The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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To the ladies of the board, how would you feel if the State continually appealed to your emotions like that is all that it takes to sway your verdict?

I consider it denigrating to appeal to emotions - no matter, ladies or gentlemen - it means that whoever is doing that considers himself/herself superior and the ones being appealed to - inferior and not able to have mental reasoning abilities.
I'd be pissed off. But then that's me. Let's see if O'Marah's strategy works.

From personal experience, and the spankings I got from my maw, women don't like to be yelled at. BDLR was an angry, angry man.

At least two of the jurors stated during selection that they would need more than circumstantial evidence to convict. In my view emotion, calling someone a liar, and hurling insults at the defendant will not get it done with these two women.

You would be very correct, pioneer. If the Great Wall of China were merely circumstantial evidence, it would be a 1500 km long piece of cardboard.
Also thought it was smart of O'Mara to sympathize with Rachel Jeantel and say he didn't care about the creepy ass cracker statement. They were young and didn't want this to happen, but you can't let the admitted lies go unnoticed.
Yeah... saying that broken nose hurt was unreasonable... those were unreasonable lacerations and scrapes on his head too... and all must have unreasonably happened while he was hunting down and attacking TM


Racist idiot
You're proving yourself to be quite the master of lies diamond, as his nose was NOT broken.

Report: Zimmerman had broken nose -

Expert: Wounds indicate that Trayvon was atop Zimmerman

Expert says evidence jibes with Zimmerman's story

You are a racist AND a liar

The nose was indeed broken

Let's start a 'Pool' on how long Marc can go without lying.

I got two posts.

No way he can go more than two posts without lying.

Dogs bark, pigs oink, babies cry, cats meow, ducks quack and....

dimocraps lie.

It's what they do.

Two posts. Tops.
You're proving yourself to be quite the master of lies diamond, as his nose was NOT broken.

Report: Zimmerman had broken nose -

Expert: Wounds indicate that Trayvon was atop Zimmerman

Expert says evidence jibes with Zimmerman's story

You are a racist AND a liar

The nose was indeed broken

Let's start a 'Pool' on how long Marc can go without lying.

I got two posts.

No way he can go more than two posts without lying.

Dogs bark, pigs oink, babies cry, cats meow, ducks quack and....

dimocraps lie.

It's what they do.

Two posts. Tops.

Zero. Tops.
It never did make sense to me. Someone with a gun in a holster, down the back of their pants, covered by their shirt and jacket and laying on their back on top of the gun. With someone straddeling them and sitting on their chest.
They have to get the gun while their head is being hit and against the cement and their face being punched. Once they get the gun out, they have to disengage the safety.
And supposedly the guy doing the punching didn't ever notice the gun?

Can some right winger explain how this works? Zimmerman showing where the gun was?

I see, you believe a punk attacked a guy who is carrying a gun in his hand, beat the crap out of him, and then suddenly figured out that he had the gun and started screaming for help.

Gotta admit rdean, that makes a hell of a lot more sense than him carrying the gun in his holster and getting the crap beat out of him because he didn't have it ready to use.

Well no.

First off, I don't think Martin was a "punk". He was probably more into hip hop.

Second, I don't think you go off into a dark courtyard to get an address. That makes no sense.

Third, I do think if you are a wannabe cop, wanting to make a collar and chasing some "suspect" into a dark courtyard, the required gear WOULD be a flashlight and a gun.

Fourth, I suspect that if you met a guy following you with a flashlight, that after you asked "Why are you following me", answers "What are you doing here", you might suspect that that fellow doesn't have your best intentions at heart.

Fifth I suspect that when you hear screams abruptly stop, after a gun shot, that the person making the screams is the one who got shot.

First off, you aren't rdean.

I hope.

Second, have you ever driven lived in an area with bad lighting and no street names?

Third, if Zimmerman was a wannabe cop why didn't he ever apply to be a cop?

Fourth, I suspect that everyone doesn't have my best interests at heart, even if they are not carrying a flashlight.

Fifth, the yelling did not "Stop abruptly" with the gunshot. It was intermittent, went on for at least 30 seconds, and there was at least 1 second between the last yell and the gunshot.
and we are waiting for the police to make a statement

'defense somewhat lackluster'

placing the concrete block on the floor--not just armed with skittles and a soft drink--that was a good way to end.

oh well

i wonder who will become the foreman

Would have been better if he had a watermelon on the floor and smashed it with the block of concrete...

What can I say, I am one of those people who likes Gallagher.

lol--I used to enjoy Conan O'Brien's 'dropping things off tall buildings'.

thinking about my head hitting that chunk of concrete--that worked for me.

not so much--the challenge to determine what was in the heart of the man and the child.

I don't have a good track record--so reasonable doubts plague me.

I once had a 17 yr old brother--when I would ask him why did certain things--his answers often surprised me. and so on.
Wow, I can't believe that there is anyone out there that STILL believes Zimmerman used the word "coons"! Seriously, you need to get a grip...
I've used plenty of them.

It's a simple device..and if you have a good generally doesn't "die".

That whole part of Zimmerman's story is also another ugly can of worms which makes no sense.

-He has to leave his truck to go to cross a dark courtyard to get signage from the other side? In a place he's lived in for several years? And patrols regularly?

You Might Rabbit You Might. - YouTube

Funny, I could have sworn that I said the usually work, I wonder why I forgot to say that.

Wait, I did.

Want to start over?

Sure..there were 2 flashlights found.

So both didn't work?


Where were the flashlights? Did the have fingerprints? DNA?
I would really question the one that keeps telling me that the defendant was lying over and over when I didn't see them produce any real evidence of such along with trying to appeal to my emotions rather than with real factual evidence.
and we are waiting for the police to make a statement

'defense somewhat lackluster'

placing the concrete block on the floor--not just armed with skittles and a soft drink--that was a good way to end.

oh well

i wonder who will become the foreman

I'm going with the Hispanic woman.

i couldn't find the link previously posted

Who are the Zimmerman jurors? |

Juror B29:
•She is Hispanic and black
•She just moved to Florida four months ago from Chicago.
•She has eight children and works at a nursing home.

Juror B76:
•She is white
•She has lived in Seminole County since 1975.
•She has called police about kids vandalizing signs.
•She has family members who own firearms.

Juror B37:
•She is white
•She has lived in Seminole County for 18 years.
•She used to carry a concealed weapons permit.

Juror B51:
•She is white
•She has been a resident of Seminole County for nine years.
•She moved to Florida from Atlanta, Georgia.
•She does not have any children.
•She retired from a career in real estate, and also worked as a director, supervising 1,200 employees.

Juror E6:
•She is white
•She is married and has two children.
•She has lived in Seminole County for two years.
•Her husband and son own guns.
•She was involved in a domestic violence incident in her past.

Juror E40:
•She is white
•She is married with one son.
•She moved to Seminole County from Iowa seven months ago.
•She served as a safety officer for 25 years

Then I'd go with B37
Have they done away with the SYG law?

Let me get this straight.

You think Zimmerman is not guilty, but you want to send him to jail as a protest over a law you don't understand. Does anyone still think I am the one with the agenda?

Why does that make sense?
You really have a poor grasp of the English language, don't you bub?

Don't like people pointing out your bias? Stop being biased.

You said you would vote not guilty if it wasn't for stand your ground. That means you think Zimmerman is not guilty, but think he should go to jail anyway just because of your agenda against the SYG law.
Quotes used by Mr. Guy:

"As a man speaks, so is he"

An excerpt from Proverbs 23:7

"7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee."

"To the living we owe respect, to the dead we owe the truth"

A quote by Voltaire
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Does it bother anyone here that the State tried to use the BIBLE to put a man away for something he didn't do? What about evidence pertaining to the case? Hello?
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