The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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George Zimmerman is the one who has thrown a monkey wrench into our right to defend ourselves. I keep telling you if he walks, there will be copycats and sooner or later, they'll have to crackdown on it hard, and then you'll really be screaming about your rights. Better to send the message now.

"crack down on it"
Don't you know by now that THE LAW in Florida allows exactly what Zimmerman did: defend himself against an attacker?
Go to the Legislature and change the law but "the'll have to crackdown on it hard" is an absurd claim.
Just who does the cracking down? Law enforcement? No, all they do is ENFORCE THE LAW.
Your vague and all over the map comments have no basis in reality.

How can it be absurd when what I referred to is currently being cracked down on? If it continues eventually, they may use it as an excuse to end CCL rights as one example. How real is that? I'm pro-gun rights and don't want to see anything like that.
Then your a idiot for being liberal cause they would take your guns given the chance.
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"Please disregard anything I have said or done that would make you think I preferred one verdict over another"

UN-SAID: Because I realized I fucked up and don't want to get busted for it.
I got stuck workin' and missed everything today.

I have just one very urgent question.

When Mark O'M gave his summation, did it involve any skipping or "la la la" musical interludes?
Well nobody other than the killer was there so every scenario is unproven. My point is that nobody without some political or other influence can have a strong opinion on this case. What happened is very unclear. I see the shooting is far away from Martins car so anything could have happened. Pro gun people are certain it's self defense. Others are sure Martin was gunned down because he's a minority. I think nobody should be sure of anything. The jurors have a difficult job.

No. If it is unclear then the jurors must acquit. The burden is on the state to prove its case.

You might be right, but he's not getting any support from me. He was the adult and the incident happened because he was wrong and thought Martin was a criminal. To me there is a good chance he did bad things. So I'll accept whatever the jury decides, but I think anyone strongly behind him has some political reason.
So you have an axe to grind. We got that.
In other news, the sun rises in the East.
my eyes--I just glanced at another message board--a different POV --eh--I knew what I would see.

perhaps 'good' people of some kind but different from me.

opinions. At least acquire some skill in stating them--but some won't, don't or can't. regardless of education and experiences.
Presumption of innocence remains until evidence overturns that presumption. If that line is followed it is acquittal on all charges.
Hopefully the jury will consider beyond a reasonable doubt as their decision. That is what we expect them to do consistently, be that a murder, rape, or child molestation. You either have the evidence or you don't. :eusa_angel: The only thing we do know for sure, the boy has a bullet in the heart from Zimmys gun as the evidence.

Zimmy's head injuries could have been self-inflected, so I don't see that as evidence for or against the victim or Zimmy.

Lol, a blatant troll post.

That's a crock of crap on your part. Just because you don't agree with the post, doesn't mean that it's a "troll post". What are you trying to do, intimidate new forum members? You are not a Moderator, you are a regular forum member like the rest of us. You don't "call the shots", and you have little room to talk about "troll posts" or other violations. They should all tell you to go pound sand.

Actually I have been a member here longer than he has, so he is "new" compared to me. These guys lack an ability to engage in debate, so they hurl insults like DD does. I must have intimidated this weak poster, and it is his way of submitting to me. :eusa_angel:

Hero of The Templar Order
Member #43268

Take Down ~ Tap Out
Member #24733
I got stuck workin' and missed everything today.

I have just one very urgent question.

When Mark O'M gave his summation, did it involve any skipping or "la la la" musical interludes?


But he did have cardboard cutouts and Burden of Proof visual aids.
Lol, a blatant troll post.

That's a crock of crap on your part. Just because you don't agree with the post, doesn't mean that it's a "troll post". What are you trying to do, intimidate new forum members? You are not a Moderator, you are a regular forum member like the rest of us. You don't "call the shots", and you have little room to talk about "troll posts" or other violations. They should all tell you to go pound sand.

Actually I have been a member here longer than he has, so he is "new" compared to me. These guys lack an ability to engage in debate, so they hurl insults like DD does. I must have intimidated this weak poster, and it is his way of submitting to me. :eusa_angel:

Hero of The Templar Order
Member #43268

Take Down ~ Tap Out
Member #24733

Listen Shitao, I submit to no one. Take your Kung Fu ass and make backflips out of this thread. Smartass.
The stress level of George Zimmerman is through the roof right now. It will be even greater when the jury comes back with the verdict. When the verdict is read, it's going to be crazy, I just know it.
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