The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I really don't care about Zimmerman, or Martin for that matter. But, I'm curious. In my state, the prosecution CANNOT ask for a lesser included instruction, but a defendant may. It's merely a quirk of my state's law. I have one judge who is very critical of this, but to me it makes sense. And, imo, this case sort of illustrates it. The defense early on to defend against murder, which involves intent to shoot. All they had to do was get a plausible story that Zimmerman somehow did not actually start the physical fight, but found himself on the ground getting his head pounded. I really don't see how a jury can convict him of that - given the wounds he had.

Had the defense from day one known they had to show that Zimmerman was basically walking back to his car when Martin "jumped" him, the defense may have been different.

JMO, but it's unfair. To punish a person, the burden is supposed to be on the state. Don't be dropping the level of what proof they have to have to fit the facts at the very end.

And, of course there was political pressure to charge Zimmerman in the first place. The evidence was never there for murder. He may well be a murder. I think he's at best a creep. But that's neither here nor there.
The funeral thing was a bit of a stretch, after all if Florida had Early Funeraling or Absentee Funeraling, DD probably been able to participate.

I think I made up a new word.

I wonder how his father and his uncle will fare.

Another thing I wonder--why is there no talk of a foundation for Trayvon? It seems like that is what is done now to honor the memory of a victim. Maybe there is and I have had my head in the sand.

There are some good lawyers in FL --to be a fly on the wall when this case is discussed in private quarters. That would be interesting.

I believe there was some sort of foundation established shortly after the incident. I read about it in some of the links posted many pages back. I also remember reading that the family used the account for their personal expenses. I believe that was about the time that AS and JJ were doing marches.
Call me hard- hearted but Sybrina did not raise lil Trayvon ( lil Trayvon was raised by the next woman Tracy took up with). I learned in all my reading that she actually spent not a lot of time with him.
While I have some sympathy for them, had they been better parents to him, he may still be around.

Get ready to take that and that and that, just like I have for suggesting same. I raised two and they never had to walk to the convenience store in the dark alone. Well, in the daylight either. In this industrialized society teens have no use. Time was when they were a great asset on the farms. But now, there is really no place for them. Doesn't matter how good your teens are, they are hated because they are teens. Any parent who doesn't keep their teens under his/her thumb is not in touch with reality.

Thanks for that. It doesn't matter to me. I call them as I see them. After lil Trayvon was killed for being a thug, he became a cash cow for his grieving parents. That may seem a little harsh but sometimes the truth hurts.

I was one of those farm kids. I worked my ass off for my dad until I realized there was a different easier life somewhere else.
I went back to the farm when I retired from my real job and hired a lot of teens for things like barn cleaning. I paid them very well and I didn't put up with any nonsense from them.
I live in town now and would employ a teen but they don't want to work. Mom and dad give them all the money they want just so they stay out of their hair.
The judge is a democrat. I expect nothing less. If the jury comes back with a not guilty, she must have some plan in mind to make Zimmerman guilty.

No, the Judge is a hard core supporter of the prosecution and was appointed by Republicans. She gives long sentences to criminals. She has the highest rating of any Judge in Florida.
Exactly the opposite of a liberal.

Oh for heavens sake. It's obvious she's a dem. Only a dem would let the prosecution change the charges to get a conviction. She's obviously soft of crime, and a dem. It's obvious!
He had no evidence to go on---the state has nothing. Everyone knew this a long time ago.

I got that impression with the child abuse charge.

Anyway--his antics diminished his credibility for me. Perhaps the jurors are so objective that they could see beyond that--I doubt it.

I would think that sort of thing is covered in law school---somewhere along the line.

I'm still informing myself on what transpired from the time of the incident. Police chief fired, special prosecutor chose to bring the case--interesting and disturbing. After the POTUS said--'If I had a son he would look like Trayvon'. I tried not to think about this case. grippped by the election and all that. Accepting harsh realities of all kinds.

Well as I posted yesterday (I think it was yesterday), there are news accounts that DOJ paid for people from DOJ to go to Flordia and help Sharpton et al organize protests against George Zimmerman and demand his head on a platter. That was all factored into the State bringing charges against Zimmerman.

This whole thing reeks with political influence.

It scares me but time to remove the rose colored glasses.

'Racist'--my entire life lived in fear of being accused of racism. No, whatever is left I will endeavor to live differently. Others have done it and I will, too.
I'm surprised, he isn't very convincing and he's the good one for the Defense. We'll see..
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