The Obama/Big Government Liberal Democrat Record

I'msorry. Youv'e exhausted your supply of stupid for this thread.
You said FDR caused the '29 crash and you're calling me stupid?

You make claims and then when shown how absurd they are, you claim you never said them.
I've had to correct you 3 times as to what my point was and yet you still "act" like you know what I said.

Where did I say this?

Quote: Originally Posted by The Rabbi
OK so your proof now is that the money could not have been spent domestically because the economy sucks. Right?
Where did I say that? What post was it? The only thing absurd, is you claiming what my claim was.

Only to make even more absurd claims. It's no wonder you can't find a job. The position of ass-clown has already been filled.
Making claims on an internet message board, has nothing to do with my job search. But I'm a little puzzled you'd say something like that after I told you how much I've worked these past 2 years and you even commented on that work. Do you have ADD?

You're in over your head, you're not making any sense and now you're just spewing shit into cyberspace in the hopes some of it will stick.
FDR caused the stock market crash in 1929 so he could institute socialism. Just like Obama.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

Yes, FDR's powers of evil were so amazing, he managed to engineer the 1929 stock market crash ... when he was governor of New York.

Are you telling me Joe Biden doesn't know what he's talking about??
[ame=]Biden FDR Gaffe - YouTube[/ame]
Since FDR is rated as America's greatest president that must put Obama up there with the big boys but probably not second, Washington and Lincoln are still rated Great. But nice of you to rate Obama so high.

Who rates FDR that way? Leftists. People who have actually studied the period understand his policies caused the Depression. FDR's recovery was worse than Hoover's recession. Sound familiar?

The first poll of Historians was the Schlesinger poll in 1948 and the historians rated FDR third greatest American president. Since that poll there have been a number of polls that are easily available on the internet and in every poll FDR is rated first second or third best American president. A reader has only to go to historical ratings of the Presidents of the United States to look at these polls. The Siena 2010 poll is the latest and it asked 238 of Americas noted historians to rate the presidents and they rated FDR number one.
Why do people put nonsense history on the boards when things are so easy to check?

You haven't disproven anythng I wrote. It was a poll of obviously left leaning historians. Of course they're going to rate FDR as great.
His actual record sucks, including handing eastern Europe to Stalin.

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