The Obama/Big Government Liberal Democrat Record

Most construction on public projects is done by smaller and smaller crews owing to automation and machines.
Every post of yours is wrong. You must live in an alternate universe. This might explain your joblessness.
What? Let's say a state has a bond project to modernize a school. Who draws up the plans? Who writes the specs? Who does the project management? Who checks the drawings to make sure they are to code? Who bids the job? Who runs the backhoe? Who does the hazmat abatement? Who hangs the conduit? Who paints the walls? Who pours the footings? Who inspects the work?

Smaller crews could be the many sub-contractors that are hired by the General.

Even when you're dealing with "automation", like pre-fabed classroom buildings that you can haul out to a site and drop them on campus. Who hooks them up to the schools distribution system? Who hooks up the electrical? The plumbing? Etc.

Do you really wanna test me on what I do for a living?
Hey, what a great idea! Let's fund works programs, putting recipients of public funds to work on those "shovel ready" infrastructure projects. Oh, wait! Making them actually work and earn their money is considered slavery by the progressive left.
You got a problem with getting American's back to work?

You'd rather fuck this country in the ass, wouldn't you?

OK, so reading comprehension is a problem for you, so here's the short word version:
I would love to see works programs like the TVA created. Two birds with one stone. Get people back to work and get some of those infrastructure problems taken care of. But I see a few problems with something like that.
First: men were standing in line for those jobs, that wouldn't happen today. Those men had PRIDE. They were pleased to have some way of supporting their families. You know, their baby-mamas and their babies.
Second: reasonable wages would not be acceptable, I'm sure. We'd end up footing the bill for Davis-Bacon wages, or some "living wage" bullshit. Pay them what it costs to provide a modest roof, decent food, and other necessities for their families. Nowadays, none of these leeches seems satisfied with the basics.
Third: it has been often ruled that requiring work in exchange for the public dole equates to slavery. And just how can the recipients of public largess look for a job when they already have one?
What are your suggestions for putting people back to work in this country?

As far as fucking anyone or anything in the ass, I apparently do not have the same fetishes as you.
OK, so reading comprehension is a problem for you, so here's the short word version:
I would love to see works programs like the TVA created. Two birds with one stone. Get people back to work and get some of those infrastructure problems taken care of. But I see a few problems with something like that.
First: men were standing in line for those jobs, that wouldn't happen today. Those men had PRIDE. They were pleased to have some way of supporting their families. You know, their baby-mamas and their babies.
Second: reasonable wages would not be acceptable, I'm sure. We'd end up footing the bill for Davis-Bacon wages, or some "living wage" bullshit. Pay them what it costs to provide a modest roof, decent food, and other necessities for their families. Nowadays, none of these leeches seems satisfied with the basics.
Third: it has been often ruled that requiring work in exchange for the public dole equates to slavery. And just how can the recipients of public largess look for a job when they already have one?
What are your suggestions for putting people back to work in this country?

As far as fucking anyone or anything in the ass, I apparently do not have the same fetishes as you.
People stand in line for jobs today, just like they did back then.

People who are unemployed, are not bums. They are people that have worked hard their whole life, only to see their jobs dry up because of many factors (technology, outsourcing, Reaganomics, etc). One big reason they dried up, was this phoney economy we've created with the speculative derrivitives market. That market creates no goods or services. All it does is suck out the available capital that would've been spent on real goods or services.

How do we put people back to work? Government subsidized infrastructure projects.
OK, so reading comprehension is a problem for you, so here's the short word version:
I would love to see works programs like the TVA created. Two birds with one stone. Get people back to work and get some of those infrastructure problems taken care of. But I see a few problems with something like that.
First: men were standing in line for those jobs, that wouldn't happen today. Those men had PRIDE. They were pleased to have some way of supporting their families. You know, their baby-mamas and their babies.
Second: reasonable wages would not be acceptable, I'm sure. We'd end up footing the bill for Davis-Bacon wages, or some "living wage" bullshit. Pay them what it costs to provide a modest roof, decent food, and other necessities for their families. Nowadays, none of these leeches seems satisfied with the basics.
Third: it has been often ruled that requiring work in exchange for the public dole equates to slavery. And just how can the recipients of public largess look for a job when they already have one?
What are your suggestions for putting people back to work in this country?

As far as fucking anyone or anything in the ass, I apparently do not have the same fetishes as you.
People stand in line for jobs today, just like they did back then.

People who are unemployed, are not bums. They are people that have worked hard their whole life, only to see their jobs dry up because of many factors (technology, outsourcing, Reaganomics, etc). One big reason they dried up, was this phoney economy we've created with the speculative derrivitives market. That market creates no goods or services. All it does is suck out the available capital that would've been spent on real goods or services.

How do we put people back to work? Government subsidized infrastructure projects.

I agree with the highlighted portion of your statement. As far as the solution, it is not, never will be, government taking over the job markets and subsidizing anything. Because a BIG part of the problem is government interference in business. Government is largely responsible for driving manufacturing out of this country. Who wants to risk their capital when there is a distinct risk that government will seize that capital and nationalize profits. Why do you think people build businesses in the first place?
Wow. Blinding flash of the obvious.
That doesn't prove FDR created the middle class.
I've told you 3 times what created the middles class.

If you want to make up your own version, you don't need me anymore.

So you didnt write this:
FDR's New Deal created the middle class.

I don't call that a disaster.
If you're going to dither that FDR isn't really the New Deal then the conversation is done.

I thought if you didnt have 99 weeks of unemployment you'd be out on the street. Turns out you've been working during this time.
So which is it?
The US has Spent 17 Trillion dollars which according to you should have stimulated the economy, What happened?
Consumer spending makes up 70% of economy.

When you give 1/4 of every dollar to the military industrial complex that goes out and spends that money in other country's, there is no direct benefit for average Americans.

Case in point, the Iraq war cost us over $4 trillion dollars and we got nothing in return for that. If we would've spent that money in this country, we would've got something back.

When you spend money to build a bridge, at the very least, when everything is all said and done, you have a bridge!
The US has Spent 17 Trillion dollars which according to you should have stimulated the economy, What happened?
Consumer spending makes up 70% of economy.

When you give 1/4 of every dollar to the military industrial complex that goes out and spends that money in other country's, there is no direct benefit for average Americans.

Case in point, the Iraq war cost us over $4 trillion dollars and we got nothing in return for that. If we would've spent that money in this country, we would've got something back.

When you spend money to build a bridge, at the very least, when everything is all said and done, you have a bridge!
The vast majority of spending in the last 5 years has been domestic. Much of it was on "shovel ready projects." Where are those shovel ready projects? Oh yeah, here. Remind me how this helps the country.
Alaska's $64 million 'runway to nowhere' - The Week
Innovation and invention created the middle class. Mass Production created the middle class.
No company will invest time and money in an area where there is no potential market.

That's perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever heard. They don't look there because these people are being incentivized into being useless. Can't market to people who won't work.
The US has Spent 17 Trillion dollars which according to you should have stimulated the economy, What happened?
Consumer spending makes up 70% of economy.

When you give 1/4 of every dollar to the military industrial complex that goes out and spends that money in other country's, there is no direct benefit for average Americans.

Case in point, the Iraq war cost us over $4 trillion dollars and we got nothing in return for that. If we would've spent that money in this country, we would've got something back.

When you spend money to build a bridge, at the very least, when everything is all said and done, you have a bridge!

Really? Do you want to rethink that statement? Case in point, the Iraq war cost us over $4 trillion dollars most going to US companies that are part of the Military–industrial complex. How much did General Dynamics make just selling their cruise missiles alone.
If you're going to dither that FDR isn't really the New Deal then the conversation is done.
Well, his participation was reduced somewhat after he died.

I thought if you didnt have 99 weeks of unemployment you'd be out on the street. Turns out you've been working during this time.
So which is it?
You only get 52 weeks. If you're lucky to qualify for a federal extension, you get another 46 weeks. After that, your unemployment insurance expires. And at that point, you either have a new job, or have to file for a new claim. But in order to qualify for a new claim, you had to work at least one full business quarter the previous year and make over the minimum amount, which I think is $900 for a two-week pay period. Basically, you got to make at least $12,000 for a 4 month period to qualify.

But even if you do and get the maximum benefit amount, that's only $1800 a month. My rent is $900. There goes half. When you figure in utilities, gas, food, whores, talking to your junky ass on the internet, that money evaporates pretty quick.

When I'm working, that's about a $1000 dollars in my checking account every Wednesday. Wednesday, the day I get paid, the day I get.........well, nevermind.
Really? Do you want to rethink that statement? Case in point, the Iraq war cost us over $4 trillion dollars most going to US companies that are part of the Military–industrial complex. How much did General Dynamics make just selling their cruise missiles alone.
That's a very small percentage of the population getting work. And a lot of that was no-bid contracts. So the government doesn't get the benefit of competitive bidding.

Using that money for commercial projects, would employ 100 times the amount of people needed to do the job.
The vast majority of spending in the last 5 years has been domestic. Much of it was on "shovel ready projects." Where are those shovel ready projects? Oh yeah, here. Remind me how this helps the country.
Alaska's $64 million 'runway to nowhere' - The Week
If that spending was domestic, you would see it in the economy.

Most of what we spent, was to pay off interest on our loans and giving money to the financial sector which wasn't in the job creating business.
I agree with the highlighted portion of your statement. As far as the solution, it is not, never will be, government taking over the job markets and subsidizing anything. Because a BIG part of the problem is government interference in business. Government is largely responsible for driving manufacturing out of this country. Who wants to risk their capital when there is a distinct risk that government will seize that capital and nationalize profits. Why do you think people build businesses in the first place?
If that was true, corporations wouldn't be sitting on over $6 trillion dollars in record profits.
Obamas the biggest disaster since FDR

Since FDR is rated as America's greatest president that must put Obama up there with the big boys but probably not second, Washington and Lincoln are still rated Great. But nice of you to rate Obama so high.
The vast majority of spending in the last 5 years has been domestic. Much of it was on "shovel ready projects." Where are those shovel ready projects? Oh yeah, here. Remind me how this helps the country.
Alaska's $64 million 'runway to nowhere' - The Week
If that spending was domestic, you would see it in the economy.

Most of what we spent, was to pay off interest on our loans and giving money to the financial sector which wasn't in the job creating business.

OK so your proof now is that the money could not have been spent domestically because the economy sucks. Right? This despite open sources of information showing that in fact the vast majority of that spending was domestic.
It was not spent to pay interest on loans. Only 18% was spent doing that.
The financial sector doesn't create jobs? Really?
Employment by major industry sector That's about 8.5M jobs in the economy. Adn that doesnt really count ancillary jobs, like communication, which feed off financials.

You're really not very well informed here, and losing this debate.

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