The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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If he is convicted he will get a new trial simply because of the obvious bias of the judge.

I see you've started your contingency plan for whining if Zimmerman is convicted.

Why not?

You can be sure that Jackson and Sharpton and their local-yokel puppets are certainly making plans in case the case doesn't go their way.

No difference.

Except your plans for whining is documented and not silly conjecture
If he is convicted he will get a new trial simply because of the obvious bias of the judge.

I see you've started your contingency plan for whining if Zimmerman is convicted.

Not going to whine and am not whining now..pointing out plain facts.The judge is doing everything possible to make sure he gets convicted of something...more than likely a order from the so called Department of "justice"
Well golly gee, hasn't GZ been claiming that TM assaulted him from the start? SO why would Martin assault GZ for no reason? First off, Z spotted TM walking back from the store and was parked ahead of him partially blocking the sidewalk. TM had to walk around the vehicle to get by... Something happened in the ensuing moments that caused Martin to run. He in fact ran past the sidewalk that would have led to the front door of the apt in which he was staying. GZ gave chase and , according to later publicly aired conversations, he lost sight of Martin. In a re-enactment of the confrontation GZ said Martin re-appeared near him as he was returning to his truck. GZ did not say Martin hit him. He says he either stumbled and fell or was pushed and fell to the ground. After he fell, he said Martin jumped on top of him. The re-enactment was not consistent with an earlier statement by GZ where he indicated that he and Martin spoke to each other before the fight. In that earlier statement Z said Martin asked him what was his problem? Z responded with "I don't have a problem." According to Z, TM responded with " You do now," and according to Z, Martin hit him. TWO different stories from the same guy!

Damn, you really are stupid.

Stand your ground only applies if you are in public, kill someone, and had a chance to get away. Since Zimmerman was on his back on the ground he did not have a chance to run away.

They just showed the reenactment today, and Zimmerman said what you just said he didn't say.


Well I am certainly not as stupid as YOU! The Florida statute concerning SYG has been posted and excerpted ad nauseum. Read it and be man enough to apologize when you discover how dumb you have been!

Florida Justifiable homicide statute chapt 776 said:
(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

Ands just in case you missed it the first time, don't tell me shit about the statute applying to Zimmerman. Read my proposed application and weep:

What part did I get wrong? I already said it doesn't apply to Zimmerman, go cry to someone else about that.

"This excerpt applies to MARTIN. He was not engaged in unlawful activity and was apparently either attacked or afraid of imminent attack by GZ. Martin had no duty to retreat and had the right to stand his ground and meet force with force, including deadly force. You dumb ass one dimensional buffoon. You cannot even grasp the fact that Trayvon did not have to wait to be attacked by his STALKER. What ever he did he stood his ground when an unknown threat triggered alarms in his head to make him believe he was in danger. If the prosecution didn't use that in court then he/she is as inept in their thinking as you are. The other possibility is that there is a good old boy thing going on here and that the case is being purposefully blown"

It doesn't apply to Martin because it only applies if you are being charged with a crime, what crime is Martin charged with?
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I see you've started your contingency plan for whining if Zimmerman is convicted.

Why not?

You can be sure that Jackson and Sharpton and their local-yokel puppets are certainly making plans in case the case doesn't go their way.

No difference.

Except your plans for whining is documented and not silly conjecture

As you like.

It's just that the Jackson and Sharpton and their local-lackey contingent skulk-about in the dark until it's show-time, rather than discussing plans in the open light of day...

No big deal, either way...

Both sides (activist-folk and their sympathizers) are doing just that...

One side is simply less disingenuous and more transparent about it...

Anyone who believes that the Jackson and Sharpton and their local-lackey contingent are NOT busy putting the finishing touches on their own plans is FAR more silly (and naive) than someone who merely speculates that such plans exist... :eusa_angel:
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To the ladies of the board, how would you feel if the State continually appealed to your emotions like that is all that it takes to sway your verdict?
The last thing he did was try to get home.


Good luck with all of your wishes that the pig gets to walk free. See you after the verdict.

I doubt we'll get to see you eat your crow. You will be silent after the verdict.

27 pages of instructions????

I hope they're not written out in cursive. These are 6 people who couldn't get out of jury duty.
Everything George Zimmerman did was UNREASONABLE.

He exagerrated his injuries...UNREASONABLE.

You ever had your head bounced off of something? I think not. Ever had a fist hit your nose?
I think not

It's the first bounce and you go whoa geeze. Now being in the music business and having a violent ex husband I can attest to the fact that the first bounce doesn't get you. doesn't grab you to admit the amount of pain you are in.

Second hit. Aha. You know you are getting slammed with __________________fill in the blank.
and we are waiting for the police to make a statement

'defense somewhat lackluster'

placing the concrete block on the floor--not just armed with skittles and a soft drink--that was a good way to end.

oh well

i wonder who will become the foreman
Everything George Zimmerman did was UNREASONABLE.

He exagerrated his injuries...UNREASONABLE.

Yeah... saying that broken nose hurt was unreasonable... those were unreasonable lacerations and scrapes on his head too... and all must have unreasonably happened while he was hunting down and attacking TM


Racist idiot
You're proving yourself to be quite the master of lies diamond, as his nose was NOT broken.
To the ladies of the board, how would you feel if the State continually appealed to your emotions like that is all that it takes to sway your verdict?

I'd be pissed off. But then that's me. Let's see if O'Marah's strategy works.

From personal experience, and the spankings I got from my maw, women don't like to be yelled at. BDLR was an angry, angry man.
Prosecutor John Guy followed with a rebuttal, accusing Zimmerman of telling "so many lies." He said Martin's last feeling was fear.

"Isn't that every child's worst nightmare, to be followed on the way home in the dark by a stranger," Guy said. "Isn't that every child's worst fear?"

Guy said Zimmerman violated the cornerstone of neighborhood watch volunteer programs, which is to observe and report, not follow a suspect.

Zimmerman's account of how he grabbed his gun from his holster at his waist as Martin straddled him is physically impossible, Guy said.

"The defendant didn't shoot Trayvon Martin because he had to, he shot him because he wanted to," Guy said. "That's the bottom line."

One juror, a young woman, appeared to wipe away a tear as Guy said nothing would ever bring back Martin.

The six jurors could begin deliberating today.

To win a second-degree murder conviction, prosecutors must prove Zimmerman showed ill will, hatred or spite. De la Rionda argued Zimmerman did that when he whispered profanities to a police dispatcher over his cellphone while following Martin through the neighborhood. He said Zimmerman "profiled" the teenager as a criminal.

Allowing the jurors to consider manslaughter could give those who aren't convinced the shooting amounted to murder a way to hold Zimmerman responsible for the death of the unarmed teen.
and we are waiting for the police to make a statement

'defense somewhat lackluster'

placing the concrete block on the floor--not just armed with skittles and a soft drink--that was a good way to end.

oh well

i wonder who will become the foreman

Would have been better if he had a watermelon on the floor and smashed it with the block of concrete...

What can I say, I am one of those people who likes Gallagher.

and we are waiting for the police to make a statement

'defense somewhat lackluster'

placing the concrete block on the floor--not just armed with skittles and a soft drink--that was a good way to end.

oh well

i wonder who will become the foreman

I'm going with the Hispanic woman.

i couldn't find the link previously posted

Who are the Zimmerman jurors? |

Juror B29:
•She is Hispanic and black
•She just moved to Florida four months ago from Chicago.
•She has eight children and works at a nursing home.

Juror B76:
•She is white
•She has lived in Seminole County since 1975.
•She has called police about kids vandalizing signs.
•She has family members who own firearms.

Juror B37:
•She is white
•She has lived in Seminole County for 18 years.
•She used to carry a concealed weapons permit.

Juror B51:
•She is white
•She has been a resident of Seminole County for nine years.
•She moved to Florida from Atlanta, Georgia.
•She does not have any children.
•She retired from a career in real estate, and also worked as a director, supervising 1,200 employees.

Juror E6:
•She is white
•She is married and has two children.
•She has lived in Seminole County for two years.
•Her husband and son own guns.
•She was involved in a domestic violence incident in her past.

Juror E40:
•She is white
•She is married with one son.
•She moved to Seminole County from Iowa seven months ago.
•She served as a safety officer for 25 years
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Why would the defense bring up SYG when their client was the one breaking the law by profiling, stalking and murdering an innocent kid? GZ was the aggressor. The bogus Neighborhood Watch angle was just a ruse so GZ could act like a cop with a big gun.
Are you confused as to who the criminal was here? Just because GZ had duped the SPD and the community with his phony NHW shit, that deception didn't give him any more of a right to do the things he did that night. Thats why cops and security guards wear identifiable uniforms; so people can have some semblance of an assurance that when they are approached, followed, whatever, it is one of the good guys doing it! NHW, according to the National Sheriffs Association that sanctions the REAL organization, does not condone any of the behavior exhibited by GZ on the night he killed Martin!

The prosecution should be using SYG to justify Martin's actions.

Why would the defense bring up stand your ground?

Gee, I don't know. Maybe, just maybe, because if the defense doesn't bring it up, no one else will because it applies only to defending yourself against a murder or assault charge. The only time it has been mentioned at all is during the questioning of Zimmerman's professor when the prosecution asked if it was mentioned during the class.

Well golly gee, hasn't GZ been claiming that TM assaulted him from the start? SO why would Martin assault GZ for no reason? First off, Z spotted TM walking back from the store and was parked ahead of him partially blocking the sidewalk. TM had to walk around the vehicle to get by... Something happened in the ensuing moments that caused Martin to run. He in fact ran past the sidewalk that would have led to the front door of the apt in which he was staying. GZ gave chase and , according to later publicly aired conversations, he lost sight of Martin. In a re-enactment of the confrontation GZ said Martin re-appeared near him as he was returning to his truck. GZ did not say Martin hit him. He says he either stumbled and fell or was pushed and fell to the ground. After he fell, he said Martin jumped on top of him. The re-enactment was not consistent with an earlier statement by GZ where he indicated that he and Martin spoke to each other before the fight. In that earlier statement Z said Martin asked him what was his problem? Z responded with "I don't have a problem." According to Z, TM responded with " You do now," and according to Z, Martin hit him. TWO different stories from the same guy!

There's more than 2.

There's about 6.
To the ladies of the board, how would you feel if the State continually appealed to your emotions like that is all that it takes to sway your verdict?

I'd be pissed off. But then that's me. Let's see if O'Marah's strategy works.

From personal experience, and the spankings I got from my maw, women don't like to be yelled at. BDLR was an angry, angry man.

At least two of the jurors stated during selection that they would need more than circumstantial evidence to convict. In my view emotion, calling someone a liar, and hurling insults at the defendant will not get it done with these two women.
Everything George Zimmerman did was UNREASONABLE.

He exagerrated his injuries...UNREASONABLE.

Yeah... saying that broken nose hurt was unreasonable... those were unreasonable lacerations and scrapes on his head too... and all must have unreasonably happened while he was hunting down and attacking TM


Racist idiot
You're proving yourself to be quite the master of lies diamond, as his nose was NOT broken.

Report: Zimmerman had broken nose -

Expert: Wounds indicate that Trayvon was atop Zimmerman

Expert says evidence jibes with Zimmerman's story

You are a racist AND a liar

The nose was indeed broken
Everything George Zimmerman did was UNREASONABLE.

He exagerrated his injuries...UNREASONABLE.

Yeah... saying that broken nose hurt was unreasonable... those were unreasonable lacerations and scrapes on his head too... and all must have unreasonably happened while he was hunting down and attacking TM


Racist idiot
You're proving yourself to be quite the master of lies diamond, as his nose was NOT broken.

Doctor DiMaio said it WAS Broken.

I know who I'm gonna believe.

And it won't be a pathological liar who wants revenge over justice
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