the obama birth certificate media scandal...


great nixomba morph... lol ..... more and more parallels will be drawn to the watergate affair.
i like diana west.

Journalist Diana West: Phony Obama Document Gives Birth to a Cover-up; Lambasts Media | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records
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great nixomba morph... lol ..... more and more parallels will be drawn to the watergate affair.
i like diana west.

Journalist Diana West: Phony Obama Document Gives Birth to a Cover-up; Lambasts Media | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

I hate to break the news to you wash but nothings going to transpire with Obama not being a us citizen.I mean you should be aware of the fact that there is one different law for politicians than there is for us citizens? That court case against him has already been dismissed and forgotten about.Its just like the lawsuit that terry reed filed against Clinton for his role in allowing the CIA to smuggle drugs into mena arkansas as governor of that state and using him as an unknown dupe to do it.

The government sabatgoed his case and its been long forgotten since then.The same is going to happen with this Obama birth ceritificate,nothing wil transpire of it.we are not a free country and its not a government of the people where the people have control over the government where the government serves us.Instead we serve them and dot have free speech and are not a free country so your deluding yourself if you think anything is ever going to come of this birth certificate thing.Nothing will ever change as long as we have this corrupt two party system which is REALLY a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.

till the day comes where we get a THIRD PARTY PRESIDENT who serves the people and believe in the constitution like JFK did our last real president who served the people and paid the price for it,presidents are going to be able to keep committing crimes including murder and get away with it everytime.better wake up to this.things like 9/11 and Obamas birth certificate are the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.
The narratives of truferism and birferism will be make for good history writing.

The themes will not be Obamanian deception or government plots.

The themes will be the manifest loonyism and the loonies themselves: what signification of non-issues drive loonies.

and jake as always,proves he is afraid of the truth about 9/11 and Obama not being a us citizen.
And the silliness continues with the insanities of the birfers and birferism.
load of old bollocks

Let me see.
The right complained about a US born man wanting to be president but their bloke wasn't born in the US.
Now they have a total twat as a candidate, they have to bring it up again in some pathetic attempt to hide what a dick their man is and what a total balls up he's making on foreign visits.
load of old bollocks

Let me see.
The right complained about a US born man wanting to be president but their bloke wasn't born in the US.
Now they have a total twat as a candidate, they have to bring it up again in some pathetic attempt to hide what a dick their man is and what a total balls up he's making on foreign visits.

this is a good example of why i wonder if poitics will ever find it's way back from the nastyness of today's arena. and it's not just the left or right. i think one problem may be oversaturaton of media and people's desire to stand out in the crowd to be heard.
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Sigh. Wash got something right. Follow your own tired advice and sit down, please, and shut up.
[ame=]Internet Shills and Hired Trolls-What You NEED to Know - YouTube[/ame]

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The only "scandal" continues to be chanting and panting of the birfers, and the historical scandal raking of the future will be the uncovering of the 'birfer' lies.
The investigations of prominent birfers by the feds and prominent state DAs begin in January, regardless of who is elected.

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