The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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For what it's worth, my opinion is that the 1st order of business after choosing the forewoman will be to take a vote whether GZ acted in self-defense. If all say yes, then we will have a swift verdict.

This is the only just verdict since there is no evidence of either M2 or manslaughter. If there are any holdouts, it may take some time for the others to point out all the evidence there is to support GZ's account of what happened, but I don't think it will take long.

If there is justice in this world, the jurors will all be sleeping in their own beds tonight and GZ will get his bond money back. I expect justice to be a swift and absolute not guilty verdict.

I used to have that kind of faith in our legal system. Your prediction would have been a near absolute a few decades ago. But after so many miscarriages of justice, aka O.J. et al, I long ago gave up trying to predict what a jury these days will decide.

But we can hope. . . .

Again I don't know whether Zimmerman is completely innocent or is guilty of something, but nobody but him does know. And I sure don't think the prosecution has made any kind of case for guilt.

What bothers me the most is that the whole case is like extortion. The jury has to know that there is a strong possibility of riots and threats on their persons if they acquit Mr. Zimmerman.

I didn't hear if she has ruled on when their names will be released to the media yet. The defense filed for 6 months, she said she'd rule later.

If that ruling is done that would give them some freedom and confidence in their deliberations and decision.
I would really question the one that keeps telling me that the defendant was lying over and over when I didn't see them produce any real evidence of such along with trying to appeal to my emotions rather than with real factual evidence.

Hopefully the jury will consider beyond a reasonable doubt as their decision. That is what we expect them to do consistently, be that a murder, rape, or child molestation. You either have the evidence or you don't. :eusa_angel: The only thing we do know for sure, the boy has a bullet in the heart from Zimmys gun as the evidence.

Zimmy's head injuries could have been self-inflected, so I don't see that as evidence for or against the victim or Zimmy.

Shit-tao with the blatant idiocy once again

Folks.. thanks to him with this very post.. we award him the dumb post of the week award
yeah, like before he ran into Martin he went over to the sidewalk and slammed his head into it both front and back and when he did encounter him, he proceeded to scrape up Martin's knuckles so that evidence would correlate with his injuries he inflicted upon himself. Right.
I would really question the one that keeps telling me that the defendant was lying over and over when I didn't see them produce any real evidence of such along with trying to appeal to my emotions rather than with real factual evidence.

Hopefully the jury will consider beyond a reasonable doubt as their decision. That is what we expect them to do consistently, be that a murder, rape, or child molestation. You either have the evidence or you don't. :eusa_angel: The only thing we do know for sure, the boy has a bullet in the heart from Zimmys gun as the evidence.

Zimmy's head injuries could have been self-inflected, so I don't see that as evidence for or against the victim or Zimmy.

yet people were immediately there, and just before saw Martin on top of Zimmerman. Get real here, would you?

Hmm, I think that witness has denied what he "thought" he saw in the dark. But what is that evidence of? Witness describes Zimmerman's injuries, phone call to wife | Fox News
Question - Santy - because I know this of you and anyone else that wants to chimes in. A few of these women have guns in the house or own their own. Does owning/being familiar with guns give you a different perspective than if you had never seen one before and were completely unfamiliar?

Oh, yes definitely, IMO. Some people see guns as very if they will hurt you just sitting there. They don't go off by themselves.

Also, and most importantly, gun STORAGE and safety is unclear or totally misunderstood by non-gun owners. Responsible gun owners have gun safes and other means of keeping their weapons safe. I think most people do not understand the emphasis gun owners place on safety. There is a respect for the weapon that is not appreciated by those who do not own or use.

Don't you think?

Yes I think it does give you a different perspective. They aren't scary, I wouldn't get tripped up on the "gun" part of this or of self defense, because again, other than going shooting is fun, they are there for self defense.

Guns aren't an obstacle to get over with someone who is familiar with them.

I think the few on the jury that are familiar with them give it a more level decision ground than if none of those women had seen one before and guns were foreign.

Just my opinion.
yeah, like before he ran into Martin he went over to the sidewalk and slammed his head into it both front and back and when he did encounter him, he proceeded to scrape up Martin's knuckles so that evidence would correlate with his injuries he inflicted upon himself. Right.

This is really how crazy their case is. Our justice system is finished if Zimmerman is found guility....

You won't be able to walk up to a person without justifying any in all violent acts from the person you're walking up to. It will be a crime to walk up to someone...It will be a crime to defend yourself....

Pretty sad.
Then I have one question, where did anyone say Martin saw the gun? Everything I read said that Zimmerman said that Martin said something like "You are going to die" and reached for the gun. Like I pointed out earlier, it is entirely possible he felt the gun during the fight. Are you trying to tell me that a 17 year old punk wouldn't know a gun when he felt one? You need to get past the "seeing" thing and think about all the different ways Martin could have become aware of the gun, up to and including Zimmerman reaching for it himself.
As I've already said, I have no dog in this fight and I know only what I've read and heard about the case. So go to message #111 for the answer to your question.
I would really question the one that keeps telling me that the defendant was lying over and over when I didn't see them produce any real evidence of such along with trying to appeal to my emotions rather than with real factual evidence.

Hopefully the jury will consider beyond a reasonable doubt as their decision. That is what we expect them to do consistently, be that a murder, rape, or child molestation. You either have the evidence or you don't. :eusa_angel: The only thing we do know for sure, the boy has a bullet in the heart from Zimmys gun as the evidence.

Zimmy's head injuries could have been self-inflected, so I don't see that as evidence for or against the victim or Zimmy.

Shit-tao with the blatant idiocy once again

Folks.. thanks to him with this very post.. we award him the dumb post of the week award
I can see DD got his ass handed to him, and his response is to attack the messenger. You really are that stupid and obvious. LMAO!!! :eusa_angel: It probably works on idiots like yourself.
Zimmerman's proven lies to a judge make all his other statements very questionable.

Then it's good we have eye witness testimony and forensic evidence, not to mention pictures of his injuries to confirm his statements

So many made up their minds before the evidence was laid out. When I first heard about this, I had the impression that some big bully white guy cornered some child and murdered him in cold blood. Then I read about the facts and was on the fence. Now that the trial has laid out all evidence, I think the prosecution just bowed to public pressure from black leaders, the Obama administration and their supporters. It just isn't that cut and dried.

It's all about the evidence and nothing more. If the facts support Zimmerman's statement, that amounts to reasonable doubt and they have to let him go. The prosecution did not meet the standard of proof required for murder. It's clear why they want to suddenly reduce the charges, but Zimmerman's lawyers didn't address manslaughter or defend against that. I think they are hellbent to send him to jail on something. If they now reduce charges, that is an admission that they deliberately overcharged in this first place and the proof of that is in the gross lack of evidence to support their claim. They didn't follow the evidence to come to a conclusion, they acted under pressure and tried to get by with a flimsy case.

There have been plenty of liars in this case. The story put out initially was a lie.

Now we have a judge speaking out at this point in an attempt to sway public opinion. That will help ensure riots if Zimmerman walks due to lack of evidence for the crime of murder. The judge's poor judgment isn't helping an already explosive situation.

actually a judge is not speaking out at this point. trollkota pulled this article from OVER a YEAR ago.

this thread is just another attempt to smear zimmerman by his past actions...while at the same time loving that martin's past actions were not allowed in court.

two faced and intellectually dishonest
I would really question the one that keeps telling me that the defendant was lying over and over when I didn't see them produce any real evidence of such along with trying to appeal to my emotions rather than with real factual evidence.

Hopefully the jury will consider beyond a reasonable doubt as their decision. That is what we expect them to do consistently, be that a murder, rape, or child molestation. You either have the evidence or you don't. :eusa_angel: The only thing we do know for sure, the boy has a bullet in the heart from Zimmys gun as the evidence.

Zimmy's head injuries could have been self-inflected, so I don't see that as evidence for or against the victim or Zimmy.

Lol, a blatant troll post.

That's a crock of crap on your part. Just because you don't agree with the post, doesn't mean that it's a "troll post". What are you trying to do, intimidate new forum members? You are not a Moderator, you are a regular forum member like the rest of us. You don't "call the shots", and you have little room to talk about "troll posts" or other violations. They should all tell you to go pound sand.
Question - Santy - because I know this of you and anyone else that wants to chimes in. A few of these women have guns in the house or own their own. Does owning/being familiar with guns give you a different perspective than if you had never seen one before and were completely unfamiliar?

I'm not Santa, but thought I would let you know that I am not a gun owner but I have been around guns before many times. It doesn't change my opinion on Zimmerman at all. The only gun we have is a little pellet gun. lol

I think it may me because we've always had guns and that's what they're for - self defense. I don't know if I'd be more SHOCKED and gun disgusted bout this or if I was never around guns because I'm always around guns. lol

That didn't make any sense at all. Reed it beter than ey tipt it pleese

I got you Testa. LOL
For what it's worth, my opinion is that the 1st order of business after choosing the forewoman will be to take a vote whether GZ acted in self-defense. If all say yes, then we will have a swift verdict.

This is the only just verdict since there is no evidence of either M2 or manslaughter. If there are any holdouts, it may take some time for the others to point out all the evidence there is to support GZ's account of what happened, but I don't think it will take long.

If there is justice in this world, the jurors will all be sleeping in their own beds tonight and GZ will get his bond money back. I expect justice to be a swift and absolute not guilty verdict.

I used to have that kind of faith in our legal system. Your prediction would have been a near absolute a few decades ago. But after so many miscarriages of justice, aka O.J. et al, I long ago gave up trying to predict what a jury these days will decide.

But we can hope. . . .

Again I don't know whether Zimmerman is completely innocent or is guilty of something, but nobody but him does know. And I sure don't think the prosecution has made any kind of case for guilt.

What bothers me the most is that the whole case is like extortion. The jury has to know that there is a strong possibility of riots and threats on their persons if they acquit Mr. Zimmerman.

even so --If they agreed/not certain that is the correct term, to serve on this jury--the task is to determine what the facts revealed.

'a jury of one peers'--after enough life experiences--that terrifies me. 'You should have/you should not have'--and it could be a tiny point.

I cannot forget an unsettling exchange I had online during the Natalee Holloway case--'She shouldn't have been in the bar, etc'--she never would concede that Joran Van der Sloot--'should not have been what he was'. Things like that.

however the unrest must be dealt with--that must be dealt with by those empowered to do so. God Help Us All.
Uh, hate further bust your bubble here sports fans but the far left leaning liberal in this trial would be Mark O'Mara who also was critical of the current Stand Your Ground law when it passed calling it the License to Murder statute.
Not passing judgment on any of them, just posting the facts.
Question - Santy - because I know this of you and anyone else that wants to chimes in. A few of these women have guns in the house or own their own. Does owning/being familiar with guns give you a different perspective than if you had never seen one before and were completely unfamiliar?

Oh, yes definitely, IMO. Some people see guns as very if they will hurt you just sitting there. They don't go off by themselves.

Also, and most importantly, gun STORAGE and safety is unclear or totally misunderstood by non-gun owners. Responsible gun owners have gun safes and other means of keeping their weapons safe. I think most people do not understand the emphasis gun owners place on safety. There is a respect for the weapon that is not appreciated by those who do not own or use.

Don't you think?

Yes I think it does give you a different perspective. They aren't scary, I wouldn't get tripped up on the "gun" part of this or of self defense, because again, other than going shooting is fun, they are there for self defense.

Guns aren't an obstacle to get over with someone who is familiar with them.

I think the few on the jury that are familiar with them give it a more level decision ground than if none of those women had seen one before and guns were foreign.

Just my opinion.

Sorry...getting busy here at work...I agree! LOL
I used to have that kind of faith in our legal system. Your prediction would have been a near absolute a few decades ago. But after so many miscarriages of justice, aka O.J. et al, I long ago gave up trying to predict what a jury these days will decide.

But we can hope. . . .

Again I don't know whether Zimmerman is completely innocent or is guilty of something, but nobody but him does know. And I sure don't think the prosecution has made any kind of case for guilt.

What bothers me the most is that the whole case is like extortion. The jury has to know that there is a strong possibility of riots and threats on their persons if they acquit Mr. Zimmerman.

I didn't hear if she has ruled on when their names will be released to the media yet. The defense filed for 6 months, she said she'd rule later.

If that ruling is done that would give them some freedom and confidence in their deliberations and decision.

I'm going to wager that their names are known outside of the court room.
I know spectators aren't allowed cameras, but I'd be willing to bet one or more got in.
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