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The Obama's Sell Out to Food Companies

My mom has probably spent a million dollars trying to get rid of eczema, with her hands cracked and bleeding for over 20 years. Who knew she could cure herself with a proper diet? Doctors don't to talk to patients about eating healthy, they just write more scripts. In the past 20 years, not one doctor has talked to her about her diet.


When the "Father of Medicine" was quoted saying this it shows just how far we've fallen in the medical system AND allowing our foods to be tampered with in such a way
My mom has probably spent a million dollars trying to get rid of eczema, with her hands cracked and bleeding for over 20 years. Who knew she could cure herself with a proper diet? Doctors don't to talk to patients about eating healthy, they just write more scripts. In the past 20 years, not one doctor has talked to her about her diet.


When the "Father of Medicine" was quoted saying this it shows just how far we've fallen in the medical system AND allowing our foods to be tampered with in such a way

I'm familiar with this, and it is such a strange coincidence, because, in ancient India, they have the exact same philosophy.

After having cancer 3 years ago I woke up realizing what is in the crap that the government is allowing in not only our food but medications too. Doctors are forced to go by and prescribe only what is FDA approved. My cancer is back and one shot is $20,000, one bag of chemo 10,000.

This is why the big companies have their hands all over the government that is suppose to be protecting us

I read that they just passed a law not only to poison and be sneaky about our food, but to allow sick meats onto the market. And passed a law that farm animals are exempt from the crueilty laws.

Things are getting out thanks to the internet

BTW: they use human china hair in our breads to keep them moist hiding it via words no one can understand

My son asked me the other day whether they had found a cure for cancer. I responded with, do you want the official answer, or the truth?

Treating cancer is a multi-million dollar industry. As such, do you think a cure will ever be found?

My mom has probably spent a million dollars trying to get rid of eczema, with her hands cracked and bleeding for over 20 years. Who knew she could cure herself with a proper diet? Doctors don't to talk to patients about eating healthy, they just write more scripts. In the past 20 years, not one doctor has talked to her about her diet.
After my second brain surgery, I could not function. Luckily I had a family practitioner that was a D.O. and not an M.D. He looked for alternative solutions, a whole body solution. Nothing that he could "officially" sanction, but he was familiar with all sorts of stuff, everything from acupunture to diet. He told me that if I really wanted to feel better, my whole body must function together, and to do some research into what I am putting into it. Things aren't great, but at least I can get out of bed and have some really great days now. His advice and knowledge gave me back my life. This isn't a political issue, it's a human issue.

I remember at the start of the Health Care debate, my position was, we all were having a "deathcare" debate, for that is what it truly is. We were looking to further entrench our view of medicine as a treatment paradigm. Making people sick so drug companies, the toxic food companies, and the allopathic care industry could make even more money off of an ignorant population. If I go into the doctor's office, I tell him straight off, I don't want any drugs, I want to know what is the cause, and I want to know the cure. What I am doing, or what environmental trigger caused this situation. Unless it is a chemical or genetic factor, I'm not taking a drug to get rid of it. I'll change my diet, take a supplement, do a therapy, a new exercise or get a surgery, or remove an environmental toxin, but there should be no need for a permanent drug. Nature did not evolve us with a drug deficiency.

Our FDA is a sham. It's been a sham with R's and D's alike. You're right, this really shouldn't be a political issue.

Fuck it, I'm going back on my vegan diet, even though it's quite difficult in this "Beef, it's what's for dinner" state. :) I've been a vegetarian for the better part of the past 5 years, with only a couple of setbacks.
GMO's, preservatives, high fructose syrup, artificial colors, artificial favors, corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils or hydrogenated oild are all recipes for disaster.

I read ingredients in the foods I buy. I tend to go organic.

Breads tend to have a preservative that many other countries have banned because of its links to cancer. The FDA was also going to ban it but at this point has not.

Again, organic is the way to go. Stay away from GMO's and you will find the foods richer in flavor and better textures.
I get paranoid when Google won't let me embed whistle blower video's. These are the ones you KNOW you must watch.

Jonathan Emord talks about corruption within the FDA
Constitutional Attorney Jonathan Emord discusses how corruption within the Food and Drug Administration results in unsafe pharmaceutical drugs becoming available to the public.
time 2:17
Jonathan Emord talks about corruption within the FDA - YouTube
I get paranoid when Google won't let me embed whistle blower video's. These are the ones you KNOW you must watch.

Jonathan Emord talks about corruption within the FDA
Constitutional Attorney Jonathan Emord discusses how corruption within the Food and Drug Administration results in unsafe pharmaceutical drugs becoming available to the public.
time 2:17
Jonathan Emord talks about corruption within the FDA - YouTube

And check out the revolving door with Monsanto.
My mom has probably spent a million dollars trying to get rid of eczema, with her hands cracked and bleeding for over 20 years. Who knew she could cure herself with a proper diet? Doctors don't to talk to patients about eating healthy, they just write more scripts. In the past 20 years, not one doctor has talked to her about her diet.


When the "Father of Medicine" was quoted saying this it shows just how far we've fallen in the medical system AND allowing our foods to be tampered with in such a way

I'm familiar with this, and it is such a strange coincidence, because, in ancient India, they have the exact same philosophy.


Amazing that we've become so lost and really dont care that we let Advertisers and the TV tell us what we need to fix the ailment. Everytime I see something about "Race for the Cure" I always ask "What about the Race for the Cause?"
I get paranoid when Google won't let me embed whistle blower video's. These are the ones you KNOW you must watch.

Jonathan Emord talks about corruption within the FDA
Constitutional Attorney Jonathan Emord discusses how corruption within the Food and Drug Administration results in unsafe pharmaceutical drugs becoming available to the public.
time 2:17
Jonathan Emord talks about corruption within the FDA - YouTube

There are corporations spending a lot of money to protect the lies. They have flaggers and programing to flag anything that may sound even a little objectionable on a blog or wherever. The only way to get around that is to have a private server. Sometimes you can ask Google for help if you have all the i's dotted and t's crossed.
It's too bad we can't find a way to monetize and find a profit in clean whole food, and staying healthy.
When the "Father of Medicine" was quoted saying this it shows just how far we've fallen in the medical system AND allowing our foods to be tampered with in such a way
If you've ever wondered why our system has fallen, it has to do with money and profit. There is no money in healthy people. But in continually treating people? Ahhh. . . there is lots of money there.

This video probably belongs in the conspiracy theory section, but since there are lots of documented facts in it, and since there are lots of free minds in this thread that would appreciate those facts, I'll drop it here for those who want to know why our system has gotten to the state it has.
My mom has probably spent a million dollars trying to get rid of eczema, with her hands cracked and bleeding for over 20 years. Who knew she could cure herself with a proper diet? Doctors don't to talk to patients about eating healthy, they just write more scripts. In the past 20 years, not one doctor has talked to her about her diet.


When the "Father of Medicine" was quoted saying this it shows just how far we've fallen in the medical system AND allowing our foods to be tampered with in such a way

I'm familiar with this, and it is such a strange coincidence, because, in ancient India, they have the exact same philosophy.


Amazing that we've become so lost and really dont care that we let Advertisers and the TV tell us what we need to fix the ailment. Everytime I see something about "Race for the Cure" I always ask "What about the Race for the Cause?"

And every time I see a commercial telling you to tell your doctor if a particular medicine is right for you, I'm thinking shouldn't your doctor be telling you? They shouldn't be allowed to advertise what you can't purchase over the counter.

Also, doctors are not required to study nutrition. I forget how many hours they are required to take, but it's not very many.

So the other day I saw a documentary called "FedUp". Another one of those good old horror stories about today food science. Except this wasnt just a tale...they went into deep details about how the food manufactures go to great length to take the focus off of the shit food, added sugars, fats and chemicals to make people want more...and instead focus on whats wrong with tens of millions of individuals and individual responsibility is to blame not their test tube foods.

Then I saw this part...pissed me off.

How Big Food Corporations Watered Down Michelle Obama’s ‘Let’s Move’ Campaign

Snip to the good stuff:

Besides school lunch reform, however, “Let’s Move” has deliberately veered away from pushing actual legislation, instead focusing on personal responsibility in nutrition and fitness. That’s a very different approach than the one Mrs. Obama took during the inception of her fight against childhood obesity. In 2010, the First Lady gave a fiery speech at a Grocery Manufacturers Association conference, arguing that changing personal habits won’t work if big companies like Kraft and General Mills continue to target children with misleading ads for sugary, fatty food:

This is a shared responsibility. That’s why I’ve gone to parents and I’ve asked them to do their part. They have a responsibility to watch what their kids eat and teach good habits.[…]And all of you have a responsibility as well.

And we need you not just to tweak around the edges, but to entirely rethink the products that you’re offering, the information that you provide about these products, and how you market those products to our children. That starts with revamping or ramping up your efforts to reformulate your products, particularly those aimed at kids, so that they have less fat, salt, and sugar, and more of the nutrients that our kids need.

As a mom, I know it is my responsibility — and no one else’s — to raise my kids. But what does it mean when so many parents are finding that their best efforts are undermined by an avalanche of advertisements aimed at their kids? And what are these ads teaching kids about food and nutrition? That it’s good to have salty, sugary food and snacks every day — breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

These remarks gave food reform advocates hope that “Let’s Move” was taking on processed food manufacturers’ exploitative overuse of sweeteners and fats, a main cause of the obesity epidemic. But a little over a year later, Mrs. Obama backed away from this hard truth and redirected “Let’s Move” to focus on exercise and personal fitness — a position favored by processed food companies to divert scrutiny of their products.

While self-regulating companies can make a big difference, their standards tend to be far more lenient than federal regulations. In 2011, a federal task force drafted voluntary guidelines for marketing food to children only to see them killed by a lobbying blitz by Walt Disney, Nestlé, Kellogg and General Mills — all companies involved in Let’s Move partnerships. Meanwhile, “Let’s Move” stayed silent on the proposed standards, despite Mrs. Obama’s earlier condemnation of junk food advertising. A few months later, the First Lady announced a separate agreement with Disney with significantly watered down guidelines to end marketing junk food to kids.

Here is a cute cat gif to keep your attention

Ok moving on...

This avoidance of policy change may have something to do with the food lobby’s influence in Obama’s White House. According to a Reuters analysis, 50 food and beverage groups have spentmore than $175 million in lobbying since Obama took office, dwarfing the $83 million spent in the last 3 years of the Bush administration.

The new MyPlate Recipe Partnership suggests that even in the post-election season, “Let’s Move” will still emphasize personal habits. It doesn’t seem likely that the campaign will attempt to rein in Big Food through regulation anytime soon. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed on Wednesday, the First Lady congratulated “great American companies” like Walmart, Disney, and Walgreens for “stepping up to invest in building a healthier future for our kids.”

But wait, I thought that he was bankrupting food companies by making them take out our transfats!
So the other day I saw a documentary called "FedUp". Another one of those good old horror stories about today food science. Except this wasnt just a tale...they went into deep details about how the food manufactures go to great length to take the focus off of the shit food, added sugars, fats and chemicals to make people want more...and instead focus on whats wrong with tens of millions of individuals and individual responsibility is to blame not their test tube foods.

Then I saw this part...pissed me off.

How Big Food Corporations Watered Down Michelle Obama’s ‘Let’s Move’ Campaign

Snip to the good stuff:

Besides school lunch reform, however, “Let’s Move” has deliberately veered away from pushing actual legislation, instead focusing on personal responsibility in nutrition and fitness. That’s a very different approach than the one Mrs. Obama took during the inception of her fight against childhood obesity. In 2010, the First Lady gave a fiery speech at a Grocery Manufacturers Association conference, arguing that changing personal habits won’t work if big companies like Kraft and General Mills continue to target children with misleading ads for sugary, fatty food:

This is a shared responsibility. That’s why I’ve gone to parents and I’ve asked them to do their part. They have a responsibility to watch what their kids eat and teach good habits.[…]And all of you have a responsibility as well.

And we need you not just to tweak around the edges, but to entirely rethink the products that you’re offering, the information that you provide about these products, and how you market those products to our children. That starts with revamping or ramping up your efforts to reformulate your products, particularly those aimed at kids, so that they have less fat, salt, and sugar, and more of the nutrients that our kids need.

As a mom, I know it is my responsibility — and no one else’s — to raise my kids. But what does it mean when so many parents are finding that their best efforts are undermined by an avalanche of advertisements aimed at their kids? And what are these ads teaching kids about food and nutrition? That it’s good to have salty, sugary food and snacks every day — breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

These remarks gave food reform advocates hope that “Let’s Move” was taking on processed food manufacturers’ exploitative overuse of sweeteners and fats, a main cause of the obesity epidemic. But a little over a year later, Mrs. Obama backed away from this hard truth and redirected “Let’s Move” to focus on exercise and personal fitness — a position favored by processed food companies to divert scrutiny of their products.

While self-regulating companies can make a big difference, their standards tend to be far more lenient than federal regulations. In 2011, a federal task force drafted voluntary guidelines for marketing food to children only to see them killed by a lobbying blitz by Walt Disney, Nestlé, Kellogg and General Mills — all companies involved in Let’s Move partnerships. Meanwhile, “Let’s Move” stayed silent on the proposed standards, despite Mrs. Obama’s earlier condemnation of junk food advertising. A few months later, the First Lady announced a separate agreement with Disney with significantly watered down guidelines to end marketing junk food to kids.

Here is a cute cat gif to keep your attention

Ok moving on...

This avoidance of policy change may have something to do with the food lobby’s influence in Obama’s White House. According to a Reuters analysis, 50 food and beverage groups have spentmore than $175 million in lobbying since Obama took office, dwarfing the $83 million spent in the last 3 years of the Bush administration.

The new MyPlate Recipe Partnership suggests that even in the post-election season, “Let’s Move” will still emphasize personal habits. It doesn’t seem likely that the campaign will attempt to rein in Big Food through regulation anytime soon. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed on Wednesday, the First Lady congratulated “great American companies” like Walmart, Disney, and Walgreens for “stepping up to invest in building a healthier future for our kids.”

But wait, I thought that he was bankrupting food companies by making them take out our transfats!

Yep, fooled a bunch of people and while they are looking over there getting angry they had another stroke and blame it on....well, anything BUT the foods
I get paranoid when Google won't let me embed whistle blower video's. These are the ones you KNOW you must watch.

Jonathan Emord talks about corruption within the FDA
Constitutional Attorney Jonathan Emord discusses how corruption within the Food and Drug Administration results in unsafe pharmaceutical drugs becoming available to the public.
time 2:17
Jonathan Emord talks about corruption within the FDA - YouTube

And check out the revolving door with Monsanto.

I learned all about the revolving doors and Iron triangles in my study of political science at Uni. This is how I can use Google so effectively to find just the right piece of information to post here. I know what terms to use to find what I need to post for people. Monsanto will have folks working in either a Bush or a Clinton administration. What's the point in voting? Really? The elites manipulate us to give us the illusion of Democracy.

My wish is that nobody showed up to the polls so their stupid government has absolutely no legitimacy. Everyone in congress, the Senate, and the administration, they don't give a shit about the rest of the nation. And what they do, they do for the elites. They aren't Republicans, and they aren't Democrats. They are all Oligarchs and internationalists. I'm sure you've seen that income inequality video, right? The government shills don't get power pandering to voters, they get it by doing the will of the establishment.

Majority In Congress Are Millionaires It s All Politics NPR
The reports found that there wasn't much distinction between the two parties – congressional Democrats had a median net worth of $1.04 million as compared to about $1 million for Republicans. In both cases, the averages are up from last year, when the numbers were $990,000 and $907,000, respectively.

If no one voted, then when they steal our money, poison our food and water, destroy the environment, start wars, and create hatred between the races, religions and classes, (which they are going to do regardless,) the world would see it all for the sham it is. None of it would be done in the people's name. They would be true tyrants, and they aren't doing it because that's what Americans want, no matter what your politics are.
My mom has probably spent a million dollars trying to get rid of eczema, with her hands cracked and bleeding for over 20 years. Who knew she could cure herself with a proper diet? Doctors don't to talk to patients about eating healthy, they just write more scripts. In the past 20 years, not one doctor has talked to her about her diet.


When the "Father of Medicine" was quoted saying this it shows just how far we've fallen in the medical system AND allowing our foods to be tampered with in such a way

I'm familiar with this, and it is such a strange coincidence, because, in ancient India, they have the exact same philosophy.


Amazing that we've become so lost and really dont care that we let Advertisers and the TV tell us what we need to fix the ailment. Everytime I see something about "Race for the Cure" I always ask "What about the Race for the Cause?"

And every time I see a commercial telling you to tell your doctor if a particular medicine is right for you, I'm thinking shouldn't your doctor be telling you? They shouldn't be allowed to advertise what you can't purchase over the counter.

Also, doctors are not required to study nutrition. I forget how many hours they are required to take, but it's not very many.


For each doctor it varies. And it varies by state/region. Last one I saw told me he only had two classes. I was appalled. My neurologist told me she thought nutrition was very important, but was frank in that she didn't know a lot.

I don't think it's a requirement at all unless it is attached to your specialty. I honestly don't know though.
Government should stay the hell out of peoples lives and especially their kitchens. They have a horrid track record. The USDA's "Food Pyramid" made us the fattest people in the world. They've demonized all fats, vilified eggs for cholesterol (another scam), and are waging a war against salt!

When it comes to diet, my advice is to do the exact opposite of whatever the government tells you to do. Your body will thank you.

Have you saw this doctor's work online?

burzynski - YouTube

I wrote down a note for a Rick Simpson too so he must have had some interesting results.

My dad was a thirty year cancer survivor but the pollution in the water finally took it's toll on him. Foods played a large part in healing the first go around.

Too many nitrates in the water along with all the other chemicals in it where they live weakened his system and he had an anuerism thirteen years or so after.

Seven years later the organs and intestinal tract started bleeding and he could not overcome that last bout. He started bleeding to death internally. We got the bleeding stopped with herbs after they gave him six to ten days and sent him home to slowly bleed out. He lived another year but ultimately what was keeping him from bleeding to death caused his kidneys to shut down. Once the body is too weak it cannot recover or use the natural to regenerate the cells to repair its self.
I'm familiar with this, and it is such a strange coincidence, because, in ancient India, they have the exact same philosophy.


As much as I would like to say this is true , it does help but is not true. Cancer doesn't care who you are, I have seen a lot in those cancer rooms.
Eating well does help with the immunity though.
I get paranoid when Google won't let me embed whistle blower video's. These are the ones you KNOW you must watch.

Jonathan Emord talks about corruption within the FDA
Constitutional Attorney Jonathan Emord discusses how corruption within the Food and Drug Administration results in unsafe pharmaceutical drugs becoming available to the public.
time 2:17
Jonathan Emord talks about corruption within the FDA - YouTube

And check out the revolving door with Monsanto.

I learned all about the revolving doors and Iron triangles in my study of political science at Uni. This is how I can use Google so effectively to find just the right piece of information to post here. I know what terms to use to find what I need to post for people. Monsanto will have folks working in either a Bush or a Clinton administration. What's the point in voting? Really? The elites manipulate us to give us the illusion of Democracy.

My wish is that nobody showed up to the polls so their stupid government has absolutely no legitimacy. Everyone in congress, the Senate, and the administration, they don't give a shit about the rest of the nation. And what they do, they do for the elites. They aren't Republicans, and they aren't Democrats. They are all Oligarchs and internationalists. I'm sure you've seen that income inequality video, right? The government shills don't get power pandering to voters, they get it by doing the will of the establishment.

Majority In Congress Are Millionaires It s All Politics NPR
The reports found that there wasn't much distinction between the two parties – congressional Democrats had a median net worth of $1.04 million as compared to about $1 million for Republicans. In both cases, the averages are up from last year, when the numbers were $990,000 and $907,000, respectively.

If no one voted, then when they steal our money, poison our food and water, destroy the environment, start wars, and create hatred between the races, religions and classes, (which they are going to do regardless,) the world would see it all for the sham it is. None of it would be done in the people's name. They would be true tyrants, and they aren't doing it because that's what Americans want, no matter what your politics are.

I am really angry about this as well, the best we can do is try to educate the people who are too busy or don't care what they are doing.
If your not eating organic, your basically eating Monsanto's...I am not even sure about organic either...

Milk is full of estrogens, even the organic.They keep the cows pregnant which pumps out estrogens.
Too many estrogens in the body, you get estrogen fed breast cancer. Most every woman's cancer is estrogen fed.

Are the doctors telling us this? No, they are bound not to talk about any other way except the FDA way.
So the other day I saw a documentary called "FedUp". Another one of those good old horror stories about today food science. Except this wasnt just a tale...they went into deep details about how the food manufactures go to great length to take the focus off of the shit food, added sugars, fats and chemicals to make people want more...and instead focus on whats wrong with tens of millions of individuals and individual responsibility is to blame not their test tube foods.

Then I saw this part...pissed me off.

How Big Food Corporations Watered Down Michelle Obama’s ‘Let’s Move’ Campaign

Snip to the good stuff:

Besides school lunch reform, however, “Let’s Move” has deliberately veered away from pushing actual legislation, instead focusing on personal responsibility in nutrition and fitness. That’s a very different approach than the one Mrs. Obama took during the inception of her fight against childhood obesity. In 2010, the First Lady gave a fiery speech at a Grocery Manufacturers Association conference, arguing that changing personal habits won’t work if big companies like Kraft and General Mills continue to target children with misleading ads for sugary, fatty food:

This is a shared responsibility. That’s why I’ve gone to parents and I’ve asked them to do their part. They have a responsibility to watch what their kids eat and teach good habits.[…]And all of you have a responsibility as well.

And we need you not just to tweak around the edges, but to entirely rethink the products that you’re offering, the information that you provide about these products, and how you market those products to our children. That starts with revamping or ramping up your efforts to reformulate your products, particularly those aimed at kids, so that they have less fat, salt, and sugar, and more of the nutrients that our kids need.

As a mom, I know it is my responsibility — and no one else’s — to raise my kids. But what does it mean when so many parents are finding that their best efforts are undermined by an avalanche of advertisements aimed at their kids? And what are these ads teaching kids about food and nutrition? That it’s good to have salty, sugary food and snacks every day — breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

These remarks gave food reform advocates hope that “Let’s Move” was taking on processed food manufacturers’ exploitative overuse of sweeteners and fats, a main cause of the obesity epidemic. But a little over a year later, Mrs. Obama backed away from this hard truth and redirected “Let’s Move” to focus on exercise and personal fitness — a position favored by processed food companies to divert scrutiny of their products.

While self-regulating companies can make a big difference, their standards tend to be far more lenient than federal regulations. In 2011, a federal task force drafted voluntary guidelines for marketing food to children only to see them killed by a lobbying blitz by Walt Disney, Nestlé, Kellogg and General Mills — all companies involved in Let’s Move partnerships. Meanwhile, “Let’s Move” stayed silent on the proposed standards, despite Mrs. Obama’s earlier condemnation of junk food advertising. A few months later, the First Lady announced a separate agreement with Disney with significantly watered down guidelines to end marketing junk food to kids.

Here is a cute cat gif to keep your attention

Ok moving on...

This avoidance of policy change may have something to do with the food lobby’s influence in Obama’s White House. According to a Reuters analysis, 50 food and beverage groups have spentmore than $175 million in lobbying since Obama took office, dwarfing the $83 million spent in the last 3 years of the Bush administration.

The new MyPlate Recipe Partnership suggests that even in the post-election season, “Let’s Move” will still emphasize personal habits. It doesn’t seem likely that the campaign will attempt to rein in Big Food through regulation anytime soon. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed on Wednesday, the First Lady congratulated “great American companies” like Walmart, Disney, and Walgreens for “stepping up to invest in building a healthier future for our kids.”

I tried to read this posting but was distracted with that cute kitty. lol It's so fluffy! :)

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