Just Wondering Can MAGA Republicans Admit the Birther Scandal was a hoax and a Lie?

Can you admit Trump was lying about Obama's Birth Certificate?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 66.7%

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Not half as stupid as you are

Read my post again see if I used the word operatives

Hillary didnt invent the rumor about obama ‘s tainted citizenship but even ultra lib Snoopes admits clintion supporters gave it legs”

But I suppose you refer to an earlier post where I did say operatives

There is virtually no difference between the two

Hmmm, where on Earth did I see "operatives" if not from you?

Oh... wait... here it is...

I mean from the time he was accused by clinton operatives till trump forced his hand
You should have read the entire post

But honesty is not your trademark

I just quoted your entire post. Here it is again...

I mean from the time he was accused by clinton operatives till trump forced his hand

Oh, and you're wrong about that forcing his hand too. Obama released a copy of his COLB because of a conservative...

Ironically, the birther movement didn’t really take off in earnest until the Obama team tried to debunk it.

In June 2008, National Review conservative blogger Jim Geraghty, after debunking a number of conspiracy theories about Obama floated by fellow conservatives, asked the Obama campaign to “return the favor” and just release his birth certificate to the public to put to rest questions about both Obama’s birth and whether, as enemies claimed, his middle name was “Mohammed.”

A few days later, the Obama campaign did exactly that.
Incorrect. You’re not intelligent enough to teach me anything, kid.

So you're a liar as well as stupid. Figures. Of course I taught you something. You thought that Obama bio was actually a sleeve on Obama's book. I tought you it wasn't, it was a promotional pamphlet put out by his publisher.

The best part of this, even more than learning you lack the character to admit you're wrong when it's shown you're wrong, is watching how much it kills you get schooled by a Liberal Democrat.

So you're a liar as well as stupid. Figures. Of course I taught you something. You thought that Obama bio was actually a sleeve on Obama's book. I tought you it wasn't, it was a promotional pamphlet put out by his publisher.

The best part of this, even more than learning you lack the character to admit you're wrong when it's shown you're wrong, is watching how much it kills you get schooled by a Liberal Democrat.

Poor fawn, so needy of validation.
When you look back we forget how serious and foretelling the fake BS Birther Scandal was. 1) It was the first taste of trump's racist undertones used to appeal to the less educated Republican voters and/or racist Americans. 2) It was the first sign that Trump will tell any lie no matter how crazy and people will believe these crazy lies no matter what. 3) It was the start of the cult of Trump and the MAGA republicans

Trump has admitted that Obama has his US Birth Certificate, which means the whole scandal was a lie and total Bull shit, and a ploy.

Seeing how the republicans of America have such a hard time admitting mistakes and criticizing Trump, I am wondering if people can admit the Trump was full if shit when he questioned Obama's Birth Certificate, and it was all a ploy?

You are a hoax and a lie.
You are wrong, Muhammad. Simply, entirely wrong. Barry's mother was a natural born, U.S. citizen. End of discussion.

Even Ted Cruz, born in some third-world empire (Canada, I think) passes the test because his parents had been naturalized before he was born.
BOTH have to be born here.

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