The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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the state had several lies and lies by omission as well as hiding evidence favorable to the

plus the judge has erred on several points some serious

which will be reviewed after the conclusion of this trial

Reviewed by who? I don't think anything will come of it. Unless there's something Stamina can file and pursue.

the sanctions are still floating around

if found guilty

there are plenty of issues as well

take the texts for example

the judge can not have it both ways

she originally "authenticated" martins cell phone for the state

then when defense came to bat she claimed the phone not authenticated

i read that this is not only a reversible error

but one that the DCA would acquit zimmerman for

Is it just me or does Tracy Martin looks sick and Sybrina Fulton looks livid?

Both are seeing the truth, I think, and are handling it differently.


Probably sick from thinking about how much money they may have to give back and wondering how they'll ever come up with it.

You are dashing all my hopes of becoming an attorney.

Stay away from the Bernster and Manass approach and you'll be fine.

If you're bald, be bald. Don't leave a bat shaped tuft of hair on your forehead like Manass either.

Janet Napolitano about to resign.

This is Friday so document dump day for the feds. Wonder what new scandal is going to be disclosed this afternoon?
It is about time for Big Sis to get out. She has caused enough damage to this country.
Joel Osteen:

Ah now we're looking into the heart, the very soul, of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. That is the proof of who initiated the attack. Of course NONE of Trayvon Martin's history was allowed into the trial, so how do we know what his demeanor or thoughts likely were that night?
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Could Zimmerman read Martin's mind? I have no idea, but the fact that Martin reached for the gun shows he knew it was there, however it was he knew.

I honestly don't know if Martin was a jive-ass young gangsta who was casing houses on his way home or not, or if he attacked Zimmerman in the way Zimmerman tells it. And I don't know if Zimmerman overplayed the situation and unnecessarily provoked the initial violence when it was avoidable. I have no dog in the fight and I won't be disappointed by the outcome.

I know only what I've read and heard, and the only point I've tried to make in this entire thread is Zimmerman's story is worthy of acquittal except for one glaring exception -- that being the part about Martin "seeing" his well-concealed gun. Unless he has provided an exceptionally credible explanation in support of that highly questionable element in his story, I believe it is sufficient to sway the minds of indecisive jurors who are looking for something to hang their hats on.

Then I have one question, where did anyone say Martin saw the gun? Everything I read said that Zimmerman said that Martin said something like "You are going to die" and reached for the gun. Like I pointed out earlier, it is entirely possible he felt the gun during the fight. Are you trying to tell me that a 17 year old punk wouldn't know a gun when he felt one? You need to get past the "seeing" thing and think about all the different ways Martin could have become aware of the gun, up to and including Zimmerman reaching for it himself.
He followed him with a gun. That is all that matters.

You told me earlier that if not for SYG laws, you'd vote not guilty.

You change your mind?

Have they done away with the SYG law?

Let me get this straight.

You think Zimmerman is not guilty, but you want to send him to jail as a protest over a law you don't understand. Does anyone still think I am the one with the agenda?

Why does that make sense?
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Ah now we're looking into the heart, the very soul, of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin.

was that child not in fear?

and what popped into my head was 'creepy assed cracker'.

They only have 25 minutes to do this? I hope so.
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