The Obama LIES continue piling up


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
The majority of federal agencies are not “fulfilling the president’s promise of an open and transparent government for the American people,” said Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont at the conclusion of a government audit.

Least of all, the White House and Obama hiimself. His list of lies in 4 years would trump all of the lies of Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon combined.
Now that the liberal media doesn't need to help get him reelected again, I'm hoping their sense of drama will lead them to investigate Obama more.

Of course some will still have the need to help him secure his place in the pantheon of American heroes, but I really hope that many will give in to their drive to follow the story wherever it leads, and maybe that will fire up the competitive juices in others so that we might have something approaching a critical mass of those employed by the media actually acting like journalists.
Now that the liberal media doesn't need to help get him reelected again, I'm hoping their sense of drama will lead them to investigate Obama more.

Of course some will still have the need to help him secure his place in the pantheon of American heroes, but I really hope that many will give in to their drive to follow the story wherever it leads, and maybe that will fire up the competitive juices in others so that we might have something approaching a critical mass of those employed by the media actually acting like journalists.

Fat chance the MSM will hold Maobama's feet to the fire. He's already reneged on the promise to work with the Republicans to solve the fiscal crisis. His idea of comprimise is for the opposition to give in totally. Republicans have recently given Maobama the Erkine Bowles solution almost verbatim, and he still won't budge. Maobama's solution is to spend, spend the American peoples money and make paupers of us all.
Another Obama Lie:

In the meantime, forget President Obama’s “if you like your plan, you can keep it” promise. Two government agencies have estimated that more than 11 million people will no longer have their employer-sponsored health coverage once Obamacare is fully implemented. Other studies have put that number much higher.

Morning Bell: Business Owners on the Cost of Obamacare
Another Obama Lie:

In the meantime, forget President Obama’s “if you like your plan, you can keep it” promise. Two government agencies have estimated that more than 11 million people will no longer have their employer-sponsored health coverage once Obamacare is fully implemented. Other studies have put that number much higher.

Morning Bell: Business Owners on the Cost of Obamacare

Liberals don't care that Obama lied. They applaud him for it.

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