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The Occupy Wall Street Movement is WORKING!!!

Do you honestly believe it wasn't a factor? Really?

Bank of America fee retraction shows effect of consumer rage

Maybe..but overall I think they were looking at a very angry customer base.

Yes, an angry customer base that went out and protested.

Thank 'Occupy Wall Street' for Banks Backing Off Debit Card Fees

Uh, no (in referring to your link). 22 year old BoA customer Molly Katchpole started the viral campaign.

Change.org, a political action group, claimed credit for the bank's decision, saying, "300,000 people from all 50 states joined a viral campaign on Change.org started by 22-year-old Bank of American customer Molly Katchpole.

Change.org - Start, Join, and Win Campaigns for Change

Read more: Pressured BofA cancels debit card fee - UPI.com

OWES doesn't deserve the credit for this, Molly Katchpole and the 300,000 who signed the petition do; angry BoA customers deserve the credit.

OWES is suffering from 'credit' greed. :lol:
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Maybe..but overall I think they were looking at a very angry customer base.

Yes, an angry customer base that went out and protested.

Thank 'Occupy Wall Street' for Banks Backing Off Debit Card Fees

Uh, no. 22 year old BoA customer Molly Katchpole started the viral campaign.

Change.org, a political action group, claimed credit for the bank's decision, saying, "300,000 people from all 50 states joined a viral campaign on Change.org started by 22-year-old Bank of American customer Molly Katchpole.

Change.org - Start, Join, and Win Campaigns for Change

Read more: Pressured BofA cancels debit card fee - UPI.com

OWES doesn't deserve the credit for this, Molly Katchpole and the 300,000 who signed the petition do; angry BoA customers deserve the credit.

OWES is suffering from 'credit' greed. :lol:

OWS is basically regarded as pointless.... they need something to say "hey, we're making a difference".
Maybe..but overall I think they were looking at a very angry customer base.

Yes, an angry customer base that went out and protested.

Thank 'Occupy Wall Street' for Banks Backing Off Debit Card Fees

Uh, no. 22 year old BoA customer Molly Katchpole started the viral campaign.

Change.org, a political action group, claimed credit for the bank's decision, saying, "300,000 people from all 50 states joined a viral campaign on Change.org started by 22-year-old Bank of American customer Molly Katchpole.

Change.org - Start, Join, and Win Campaigns for Change

Read more: Pressured BofA cancels debit card fee - UPI.com

OWES doesn't deserve the credit for this, Molly Katchpole and the 300,000 who signed the petition do; angry BoA customers deserve the credit.

OWES is suffering from 'credit' greed. :lol:

It is SOP for the left to claim credit for the work of others. One can only assume they expect to get paid for it now. :lol:
Since the OWS movement has started, the conversation has shifted from the debt and deficit to JOBS and income inequality. Even the unctuous little twerp, Eric Cantor and the Budget Munster, Paul Ryan have been discussing income inequality. That can only be seen as a victory for the OWS movement.

Another victory for OWS comes from Bank of America who have decided NOT to charge people a ridiculous fee for using their debit cards.

Keep the pressure on!!!


An Obamabot wants the conversation shifted away from debt and deficits?

I can't believe it!!!!
Aww the OWS folks are upset that the homeless are freeloading on their food supply! :lmao:

And they're doing such a good job that word has spread among some of the city's homeless population that there's a soup kitchen in Zuccotti Park. In response, the kitchen workers are rising up and going on three day strike to send a message to the freeloaders—the ones who just a little too 99%.

Occupy Wall Street Kitchen Revolts Against Homeless Moochers: Gothamist
The "change your bank" movement was organized by and promoted by Occupy. Those BoA customers, or the bulk of them, who protested and threatened to change banks, were part of that movement. The fact that it was "angry BoA customers" who pressured the bank, and that it was Occupy that was responsible, are NOT contradictory facts.

The protests to the bank by those customers WERE Occupy.

Oh, also: the movement was never about "I want a job." Most of those involved already have jobs. The movement was ALWAYS about income inequality. Also about corruption of government by corporate money.
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The "change your bank" movement was organized by and promoted by Occupy. Those BoA customers, or the bulk of them, who protested and threatened to change banks, were part of that movement. The fact that it was "angry BoA customers" who pressured the bank, and that it was Occupy that was responsible, are NOT contradictory facts.

The protests to the bank by those customers WERE Occupy.

Oh, also: the movement was never about "I want a job." Most of those involved already have jobs. The movement was ALWAYS about income inequality.
Whatever or whoever started it is irrelevant, IMO.

CAPITALISM and the MARKET were used to make the change. The exact same things OWS is protesting against.

Since the OWS movement has started, the conversation has shifted from the debt and deficit to JOBS and income inequality. Even the unctuous little twerp, Eric Cantor and the Budget Munster, Paul Ryan have been discussing income inequality. That can only be seen as a victory for the OWS movement.

Another victory for OWS comes from Bank of America who have decided NOT to charge people a ridiculous fee for using their debit cards.

Keep the pressure on!!!


And you are dim enough to think a bunch of smelly squatters shitting in public is going to do a damn thing about "income inequality"? Really? Just think -all it took was the spoiled offspring of the richest people on the planet -who are actually IN that 1% given the fact Americans are in the 1% who live better than the other 99% of the WORLD - sitting around doing nothing but creating a health hazard for anyone walking through the area; pretend they are a nation unto themselves by encouraging the victims of the increasing level of crime to not report it to police and thereby give the criminals a free pass and another day to find new victims; and so full of themselves as to believe that in spite of not being able to put together a coherent sentence when interviewed, think they are accomplishing more than than the previous three generations combined. Now THAT is some unearned arrogance. These are pretty immature people with a poor grasp on life, and in reality don't understand how the real world works and immature enough to believe they can remake the entire species to suit their unrealistic, idealistic fantasy instead. If they REALLY understood what was going on -they would be protesting outside the White House and in D.C. If they SO despise Wall Street, they would be protesting the President who is beholden to Wall Street having received 58% of all donations coming from Wall Street businesses and banks last election. They would be protesting the fact our Congress, deciding it could do a better job than the free market, would play god and determine the winners and losers for itself, re-direct money away from those who earned it to those who didn't. Our Congress FORCED banks to make loans to people they knew could never pay back and threatened to use the power and force of government against the bank unless it did so. Our Congress forced banks to give loans to people who LIED on their applications about how much they made in order to "buy" houses they knew they could not afford at all. Then our Congress allowed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to sell their high risk mortgages by hiding them in bundles of safe ones -and then pretended outrage when the other banks that got stuck with them passed them along too! They would be protesting the major role our own government had in creating this entire house of cards. These squatters are in reality pretty damn ignorant about how things work and why, blame the wrong entities and people as a result -but have no problem terrorizing the people who work in these businesses along with their children. The threat of violence from this ilk is very real and it is only a matter of time before they resort to violence. These are in reality a very poor quality citizen in the same vein as the temper tantrum throwing ilk of Greece who believe torching private and public property will result in suddenly having money to pay for all their unsustainable entitlement programs too in their own quest to be handed what others worked to create but without doing the work themselves either. Violence from these squatters is just a matter of time. But oh sure, its the totally non-violent, zero arrested Tea Party people who cleaned up after themselves and worked within the system to bring about change the leftwing lapdog media found so scary, right? ROFL The squatters aren't trying to work within the system -they want to bring down the system. And don't kid yourself otherwise. The problem is these people got nothing to offer after that -except a more "equal" hell on earth for millions and millions of people. In their vision of the world as they would make it, it is preferable to have more people "equally" suffering than have as few as possible do so. They know how to destroy, tear down, torch, stomp and rip -but they don't know how to create. Don't kid yourself that these people are the ones with any answers -because they got nothing except complaints, bitches and gripes. But not one fucking constructive and realistic idea. Not one. But aren't you just MOVED to tears watching them mindlessly chant and beat a makeshift drum? And then take a shit on the sidewalk. Oooh, me too. LOL

If you think these people are all there because of "income inequality" of all things, you should get down there and spread the word -because most of them when asked can only spit out a vague, garbled idea of why they are even there but usually includes the word "fun". Although I did hear one couple tell a reporter they were willing to use violence to take what others have earned for themselves and lay claim to it themselves. Many of these people are ones who want what other have -but without having to work for it. Please don't tell me you think everyone should be earning the same amount regardless of the effort, ambition, creativity and innovation they bring to their job. Are you a communist who is dumb enough to believe that if given one more chance surely they can make THE most inhumane, brutal and murderous system of government work and want to give it a shot here? Because 99.99% of Americans would have a real problem with that one honey.

BTW -don't kid yourself, these people had nothing to do with Bank of America deciding not to impose the $5 monthly debit card charge. Their CUSTOMERS did that -the ones who can affect their bottom line. Not a bunch of squatters sitting and shitting in the park. That is how the REAL WORLD works. Just like it was their own customers that got Netflix to rethink some of their ideas. Your own words show you don't even understand why B of A even came up with that charge -people were paying it all along in their transactions using that card. Banks exist to make money so the people working in them remain employed. Government forced banks to take a MASSIVE loss by forcing them to eat the cost of debit transactions entirely. Meaning it is a service they provide at a total loss to themselves. Except banks aren't a charity outfit, are they? They don't exist to make your life easier by giving you a hunk of plastic so you don't have to carry around cash. But they still have to pay the people who handle billions of debit transactions, they still have to pay the people who put the cash in ATM machines and the people who handle those transactions as well. Banks answer to their shareholders, not the squatters and a massive loss to their bottom line means they cannot offer their customers the same level of services for free they used to. They have to make up the loss by raising fees and imposing new ones -and they will. Just not this one. Forcing banks to provide a service at a total loss is a good idea in whose book I wonder. What makes anyone entitled to a service that in reality costs millions to provide? I actually had no problem with changing it from a hidden fee to an open one -because at least when the fee is upfront I can choose whether to accept it or not with my own behavior and choices. But I don't have that option when the fees are hidden. The banks MUST come up with a way to pay for that service and now the odds are very high that what they will come up with will either be hidden from me or forced to pay even more for other services instead. YOU go ahead and applaud -but you are clearly stupid if you believe you gained a fucking thing here because you didn't.

Oh just watched the news. I guess what you really meant to say is the squatters are finally getting around to what they intended all along and everyone knew was just a matter of time before they did -VIOLENCE.
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The "change your bank" movement was organized by and promoted by Occupy. Those BoA customers, or the bulk of them, who protested and threatened to change banks, were part of that movement. The fact that it was "angry BoA customers" who pressured the bank, and that it was Occupy that was responsible, are NOT contradictory facts.

The protests to the bank by those customers WERE Occupy.

Oh, also: the movement was never about "I want a job." Most of those involved already have jobs. The movement was ALWAYS about income inequality. Also about corruption of government by corporate money.

No it was not. It began with the "to big to fail" crap in 2008. OWS has done nothing but destroy property, and make a mess.
Yes, the last I heard was two people discussing what part of downtown Kansas City the would like to see the OWS folks burn down. Then we can move on to other things.

One of them offered to provide some diesel fuel if they selected the "right" places.

The debate has changed alright.

Until we hit the elections. The GOP does not need to worry...their troops are lining up and it's going to be a great fight. I wish we could watch it all on TV without the spinmeisters.
I think it is time for some counter protests.

Counter protest what?

Wrong location?

what do those signs look like? Besides I heard a report they are going to protest Pork Patty as a congressional elite. Who couldnt support that?
Whatever or whoever started it is irrelevant, IMO.

Then your opinion is not only wrong, you are being dishonest with yourself. When a boycott is organized (which is what this was), and the boycott succeeds in changing behavior, to say that the organizers of the boycott had nothing to do with it is absurd.

You wouldn't even make such a claim in any other circumstance.

CAPITALISM and the MARKET were used to make the change. The exact same things OWS is protesting against.


"Capitalism and the market" are NOT what Occupy is protesting against. Corruption of government by corporate money, excessive inequality, and the declining middle class are what Occupy is protesting against.

Only a minority of Occupy participants, probably a small minority, are socialists. Most are believers in capitalism, believing that with proper oversight by a non-corrupt government it can work for the people.

There is nothing ironic about this in the least.
If you think the OWS crowd changed Bank of America's policy, I am really disappointed in the level of intelligence on this board.

In the middle of the country is a bank called Arvest. It's no secret that Arvest bank is a creation of the Wal Mart family. In Oklahoma there is a bank with the name of Bank of Oklahoma. Both of these banks did NOT take any bail out money. They are conservative banks that lend money to those who can pay it back. When Bank of America changed their fees to their debit cards, the TV airwaves in Oklahoma instantly lit up. Arvest actually LOWERED their fees and so did Bank of Oklahoma. The over draft fee for a bounced check went from $21.00 to $17.50. To use an Arvest debit card costs you exactly $0.00 per month. I know, because I use Arvest bank.

One of my friends is a branch manager for the Arvest bank in Owasso, OK. He told me that the number of new customers literally sky rocketed because of the $5.00 service charge that BOA was going to charge. They had to drive to the corporate headquarters in Arkansas to get new customer packets and when they got there, they were completely out. They literally could not keep up with the demand. AND the change in customers were not just families. Companies who had been with BOA for years and years, changed banks. That hurt. That hurt a lot.

The conversation in the media is about income inequality because the darlings of the mainstream media have christened the OWS crowd as the headline for the moment. When you go to meet your Senator or your Congressman, the conversation is about the DEBT, taxes, and jobs. Whether you like it or not, the Tea Party who has REAL INFLUENCE and POWER in American politics, is driving this next election. We pay the money that this country runs on... And here's a news flash for you: We're tired of YOU spending more than you take in. Government is too big, too expensive, too instrusive, and too inefficient.
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If you think the OWS crowd changed Bank of America's policy, I am really disappointed in the level of intelligence on this board.

In the middle of the country is a bank called Arvest. It's no secret that Arvest bank is a creation of the Wal Mart family. In Oklahoma there is a bank with the name of Bank of Oklahoma. Both of these banks did NOT take any bail out money. They are conservative banks that lend money to those who can pay it back. When Bank of America changed their fees to their debit cards, the TV airwaves in Oklahoma instantly lit up. Arvest actually LOWERED their fees and so did Bank of Oklahoma. The over draft fee for a bounced check went from $21.00 to $17.50. To use an Arvest debit card costs you exactly $0.00 per month. I know, because I use Arvest bank.

One of my friends is a branch manager for the Arvest bank in Owasso, OK. He told me that the number of new customers literally sky rocketed because of the $5.00 service charge that BOA was going to charge. They had to drive to the corporate headquarters in Arkansas to get new customer packets and when they got there, they were completely out. They literally could not keep up with the demand. AND the change in customers were not just families. Companies who had been with BOA for years and years, changed banks. That hurt. That hurt a lot.

The conversation in the media is about income inequality because the darlings of the mainstream media have christened the OWS crowd as the headline for the moment. When you go to meet your Senator or your Congressman, the conversation is about the DEBT, taxes, and jobs. Whether you like it or not, the Tea Party who has REAL INFLUENCE and POWER in American politics, is driving this next election. We pay the money that this country runs on... And here's a news flash for you: We're tired of YOU spending more than you take in. Government is too big, too expensive, too instrusive, and too inefficient.


I'm getting quite tired of politicians ratcheting up hatred towards successful Americans for their dirty politics.

I'm getting quite tired of lazy Americans telling successful Americans that they owe the country.

I'm getting really, really tired of lazy Americans costing other hard working Americans their livelihoods because they don't understand that with rights come responsibilities.
If you think the OWS crowd changed Bank of America's policy, I am really disappointed in the level of intelligence on this board.

In the middle of the country is a bank called Arvest. It's no secret that Arvest bank is a creation of the Wal Mart family. In Oklahoma there is a bank with the name of Bank of Oklahoma. Both of these banks did NOT take any bail out money. They are conservative banks that lend money to those who can pay it back. When Bank of America changed their fees to their debit cards, the TV airwaves in Oklahoma instantly lit up. Arvest actually LOWERED their fees and so did Bank of Oklahoma. The over draft fee for a bounced check went from $21.00 to $17.50. To use an Arvest debit card costs you exactly $0.00 per month. I know, because I use Arvest bank.

One of my friends is a branch manager for the Arvest bank in Owasso, OK. He told me that the number of new customers literally sky rocketed because of the $5.00 service charge that BOA was going to charge. They had to drive to the corporate headquarters in Arkansas to get new customer packets and when they got there, they were completely out. They literally could not keep up with the demand. AND the change in customers were not just families. Companies who had been with BOA for years and years, changed banks. That hurt. That hurt a lot.

The conversation in the media is about income inequality because the darlings of the mainstream media have christened the OWS crowd as the headline for the moment. When you go to meet your Senator or your Congressman, the conversation is about the DEBT, taxes, and jobs. Whether you like it or not, the Tea Party who has REAL INFLUENCE and POWER in American politics, is driving this next election. We pay the money that this country runs on... And here's a news flash for you: We're tired of YOU spending more than you take in. Government is too big, too expensive, too instrusive, and too inefficient.


I'm getting quite tired of politicians ratcheting up hatred towards successful Americans for their dirty politics.

I'm getting quite tired of lazy Americans telling successful Americans that they owe the country.

I'm getting really, really tired of lazy Americans costing other hard working Americans their livelihoods because they don't understand that with rights come responsibilities.

Sounds like you need a nap
The "change your bank" movement was organized by and promoted by Occupy. Those BoA customers, or the bulk of them, who protested and threatened to change banks, were part of that movement. The fact that it was "angry BoA customers" who pressured the bank, and that it was Occupy that was responsible, are NOT contradictory facts.

The protests to the bank by those customers WERE Occupy.

Oh, also: the movement was never about "I want a job." Most of those involved already have jobs. The movement was ALWAYS about income inequality.
Whatever or whoever started it is irrelevant, IMO.

CAPITALISM and the MARKET were used to make the change. The exact same things OWS is protesting against.


Whatever started the movement is relevant; apparently you're alone on your side of the aisle suggesting whoever is irrelevant. Most of the righties believe, or at least post, that the whoever are all commies who shit in the street. There are fringe elements as part of the OWS movement around the country (and around the world), but the genesis of OWS is how 1% of our nation and the world did not suffer the consequences of the great recession as did most of us, and many seem to have benefited.

I fully support the movement but not the fringe element. The fringe are the professional protesters, the Socialist Worker Party members and street thugs who hope to have an opportunity to party and profit by participating. A minority to be sure, and one which is as irrelevant to the debate as our the nefarious murders on the right.

The battle is one of ideology, one declared by Eric Cantor and other radical Republicans and one opposed by the silent majority and an increasingly loud and ideological minority. What the right wing fears the most, they have fathered.

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