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The Occupy Wall Street Movement is WORKING!!!

Since the OWS movement has started, the conversation has shifted from the debt and deficit to JOBS and income inequality. Even the unctuous little twerp, Eric Cantor and the Budget Munster, Paul Ryan have been discussing income inequality. That can only be seen as a victory for the OWS movement.

Another victory for OWS comes from Bank of America who have decided NOT to charge people a ridiculous fee for using their debit cards.

Keep the pressure on!!!


:cuckoo::cuckoo:--Nice try for trying to take credit for this--but it was the existing CUSTOMERS of this bank that complained and threatened to close their accounts that turned this around--not some idiot camping out in a park---:lol:
The Occupy Wall-Street is not working. Given the policy of "protest without leaders", you have allowed the mainstream media to dictate what your message is. This, unfortunately, has not only been seen on channels such as FOX, but also channels that are considered liberal such as, MSNBC. I say, that in order for the movement to truely make a difference, they need to establish leaders/spokespersons of each individual city and collaborate with other leaders of other cities, so as to establish a national message. From there, will Occupy not only unite once again across the nation, but it will take away the abilit for those outside the movement to decide what the movement stands for
Victory at any cost
if you want to call it that

Zuccotti protesters put up women-only tent to prevent sexual assaults

Zuccotti Park has become so overrun by sexual predators attacking women in the night that organizers felt compelled to set up a female-only sleeping tent yesterday to keep the sickos away.

The large, metal-framed “safety tent” — which will be guarded by an all-female patrol — can accommodate as many as 18 people and will be used during the day for women-only meetings, said Occupy Wall Street organizers.

“This is all about safety in numbers,” said Becky Wartell, 24, a protester from Portland, Maine…

Some of the male OWS protesters remained in denial over the growing number of sex attacks.

“Sexual harassment gets called rape, and it’s not,” one scoffed when told of the women’s tent.
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It is?

How Did Occupy D.C. Protesters Respond to a Table Full of Job Applications?

The news media watchdog Accuracy in Media (AIM) released a video Wednesday that may denounce the notions from some that the Occupy protesters are primarily concerned with jobs.

In it, “head hunters” set up a table full of job applications near the protest and start offering them to protesters. But the reception they get, according to the video, is less than warm. To many, that might seem odd considering the protesters have camped out in our nations capital for over a month following the Occupy Wall Street protest that began on September 17, partly because of no jobs. Accuracy in Media put it this way in a written statement:

“After more than a month of protest demands for better employment opportunities and benefits, Accuracy in Media saw fit to test their desires with…employment applications. Our ‘headhunters’ were treated to every excuse as to why these jobs aren’t good enough for them. We guess middle management opportunities with healthcare and 401k benefits aren’t desirable anymore.”

Occupy DC Ignores Head Hunters Offering Job Applications | Video | TheBlaze.com

That is with one caveat: Churchwell admitted that the Solyndra application (the failed energy company) was the only application that was not real, but the group put it in with the other opportunities to see how aware the protesters were of current events.

Once again, only one side of the story is told. My guess? I wouldn't have gone anywhere near those schiesters, and I'm going to be looking for a job next year. My son is looking for one now.

Can anyone in New York live on minimum wage? Will they hire you if you have no place to live?
Very well
Just like the Tea Party
I'm sure the MSM will be all over these pictures


Source: Twitpic


Source: Twitpic


Source: Twitpic

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We cannot END it. CAPITALISM depends on wealth and income inequity to work.

But we ought not allow it to become a pernicious disease, either.

When we do that it inevitably leads to the kind of economic woes we have right now.

When it becomes much much worse than it is now, it leads to the death of representational democractic republics, too.

There are solutions that can be applied that have nothing to do with socialism and everything to do with keeping Capitalism functioning smoothly and efficiently.

Modest changes in banking regulations like keeping SAVINGS banking separate from INVESTMENT banking would go a great long way to stabilizing our captialist system.

Okay, you didn't actually get to a proposed solution until the last sentence there... and even that one was dubious.

Of course, we expect our money to be invested when we put it in a bank. That's how a bank produces dividents and interest onthe money we put there.

This board is not the venue where one can propose the in depth solutions to this economy.

I merely offered one example of the type of changes that I believe would help.

And no, that one isn't dubious, it is a fundamental issue in banking.

You seriously need to read a book.
This board is not the venue where one can propose the in depth solutions to this economy.

I merely offered one example of the type of changes that I believe would help.

And no, that one isn't dubious, it is a fundamental issue in banking.

You seriously need to read a book.

No, you need to seriously admit you guys don't have solutions, you're just a bunch of malcontents whining about how unfair life is that some have and you don't.

Socialism's been tried. It doesn't work. Ask the Greeks.
We cannot END it. CAPITALISM depends on wealth and income inequity to work.

But we ought not allow it to become a pernicious disease, either.

When we do that it inevitably leads to the kind of economic woes we have right now.

When it becomes much much worse than it is now, it leads to the death of representational democractic republics, too.

There are solutions that can be applied that have nothing to do with socialism and everything to do with keeping Capitalism functioning smoothly and efficiently.

Modest changes in banking regulations like keeping SAVINGS banking separate from INVESTMENT banking would go a great long way to stabilizing our captialist system.

Agree we can not end it
but as for "CAPITALISM depends on wealth and income inequity to work." ?


Crony statist capitalism that we have today- sure

But a true free market, where the gov't promotes competition, profit is the driving factor
where people enter and leave all levels, up and down, of income.

This "Malthusian fallacy" like belief that some have of society being so stratified is caused not by free markets, but by statism.
Surely, when corporations get together with gov't, they are not seeking to promote competition but secure their profits and the gov't goals.
(see Big Pharma, etc)

The inequalities that some see are a cause of the gov't in collusion with "big business" doing their best to stifle competition, secure market share and "stratifying" the economy
where it is harder and harder for people to enter or leave different different economic levels. It stifles creativity and the efficient use of resources. Combined with the ever persistent
gov't dependent class promoted by gov't, it is a "brave new world" we are creating.

Indeed, we have created a new "Progressive Feudal" society.
A protected class doing their best to keep what they have by ways of gov't cronyism
and tossing the "serfs" some occasional treats to keep the dependent class satiated and themselves still in power.

Only last week, ABC News reported:
At a million-dollar San Francisco fundraiser today, President Obama warned
his recession-battered supporters that if he loses the 2012 election it could herald
a new, painful era of self-reliance in America.

Yes, we can not have that now, can we?

A new progressive "Divine right of kings" has come our way
God forbid, the "serfs" should own the land and do with it what they may......
tis better to for us to control and give them what they need
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We cannot END it. CAPITALISM depends on wealth and income inequity to work.

Yes, it does.

Every going concern economic system needs some way of collecting wealth for FUTURE endeavors.

Our capitalist system is devised such that MOSTLY it is the owner class saving for future endeavors.

We could modify it such that the working classes become the ownership class, but not in the present way we do things.

But we ought not allow it to become a pernicious disease, either.

When we do that it inevitably leads to the kind of economic woes we have right now.

When it becomes much much worse than it is now, it leads to the death of representational democractic republics, too.

There are solutions that can be applied that have nothing to do with socialism and everything to do with keeping Capitalism functioning smoothly and efficiently.

Modest changes in banking regulations like keeping SAVINGS banking separate from INVESTMENT banking would go a great long way to stabilizing our captialist system.

Agree we can not end it
but as for "CAPITALISM depends on wealth and income inequity to work." ?


Crony statist capitalism that we have today- sure

NO argument from me on that issue. Our system of capitalism is NOT really honest capitalism.

But a true free market, where the gov't promotes competition, profit is the driving factor
where people enter and leave all levels, up and down, of income.

You're not a capitalist unless you are truly living off the precedes of your capital. Owning a 401k does not make you a capitalist. That merely makes you a worker with some investments.

This "Malthusian fallacy" like belief that some have of society being so stratified is caused not by free markets, but by statism.

Its both, really. We have different socioeconomic status both because of our economic circumstance, as well as our social background.

Surely, when corporations get together with gov't, they are not seeking to promote competition but secure their profits and the gov't goals.
(see Big Pharma, etc)


The inequalities that some see are a cause of the gov't in collusion with "big business" doing their best to stifle competition, secure market share and "stratifying" the economy


where it is harder and harder for people to enter or leave different different economic levels. It stifles creativity and the efficient use of resources. Combined with the ever persistent
gov't dependent class promoted by gov't, it is a "brave new world" we are creating.

No agrument there.

Indeed, we have created a new "Progressive Feudal" society.
A protected class doing their best to keep what they have by ways of gov't cronyism
and tossing the "serfs" some occasional treats to keep them satiated and themselves still in power.

Yes, and I am now completely failing to see your point. NOthing I'd written in any way disagrees with the things you are writing EXCEPT for how our system depends on income and wealth inequity.
"CAPITALISM depends on wealth and income inequity to work."

The point was on what drives a true free market economy- profit
The problem is not different levels of economic success but
the movement between those classes being limited by gov't
regulatory intrusion and collusion with business.

Side note
as for the "401k" financial capital is a factor of production
and one's labour, Individual capital, can be a factor of production

In a broad sense, in a free market system, all have some form of "capital" at work
We all have some "skin in the game"
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This board is not the venue where one can propose the in depth solutions to this economy.

I merely offered one example of the type of changes that I believe would help.

And no, that one isn't dubious, it is a fundamental issue in banking.

You seriously need to read a book.

No, you need to seriously admit you guys don't have solutions, you're just a bunch of malcontents whining about how unfair life is that some have and you don't.

Socialism's been tried. It doesn't work. Ask the Greeks.

You are totally wrong, Joe. Socialism works very well in some areas. Our National Parks are socialism. Preserving the very best and most unique for the use of all of our citizens is pure socialism. Social Security, and our military institutions are all socialist programs and institutions.

But, just as capitalism does, socialism has some major built in weaknesses. It discourages innovation, and when used as that way to do everything, self destructs. Capitalism, when used to do everything, results in a society with huge inequities that soon degenerates to feudalism, and self destructs.

Right now, here in the US, because of the failure to properly regulate capitialism, we are seeing it self destruct, and it is taking the nation with it.
You offer nothing. What acheivements have they accomplished? The issues off the table? What the hell have the democrats picked up? The class warfare BS that the Dems are using now was around before the Occupiers showed up.

It was around, sure, but no one was talking about it in Washington. The Democrats weren't campaigning on this stuff. The Republicans led the discussion and set the agenda, and the Democrats played me-too-but (as in, "Yes, we believe that the deficit is The Number One Priority Problem, but we need a more BALANCED approach that includes raising revenues and doesn't cut so much . . . "). The discussion was all about the deficit, the government spending too much, how much to cut and where -- very much on the GOP playing field.

Now, instead, the talk has shifted to what you call "class warfare BS" -- jobs, income inequality, the corruption of government by corporate money. Democrats have introduced a constitutional amendment in the Senate that would overturn Citizens United. The Democrats, not the Republicans, are now leading the discussion, and the whole thing has moved onto a liberal playing field. And that liberal playing field has, rather miraculously in view of the past twenty years, become the Democratic Party playing field.

Occupy has reminded the Democratic Party of just who they are supposed to be and to represent. That's a big accomplishment.

Now, I'll grant you that the Dems aren't necessarily to be believed or trusted here. There's much more work to do. But this is a damned good start.

Sorry, I've been watching and hearing Obama and the Democrats wage class warfare almost since he was inaugurated. I disagree that the Democrats are controlling the discussion. Herman Cain started the discussion on Tax reform which isa hot topic right now and joblessness remains in the forefront from way back in the Bush Administration. The Occupiers have accomplished nothing at all.
"CAPITALISM depends on wealth and income inequity to work."

The point was on what drives a true free market economy- profit
The problem is not different levels of economic success but
the movement between those classes being limited by gov't
regulatory intrusion and collusion with business.

Side note
as for the "401k" financial capital is a factor of production
and one's labour, Individual capital, can be a factor of production

In a broad sense, in a free market system, all have some form of "capital" at work
We all have some "skin in the game"

Do we, really?

What percentage of all Americans live solely from the procedes of their investments?


People who must work for living?

They're merely investors.
Dont these "capitalists" know they need the little guy doing well to get things moving?

Its as if they want to level the average American with the rest of the worlds workers so they can pit us all against each other.

Dont these "capitalists" know they need the little guy doing well to get things moving?

Its as if they want to level the average American with the rest of the worlds workers so they can pit us all against each other.


Why do they need the little guy when they have this admin insisting on bonuses for trashed businesses.
Sorry, I've been watching and hearing Obama and the Democrats wage class warfare almost since he was inaugurated.

I've been watching them, too. The class warfare was all in your head. They didn't. Believe me, I was looking for it, and if it had been there I'd have seen it.
Sorry, I've been watching and hearing Obama and the Democrats wage class warfare almost since he was inaugurated.

I've been watching them, too. The class warfare was all in your head. They didn't. Believe me, I was looking for it, and if it had been there I'd have seen it.

Take your blinders off.

You seemed to have missed most of the last three years.
Sorry, I've been watching and hearing Obama and the Democrats wage class warfare almost since he was inaugurated.

I've been watching them, too. The class warfare was all in your head. They didn't. Believe me, I was looking for it, and if it had been there I'd have seen it.

The top 4% took 80% of the after tax income increase in America in the last 30 years.

The bottom 50% of wage earners control 2.5% of the wealth in America.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

The class war is over. The rich won.

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