The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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It looks like there is a late night ruling. Zimmerman is guilty. He is getting 15 years. Go martin family. You have justice! Your unarmed son has been revenged. :). Hey. I can dream.

:eek: So you believe the justice system is to get revenge! :cuckoo:
It looks like there is a late night ruling. Zimmerman is guilty. He is getting 15 years. Go martin family. You have justice! Your unarmed son has been revenged. :). Hey. I can dream.

You're just a drive by asshole.

I thought you actually had some contribution at one time for a fleeting millisecond but no.

Drive, here's my ass, by, hole.
wow. You are impressive.

The feeling's fucking mutual troll.
It looks like there is a late night ruling. Zimmerman is guilty. He is getting 15 years. Go martin family. You have justice! Your unarmed son has been revenged. :). Hey. I can dream.

:eek: So you believe the justice system is to get revenge! :cuckoo:

Nope but I do believe the Martin family will feel like justice is served if Zimmerman goes to jail for killing their child. If he is guilty, it will be revenge if he gets at least 15 years for shooting an unarmed child.
If that's a real photo of him with a crooked nose in the squad car that night, why does his nose look all straight later that night at the police station?

@ 4:55

[ame=]Trayvon Martin crime scene photos - YouTube[/ame]

Never mind. I can see now it's a real photo now. It just looks bad because of all the blood and there was a little temporary swelling that quickly went down.
You have the right to use deadly yourself or others to stop a felony in progress.
If that felony is being committed on you then you have the right to use deadly force if you believe that your life or health in in grievous danger.

The following was over - Martin had gone out of site and Zimmerman was walking back to his car.
Martin had two minutes from the time he lost the man following him to get home (the conversation with his girl-friend on the phone said he was at his house). The next appearance of Martin was back within 30 feet of Zimmerman's car where Martin confronted Zimmerman - violently according to the evidence - in a felonious attack (assault and battery) in which any sane person would have been in fear of their life (pinned to the ground, taking a beating, and having the attacker recognize that you had a gun) at which time he told Zimmerman that he was going to die tonight.

The relevant facts are that Zimmerman was attacked physically by a person of superior ability and put in a position where he did not have the ability to get away, fight back with any result, and was in fear of his life. His only recourse was to use deadly force to save his life.

The prosecution can not prove that Zimmerman was not in fear for his life and it is reasonable to assume he was in great fear - he had been calling for help for 40 seconds continuously - eye-witness testimony confirms this (John Good) as does the 911 tape of the woman who didn't see anything but heard what was happening. According to the expert witness Zimmerman had no other recourse but to use deadly force and had every reason, under the conditions and perceptions at the time of the incident, to do so.
Every piece of evidence shows that this was a pure case of justifiable homicide by reason of self defense.

We will know what the jury decides when they are don deliberating.
If I were in a neighbor hood watch program, I would not try forcible detainer if told by police not to do so.

You must adhere strictly to the rules if you are in the neighborhood watch:

If you are watching in a GATED FUCKING COMMUNITY, members of a race with special privileges , can enter as if they were in the Cabrini projects. Say an emphatic hello and give them the master key to every house.

Take pictures of yourself hugging him and email them to Angela Corey. Afterwards give him your cell phone. That's what homies do.


NOW you're just being ridiculous.

Yah think?

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