The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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So Martin jogs off around the corner and Zimmerman comes running up after him and Martin doesn't hear any of this, even though he's alerted to Zimmerman's presence earlier? No, I dont think so.
Martin was only 17 so it is easy to imagine he didnt have a long record.

The dna evidence was clearly screwed up by both the rain and the police at the scene. We've had testimony to that effect.

Well suppose Martin jogs off to avoid trouble, but Zimmerman follows yelling negative things. Martin gets offended enough to stand his ground. From the call Zimmerman clearly thought Martin was a punk and guilty of something.

I think there is some part of the confrontation that Zimmerman isn't telling. A kid with no history of violence is unlikely to just attack some guy for looking at him. And speaking of records, Zimmermans isn't exactly clean when it comes to violence. So if Zimmerman is leaving something out it can't be something that would work in his favor.

Well Zimmerman lost sight of Martin. That's established. So it is unlikely he would run after him yelling negative things at someone he can't see. And no one heard him yelling. So the scenario is unproven.

Well nobody other than the killer was there so every scenario is unproven. My point is that nobody without some political or other influence can have a strong opinion on this case. What happened is very unclear. I see the shooting is far away from Martins car so anything could have happened. Pro gun people are certain it's self defense. Others are sure Martin was gunned down because he's a minority. I think nobody should be sure of anything. The jurors have a difficult job.
Nice powerpoint. Powerpoint to be used in presentation not to make audience read when you run out of things to screech about.
Z's lawyer just told a bald faced lie about Z being offered to be part of the Citizen's on Patrol and get a free cop car with yellow lights. The program offers no such thing. You may either use a bike or a horse. Too bad the jurors don't have access to google to verify his claims.
MOM does not remember Roger Bannister?

Stamina does not remember Roger Bannister. I don't know who Roger Bannister is.

<scroogle> That was 1954. Yeah I don't remember that.

Is that pseudo blonde the evidence girl ?

Here is Evidence Cutie talking to West.

Well suppose Martin jogs off to avoid trouble, but Zimmerman follows yelling negative things. Martin gets offended enough to stand his ground. From the call Zimmerman clearly thought Martin was a punk and guilty of something.

I think there is some part of the confrontation that Zimmerman isn't telling. A kid with no history of violence is unlikely to just attack some guy for looking at him. And speaking of records, Zimmermans isn't exactly clean when it comes to violence. So if Zimmerman is leaving something out it can't be something that would work in his favor.

Well Zimmerman lost sight of Martin. That's established. So it is unlikely he would run after him yelling negative things at someone he can't see. And no one heard him yelling. So the scenario is unproven.

Well nobody other than the killer was there so every scenario is unproven. My point is that nobody without some political or other influence can have a strong opinion on this case. What happened is very unclear. I see the shooting is far away from Martins car so anything could have happened. Pro gun people are certain it's self defense. Others are sure Martin was gunned down because he's a minority. I think nobody should be sure of anything. The jurors have a difficult job.

No. If it is unclear then the jurors must acquit. The burden is on the state to prove its case.
Well nobody other than the killer was there so every scenario is unproven. My point is that nobody without some political or other influence can have a strong opinion on this case. What happened is very unclear. I see the shooting is far away from Martins car so anything could have happened. Pro gun people are certain it's self defense. Others are sure Martin was gunned down because he's a minority. I think nobody should be sure of anything. The jurors have a difficult job.

The thing is, in the old Republic - which I still cling to, if there was no proof, then the accused is innocent.

Before race was the determining factor, we required the prosecution to PROVE the guilt of the defendant.
cop wannabe

that needed to be addressed. His uncle is a sheriff's deputy and father a magistrate judge--it seemed likely that LE terminology was the norm in conversations and he had taken courses.

or he could have watched LE --
You are dashing all my hopes of becoming an attorney.

Stay away from the Bernster and Manass approach and you'll be fine.

If you're bald, be bald. Don't leave a bat shaped tuft of hair on your forehead like Manass either.

Janet Napolitano about to resign.

That horse has already left the barn, lol.

I was just kidding about the attorney thing. I'm too old to start yet another career.
O'Mara is dismantling the state's case bit by bit. I was hoping he would pick up on that lie by the prosecutor as to what GZ said to his neighbor who was going to call the wife. I wasn't disappointed.
Among them, “this is a serious charge for which life may be imposed; the evidence against him is strong; he has been charged with one prior crime, for which he went through a pre-trial diversion program, and has had an injunction lodged against him” for domestic violence.

Zimmerman has a dishonorable track record.

For the benefit of the doubt, let's say that Zimmerman has a dishonorable track record.

That doesn't mean he is guilty of anything.

True Avatar but lets not forget that an internet pic of Trayvon shirtless has been used by the Repub media to suggest guilt or wrong doing or some kind also.
Whatever in the world do year-old stories (in the OP) about Zimmermann's former bull$hitting have to do with whether or not he's guilty of anything but self-defense in the Murder Trial currently underway?

The answer, of course, is: nothing.

And none of that is going to factor into the deliberations of the sequestered jury, either.

All the Defense needs is 'Reasonable Doubt'.

And the Prosecution itself has supplied plenty of that, in case ya'll haven't noticed.

Does anyone else smell a good ol' fashioned "Not Guilty" verdict just around the corner?

The problem is that the jury is not unaware of the politics surrounding this show trial, and might just bring in a lesser charge in an attempt to satisfy the Black community.

If the judge had any judiciial character at all, she would have ended this case when the prosecution ended. Politics is trumping justice in the Zimmerman case.

The jury consists of six women; five White, one a Minority (not sure which).

In any event, we're about to find out.

Oh, and, I've got a five-spot burnin' a hole in my pocket, that says there will be no White Riots in the unlikely event that Zimmermann is found guilty or something or another.

Don't know about the Hispanics, but I don't think they have a history of burning their own neighborhoods to the same extent and with the same frequency which Black Folk have managed to accomplish.

Then again, Hispanic Folk don't have fat-cat professional riot-instigators like Jackson or Sharpton to egg 'em on.
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It never did make sense to me. Someone with a gun in a holster, down the back of their pants, covered by their shirt and jacket and laying on their back on top of the gun. With someone straddeling them and sitting on their chest.
They have to get the gun while their head is being hit and against the cement and their face being punched. Once they get the gun out, they have to disengage the safety.
And supposedly the guy doing the punching didn't ever notice the gun?

Can some right winger explain how this works? Zimmerman showing where the gun was?
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