The Obama/Big Government Liberal Democrat Record

Obamas the biggest disaster since FDR

Since FDR is rated as America's greatest president that must put Obama up there with the big boys but probably not second, Washington and Lincoln are still rated Great. But nice of you to rate Obama so high.

Who rates FDR that way? Leftists. People who have actually studied the period understand his policies caused the Depression. FDR's recovery was worse than Hoover's recession. Sound familiar?
You can't argue with success. Unless you're a conservative, in which case you'll dedicate your life to arguing with success. Lacking any success of their own, it's all they can do.

I mean, seriously, "FDR caused the depression!" kookery? May as well just put on the red nose, face paint and big shoes, as you've permanently beclowned yourself.
Obamas the biggest disaster since FDR

Since FDR is rated as America's greatest president that must put Obama up there with the big boys but probably not second, Washington and Lincoln are still rated Great. But nice of you to rate Obama so high.

Who rates FDR that way? Leftists. People who have actually studied the period understand his policies caused the Depression. FDR's recovery was worse than Hoover's recession. Sound familiar?

FDR caused the Depression?

Oh man. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You can't argue with success. Unless you're a conservative, in which case you'll dedicate your life to arguing with success. Lacking any success of their own, it's all they can do.

I mean, seriously, "FDR caused the depression!" kookery? May as well just put on the red nose, face paint and big shoes, as you've permanently beclowned yourself.

GDP growth under 3% out of a recession--worst post war record ever.
Unemployment at record levels
Lowest workforce participation rate
Downgrade of gov't debt
Record deficits
Highest debt level ever.

I mean, if this is what liberals call success, I'd hate to see how they define failure. Oh yeah, GOP win. That's failure to them.
Since FDR is rated as America's greatest president that must put Obama up there with the big boys but probably not second, Washington and Lincoln are still rated Great. But nice of you to rate Obama so high.

Who rates FDR that way? Leftists. People who have actually studied the period understand his policies caused the Depression. FDR's recovery was worse than Hoover's recession. Sound familiar?

FDR caused the Depression?

Oh man. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes. If it weren't for FDR's policies, the recession would have been over quickly. Go read something. Anything.
Who rates FDR that way? Leftists. People who have actually studied the period understand his policies caused the Depression. FDR's recovery was worse than Hoover's recession. Sound familiar?

FDR caused the Depression?

Oh man. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes. If it weren't for FDR's policies, the recession would have been over quickly. Go read something. Anything.

I have.

It wasn't a recession when FDR entered was a full on Depression.

They weren't calling them Hoovertowns for nothing.

You guys out commie the commies with your propaganda.
FDR caused the Depression?

Oh man. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes. If it weren't for FDR's policies, the recession would have been over quickly. Go read something. Anything.

I have.

It wasn't a recession when FDR entered was a full on Depression.

They weren't calling them Hoovertowns for nothing.

You guys out commie the commies with your propaganda.

And FDR doubled down on Hoover's failure.
Sound familiar?
Besides, Roosevelt was president in 1929.
Yes. If it weren't for FDR's policies, the recession would have been over quickly. Go read something. Anything.

I have.

It wasn't a recession when FDR entered was a full on Depression.

They weren't calling them Hoovertowns for nothing.

You guys out commie the commies with your propaganda.

And FDR doubled down on Hoover's failure.
Sound familiar?
Besides, Roosevelt was president in 1929.

No he didn't.

For you guys to say something like that basically puts on display how little you know about what happened.

Banks and the financial industry were fleecing this country in ways very similar to what happened in 2009. They were using exotic financial instruments that most people didn't understand to take their money. That was coupled with massive crop failures. And there were no FDIC to make sure that the hardworking people of this country wouldn't lose everything they worked for..

FDR was looking at a new revolution. People were very angry back then..and wanted what you folks wanted, to rip apart the Constitution and put up either a commie or fascist government.
How does 7 years of 20% unemployment "Create a middle class"?

By changing the fundamental structure of the economy.

Dude, prior to FDR, there was no middle class in this country.

Heck..there was no middle class anywhere. We basically invented it.

Unemployment creates a middle class? That's Joe Biden Crazy

That would be the "New Deal" and the "GI Bill".

But I'll give you a "D" for "D"andy..attempt at right wing propaganda!
I have.

It wasn't a recession when FDR entered was a full on Depression.

They weren't calling them Hoovertowns for nothing.

You guys out commie the commies with your propaganda.

And FDR doubled down on Hoover's failure.
Sound familiar?
Besides, Roosevelt was president in 1929.

No he didn't.

For you guys to say something like that basically puts on display how little you know about what happened.

Banks and the financial industry were fleecing this country in ways very similar to what happened in 2009. They were using exotic financial instruments that most people didn't understand to take their money. That was coupled with massive crop failures. And there were no FDIC to make sure that the hardworking people of this country wouldn't lose everything they worked for..

FDR was looking at a new revolution. People were very angry back then..and wanted what you folks wanted, to rip apart the Constitution and put up either a commie or fascist government.

FDR caused the stock market crash in 1929 so he could institute socialism. Just like Obama.
By changing the fundamental structure of the economy.

Dude, prior to FDR, there was no middle class in this country.

Heck..there was no middle class anywhere. We basically invented it.

Unemployment creates a middle class? That's Joe Biden Crazy

That would be the "New Deal" and the "GI Bill".

But I'll give you a "D" for "D"andy..attempt at right wing propaganda!

FDR created the GI Bill? Wow, I had no idea.
FDR caused the stock market crash in 1929 so he could institute socialism. Just like Obama.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

Yes, FDR's powers of evil were so amazing, he managed to engineer the 1929 stock market crash ... when he was governor of New York.
Obamas the biggest disaster since FDR

Since FDR is rated as America's greatest president that must put Obama up there with the big boys but probably not second, Washington and Lincoln are still rated Great. But nice of you to rate Obama so high.

Who rates FDR that way? Leftists. People who have actually studied the period understand his policies caused the Depression. FDR's recovery was worse than Hoover's recession. Sound familiar?

The first poll of Historians was the Schlesinger poll in 1948 and the historians rated FDR third greatest American president. Since that poll there have been a number of polls that are easily available on the internet and in every poll FDR is rated first second or third best American president. A reader has only to go to historical ratings of the Presidents of the United States to look at these polls. The Siena 2010 poll is the latest and it asked 238 of Americas noted historians to rate the presidents and they rated FDR number one.
Why do people put nonsense history on the boards when things are so easy to check?
And FDR doubled down on Hoover's failure.
Sound familiar?
Besides, Roosevelt was president in 1929.

No he didn't.

For you guys to say something like that basically puts on display how little you know about what happened.

Banks and the financial industry were fleecing this country in ways very similar to what happened in 2009. They were using exotic financial instruments that most people didn't understand to take their money. That was coupled with massive crop failures. And there were no FDIC to make sure that the hardworking people of this country wouldn't lose everything they worked for..

FDR was looking at a new revolution. People were very angry back then..and wanted what you folks wanted, to rip apart the Constitution and put up either a commie or fascist government.

FDR caused the stock market crash in 1929 so he could institute socialism. Just like Obama.

FDR was inaugarated in March, 1933, you incredible MORON...
FDR's New Deal created the middle class.

I don't call that a disaster.

How does 7 years of 20% unemployment "Create a middle class"?

By changing the fundamental structure of the economy.

Dude, prior to FDR, there was no middle class in this country.

Heck..there was no middle class anywhere. We basically invented it.

Complete garbage. The middle class was created during the so-called "Gilded Age" when leftists claim that rich people were supposedly the "oppressors".

In reality, from 1870 to 1900, the prices of goods DECLINED while average wages for workers went up about 30-40%. It was also the fastest GDP growth per year (about 6.8% annually). Wages for all workers increased markedly in this era, and since progressive policies were put into place, this growth has slowed down.

Also, Hoover's LEFTIST policies helped cause the Depression, and FDR just doubled down on Hoover's policies. Specifically, Hoover's big-government tax increases and the Smoot-Hawley tariff made the depression bad. FDR's advisers admitted they were extending Hoover's policies, and many of the projects/agencies created were started by Hoover.

Remember, in the 1920's the GOP was divided into the Progressive(ie leftist) and conservative wings. Calvin Coolidge, who presided over a booming economy, was a member of the latter and Hoover was a member of the former. Too bad this fact is lost on so many people today.
How does 7 years of 20% unemployment "Create a middle class"?

By changing the fundamental structure of the economy.

Dude, prior to FDR, there was no middle class in this country.

Heck..there was no middle class anywhere. We basically invented it.

Complete garbage. The middle class was created during the so-called "Gilded Age" when leftists claim that rich people were supposedly the "oppressors".

In reality, from 1870 to 1900, the prices of goods DECLINED while average wages for workers went up about 30-40%. It was also the fastest GDP growth per year (about 6.8% annually). Wages for all workers increased markedly in this era, and since progressive policies were put into place, this growth has slowed down.

Also, Hoover's LEFTIST policies helped cause the Depression, and FDR just doubled down on Hoover's policies. Specifically, Hoover's big-government tax increases and the Smoot-Hawley tariff made the depression bad. FDR's advisers admitted they were extending Hoover's policies, and many of the projects/agencies created were started by Hoover.

Remember, in the 1920's the GOP was divided into the Progressive(ie leftist) and conservative wings. Calvin Coolidge, who presided over a booming economy, was a member of the latter and Hoover was a member of the former. Too bad this fact is lost on so many people today.

Yes some of the projects that began with Hoover were carried on by FDR. Hoover dam is one, RFC was another. The primary difference perhaps is that while Hoover wanted to help business FDR wanted to help people. FDR began a bunch of new programs with people in mind, for example, WPA, CCC, PWA, NRA, AAA and most importantly the taking over the relief of hungry people by the federal government. But let there be no doubt that Hoover was a conservative that believed in rugged individualism not government welfare to people. Hoover lauded the apple sellers on the streets of New York as the new businessmen.
OK so your proof now is that the money could not have been spent domestically because the economy sucks. Right?
Wrong. That's not what I said. If the money was spent on infrastructure projects to get American's back to work, you would see that in the employment numbers.

This despite open sources of information showing that in fact the vast majority of that spending was domestic.
How are you defining "domestic"? Spending on healthcare, welfare, pensions, education, etc. is domestic spending, but it isn't spending specifically directed at stimulating the economy via jobs bills.

It was not spent to pay interest on loans. Only 18% was spent doing that.
The financial sector doesn't create jobs?
No, it doesn't. It speculates on the real jobs in the real economy.

Look what they did with TARP. That money was specifically given to them create jobs, but that's not what they did.

That's Mr. Really, to you.

Employment by major industry sector That's about 8.5M jobs in the economy.
Those are traders playing casino capitalism.

Adn that doesnt really count ancillary jobs, like communication, which feed off financials.
That's technology and construction industry's, not financials.

You're really not very well informed here, and losing this debate.
Since you spend a lot of time responding to things I didn't say, how would you know if I wasn't well informed?
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I'msorry. Youv'e exhausted your supply of stupid for this thread. You make claims and then when shown how absurd they are, you claim you never said them. Only to make even more absurd claims. It's no wonder you can't find a job. The position of ass-clown has already been filled.

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