The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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"crack down on it"
Don't you know by now that THE LAW in Florida allows exactly what Zimmerman did: defend himself against an attacker?
Go to the Legislature and change the law but "the'll have to crackdown on it hard" is an absurd claim.
Just who does the cracking down? Law enforcement? No, all they do is ENFORCE THE LAW.
Your vague and all over the map comments have no basis in reality.

How can it be absurd when what I referred to is currently being cracked down on? If it continues eventually, they may use it as an excuse to end CCL rights as one example. How real is that? I'm pro-gun rights and don't want to see anything like that.
Then your a idiot for being liberal cause they would take your guns given the chance.

Hmm, based on that logic criteria, every retard republican president back to Nixon is an "IDIOT." Thanks for clarifying that for us.:eusa_angel:
Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.
This case is another way for the left to utilize it's divide and conquer tactics.
"crack down on it"
Don't you know by now that THE LAW in Florida allows exactly what Zimmerman did: defend himself against an attacker?
Go to the Legislature and change the law but "the'll have to crackdown on it hard" is an absurd claim.
Just who does the cracking down? Law enforcement? No, all they do is ENFORCE THE LAW.
Your vague and all over the map comments have no basis in reality.

How can it be absurd when what I referred to is currently being cracked down on? If it continues eventually, they may use it as an excuse to end CCL rights as one example. How real is that? I'm pro-gun rights and don't want to see anything like that.
Then your a idiot for being liberal cause they would take your guns given the chance.

IF I were a liberal, which I'm not since I'm a conservative, I'd be an idiot, yes. Given the chance what?
Does anyone know how late the jury will be able to deliberate today?

I think it's going to be until "they say".

I also *think* they'll go over the weekend.

I thought i read somewhere upthread that they can't deliberate on weekends. :dunno:

It's up to the judge to inconvenience everyone in the entire world and I think she'll ask the jury and I think they'll say they want to work through the weekend.

That's a lot of thinking right there.

Edit for remember 10 pm hearing inconvenience? It's not like that's a concern for her ;-)
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That's a crock of crap on your part. Just because you don't agree with the post, doesn't mean that it's a "troll post". What are you trying to do, intimidate new forum members? You are not a Moderator, you are a regular forum member like the rest of us. You don't "call the shots", and you have little room to talk about "troll posts" or other violations. They should all tell you to go pound sand.

Actually I have been a member here longer than he has, so he is "new" compared to me. These guys lack an ability to engage in debate, so they hurl insults like DD does. I must have intimidated this weak poster, and it is his way of submitting to me. :eusa_angel:

Hero of The Templar Order
Member #43268

Take Down ~ Tap Out
Member #24733

Listen Shitao, I submit to no one. Take your Kung Fu ass and make backflips out of this thread. Smartass.

You already did Troll. LMAO! You have shown yourself to be weak and ineffective. I am not sure why you are here, did someone order a tin trinket from China?:eusa_angel:
Does anyone know how late the jury will be able to deliberate today?

I think it's going to be until "they say".

I also *think* they'll go over the weekend.

I thought i read somewhere upthread that they can't deliberate on weekends. :dunno:

yes--but someone on CNN mumbled last night that he expected them to deliberate through the weekend.

Did he know what he was talking about--I suppose.

It is not an easy task to discover the truth--that is what I have learned from this experience.
Lol, a blatant troll post.

That's a crock of crap on your part. Just because you don't agree with the post, doesn't mean that it's a "troll post". What are you trying to do, intimidate new forum members? You are not a Moderator, you are a regular forum member like the rest of us. You don't "call the shots", and you have little room to talk about "troll posts" or other violations. They should all tell you to go pound sand.

Actually I have been a member here longer than he has, so he is "new" compared to me. These guys lack an ability to engage in debate, so they hurl insults like DD does. I must have intimidated this weak poster, and it is his way of submitting to me. :eusa_angel:

Hero of The Templar Order
Member #43268

Take Down ~ Tap Out
Member #24733

You put what ifs as proof of reasonable doubt...

I place my opinion on the trial on the evidence...

1) Martin was the aggressor... corroborated by eye witness testimony
2) Zimmerman's injuries consistent with being attacked in the manner in which he claimed.. also consistent with witness testimony
3) Forensic evidence shows gunshot wound consistent with being on the bottom in the scenario that is corroborated by the witness testimony
4) FLA law states that the claim of self defense can come from fear for one's life and/or major bodily harm
5) Reasonable to expect great bodily harm when one has had their nose broken and is being pummeled
6) There is no evidence to suggest self inflicted wounds in any way, shape or form...

You have your theory with no evidence to back it up rather than your feeling or your imagination

You sir (and I use that term lightly, considering your past posting history, shit-tao), are an idiot
I think it's going to be until "they say".

I also *think* they'll go over the weekend.

I thought i read somewhere upthread that they can't deliberate on weekends. :dunno:

It's up to the judge to inconvenience everyone in the entire world and I think she'll ask the jury and I think they'll say they want to work through the weekend.

That's a lot of thinking right there.

I was just wondering how late it would be tonight because I think the ladies might want to get in a game of bridge after they make the decision. :D
The stress level of George Zimmerman is through the roof right now. It will be even greater when the jury comes back with the verdict. When the verdict is read, it's going to be crazy, I just know it.

YES I feel for him, some may disagree but I cant help but feel that way.
i thought i read somewhere upthread that they can't deliberate on weekends. :dunno:

it's up to the judge to inconvenience everyone in the entire world and i think she'll ask the jury and i think they'll say they want to work through the weekend.

That's a lot of thinking right there.

i was just wondering how late it would be tonight because i think the ladies might want to get in a game of bridge after they make the decision. :d

Does anyone know how late the jury will be able to deliberate today?

I think it's going to be until "they say".

I also *think* they'll go over the weekend.

I thought i read somewhere upthread that they can't deliberate on weekends. :dunno:

Judge's decision. I think I remember she will have them work the weekend.

I wish she had said. "This shouldn't take too long I'm going to step out for a smoke and I'll meet you back here at 3 PM."
Judge Nelson told the jury a few minutes ago:
For all you knee jerk dumb asses here that believed Zimmerman had to prove his self defense.
Have you frauds finally admitted how much of a fool you have been for over a year now?
It has to be unanimous, so if they don't all go the same way off the bat, they'll have to fight it out, they don't want to go through all this and then not have a decision. Maybe they can settle it over their bridge game. 2 birds 1 stone.
The judge is a democrat. I expect nothing less. If the jury comes back with a not guilty, she must have some plan in mind to make Zimmerman guilty.

No, the Judge is a hard core supporter of the prosecution and was appointed by Republicans. She gives long sentences to criminals. She has the highest rating of any Judge in Florida.
Exactly the opposite of a liberal.

She is a Democrat. Get used to the facts.
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