The official 'Black Deaths Matter' Thread.

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Calling attention to a national disgrace is going to come back to me? Yeah right. Oh, here's the latest one from Brooklyn. How much you want to bet it was a drug gang shootout? Your hatred towards white people TRUMPS any common sense you might otherwise have. Have a nice day IM2!

No, your racism trumps any common sense you might have. Blacks aren't shipping drugs into this country. Most of the now legal state marijuana trade is controlled by whites. The weapons industry, controlled by whites. But you attack the easiest target because it validates your racism. White racism is the national disgrace and you're part of it.
No, your racism trumps any common sense you might have. Blacks aren't shipping drugs into this country. Most of the now legal state marijuana trade is controlled by whites. The weapons industry, controlled by whites. But you attack the easiest target because it validates your racism. White racism is the national disgrace and you're part of it.
Another WEAK ATTEMPT at deflection. I have never said Blacks are shipping drugs into the country. Quite the contrary the drug cartels, China and local authorities are the principles in the drug trade as I have REPEATEDLY STATED. All you do is deny, deflect, post asisine studies and make vulgar attacks on people who do not do that to you.
No, your racism trumps any common sense you might have. Blacks aren't shipping drugs into this country. Most of the now legal state marijuana trade is controlled by whites. The weapons industry, controlled by whites. But you attack the easiest target because it validates your racism. White racism is the national disgrace and you're part of it.
As long as the murders of innocent kids like Serenity are IGNORED by Black people like you, the murders will continue just as they have for a half century.
12 Year old Kade Lewin is the latest child to be shot dead while sitting in his car. Another gunfight with bullets flying everywhere. And of course just like the last 50 years the cry goes out "WE MUST STOP GUN VIOLENCE"!!! Yeah right, let's declare a war on guns that will fix the problem.


Shut the hell up and go cook some biscuits you racist billion bch.
You have yet to show anything I have said that is racist. You start name calling and get your panties in a wad when you have no truthful responses. There is ZERO evidence to show black stress is caused by white racism. According to you, NOTHING negative in a black persons life is EVER anyones fault but whites. No personal responsibility, you sorry excuse for a human being.
Another WEAK ATTEMPT at deflection. I have never said Blacks are shipping drugs into the country. Quite the contrary the drug cartels, China and local authorities are the principles in the drug trade as I have REPEATEDLY STATED. All you do is deny, deflect, post asisine studies and make vulgar attacks on people who do not do that to you.
No deflection. Stop them you end the problem you pretend to care about. But you don't care. All you want to do s run your motherfucking white racist mouth about black murder.
As long as the murders of innocent kids like Serenity are IGNORED by Black people like you, the murders will continue just as they have for a half century.
Since they are not, shut your white racist ass up.
12 Year old Kade Lewin is the latest child to be shot dead while sitting in his car. Another gunfight with bullets flying everywhere. And of course just like the last 50 years the cry goes out "WE MUST STOP GUN VIOLENCE"!!! Yeah right, let's declare a war on guns that will fix the problem.

If a child is getting shot with guns, controlling guns reduces or ends the problem.
Uh oh, Chicago shootings are climbing with the temperatures.

America leads the world in gun deaths and Chicago is not number 1 in America. You are simply a disingenuous racist bastard.

We have gone past 100 days. At least 60,000 blacks have died due to the stress of living with white racism. And of course just like the last 250 years the cry goes out "WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE"! As long as the murders of blacks happening from the stress of white racism is IGNORED by white people like you, the murders will continue just as they have for more than 4 centuries.
For all those lost souls who have died senselessly during inner city violence. I will be posting one a day in remembrance. Feel free to add your own. I'll start it with this young girl killed while she was getting ready for school. Her life mattered too.
No one on here cares about black deaths. The racism on here is breathtaking but they all deny it. Read the first few comments.
im2 has never cared that hundreds of thousands of innocent black babies are murdered by their mama every year. You fucking troll hypocrite pos racist tard.
And that's not happening either. Concern yourselves with the white community, because as I have said at least 600 blacks die eac day from stress caused by having to live with white racism. Thats what we are trying to stop too. But you guys only want to run your fikth white racist mouths.
No one on here cares about black deaths. The racism on here is breathtaking but they all deny it. Read the first few comments.
yeop the black racism toward whites is. black do not care about blacks, their crime rate of black nad black crime is terrible.
WOW! Mayor Adams finally says what I've been saying in this thread for two years. Black Lives Matter ignores the deaths of innocent Black kids like Serenity. Thank you, Mayor Adams. What say you Mayor Lightfoot?

they completely ignore black on black crime.
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