Media Dishonesty and Manipulation - It is getting harder for the MSM to hide it.

That is true. Nobody can repeat propaganda as fact, use dishonest quotes or misrepresent quotes taken out of their full context, illustrate with dishonest memes, photoshopped photos or photos taken out of their honest context, etc., or just make up stuff out of thin air and pretend to be credible or honorable. Because those who do that just aren't. Most especially when it is done to discredit or defame somebody.

Just because somebody says they heard such and such does not make something true. There is an excellent reason that hearsay evidence is allowed in a legitimate court of law only in very limited and specific ways.

Example: Person A says they have never met or don't know Person B. But the media digs up a photo of Person A with Person B and thereby calls Person A a liar.

I don't know if it's true of everybody, but I used to be in public settings professionally quite a bit and had my photo taken with a lot of different people. Looking back at some of those old photos I couldn't tell you who most of those people were and wouldn't recognize them as familiar if I saw them on the street. I no doubt was introduced to many of them but the human brain can remember only so much.

Famous people are subject to way WAY more of that kind of thing than somebody like me. Countless people introduced to those people want their picture taken with them for bragging rights or whatever. That the famous person does not remember all those people extrapolates to a statement "I don't know ****" that is in no way a lie.

It all comes down to personal honor, integrity, intellectual honesty. The U.S. media can't claim much of any of that these days.

Look at Russell Brand....
Demonetized out of a million plus dollars per year due to 10-15 year old allegations that have not been tried in any court of law and for which the circumstances are such that it appears very much to be a smear campaign.

That's how bad things have gotten....that obviously phoney allegations are sufficient to hang a person on.
Look at Russell Brand....
Demonetized out of a million plus dollars per year due to 10-15 year old allegations that have not been tried in any court of law and for which the circumstances are such that it appears very much to be a smear campaign.

That's how bad things have gotten....that obviously phoney allegations are sufficient to hang a person on.
Yes that can be the cruelest thing of all especially when the media promotes, overtly or subjectively, the accusations as fact with the insinuation or demand that they be believed. Anybody feeling vindictive against a person or wanting the person discredited for their own purposes can simply scour the landscape to find people dishonest enough to lie about the person and get them to do so by whatever means. Or I am pretty sure they simply make up 'anonymous witnesses' at times. No doubt a lot of money is passed under the table to produce such 'witnesses' on the record. They don't have to pay the anonymous ones.

But whoever or whatever source reports the 'witnesses' the media too often gleefully reports it as fact, especially if they oppose the sociopolitical opinions of the person. The people who want to believe it don't make any effort to see if it is actually true. They just swallow the spin hook line and sinker.
Some media does look to debunk social media 'news' and justifiably so. But then social media is the MSM's only real competitor these days.

The AP prints a weekly round up of viral stories that are entirely untrue and tells why they are not news:

Claim: ebola outbreak at the Burning Man event in Nevada. Not true.

Claim: Arkansas is ditching voting machines for paper ballots. Not true at least yet.

Claim: Vaccines for measles, rubella, etc. don't work because those diseases still exist. Fact: those diseases that once affected the vast majority of the population have now been eliminated in all but a very few cases.

Now if the AP and other media sources were as meticulate in fact checking themselves as they are in fact checking social media, the American people would be vastly better informed.
Yes that can be the cruelest thing of all especially when the media promotes, overtly or subjectively, the accusations as fact with the insinuation or demand that they be believed. Anybody feeling vindictive against a person or wanting the person discredited for their own purposes can simply scour the landscape to find people dishonest enough to lie about the person and get them to do so by whatever means. Or I am pretty sure they simply make up 'anonymous witnesses' at times. No doubt a lot of money is passed under the table to produce such 'witnesses' on the record. They don't have to pay the anonymous ones.

But whoever or whatever source reports the 'witnesses' the media too often gleefully reports it as fact, especially if they oppose the sociopolitical opinions of the person. The people who want to believe it don't make any effort to see if it is actually true. They just swallow the spin hook line and sinker.

This is why I'm advocating for critical analysis classes in school as part of the English and Reading curriculum. (It's a suitable replacement for penmanship) It is a much better subject than sexual perversions classes.
The media is increasingly dishonest in their reporting both in what they refuse to report and what they do report.

I will start this thread using Molly Hemmingway's column exposing Kristen Welker's flat out false statements on her first stint as the new host of "Meet the Press" yesterday. She unfortunately (for her) chose Donald J. Trump as her guest and there isn't much that anybody can defend on her side of the debate. He came out looking pretty darn good.

There will be more examples of media dishonesty I hope posted by me and others. This thread is NOT about this one media account perse but all dishonesty by all the media. The American people deserve better.

1. Welker stated there is no evidence Biden pressured the DOJ to indict Trump. Fact: there is a lot of evidence. Molly illustrates some of it.

2. Welker stated there is no evidence Joe Biden personally benefitted from Hunter's business dealings. Fact: there is a lot of evidence. Molly illustrates some of it.

3. Welker stated Trump wrestled with a Secret Service agent on J6. Fact: the Secret Service itself debunked that story. Molly reports what Trump said about it and is amazed that Welker would still be repeating the thoroughly debunked story..

4. Welker states Nancy Pelosi had nothing to do with preparing the Capital for protests on J6. Fact: The Speaker of the House has complete responsibility to provide for the security of the Capitol--the Chief of Police answers directly to her--and Pelosi refused requests from Capital Police for reinforcements. Molly points all that out.

5. Welker stated Democrats are not pushing for policy or law making abortion legal up to and even after the moment of natural birth. That is such a glaring lie that Molly spent some time recounting how Democrats have voted on that very issue.

How can the NBC news division hold their heads up with this kind of reporting?

How can ANY media not cower in shame when they report in this manner?
The only Americans who don't see it, are those who WON'T see it. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
The only Americans who don't see it, are those who WON'T see it. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Or don't want to admit they see. And I've finally had to give up my faith in human nature and admit there are honestly some too brainwashed or clueless to see.
I don't know a thing about this particular website or the author writing the piece, but it is really good information:

Or don't want to admit they see. And I've finally had to give up my faith in human nature and admit there are honestly some too brainwashed or clueless to see.
There is a certain percentage who are so emotionally invested in their political beliefs, they would rather see the country go down the tubes than admit they were wrong.
I don't know a thing about this particular website or the author writing the piece, but it is really good information:

View attachment 831457
An excellent look into MAGA supporting media,
The media is increasingly dishonest in their reporting both in what they refuse to report and what they do report.

I will start this thread using Molly Hemmingway's column exposing Kristen Welker's flat out false statements on her first stint as the new host of "Meet the Press" yesterday. She unfortunately (for her) chose Donald J. Trump as her guest and there isn't much that anybody can defend on her side of the debate. He came out looking pretty darn good.

There will be more examples of media dishonesty I hope posted by me and others. This thread is NOT about this one media account perse but all dishonesty by all the media. The American people deserve better.

1. Welker stated there is no evidence Biden pressured the DOJ to indict Trump. Fact: there is a lot of evidence. Molly illustrates some of it.

2. Welker stated there is no evidence Joe Biden personally benefitted from Hunter's business dealings. Fact: there is a lot of evidence. Molly illustrates some of it.

3. Welker stated Trump wrestled with a Secret Service agent on J6. Fact: the Secret Service itself debunked that story. Molly reports what Trump said about it and is amazed that Welker would still be repeating the thoroughly debunked story..

4. Welker states Nancy Pelosi had nothing to do with preparing the Capital for protests on J6. Fact: The Speaker of the House has complete responsibility to provide for the security of the Capitol--the Chief of Police answers directly to her--and Pelosi refused requests from Capital Police for reinforcements. Molly points all that out.

5. Welker stated Democrats are not pushing for policy or law making abortion legal up to and even after the moment of natural birth. That is such a glaring lie that Molly spent some time recounting how Democrats have voted on that very issue.

How can the NBC news division hold their heads up with this kind of reporting?

How can ANY media not cower in shame when they report in this manner?
Here is another example of how the media is no longer liberal. Byron Allen Bids $10 Billion For ABC And Other Networks

Byron is a black guy who didn’t even like Obama. Media hasn’t been liberal since 1995
Look at Russell Brand....
Demonetized out of a million plus dollars per year due to 10-15 year old allegations that have not been tried in any court of law and for which the circumstances are such that it appears very much to be a smear campaign.

That's how bad things have gotten....that obviously phoney allegations are sufficient to hang a person on.
The world is run by frustrated school girls.
The media is increasingly dishonest in their reporting both in what they refuse to report and what they do report.

I will start this thread using Molly Hemmingway's column exposing Kristen Welker's flat out false statements on her first stint as the new host of "Meet the Press" yesterday. She unfortunately (for her) chose Donald J. Trump as her guest and there isn't much that anybody can defend on her side of the debate. He came out looking pretty darn good.

There will be more examples of media dishonesty I hope posted by me and others. This thread is NOT about this one media account perse but all dishonesty by all the media. The American people deserve better.

1. Welker stated there is no evidence Biden pressured the DOJ to indict Trump. Fact: there is a lot of evidence. Molly illustrates some of it.

2. Welker stated there is no evidence Joe Biden personally benefitted from Hunter's business dealings. Fact: there is a lot of evidence. Molly illustrates some of it.

3. Welker stated Trump wrestled with a Secret Service agent on J6. Fact: the Secret Service itself debunked that story. Molly reports what Trump said about it and is amazed that Welker would still be repeating the thoroughly debunked story..

4. Welker states Nancy Pelosi had nothing to do with preparing the Capital for protests on J6. Fact: The Speaker of the House has complete responsibility to provide for the security of the Capitol--the Chief of Police answers directly to her--and Pelosi refused requests from Capital Police for reinforcements. Molly points all that out.

5. Welker stated Democrats are not pushing for policy or law making abortion legal up to and even after the moment of natural birth. That is such a glaring lie that Molly spent some time recounting how Democrats have voted on that very issue.

How can the NBC news division hold their heads up with this kind of reporting?

How can ANY media not cower in shame when they report in this manner?
100% fake news article by Mollie Hemmingway

What's sad and frightening, is that you, do not even know it? Seriously?
100% fake news article by Mollie Hemmingway

What's sad and frightening, is that you, do not even know it? Seriously?
Please point anything she got wrong. She sourced her material pretty carefully.
Well if his bid is accepted and he can pull it back to something resembling objectivity, power to him. Until then I will continue to believe they are significantly left.
Consider they are controlled by the right and do woke shit purposely to rile you up.

And consider being inclusive of gay people is the right thing to do.

Have you heard the country song try that in a small town? See that’s the problem. Gays used to get murdered for being openly gay. Are white Americans threatening us? So we aren’t really free in their America. Not unless we conform.

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