The official 'Black Deaths Matter' Thread.

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At least they've caught and charged the two teens who ambushed another teen coming home from school. Inner City Chicago is a third world country, thanks to 50 years of Democrat "leadership".

Wrong again.

Over 25,000 blacks have already died this year from racism induced hypertension. For every inner city kid in Chicago you use as examples to validate your racism, 20 will grow up and die young due to the stress caused because of the racism of people like you.
Wrong again.

Over 25,000 blacks have already died this year from racism induced hypertension. For every inner city kid in Chicago you use as examples to validate your racism, 20 will grow up and die young due to the stress caused because of the racism of people like you.
I assume that is directed at me. The stress you keep harping on is self-inflicted, just like in your case. BTW Pastor Brooks has raised over $8 million now and is in the last two weeks of his 100 day RoofTop vigil to bring awareness to the tragedy of Young Black Youth in Chicago's inner city. Too bad rich politicians of both parties ESPECIALLY OBAMA AND AL SHARPTON don't step up and donate to this great cause. Have a nice day IM2!
I assume that is directed at me. The stress you keep harping on is self-inflicted, just like in your case. BTW Pastor Brooks has raised over $8 million now and is in the last two weeks of his 100 day RoofTop vigil to bring awareness to the tragedy of Young Black Youth in Chicago's inner city. Too bad rich politicians of both parties ESPECIALLY OBAMA AND AL SHARPTON don't step up and donate to this great cause. Have a nice day IM2!
or jess jackson and benjamin crump is a money grubber.
or jess jackson and benjamin crump is a money grubber.
How about Pelosi! She and her insider trading husband could donate a few million they received from options trading. After all, she did claim in her re-election announcement that she's doing it FOR THE CHILDREN. Well put your money where your mouth is, Pelosi.
I assume that is directed at me. The stress you keep harping on is self-inflicted, just like in your case. BTW Pastor Brooks has raised over $8 million now and is in the last two weeks of his 100 day RoofTop vigil to bring awareness to the tragedy of Young Black Youth in Chicago's inner city. Too bad rich politicians of both parties ESPECIALLY OBAMA AND AL SHARPTON don't step up and donate to this great cause. Have a nice day IM2!

"It would neither be true or honest to say that the Negros problem is what it is because he is innately inferior or because he is basically lazy and listless or because he has not lifted himself by his own bootstraps. To find the origins of the Negro problem we must turn to the white man's problem."

-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr

No, the stress is caused by white racism. Numerous tests and studies have shown this. I understand that being white you cannot understand what kind of stress it is to live with white racism and arrogant pricks like you who don't have a clue. I'm not debating this with you, I'm telling you the way things are. If Brooks has 8 million thats more than enough to create alternatives to drug sales. Sharpton lives in NY, he can work on problems there. But 600 more blacks will die today while you keep talking about your pet negro whose plan does not come close to touching any solution to 95 percent of all black deaths.
Uh huh. Blame Whitey and call me a Racist, problem solved! Don't forget to take your blood pressure meds IM2. I'd hate for you to have one of those racism-induced heart attacks.
How about Pelosi! She and her insider trading husband could donate a few million they received from options trading. After all, she did claim in her re-election announcement that she's doing it FOR THE CHILDREN. Well put your money where your mouth is, Pelosi.
and the fake vice president harris. she isnt evne black just pretends to be.
Uh huh. Blame Whitey and call me a Racist, problem solved! Don't forget to take your blood pressure meds IM2. I'd hate for you to have one of those racism-induced heart attacks.
"Whitey" is the problem. That's why drugs are sold in the hood while the suburbs have retail businesses. You are a racist and white racism is killing way more blacks than gangs. Face the truth and take some responsibility to change that.

Retail Redlining: One of the Most Pervasive Forms of Racism Left in America?​

Another Chicago youth shot in the head and killed in Inner City Chicago. It's a teenage wasteland.

blacks do not care about blacks
Another Chicago youth shot in the head and killed in Inner City Chicago. It's a teenage wasteland.

And 10 blacks in that same community died from racism induced stress. In fact, that racism is the root cause of these shootings your racist white ass exploits to race bait. America is a racist wasteland and you contribute to it white boy.
And 10 blacks in that same community died from racism induced stress. In fact, that racism is the root cause of these shootings your racist white ass exploits to race bait. America is a racist wasteland and you contribute to it white boy.
Lather Rinse Repeat. Lather Rinse Repeat. Lather Rinse Repeat. Whitey Bad Whitey Bad Whitey Bad. You are boring and wrong. Keep taking your meds.
Lather Rinse Repeat. Lather Rinse Repeat. Lather Rinse Repeat. Whitey Bad Whitey Bad Whitey Bad. You are boring and wrong. Keep taking your meds.
White boy, I am 100 percent correct. You're the boring one. You sing the 1 note saltine samba. Blacks be violent. Blacks be violent. Lather rinse repeat. Because you can't face the truth. I'll let MLK say it to you:

"It would neither be true or honest to say that the Negros problem is what it is because he is innately inferior or because he is basically lazy and listless or because he has not lifted himself by his own bootstraps. To find the origins of the Negro problem we must turn to the white man's problem."

-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr
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