The Obama Dilemma: President Never Maintains At Least 50% Polling Against Romney

Mar 16, 2012

Even today as Rasmussem came out with his latest poll, Romney is ahead with a comfortable lead. All you have to do is look at the history of polling 6/7 months before an election. We all know that any President who polled around 45-49% prior to re-election lost. Just like with Jimmy Carter.
The liberal/democratic commentators will boast how/when Obama has a 3 point lead over Romney, yet they wont speak of the 8 to 10 per-cent who are undecided. In every election as far back as when Jesus and Moses were around, the undecided went for the challanger, often close to 80% of them.
So gee, hmm, Why Can't Obama Ever Poll Between 50 to 55% as we get closer to November? :dunno::slap::smoke:
and come october with millions of college graduates from 2008 t0 2012 are still unemployed and living with their parents, are they really going be all excited to vote for Obama? and still working for McDonalds , bussing tables, plumbers helpers, etc?
There is a long, long way to go, but history says that when a POTUS is under 50% approval, that 10% undecided breaks hard to the 'insurgent.'

Election held today = Obama getting his ass kicked.

Even today as Rasmussem came out with his latest poll, Romney is ahead with a comfortable lead. All you have to do is look at the history of polling 6/7 months before an election. We all know that any President who polled around 45-49% prior to re-election lost. Just like with Jimmy Carter.
The liberal/democratic commentators will boast how/when Obama has a 3 point lead over Romney, yet they wont speak of the 8 to 10 per-cent who are undecided. In every election as far back as when Jesus and Moses were around, the undecided went for the challanger, often close to 80% of them.
So gee, hmm, Why Can't Obama Ever Poll Between 50 to 55% as we get closer to November? :dunno::slap::smoke:

Yeah neither obama nor romney are breaking 50%.....looks like we will have a close and ugly election.
I am confident of only two things regarding the General Election -
1) there will be an election in November 2012
2) the outcome will be very close.
like i mentioned a few times, Romney needs to give Ron Paul a prominent position in the cabinet,,,we all know that will excite the base and eat away at Yobama's college votes.
Romney doesnt even have to flip the tri-fector states to win, he will take New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada,Virginia,North Carolina, maybe even Wisconsin(in that case we have to see how big a victory Scott Walker gets), If Walker wins 55/45,,,,it could mean trouble for Obama.
Romney doesnt even have to flip the tri-fector states to win, he will take New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada,Virginia,North Carolina, maybe even Wisconsin(in that case we have to see how big a victory Scott Walker gets), If Walker wins 55/45,,,,it could mean trouble for Obama.

Romney is currently behind in the polls in every one of those states as well as Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio
Romney doesnt even have to flip the tri-fector states to win, he will take New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada,Virginia,North Carolina, maybe even Wisconsin(in that case we have to see how big a victory Scott Walker gets), If Walker wins 55/45,,,,it could mean trouble for Obama.

Romney is currently behind in the polls in every one of those states as well as Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio

Depends on which polling you use ;)

Polls are funny like that, unfortunately.

Even today as Rasmussem came out with his latest poll, Romney is ahead with a comfortable lead. All you have to do is look at the history of polling 6/7 months before an election. We all know that any President who polled around 45-49% prior to re-election lost. Just like with Jimmy Carter.
The liberal/democratic commentators will boast how/when Obama has a 3 point lead over Romney, yet they wont speak of the 8 to 10 per-cent who are undecided. In every election as far back as when Jesus and Moses were around, the undecided went for the challanger, often close to 80% of them.
So gee, hmm, Why Can't Obama Ever Poll Between 50 to 55% as we get closer to November? :dunno::slap::smoke:

Obama currently maintains a 3.1% lead over Romney and has maintained a lead head to head for the last year

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama
Time for a "Bait and Switch" from the Dems, a Jon Corzine for Bob Toricelli manueuver.
"Hillary for Pres, 2012", ya neverno! Too many loyal Dems are liable to go down in flames with Barry, and the Dems may even wax patriotic and try to preclude the Barack Obama Civil War he's setting the country up for. 630,000 dead and it took the South one hundred years to recover from the last one. This time its going to be in the cities. Imagine having NYC out of commission for a hundred years?
Time for a "Bait and Switch" from the Dems, a Jon Corzine for Bob Toricelli manueuver.
"Hillary for Pres, 2012", ya neverno! Too many loyal Dems are liable to go down in flames with Barry, and the Dems may even wax patriotic and try to preclude the Barack Obama Civil War he's setting the country up for. 630,000 dead and it took the South one hundred years to recover from the last one. This time its going to be in the cities. Imagine having NYC out of commission for a hundred years?

That is scary......we better vote for Willard or suffer the consequences

Even today as Rasmussem came out with his latest poll, Romney is ahead with a comfortable lead. All you have to do is look at the history of polling 6/7 months before an election. We all know that any President who polled around 45-49% prior to re-election lost. Just like with Jimmy Carter.
The liberal/democratic commentators will boast how/when Obama has a 3 point lead over Romney, yet they wont speak of the 8 to 10 per-cent who are undecided. In every election as far back as when Jesus and Moses were around, the undecided went for the challanger, often close to 80% of them.
So gee, hmm, Why Can't Obama Ever Poll Between 50 to 55% as we get closer to November? :dunno::slap::smoke:

You're an idiot.

WaPo, 7/23/84:

Conducted at the end of the Democratic National Convention last week, the Newsweek-Gallup Poll of 1,006 registered voters showed 48 percent supporting Mondale and his vice-presidential nominee, Rep. Geraldine A. Ferraro (D-N.Y.), 46 percent favoring Reagan and Vice President Bush, and 6 percent undecided.

More Cautionary Poll Tales
so independants approve of all of the scandals? are independants all giddy over the GSA and Solyndra scanda? Fast and Furious doesnt bother independants? Obama's hatred of Average White Americans is ok with Independants? if Obama was doing so well with independents,,,would he be ahead of Romney 60/40?
so independants approve of all of the scandals? are independants all giddy over the GSA and Solyndra scanda? Fast and Furious doesnt bother independants? Obama's hatred of Average White Americans is ok with Independants? if Obama was doing so well with independents,,,would he be ahead of Romney 60/40?

You forgot Rev Wright, Soros and Bill Ayers, a fake social security number and bogus birth certificate......I hear he even eats dogs
so independants approve of all of the scandals? are independants all giddy over the GSA and Solyndra scanda? Fast and Furious doesnt bother independants? Obama's hatred of Average White Americans is ok with Independants? if Obama was doing so well with independents,,,would he be ahead of Romney 60/40?

You forgot Rev Wright, Soros and Bill Ayers, a fake social security number and bogus birth certificate......I hear he even eats dogs

According to obama

[ame=]Obama Admits that He Ate Dog Meat - YouTube[/ame]
Dems will try to convince the much more informed independants that the economy is growing for the next six months. and today, as expected, the DOW is lower and dont expect it to hit 13,500 until Romney wins.
so independants approve of all of the scandals? are independants all giddy over the GSA and Solyndra scanda? Fast and Furious doesnt bother independants? Obama's hatred of Average White Americans is ok with Independants? if Obama was doing so well with independents,,,would he be ahead of Romney 60/40?

You forgot Rev Wright, Soros and Bill Ayers, a fake social security number and bogus birth certificate......I hear he even eats dogs

According to obama

[ame=]Obama Admits that He Ate Dog Meat - YouTube[/ame]

On cue

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