The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I agree he probably ran away. What Zimmerman said pre shooting is probably true. Now what he said post shooting that is questionable.
1.) Your assuming this is a race and Martin ran away as fast as he could. I would argue he may have just jogged off until he was around the corner then walked. I see no reason Zimmerman couldn't have caught up to him if he wanted.
2.) I agree it is unlikely Zimmerman would expect Martin to come back.
3.) To me it seems like Martin would have a long record of batteries if he was so easily offended. But he doesn't and that's why I see this option as unlikely.

One interesting thing I've read is that Zimmerman didn't have any of Martin's blood on him? He shot somebody who was on top of him in the heart and had no blood on him?

So Martin jogs off around the corner and Zimmerman comes running up after him and Martin doesn't hear any of this, even though he's alerted to Zimmerman's presence earlier? No, I dont think so.
Martin was only 17 so it is easy to imagine he didnt have a long record.

The dna evidence was clearly screwed up by both the rain and the police at the scene. We've had testimony to that effect.

Well suppose Martin jogs off to avoid trouble, but Zimmerman follows yelling negative things. Martin gets offended enough to stand his ground. From the call Zimmerman clearly thought Martin was a punk and guilty of something.

I think there is some part of the confrontation that Zimmerman isn't telling. A kid with no history of violence is unlikely to just attack some guy for looking at him. And speaking of records, Zimmermans isn't exactly clean when it comes to violence. So if Zimmerman is leaving something out it can't be something that would work in his favor.

Well Zimmerman lost sight of Martin. That's established. So it is unlikely he would run after him yelling negative things at someone he can't see. And no one heard him yelling. So the scenario is unproven.
The more threads on see on zimm, the more and more I have to come to the conclusion that libs want riots.

why post bullshit like this and go on and on about things most of you know nothing about.
Ya know, I, too, am beginning to wonder whether this is the case.

Liberals are the ones threatening riots; liberals are the ones justifying riots; liberals are the ones that are doing everything but actually calling for riots.

If it comes down to that, they may get what they wish for.

If Blacks riot, it will be mostly in their own neighborhoods, burning-down their own stores and houses; overturning and burning their own cars; getting their own people shot.

They won't be rioting in White neighborhoods; too far to go, in most cases; too many guns in the hands of residents in most cases; too many cops to allow that to happen in most cases.

Besides... that's why God invented the National Guard... to throw a ring of steel around a rioting neighborhood, to roll tanks and APCs down the streets, and to put hundreds or thousands of highly-motivated soldiers with automatic weapons and vehicle-mounted .50 caliber machine guns and a martial law decree and a shoot-to-kill order - all put into play on the streets simultaneously - in order to seal-off those neighborhoods, make the locals $hit their pants and to calm down and start behaving themselves again.

Happens every time things get overly tense.

Every time.

Perhaps it's another form of Liberal -sanctioned Population (Birth) Control? :cuckoo:
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Good mornin all. I've been watching but just now had opportunity to log on. O'mara is doing a good job of dismantling the case. I'm just praying that he keeps it simple. I no longer fear that he could muddy the waters by giving the prosecution an opening for rebuttal. He hasn't so far and I don't now think he will.

So far the most compelling piece of evidence was that four minutes that Trayvon had to get away.


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If somehow the killer, George Zimmerman, gets off Scot free, he's going to immediately start on the NRA circuit. He'll be a RW hero inviting to speak at all their events. He may even get hired by FOXNEWS.

He'll be rich.

That's how they treat their criminals that get away...they prop them up. Google Darryl Issa. He's nothing but a small-time crook that got away.

No he won't. Some thought Dan White was going to be a "right wing" star because he killed a gay guy and only went to prison for a few years. But when he got out, no one wanted him anywhere near their families and he was chased from communities that supported him. He eventually committed suicide.

These right wingers on this thread are morons. Look at what these dumbfucks write. Looking at Trevon's mother and father, the kid seemed pretty normal. Even President Bush was arrested for drunk driving and no right winger is calling him names for it. Mitt Romney coerced 5 big guys to hold down on screaming and frightened kid so Mitt could assault him. These right wingers that it was hilarious because it's been reported the kid was gay. These are just some dirty and racist right wingers. And they know they are. Pretending to deny it is just for "show". They know what they are.
If I understand you correctly, you're saying Zimmerman won't be accepted. If that's the case, I disagree, look at the acceptance he's received from RW USMBers, he'll not only be accepted, but embraced. It's the same on every board, or different than what the RW morons on here post. That is assuming he gets away Scot free. Were he to get convicted of something, and do time then get out, then yes, I agree with what you're saying. If I'm understanding you correctly that is.

I'd be more comfortable living next to Zimmerman than next to Deany
See what I mean?

It's only OK when Obama kills kids

So the 4 minute pause was to illustrate the time gap--Trayvon could have gone home but didn't.

So much that I seemed to have missed --relying on the media.

The commentary here is better. Thanx for that.

hehehe--Now they are getting to the point Greta made last night. 'I shot someone' not 'I killed someone'.

'Don't ever come back to us with a case like this...'

good point.
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LOL, one time my secretary was on the phone talking to her teenage daughter and I heard her say:

First make sure the fire is out

For some reason I started laughing hysterically. I then made up a list of telephone conversations you never want to have with your teenager... high on the list was:

I don't care about the car, is everyone ok?
Whatever in the world do year-old stories (in the OP) about Zimmermann's former bull$hitting have to do with whether or not he's guilty of anything but self-defense in the Murder Trial currently underway?

The answer, of course, is: nothing.

And none of that is going to factor into the deliberations of the sequestered jury, either.

All the Defense needs is 'Reasonable Doubt'.

And the Prosecution itself has supplied plenty of that, in case ya'll haven't noticed.

Does anyone else smell a good ol' fashioned "Not Guilty" verdict just around the corner?

The problem is that the jury is not unaware of the politics surrounding this show trial, and might just bring in a lesser charge in an attempt to satisfy the Black community.

If the judge had any judiciial character at all, she would have ended this case when the prosecution ended. Politics is trumping justice in the Zimmerman case.
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