"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

That is basically the whole concept in a nutshell.
Marty, do you truly think that Insurance companies priced their insurance on the basis that ALL those on the plan will have baby birthing coverage? these are actuaries for goodness sakes and they don't take risks with their estimates....

I am certain they KNOW that women are 50% of the population or there abouts,and "x" amount of them are in birthing age etc, and have used these figures to estimate the cost of the coverage...same with those in the nation with preexisting conditions, they have estimated how many there will be based on the factual and actual numbers and trends they have before them to make these judgements....

AS WITH ALL coverage on any and all plans....it's how many will need "x operations" or how many will need "y medicines for diabetes" and they prorate the cost of these diseases or operations or whatever, over the full policy holders in the plan...

THIS IS HOW INSURANCE WORKS....Marty....all insurance.

Just as there are no women with Prostate cancer, and no men with vaginal or ovarian cancer, yet the man and or woman, still has that "coverage" on the family plan...

and also, in the case of 100% paid B/C coverage, some states had made it mandatory long before Obamacare and in the end, NO policy hike was needed in order to give this birth control coverage, because less women got pregnant and less women needed those type of services, so it all ended up being a wash....no increase in medical costs for b/c coverage on insurance.

Marty, do you truly think that Insurance companies priced their insurance on the basis that ALL those on the plan will have baby birthing coverage?

Sorry, but it is true the risk is spread to EVERYONE who buys a compliant plan.

Then to be fair. Car insurance should be mandatory for those that don't own cars. Then maybe the savings will allow me to afford buying health insurance for others?

Come on people
The good news is that eventually the bad news will get out. It's probably too late to do much good. Jobs, income and insurance policies are already lost -- even if there is a delay Blue Cross Blue Shield won't be able to say, "Come back to us at your old rates and deductions". Nor will employers be able to say, "Come back to work for us at your old hourly level for one more year before we have to let you go again". But at least the news will eventually be told. I hope.

Marc Thiessen: The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think - The Washington Post

From the opinion piece:

Plans with the least expensive monthly premiums — highlighted by state and federal officials as proof the new law will keep costs low for consumers — have deductibles as high as $6,350 for individuals and $12,700 for families.” Even with federal subsidies, few Americans will bother to buy insurance with a $4,000 to $12,700 deductible — and millions won’t even be eligible for the subsidies.

The author seems to be ignorant of the fact that the Bronze plans are the ones which have the high deductibles. The Silver and Gold plans are the ones with subsidies. He's conflating the different plans.

The Bronze plans are for the voluntarily uinsured who are mandated to buy insurance but don't want to pay a lot.

If you are voluntarily uninsured, you have an infinite deductible, so a $5,000 Bronze plan deductible is far less painful should you get ill.

So tell us, when this individual cannot pay the deductible, what's the difference with what we have today?

rates and how they changed across the country

At the White House: Obamacare success stories that aren't | WashingtonExaminer.com

President Obama invited a number of people to stand behind him as he delivered his speech on the state of Obamacare at the White House Monday morning. One of them, Janice Baker, a small business owner from Delaware, introduced the president, and Obama spoke of Baker and the others gathered there as people who have benefited from Obamacare. But after reading the White House-provided descriptions of each of those behind the president, it's clear the administration was stretching to present people who, beyond supporting Obamacare, have actually gained from it in any tangible way.

For example, a Pennsylvania man named Malik Hassan was in the group, and this is the White House description of his situation, in full: "Malik Hassan works at a restaurant in Philadelphia. Hassan, who does not receive coverage through his employer, is looking forward to enrolling for health coverage this fall. He recently used Healthcare.gov. to process his application and is waiting for the options for potential plans in Philadelphia."

So, Hassan is employed, not covered, and has not yet succeeded in finding coverage through Obamacare. That is, in the White House's estimation, an Obamacare success story.

when articles like this start to appear in friendly democrat territory (WaPo) trouble is coming. Things are going to get really ugly n this country, very soon.

cognitive disonance alert!

The article is by:
Marc A. Thiessen (born 1967) is an American author, columnist and political commentator, who served as a speechwriter for United States President George W. Bush (2004–2009) and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (2001–2004). - Wikipedia

What FOX and other noise machine agendists have been telling you, and what you have been regurgitating like a good little tweetie bird is debunked by this example you use.

"Thinking is the best way to travel." - Moody Blues
The issues are deeply embedded and are not just technical ones. The WH has heard from insurance companies, consumers and health policy experts about "..inaccurate information provided to people about federal tax credits; low-income people told erroneously that they don't qualify for Medicaid; and insurance companies getting confused about who has signed up."

Why Obama Should Be Freaked Out Over Obamacare - NationalJournal.com

If enough Americans don’t join the exchanges, Obamacare collapses. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the administration needs at least 7 million people to join the exchanges for Obamacare to be financially viable. While the administration won’t reveal sign-up rates, London’s Daily Mail reported that total sign-ups in the first week were just 51,000 people. If accurate, that would mean they have just 6,949,000 more to go to break even."

Marc Thiessen: The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think - The Washington Post
My brother's individual catastrophic health insurance expires 12/31/2013 because it is not aca compliant.

What happens if he still hasn't been able to sign up for aca by then? What happens if he still hasn't been able to sign up for aca by then and on 1/1/2014 he gets into an accident that requires a $15,000 hospital stay, surgery, and physical therapy? What happens to all the people who have lost their health insurance (by force of the aca) and can't sign up for health insurance? Too fucking bad for them? Can they send obama the bill?

obama's garden speech yesterday ... the guy is a fecking clueless idiot and a complete embarrassment. He makes me cringe (and not in the good way).
"Too fucking bad" seems to be the theme. So many responsible people being harmed because Obama changed the rules of the game -- just ripped the rug right out from under them -- and too bad, so sad, Obama won't even acknowledge that people are suffering.
"Too fucking bad" seems to be the theme. So many responsible people being harmed because Obama changed the rules of the game -- just ripped the rug right out from under them -- and too bad, so sad, Obama won't even acknowledge that people are suffering.

Yup. My brother is hunting around for an aca compliant policy through other insurers. If he can't find anything, he is screwed as are thousands (100s of thousands?) of others. And all obutthead can do is say "it's good, it's good", "it's just a glitch or two". A president hawking a product ... well, he fundamentally transformed America, he did do that. And the left cheers.
Bombshell: Federal judge suddenly green-lights lawsuit that could stop Obamacare in its tracks | Mail Online


The Competitive Enterprise Institute said in a statement that the IRS and the Department of Health and Human Services have pushed regulations that Congress didn't authorize, forcing some employers 'to cut back employees' hours' in order to dodge Obamacare's more economically challenging requirements, 'even though they are located in states that have refused to set up their own insurance exchanges.'

U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman refused to dismiss the case, as the government requested, but also denied the plaintiffs' request for a preliminary injunction that would prohibit the IRS and HHS from granting subsidies in what lawyer Kazman calls 'refusenik' states.

Judge Friedman said Tuesday that he will rule on the merits of the case by February 15

Pretty much anytime one of the Reactionary Libs dismisses something as a CT, one can consider it to be factual.
Health co-ops, created to foster competition and lower insurance costs, are facing danger - The Washington Post

When the new health-care law was being cobbled together, Congress decided to establish a network of nonprofit insurance companies aimed at bringing competition to the marketplace, long dominated by major insurers.

But these co-ops, started as a great hope for lowering insurance costs, are already in danger.

While the debut of the Affordable Care Act this month has been marred by widespread computer problems, the difficulties facing the co-ops have been less obvious to consumers. One co-op, however, has closed, another is struggling and at least nine more have been projected to have financial problems, according to internal government reviews and a federal audit.

Their failure would leave taxpayers potentially on the hook for nearly $1 billion in defaulted loans and rob the marketplace of the kind of competition they were supposed to create. And if they become insolvent, policy holders in at least half the states where the co-ops operate could be stuck with medical bills.

Sebelius: President didn't know of Obamacare website's woes in advance - CNN.com

Could he possibly be that oblivious? I know he is ignorant about so many things, but did anything matter more to his legacy than this?

He didn't even ask if it was ready?

It's flabbergasting.

I don't even believe she's lying to cover him. The only excuse for this to happen was that he was ignorant about it. But how could he not get meaningful information about it before the big unveiling? Incredible doesn't cover it.
Sebelius: President didn't know of Obamacare website's woes in advance - CNN.com
Could he possibly be that oblivious? I know he is ignorant about so many things, but did anything matter more to his legacy than this?
He didn't even ask if it was ready?
It's flabbergasting.
I don't even believe she's lying to cover him. The only excuse for this to happen was that he was ignorant about it. But how could he not get meaningful information about it before the big unveiling? Incredible doesn't cover it.

He knew - he told Sebelius to go ahead anyway and that is why he can't fire her - he is the only one responsible for rolling this out untested and it is because he knows, they all know, it won't work. It is not supposed to work but just be a stepping stone to single payer, totally government run, controlled and paid for healthcare. They both are probably the ones who will be the recipients of the $600 million spent on the website (that money is absurd for what they got -any expert programmer will tell you a couple million would have been more than enough) and you can bet the majority of it was funneled through shell corporations to be a Democrat slush fund (Obama's stash).

Did you see Obama yesterday when he paraded out a bunch of people who were supposed to have benefited from Ovomitcare when only 3 of the dozen or so there even enrolled. The one behind him from Delaware was heralded by Carney the day before as a subscriber from Delaware who saved $150. What Carney didn't say was after the three weeks of the rollout she was the ONLY person in Delaware to sign up!!

Well we know by now Jay Carney is no less than the American version of the Iraqi Information Minister "Bahgdad Bob"

And Obama turned to the Delaware woman to ask her if she was OK - how did he know she was faint? She was standing behind him...maybe this explains the fainting at his appearances..
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