The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Hopefully the jury will consider beyond a reasonable doubt as their decision. That is what we expect them to do consistently, be that a murder, rape, or child molestation. You either have the evidence or you don't. :eusa_angel: The only thing we do know for sure, the boy has a bullet in the heart from Zimmys gun as the evidence.

Zimmy's head injuries could have been self-inflected, so I don't see that as evidence for or against the victim or Zimmy.

Shit-tao with the blatant idiocy once again

Folks.. thanks to him with this very post.. we award him the dumb post of the week award
I can see DD got his ass handed to him, and his response is to attack the messenger. You really are that stupid and obvious. LMAO!!! :eusa_angel: It probably works on idiots like yourself.

Blind @ stupid is no way to move through life fool. :eusa_hand: Your side are nothing more then violence supporting filth that doesn't give a damn about a fair and just justice system.

if his claim of self defense is believed by the jury, then no manslaughter

that is the defense claim
For what it's worth, my opinion is that the 1st order of business after choosing the forewoman will be to take a vote whether GZ acted in self-defense. If all say yes, then we will have a swift verdict.

This is the only just verdict since there is no evidence of either M2 or manslaughter. If there are any holdouts, it may take some time for the others to point out all the evidence there is to support GZ's account of what happened, but I don't think it will take long.

If there is justice in this world, the jurors will all be sleeping in their own beds tonight and GZ will get his bond money back. I expect justice to be a swift and absolute not guilty verdict.

Just wondering, but will they give him his gun back when he gets his bond money, or would there be a 30 day waiting period?
I'm not Santa, but thought I would let you know that I am not a gun owner but I have been around guns before many times. It doesn't change my opinion on Zimmerman at all. The only gun we have is a little pellet gun. lol

I think it may me because we've always had guns and that's what they're for - self defense. I don't know if I'd be more SHOCKED and gun disgusted bout this or if I was never around guns because I'm always around guns. lol

That didn't make any sense at all. Reed it beter than ey tipt it pleese

I got you Testa. LOL

I figured you would, we've been deciphering each other's opinions and typing for a long time. ;-)
I would really question the one that keeps telling me that the defendant was lying over and over when I didn't see them produce any real evidence of such along with trying to appeal to my emotions rather than with real factual evidence.

Hopefully the jury will consider beyond a reasonable doubt as their decision. That is what we expect them to do consistently, be that a murder, rape, or child molestation. You either have the evidence or you don't. :eusa_angel: The only thing we do know for sure, the boy has a bullet in the heart from Zimmys gun as the evidence.

Zimmy's head injuries could have been self-inflected, so I don't see that as evidence for or against the victim or Zimmy.

Shit-tao with the blatant idiocy once again

Folks.. thanks to him with this very post.. we award him the dumb post of the week award

You mean shit for brains.
Just carrying a firearm and relentlessly following someone could signify to a juror or two a pre-meditation. The other jurors may subsequently go along with that and convict for murder.

he is not being charged with premeditation

good lord, when will lefties like you learn the facts
Question - Santy - because I know this of you and anyone else that wants to chimes in. A few of these women have guns in the house or own their own. Does owning/being familiar with guns give you a different perspective than if you had never seen one before and were completely unfamiliar?

I'm not Santa, but thought I would let you know that I am not a gun owner but I have been around guns before many times. It doesn't change my opinion on Zimmerman at all. The only gun we have is a little pellet gun. lol

I think it may me because we've always had guns and that's what they're for - self defense. I don't know if I'd be more SHOCKED and gun disgusted bout this or if I was never around guns because I'm always around guns. lol

That didn't make any sense at all. Reed it beter than ey tipt it pleese

I just don't understand the technical fyi. The angles, etc.

The other jurors would not have much patience with me--I can tell. I would have to listen carefully to the opinions of others--which may or may not be what is expected of a juror.
I think it may me because we've always had guns and that's what they're for - self defense. I don't know if I'd be more SHOCKED and gun disgusted bout this or if I was never around guns because I'm always around guns. lol

That didn't make any sense at all. Reed it beter than ey tipt it pleese

I got you Testa. LOL

I figured you would, we've been deciphering each other's opinions and typing for a long time. ;-)

yep and after listening to deedee or whateber her name was, yallz be purdy good at dis speakn stuffs, hehehe
Hopefully the jury will consider beyond a reasonable doubt as their decision. That is what we expect them to do consistently, be that a murder, rape, or child molestation. You either have the evidence or you don't. :eusa_angel: The only thing we do know for sure, the boy has a bullet in the heart from Zimmys gun as the evidence.

Zimmy's head injuries could have been self-inflected, so I don't see that as evidence for or against the victim or Zimmy.

Shit-tao with the blatant idiocy once again

Folks.. thanks to him with this very post.. we award him the dumb post of the week award
I can see DD got his ass handed to him, and his response is to attack the messenger. You really are that stupid and obvious. LMAO!!! :eusa_angel: It probably works on idiots like yourself.

Actually.. I have repeatedly put my stance on the actual evidence up many times.. and I have had no part of my ass handed to me

You post something idiotic yet again based on assumptions, what ifs, and unsubstantiated bullshit and consider it a reasonable doubt... you are an idiot.. an even bigger idiot than when you first joined this board as an idiot
For what it's worth, my opinion is that the 1st order of business after choosing the forewoman will be to take a vote whether GZ acted in self-defense. If all say yes, then we will have a swift verdict.

This is the only just verdict since there is no evidence of either M2 or manslaughter. If there are any holdouts, it may take some time for the others to point out all the evidence there is to support GZ's account of what happened, but I don't think it will take long.

If there is justice in this world, the jurors will all be sleeping in their own beds tonight and GZ will get his bond money back. I expect justice to be a swift and absolute not guilty verdict.

Just wondering, but will they give him his gun back when he gets his bond money, or would there be a 30 day waiting period?

He's going to need it, not only to get home, but to auction it off for enough money to get the hell out of Dodge. He is going to have to leave the region, not just the state and move to a low population area. A city where the "Greater Area" has less than 3 or 4 million people.
Which side looks more confident?

The defense, with their heads up?


Or the State, with their heads down?

Just carrying a firearm and relentlessly following someone could signify to a juror or two a pre-meditation. The other jurors may subsequently go along with that and convict for murder.

he is not being charged with premeditation

good lord, when will lefties like you learn the facts

They wouldn't be lefties if they didn't act on emotions, against economics and reality. :eek: I am saying this even through I do agree with some of their views.
You're fucking crazy for taking a mans ability to defend himself way. Your entire case is based on your hatred of ones ability to defend himself.

Maybe when you grow up you can look at the evidence. One day your sorry ass may have to defend yourself...Well, I'll be their defending your right to do so...

George Zimmerman is the one who has thrown a monkey wrench into our right to defend ourselves. I keep telling you if he walks, there will be copycats and sooner or later, they'll have to crackdown on it hard, and then you'll really be screaming about your rights. Better to send the message now.

"crack down on it"
Don't you know by now that THE LAW in Florida allows exactly what Zimmerman did: defend himself against an attacker?
Go to the Legislature and change the law but "the'll have to crackdown on it hard" is an absurd claim.
Just who does the cracking down? Law enforcement? No, all they do is ENFORCE THE LAW.
Your vague and all over the map comments have no basis in reality.

How can it be absurd when what I referred to is currently being cracked down on? If it continues eventually, they may use it as an excuse to end CCL rights as one example. How real is that? I'm pro-gun rights and don't want to see anything like that.
Just carrying a firearm and relentlessly following someone could signify to a juror or two a pre-meditation. The other jurors may subsequently go along with that and convict for murder.

he is not being charged with premeditation

good lord, when will lefties like you learn the facts

It is a logical conclusion that if the jury feels there was pre-meditation then that easily proves the murder 2 charge if not murder 1.
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