The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Okay, from a purely amateur court watcher here, I thought O'Mara did make the case for the Defense. Compelling? We'll see. I do wish he kept it more simple, more to the point of emphasizing that bam - bam - bam - bam, here are the reasons there is reasonable doubt.

I am guessing the jury is sick of this whole thing by now, I can't believe all don't already have their minds made up, and they're ready to start deliberations and presenting a verdict. I will be very surprised if we don't get that verdict today.
Experts say that the defense's closing arguments were lackluster. Good thing the jury doesn't decide the fate of a defendant based on closing arguments. I disagree with the experts.

They say that because screaming brings viewers. They don't like the lack of emotion and sticking to facts and evidence.
And I am sure that folks like you were upset when Reagan ordered the bombing that killed Gaddafi's daughter, right? :clap2:

Well, you certainly aren't upset about Obama doing it now. Clearly you're trying to pin Frank because you're a hypocrite too. Deflection!

-100 for Shallow.

Upset about what?

I went to a protest concerning the Iraq war..which was the AUMF. I am against that.

That's the exact legislation Obama is operating under.

It should be repealed.

And it should have never been passed.

Why do you keep lying? The AUMF is no longer in effect, Obama is operating under the NDAA, which gives him a hell of a lot more latitude than Bush ever had.
It would be really great if the jury gave MO'M a standing ovation...

they will when they come back with their verdict.

Were I a juror, I would respond much more favorably to Mark O`Mara's approach during the trial and in closing arguments, than I would the drama of the pitbull, Bernie de la Rionda.
I can't wait to see how Fancy Grapes spins O'Mara's closing.

On the other hand, if the jury returns a not guilty vote today, she probably won't even show up.
If somehow the killer, George Zimmerman, gets off Scot free, he's going to immediately start on the NRA circuit. He'll be a RW hero inviting to speak at all their events. He may even get hired by FOXNEWS.

He'll be rich.

That's how they treat their criminals that get away...they prop them up. Google Darryl Issa. He's nothing but a small-time crook that got away.

No he won't. Some thought Dan White was going to be a "right wing" star because he killed a gay guy and only went to prison for a few years. But when he got out, no one wanted him anywhere near their families and he was chased from communities that supported him. He eventually committed suicide.

These right wingers on this thread are morons. Look at what these dumbfucks write. Looking at Trevon's mother and father, the kid seemed pretty normal. Even President Bush was arrested for drunk driving and no right winger is calling him names for it. Mitt Romney coerced 5 big guys to hold down on screaming and frightened kid so Mitt could assault him. These right wingers that it was hilarious because it's been reported the kid was gay. These are just some dirty and racist right wingers. And they know they are. Pretending to deny it is just for "show". They know what they are.
If I understand you correctly, you're saying Zimmerman won't be accepted. If that's the case, I disagree, look at the acceptance he's received from RW USMBers, he'll not only be accepted, but embraced. It's the same on every board, or different than what the RW morons on here post. That is assuming he gets away Scot free. Were he to get convicted of something, and do time then get out, then yes, I agree with what you're saying. If I'm understanding you correctly that is.

I'd be more comfortable living next to Zimmerman than next to Deany
See what I mean?

Rdean is a racist asshole. You might like to live next to people like that, I prefer to live next to people that do not judge me by the color of my skin. My ancestors had enough of that when everyone else moved over here.'d think she would have learned her lesson after the first one.

She's a cereal killer.

A while back I visited the town I went through HS in.
I ran across an old girlfriend and we got talking about what all our classmates are up to.
There was another girl, Angie, that hung around with us....she'd had 5 abortions in the 10 years since HS

Had a real cereal killer graduate with me.

Wayne Nance.
Unidentified Victim Of Serial Killer Wayne Nance | Gather
[ame=]To Kill and Kill Again (Onyx True Crime ; Je 323): John Coston: 9780451403230: Books[/ame]

Which cereal was his fav, Capt. Crunch?
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I'm truly intrigued to see what the Prosecution is going to say here.

I'd be willing to bet one phrase begins with "a" and the other will begin with "f" and "p."

Might throw a "M" and "F" in for good measure.
How high do democrats hold Bill Ayers, or Ted Kennedy?

I didn't know who Bill Ayers was until the right wingers lame attempt to connect him to Obama. All the garbage about Ayers mentoring Obama is ludicrous and merely a smear against a black guy who become president.

Speaking of Ted Kennedy, what about Laura Bush and her boyfriend? Or John McCain and the Forrestal? There are plenty of deaths on both sides. But with the exception of Zimmerman and Laura Bush, no one actually went out looking to kill someone.

Obama did

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

And what candy-ass approach would you use against some body that wants to kill?
Okay, from a purely amateur court watcher here, I thought O'Mara did make the case for the Defense. Compelling? We'll see. I do wish he kept it more simple, more to the point of emphasizing that bam - bam - bam - bam, here are the reasons there is reasonable doubt.

I am guessing the jury is sick of this whole thing by now, I can't believe all don't already have their minds made up, and they're ready to start deliberations and presenting a verdict. I will be very surprised if we don't get that verdict today.

someone mumbled something about --'maybe Saturday or Sunday'

so tired of trying to use the 'bits and pieces' approach to keep up with what is going on--will go on.

agreed--the jury is sick of all of this and the overabundance of evidence/fyi --angle of hands, etc--difficult to understand how they can really process 'every bit'.

now the rebuttal--human heart--dark, rainy night--look into the heart of a grown man and a child...sigh.
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