The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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That's one of Wests daughters. He has two blondes that always sit in first or second.

Nope. Here are West's daughters.


Someone cloud and arrow the blonde you're talking about in the other one. I can't arrow on the phone.
How many people have no problem living next to a "child killer"?

Regardless of the controversy, George Zimmerman killed what the law considers a "child". I suspect George will probably walk.

How many of his supporters would want him to actually live next door?

What if you have teenage children? Would you have any concern that he might kill one of them? If not, why not?

If he shot and killed Martin, what would keep him from doing the same to someone else's child?

If he did, would you still support him?

Deanie, you wouldn't live next to him? He's one of yours.

An Obamabot.
The part where all those things led to him putting a bullet into an unarmed child...

That's not an answer. Prove that any of the things you listed break any part of Florida law. Let's go Joe, you're on the clock!

Guy, this is not about Trayvon committing a crime.

It's about Zimmerman killing him.

I'm really sorry you don't get this. Stop masturbating with the gun long enough to realize, anyway you slice it, Zimmerman TRULY fucked this up.

what Zimmerman did is totally consistent with self defense. He will walk and cities will burn, thats the country we live in today.

BUT, did anyone riot when OJ was set free after murdering two white people???? Hmmm, can't remember any riots.
I'm watching on the Fox Website right now and they have a place showing how many people are watching. Fox has 39,595 people watching this Closing.
Uh oh, Zimmerman not only lost 1 point but about 50 points.

O'Mara just said, "If you ask me about a call with my wife...", all the women on the jury hearts just dropped and now they are going to punish Zimmerman.

how so?

General consensus of the ladies is that O'Mara is "cute".

I am a pretty good judge of 'cute' and I just don't see it. He is nice looking though not strikingly handsome; he looks pleasant, approachable, and likable which generally is a very good thing in a courtroom. His voice is soothing, not at all annoying or grating as the prosecution team generally is.

The prosecution tactic was to bludgeon the jury with verbal gymnastics. O'Mara is having a matter-of-fact conversation with the jury. Trying to put myself in their position, I can't imagine not finding O'Mara's version of the facts as the more compelling.
The judge is a democrat. I expect nothing less. If the jury comes back with a not guilty, she must have some plan in mind to make Zimmerman guilty.
A person doesn't necessarily have to have bruised knuckles in a fight.
Also, depending on a timeline between the hitting and the gun shot and dying, there may not have been enough time to have the bruising develop....just saying

sounds to me like that would have shown up in the autopsy -

Marks Of Violence
A murderer will always leave marks of violence on the bodies of their victims, no matter how hard they try to hide it. During an autopsy, these marks may be difficult to find if the murder agent was drugs or poison, but these agents can still be found through blood tests. On the other end of the scale, signs that the victim suffered a violent death are immediately discovered from the external examination.
Choose one of the following topics for more information:

--> Internal/external examinations

--> Bruising

--> Cuts

--> Gunshots

--> Assualt

Internal/External Examinations Top^
During an autopsy, there may be no external signs that the victim suffered from a brain haemorrhage. Brain scans performed during the internal examination are the only way that a coroner can reveal the fatal clots that may have been caused by a blow to the head. Changes in the appearance of skin colour may also lead to solving the crime, as some fatal agents have the ability to change the physical appearance of the body. For example, carbon monoxide poisoning can cause the skin to become pink in colour and smothering and the crushing of the chest can cause can cause pin sized patches of bleeding in the face. When many of these pin sized patches of bleeding occur, it can give the face a blue appearance.

Bruising Top^
Bruising on the skin occurs when the blood vessels are broken by some form of hard and forceful contact with the skin, usually by a blunt object. The shape of the bruise can often reveal which direction the blow was received from and the colour of the bruise can indicate how long ago the injury occurred. As bruising heals, it goes red-purple, to brown, to green and finally to yellow. Bruising is not an accurate way of deciding how the victim met their fate, as interpreting bruising is different in every person, due to the fact that people bruise at different rates and bruising continues for a short while after death. Strangulation around the neck also leaves significant bruising. The hands, cords and ropes usually leave a distinct mark around the neck in the shape of the pattern on the strangling agent. If the strangling agent is very soft material, it may leave little or no marks, but the dissection of the neck area is able to show tissue bruising beneath the skin.

Forensic Science | Marks Of Violence
You're not understanding what I'm saying.....There may not have been enough time for a bruise to appear before he died. Once the heart stops beating, the blood stops circulating and no bruise would appear. If he had lived longer there may have been time for him to bruise up.

Yes, there needs to be time for the damaged flesh to respond to the damage and show it. There will be very little bruising even at the point of bullet entry in a heart shot if the heart stops immediately. If it doesn't and the body stays alive for some time, then the bruising will be far larger.
This closing is what you would expect from prosecution. He is doing something he doesn't have to do. Proving beyond a reasonable doubt that he is innocent.
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