The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The judge is a democrat. I expect nothing less. If the jury comes back with a not guilty, she must have some plan in mind to make Zimmerman guilty.

No, the Judge is a hard core supporter of the prosecution and was appointed by Republicans. She gives long sentences to criminals. She has the highest rating of any Judge in Florida.
Exactly the opposite of a liberal.

She is a Democrat. Get used to the facts.

So we have a Democrat that is always pro prosecution and gives very high sentences in all her criminal cases.
That is your definition of a liberal Democrat?
Fact is she is a hard core right wing Judge in HER COURT DECISIONS as evidenced in this case.
And if you do not understand that hard core Judges ARE CONSERVATIVES then you are lost and have no clue how the judicial system works.
Democrats can not stand Judge Nelson in her court circuit in Florida. O'MARA IS A LIBERAL DEMOCRAT AND HE HAS ALWAYS HATED HER.
Just the facts. Get used to it. I have more.
Judge Nelson told the jury a few minutes ago:
For all you knee jerk dumb asses here that believed Zimmerman had to prove his self defense.
Have you frauds finally admitted how much of a fool you have been for over a year now?

You're....... Kidding....??


That is THE STANDARD JURY CHARGE always given.
And she also told the jury that Z not testifying is not to viewed as any admission of guilt as he has no duty to testify.
She said both of that.
Just like I said she would.
Self defense is still a defense here. That's a non starter.

Perhaps a jury member will argue that Z could or should have defended himself with fighting back with his fists but in the heat of passion was angered and used his gun instead, making it manslaughter. In essence, "you don't bring a gun to a fist fight,"
Just a possible argument for manslaughter.

This is one of the best comments I've seen, and I've seen so many. Thank you sir.

My question is, does the concrete sidewalk not escalate from fist fight to something different? Could the sidewalk be considered a weapon? If the answer is yes, concrete is a weapon, then the next step in the escalation is the use of deadly force.
If the black guy was on trial for killing the latino/white guy, these guys would cheering the law and order judge. It's hilarious.

That said, imo, letting the prosecution choose a lesser included offense at the very end is not fair. But, Fla applies the law to all.
Self defense is still a defense here. That's a non starter.

Perhaps a jury member will argue that Z could or should have defended himself with fighting back with his fists but in the heat of passion was angered and used his gun instead, making it manslaughter. In essence, "you don't bring a gun to a fist fight,"
Just a possible argument for manslaughter.

This is one of the best comments I've seen, and I've seen so many. Thank you sir.

That is not a relevant question as the evidence is in.
Zimmerman HAS TO PROVE NOTHING in deliberations you fool.
Judge Nelson told the jury a few minutes ago:
For all you knee jerk dumb asses here that believed Zimmerman had to prove his self defense.
Have you frauds finally admitted how much of a fool you have been for over a year now?

You're....... Kidding....??


That is THE STANDARD JURY CHARGE always given.
And she also told the jury that Z not testifying is not to viewed as any admission of guilt as he has no duty to testify.
She said both of that.
Just like I said she would.

I was addressing the bolded part :)
No large man like Zimmerman is going to feel his life is honestly threatened after such light injuries as that. And I know, "the cement," "the cement."

Trayvon Martin Crime Scene Photos Shown To George Zimmerman Jurors (GRAPHIC PHOTOS)

If at that moment on the cement GZ had shot him feeling threatened at that moment, the body would have been found near the cement, which it wasn't. Martin was on top of GZ on the cement, but the shot made him flip over backwards in the air like a video game and land 10 feet away in the grass. BS.
No large man like Zimmerman is going to feel his life is honestly threatened after such light injuries as that. And I know, "the cement," "the cement."

Trayvon Martin Crime Scene Photos Shown To George Zimmerman Jurors (GRAPHIC PHOTOS)

If at that moment on the cement GZ had shot him feeling threatened at that moment, the body would have been found near the cement, which it wasn't. Martin was on top of GZ on the cement, but the shot made him flip over backwards in the air like a video game and land 10 feet away in the grass. BS.

There truly is no reasoning with you. I hope the jury brings back the verdict you want. The rest of just want for justice under the law. Good bye!
Funny thing here, because I actually believe Zimmerman is most likely guilty of manslaughter, but I do not support, in any way, his conviction. The prosecution had a choice from the beginning to charge Zimmerman with involuntary manslaughter. They chose second degree murder. Now that they know they have no chance of getting a conviction for second degree murder, they ask the judge to allow jurors to consider a lesser charge. What a crock of shit. Their case was predicated on a second degree murder charge. They did not prove their case. Case over.

One last thing in defense of Zimmerman; despite the fact that I can't stand the guy, there is some solid evidence that he showed no malice toward Travon Martin, and that proof comes in the fact that he only fired one shot. That shot was fired after he was being beaten. To what degree, we will never know, but the fact is that Martin did beat on him based on the scars he had on his face and head. Only one shot fired, and absolutely zero solid evidence showing he acted with any malice whatsoever.

If for any reason he is convicted, I can only hope to God that such a conviction would be overturned. Our justice system requires proof of guilt and that proof must come without any reasonable doubt. No matter what is done with this case, there is more than reasonable doubt, therefore there can be no conviction.

How could he be charged with involuntary manslaughter when he intentionally shot Martin?

Shooting someone when you are getting your head beat into the ground is not intentionally shooting someone. Second degree murder involves an act of going after someone with the intent to shoot them. There is zero proof whatsoever that Zimmerman had the intent to shoot Martin from the beginning.

Involuntary manslaughter can be charged when a person creates a situation that leads to the death of another person. In this case, Zimmerman was told not to pursue Trayvon Martin, yet he chose to do so anyway. While there is no solid proof, it is obvious that by following Martin, a confrontation took place at which point it became physical and Zimmerman felt threatened enough to need to use deadly force with his gun. That most definitely could and should be considered manslaughter. The real determining factor then would only come down to what you believe actually happened. Did Martin just come out of the bushes and jump Zimmerman as he was walking back to his car as he testified, or did he lie. If you believe what actually happened is that Zimmerman initiated the confrontation, then you have involuntary manslaughter. If you believe Zimmerman's story that Martin just jumped him as he was walking back to his car, then you have an acquittal.

Youre confusing premeditated murder with murder 2.
Zimmerman intended to shoot Trayvon. He intentionally pulled the gun. He intentionally aimed it at him, he intetionally pulled the trigger. There was nothing accidental about it.

If Martin did not jump out of the bushes, from around the corner of the bulding, out of the shadows, then how did they contact each other?
How many conservatives here would want Zimmerman roving around with a gun in their neighborhood late at night looking for punks who might just so happen to bear a strong resemblance to their own kids?

If there are kids looking like Trayvon aimlessly walking around in the rain near my home or my neighbors I hope that someone does confront the situation.
Seminole Cty Sheriff has been on full alert and on top of this and monitoring all along.

I think they are very prepared for any crazies. All is quiet.

Why do you think I say don't use the BT word on a gigantic online forum? LOL

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