The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Z's lawyer just told a bald faced lie about Z being offered to be part of the Citizen's on Patrol and get a free cop car with yellow lights. The program offers no such thing. You may either use a bike or a horse. Too bad the jurors don't have access to google to verify his claims.

Zimmerman's lawyers are cute in that way.

They introduce conjecture and other things that have nothing to do with the case.

Like the one where a "slim jim" was found in the bushes 5 days after the murder.

Or constantly insisting that Zimmerman's head was "slammed into the cement".

Or constantly showing the pictures of his face and head with blood on them.

Or displaying that Zimmerman had his holster in the front.

It's "cute" but I think it's not going to work. :eusa_shhh:
I dunno....sequestering the jury means they have no way of knowing if the lawyer is lying or not. Seems a travesty of justice.

The prosecution has been allowed to play tapes of Zimmerman and his lies.

Those will help because not only do you get to see them in court..but you can hear them back in deliberations.

The Jury I sat on was able to make an informed decision after pouring through videos and really paying attention to what was said.
The lying armed man (with an evil heart) who killed the little boy on a dark and stormy night.
as told by Vincent Price

he told so many lies--that was covered yesterday.

my attention span is short--tuning out.

voice raised--this is important.
He followed him with a gun. That is all that matters.

And a flashlight. He was stalking that kid.

Which is another interesting part of Zimmerman's story.

Because, he contends it wasn't working. So he brought a non-functioning flashlight into a very dark area to check for addresses.

And didn't make sure it was working when he got out of his truck.


Have you ever used a flashlight? I have picked up a few of them in my life, and they usually work, but there are plenty of times I have turned one on and it worked for a couple of seconds and died.
The judge is a democrat. I expect nothing less. If the jury comes back with a not guilty, she must have some plan in mind to make Zimmerman guilty.

No, the Judge is a hard core supporter of the prosecution and was appointed by Republicans. She gives long sentences to criminals. She has the highest rating of any Judge in Florida.
Exactly the opposite of a liberal.

Oh for heavens sake. It's obvious she's a dem. Only a dem would let the prosecution change the charges to get a conviction. She's obviously soft of crime, and a dem. It's obvious!

Respectfully, you have no clue.
She changed no charges. What happened happens every day in criminal cases and in most cases it is the defense asking for the charge of a lesser charge and the prosecution fighting to keep it out.
Appointed by Republican Governor Jeb Bush with the recomendation of the State of Florida Judicoal Commitee in the Legislature.
Liberals hate Judge Nelson as she is know to be pro prosecution and gives long sentences.
Exactly what the liberals hate.
Sorry the facts do not fit your preconceived bias.
I don't have charts and or timelines, I'm asking for you to use your heart. What about evidence????? He is saying convict this man because we all really want it.
Lifelong Democrat and big Dear Leader supporter. Explains her awful unjust behavior throughout this farce. Zimmerman has not received a fair trial. Period, end of story.

HAHAHA her campaign manager is one of the heads of the Republican Party in Florida.
Try again with some facts.
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