don't care what your ideology is, or what flavor of President we have, that is insane and nobody should have that power, NOBODY.

Poor America
well with Obama's re-election they aren't even hiding it anymore..You people voted to have a "dictator" ..

way to go
The only way to control my meth habit is by giving me unlimited supplies of meth, unless I say no

Yeah, it's the Obama Theory of Economics and Clean Living

How does an omnibus spending bill for a fiscal year help the debt ceiling? Are you talking a balanced budget? Still no help. The debt ceiling covers ongoing spending already committed to including mandatory spending which is not covered by the discretionary spending contained in the budget. You can now thank me for explaining this to you.
It isn't rocket surgery you know.

We know how much income we have. You spend that income until you don't have it any more, and then you stop.

You include things in your budget like, payments on the interest of our debt, payments on our debt, payments on our security.......things like that.....

There will not be a need for a debt ceiling because you do not incur any more debt.

If a budget is balanced, there is no deficit to increase the debt. That means we need only apply enough interest payments on our debt to keep it from being added to the debt, while making a principle payment on that debt.

What is left over is what gets debated on how to be spent.
Rising population, ever greater challenges in some sectors and inflation means we will always have to raise the debt ceiling since when it comes right down to it we are politically incapable of further cutting spending or raising revenues. Accept it, deficit spending is here to stay as it is so much more politically safe than raising enough taxes to cover what we spend or cutting enough to meet our selfish desire to have our cake and eat it too.

So you propose to just throw in the towel on fiscal sanity in government?

Fuck, it's too early for this stupidity today...
obama is only doing what Chavez did and what Morsi is doing now. He's just doing it by taking power a bit at a time. Sole power to borrow without having to go to Congress. That's a dictatorial power. If he keeps taking power, then having a Congress or a Senate either will be unnecessary.
Here's your genius, you fucking blind party man hack zombies:

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