The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I really don't care about Zimmerman, or Martin for that matter. But, I'm curious. In my state, the prosecution CANNOT ask for a lesser included instruction, but a defendant may. It's merely a quirk of my state's law. I have one judge who is very critical of this, but to me it makes sense. And, imo, this case sort of illustrates it. The defense early on to defend against murder, which involves intent to shoot. All they had to do was get a plausible story that Zimmerman somehow did not actually start the physical fight, but found himself on the ground getting his head pounded. I really don't see how a jury can convict him of that - given the wounds he had.

Had the defense from day one known they had to show that Zimmerman was basically walking back to his car when Martin "jumped" him, the defense may have been different.

JMO, but it's unfair. To punish a person, the burden is supposed to be on the state. Don't be dropping the level of what proof they have to have to fit the facts at the very end.

And, of course there was political pressure to charge Zimmerman in the first place. The evidence was never there for murder. He may well be a murder. I think he's at best a creep. But that's neither here nor there.

I totally agree with you on this.

The State should not be able to add charges in later on during the trial. This is BS. Defense teams prepare for the charges, the questions they ask, the witnesses they call the tone they take under cross examination...everything. Hell, why not add in the charge that he wasn't wearing his seat belt in his truck if we're going to do this.

The State should never have asked for Murder 2; manslaughter was likely what happened that evening and I think Zimmerman should go to prison for it. If "if's and buts were cadies and nuts we'd all have a Merry Christmas". They charged him with Murder 2, they should have to prove Murder 2.

If they want to come back later and go after him for Manslaughter, perhaps they could do that but not changing while the court is in session. This is, I hope, certainly grounds for appeal if/when Zimmerman is found guilty of manslaughter. The State should have to pay his legal expenses if he does have to appeal.
And here is Mark's final score...

Assholes = 4
f'n punks = 1
fucking punks = 1
shit = 1
damn = 1
Drinks of tasty court water = 26

All cursing was verbal, he didn't resort to tapes or PowerPoints.
How many people have no problem living next to a "child killer"?

Regardless of the controversy, George Zimmerman killed what the law considers a "child". I suspect George will probably walk.

How many of his supporters would want him to actually live next door?

What if you have teenage children? Would you have any concern that he might kill one of them? If not, why not?

If he shot and killed Martin, what would keep him from doing the same to someone else's child?

If he did, would you still support him?

People live next to you, don't they? You support abortions, you kill children.

I wish you fuckers would stop on the abortion thing. Republicans just dropped food stamps from the farm subsidy bill. They want kids to go hungry. Republicans only like the children of rich people. Everyone else, fuck 'em. You know it. I know it. Republicans prove it with their actions. Helping Americans is "socialism". Once they are born, Republicans feel they have done their jobs. If kids suffer and die from disease or starvation, so what? Who cares? Not the GOP.

And look at the recent threads on Wal Mart. Cut minimum wage AND food stamps? Work for slave wages and hope you can afford enough to eat? Come on. Republicans want to cut disaster relief. Screw over Americans. Get tax cuts to billionaires. These people are fucking savages.

Food stamps shouldn't be part of the farm bill. It makes a lot more sense to debate the merits of food stamps as a separate issue. If they are really a good idea you should be happy to have them debated that way so you can talk about starving children without using it to defend giving Monsanto more subsidies.
Will Guy come out screaming after they have been called out on it? Will they stick with the he is a liar line? Will they address self defense for the first time in this case?
How many people have no problem living next to a "child killer"?

Regardless of the controversy, George Zimmerman killed what the law considers a "child". I suspect George will probably walk.

How many of his supporters would want him to actually live next door?

What if you have teenage children? Would you have any concern that he might kill one of them? If not, why not?

If he shot and killed Martin, what would keep him from doing the same to someone else's child?

If he did, would you still support him?

This actually is a real concern.

The level of violent crimes committed by George Zimmerman has been going up with each iteration.

And he revels in beating the system.

He may be a sociopath.

And could well become a serial killer.

If he wanted to beat the system he would have done the same thing bad cops always do, screamed gun and shot Martin, then planted a throwaway on him.

Sociopaths don't go out of their way to help their neighbors, even inviting them to spend time with their wife if they seem upset.

Serial killers don't wait for the cops.
Lifelong Democrat and big Dear Leader supporter. Explains her awful unjust behavior throughout this farce. Zimmerman has not received a fair trial. Period, end of story.
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