The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Ah now we're looking into the heart, the very soul, of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. That is the proof of who initiated the attack. Of course NONE of Trayvon Martin's history was allowed into the trial, so how do we know what his demeanor or thoughts likely were that night?

At least O'Mara said what I have been saying that everyone who is anyone started as a 'wannabe.'

The one thing I would have done differently was when the 'dummy' (the non living one) was brought in by the prosecution. Rather than shaking it by the shoulders, I would have used a fist and punched it in the nose. Neck arched, head would hit floor.
Quotes used by Mr. Guy

"As a man speaks, so is he"

An excerpt from Proverbs 23:7

"7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee."

"To the living we owe respect, to the dead we owe the truth"

A quote by Voltaire

which had absolutely nothing to do with any evidence. And they are going back to that juror room with 28 pages telling them to look at evidence, not philosophical dribble.
For what it's worth, my opinion is that the 1st order of business after choosing the forewoman will be to take a vote whether GZ acted in self-defense. If all say yes, then we will have a swift verdict.

This is the only just verdict since there is no evidence of either M2 or manslaughter. If there are any holdouts, it may take some time for the others to point out all the evidence there is to support GZ's account of what happened, but I don't think it will take long.

If there is justice in this world, the jurors will all be sleeping in their own beds tonight and GZ will get his bond money back. I expect justice to be a swift and absolute not guilty verdict.
Let me get this straight.

You think Zimmerman is not guilty, but you want to send him to jail as a protest over a law you don't understand. Does anyone still think I am the one with the agenda?

Why does that make sense?
You really have a poor grasp of the English language, don't you bub?

Don't like people pointing out your bias? Stop being biased.

You said you would vote not guilty if it wasn't for stand your ground. That means you think Zimmerman is not guilty, but think he should go to jail anyway just because of your agenda against the SYG law.

No, it means that since Martin had every legal right to defend himself and since Zimmerman went after him, Zimmerman is at fault and should be convicted of manslaughter.

If Martin DIDN'T have a legal right to defend himself and instead was obligated to retreat then Zimmerman would have to be let off as it would merely be a he said/she said case with a reasonable doubt.
Ah now we're looking into the heart, the very soul, of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin.

was that child not in fear?

and what popped into my head was 'creepy assed cracker'.

They only have 25 minutes to do this? I hope so.

I am so tired of that 'child' shit. He was not legally a 'child.'

child n. 1) a person's natural offspring. 2) a person 14 years and under. A "child" should be distinguished from a "minor" who is anyone under 18 in almost all states.

child legal definition of child. child synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.
To use that kind of language you'd actually have to BE a racist...which George Zimmerman isn't. You'd know that if you paid attention to something other than web sites like that one.
To the ladies of the board, how would you feel if the State continually appealed to your emotions like that is all that it takes to sway your verdict?

I consider it denigrating to appeal to emotions - no matter, ladies or gentlemen - it means that whoever is doing that considers himself/herself superior and the ones being appealed to - inferior and not able to have mental reasoning abilities.

Arrogance has no appeal.
Does it bother anyone here that the State tried to use the BIBLE to put a man away for something he didn't do? What about evidence pertaining to the case? Hello?

yep, sad, but not surprising, but it also points to their lack of faith in anything they have presented.
Juror E6:
•She is white
•She is married and has two children.
•She has lived in Seminole County for two years.
•Her husband and son own guns.
•She was involved in a domestic violence incident in her past.

This one - big note taker and "in charge"
I dunno....sequestering the jury means they have no way of knowing if the lawyer is lying or not. Seems a travesty of justice.

The prosecution has been allowed to play tapes of Zimmerman and his lies.

Those will help because not only do you get to see them in court..but you can hear them back in deliberations.

The Jury I sat on was able to make an informed decision after pouring through videos and really paying attention to what was said.

Can the research the lies the prosecutor tells too?

Ah now we're looking into the heart, the very soul, of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. That is the proof of who initiated the attack. Of course NONE of Trayvon Martin's history was allowed into the trial, so how do we know what his demeanor or thoughts likely were that night?

At least O'Mara said what I have been saying that everyone who is anyone started as a 'wannabe.'

The one thing I would have done differently was when the 'dummy' (the non living one) was brought in by the prosecution. Rather than shaking it by the shoulders, I would have used a fist and punched it in the nose. Neck arched, head would hit floor.

that should have been done.

I think it was Baden, forensic expert, that said last night--without knowing the angle? of the wrist--something to that effect--those demonstrations were inconclusive. that may not be an accurate summary--it was confusing to me--either side's use of the dummy.

'their little animation' clarified some points for me.

make it easier for me--not harder.
Funny, I could have sworn that I said the usually work, I wonder why I forgot to say that.

Wait, I did.

Want to start over?

Sure..there were 2 flashlights found.

So both didn't work?


Where were the flashlights? Did the have fingerprints? DNA?


Wait. First the defense is using the flashlights to point out that the incident started at the T Junction..and you are saying that the flashlights didn't belong to Zimmerman.

Which is it?
For what it's worth, my opinion is that the 1st order of business after choosing the forewoman will be to take a vote whether GZ acted in self-defense. If all say yes, then we will have a swift verdict.

This is the only just verdict since there is no evidence of either M2 or manslaughter. If there are any holdouts, it may take some time for the others to point out all the evidence there is to support GZ's account of what happened, but I don't think it will take long.

If there is justice in this world, the jurors will all be sleeping in their own beds tonight and GZ will get his bond money back. I expect justice to be a swift and absolute not guilty verdict.

I used to have that kind of faith in our legal system. Your prediction would have been a near absolute a few decades ago. But after so many miscarriages of justice, aka O.J. et al, I long ago gave up trying to predict what a jury these days will decide.

But we can hope. . . .

Again I don't know whether Zimmerman is completely innocent or is guilty of something, but nobody but him does know. And I sure don't think the prosecution has made any kind of case for guilt.
Question - Santy - because I know this of you and anyone else that wants to chimes in. A few of these women have guns in the house or own their own. Does owning/being familiar with guns give you a different perspective than if you had never seen one before and were completely unfamiliar?
If he is convicted he will get a new trial simply because of the obvious bias of the judge.

I see you've started your contingency plan for whining if Zimmerman is convicted.

Not going to whine and am not whining now..pointing out plain facts.The judge is doing everything possible to make sure he gets convicted of something...more than likely a order from the so called Department of "justice"

....Or from the league of Extraordinary Gentlemen:doubt:
Sure..there were 2 flashlights found.

So both didn't work?


Where were the flashlights? Did the have fingerprints? DNA?


Wait. First the defense is using the flashlights to point out that the incident started at the T Junction..and you are saying that the flashlights didn't belong to Zimmerman.

Which is it?

I'm still wondering why he thinks lightening would make someone go into a dark alley looking for an address where a street sign wouldn't be.

For what it's worth, my opinion is that the 1st order of business after choosing the forewoman will be to take a vote whether GZ acted in self-defense. If all say yes, then we will have a swift verdict.

This is the only just verdict since there is no evidence of either M2 or manslaughter. If there are any holdouts, it may take some time for the others to point out all the evidence there is to support GZ's account of what happened, but I don't think it will take long.

If there is justice in this world, the jurors will all be sleeping in their own beds tonight and GZ will get his bond money back. I expect justice to be a swift and absolute not guilty verdict.

I used to have that kind of faith in our legal system. Your prediction would have been a near absolute a few decades ago. But after so many miscarriages of justice, aka O.J. et al, I long ago gave up trying to predict what a jury these days will decide.

But we can hope. . . .

Again I don't know whether Zimmerman is completely innocent or is guilty of something, but nobody but him does know. And I sure don't think the prosecution has made any kind of case for guilt.

good points. I started out thinking--'vigilante' and now I question that. Not going to spend much more time questioning what George Zimmerman intended to do. On occasion I have thought that I should 'do something' and learned that may I shouldn't have--that is a possibility and there are others. It seems that his family developed the instinct to 'help/take care of others'--mine did, too. Sometimes it is best to step back.

I empathize with those who lose a loved one. My mother still grieves for my brother and he was 'worse' than Trayvon. What can I say?

And these sort of things will enter into the juror's decision.
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