The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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[MENTION=27360]Jackson[/MENTION] I can't find the original post, but I've been listening, [MENTION=43884]SantaFeWay[/MENTION] has and [MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION] have been listening, don't know who else.

The majority are answering with politically correct answers or what they think they should be saying, some are getting caught with agenda or bias the longer they are questioned, very few have come out and said they believe X. Most of them say they don't have an opinion, one said he didn't and then SNAP! With his Facebook opinion and agenda. I think it's going to be extremely difficult to get any kind of jury that doesn't have any bias and even when they do impossible to tell if someone with an agenda is in the mix. Other than very few exceptions most are lying thru their teeth. I have little faith. I'd have thrown my hands up and done eenie meenie minee moe by now if I had to question them. "I don't really have an opinion" is a gigantic red flag we've heard countless times so far. Maybe the other watchers could chime in here. But that's my take.
He received one inbound call during the events and that was back on Twin Trees Lane (the timing of which was when they were near the clubhouse). Phone records show that inbound call at approximately 19:12 and it lasted for 4-minutes. The dispatcher call ended at approximately 19:15 and the Witness #8 call ended at approximately 19:16. The police arrived at approximately 19:17.


You seem to have a pretty good grasp upon the intricacies of the evidence. I tried to stay up with the facts but got discouraged by the intense emotions associated with this case by both sides. You point out something like "the dispatcher never told Zimmerman to stay in his car" and all of a sudden you are a racist bigot. For me I believe the most important issues will be what happened 9:15 and 9:17 and will wait and see what the evidence is at trial..

Exactly right. We can expounder opinions here on the internet until the cows come home. At the end of the day would should eliminate all the extemporaneous crap that each side tries to introduce - much of it well never be placed before the jury.

I try to focus on the events that night and stay out of the media/racial aspects. I'll point out to either side when they make claims which are against logic and the physical/forensic evidence. Even I don't claim to understand it all, that is what the trial is for. For example the body location does not match Zimmerman's account and the dropped items don't match Zimmerman's account.

However, and with that said, IIRC there was some concern that the time stamps for the cell calls do not match the time stamps for the police dispatch calls... That the timing of the phone call with Witness 8 may have been skewed by a minute or two. Does your rendition of the timing resolve that issue?

Valid concern, more accurate records may have been released through discovery that I haven't seen, I'm mean there have been 10's of thousands of pages of discover in addition to audio, photo's, and video's.

The dispatcher call and the neighbor 911 calls were recorded on the same system so the time differential will be pretty consistent. There is only one cell phone call that is part of the case not recorded by the Sanford police and that was the inbound call from Witness #8. I haven't seen exact records as part of the discovery, the only thing I've seen is the customer record which is less exact. Customer phone record time printing is normally rounded, so some time difference between the Witness #8's cell call and the dispatcher call is to be expected. I would expect that the prosecution will present more exact records from the carrier during trial.

With that said most people don't realize there is probably a time sync between the police recordings and the inbound call from Witness #8. Examine the dispatcher call and run the audio, you'll find that approximately 2-minutes into the call Zimmerman points out that Martin is reaching into his pants/waistband at the same time that the inbound call is timed from the carrier. That call, from the customer records was 4-minutes, which in reality could be anywhere from 3-4 minutes depending on the rounding rules the carrier uses for charging. Again I would expect a more exact figure during trial.

We can expect an exact time for the dispatcher call, we know the duration of the dispatcher call, we can sync the Witness #8 to an approximate time in the dispatcher call. The question is the duration of the Witness #8 call to fit it completely into the timeline. Was it 3-minutes 5-seconds? Was it 3-minutes 35-seconds? Was it 3-minutes 59-seconds? I believe most carriers round up to the nearest whole minute for billing purposes. We will probably have to wait for that evidence to be presented at trial to know the final answer.

[MENTION=27360]Jackson[/MENTION] I can't find the original post, but I've been listening, [MENTION=43884]SantaFeWay[/MENTION] has and [MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION] have been listening, don't know who else.

The majority are answering with politically correct answers or what they think they should be saying, some are getting caught with agenda or bias the longer they are questioned, very few have come out and said they believe X. Most of them say they don't have an opinion, one said he didn't and then SNAP! With his Facebook opinion and agenda. I think it's going to be extremely difficult to get any kind of jury that doesn't have any bias and even when they do impossible to tell if someone with an agenda is in the mix. Other than very few exceptions most are lying thru their teeth. I have little faith. I'd have thrown my hands up and done eenie meenie minee moe by now if I had to question them. "I don't really have an opinion" is a gigantic red flag we've heard countless times so far. Maybe the other watchers could chime in here. But that's my take.

Well said...I listened quite a bit yesterday and sporadically the day before and it seems most are dying to be on this jury and are giving the answers they think the attorneys want to hear...however the attorneys seem well aware of what the jurors are doing.

Red Flag:

1) I dont have an opinion...
2) I always wait until I have all the evidence and so do all of my family and
3) Nobody I talk to knows much about the case or have an opinion.
4) I dont watch the news

The one guy who is a restaurant manager was an absolute joke...he repeated all of the red flags

I agree with [MENTION=43879]testarosa[/MENTION]...she had a good summation of what we have heard thus far. Even though testy wanted to axe one of my buddys....but I hold no grudges:eek:
He received one inbound call during the events and that was back on Twin Trees Lane (the timing of which was when they were near the clubhouse). Phone records show that inbound call at approximately 19:12 and it lasted for 4-minutes. The dispatcher call ended at approximately 19:15 and the Witness #8 call ended at approximately 19:16. The police arrived at approximately 19:17.


You seem to have a pretty good grasp upon the intricacies of the evidence. I tried to stay up with the facts but got discouraged by the intense emotions associated with this case by both sides. You point out something like "the dispatcher never told Zimmerman to stay in his car" and all of a sudden you are a racist bigot. For me I believe the most important issues will be what happened 9:15 and 9:17 and will wait and see what the evidence is at trial..

Exactly right. We can expounder opinions here on the internet until the cows come home. At the end of the day would should eliminate all the extemporaneous crap that each side tries to introduce - much of it well never be placed before the jury.

I try to focus on the events that night and stay out of the media/racial aspects. I'll point out to either side when they make claims which are against logic and the physical/forensic evidence. Even I don't claim to understand it all, that is what the trial is for. For example the body location does not match Zimmerman's account and the dropped items don't match Zimmerman's account.

However, and with that said, IIRC there was some concern that the time stamps for the cell calls do not match the time stamps for the police dispatch calls... That the timing of the phone call with Witness 8 may have been skewed by a minute or two. Does your rendition of the timing resolve that issue?

Valid concern, more accurate records may have been released through discovery that I haven't seen, I'm mean there have been 10's of thousands of pages of discover in addition to audio, photo's, and video's.

The dispatcher call and the neighbor 911 calls were recorded on the same system so the time differential will be pretty consistent. *There is only one cell phone call that is part of the case not recorded by the Sanford police and that was the inbound call from Witness #8. I haven't seen exact records as part of the discovery, the only thing I've seen is the customer record which is less exact. Customer phone record time printing is normally rounded, so some time difference between the Witness #8's cell call and the dispatcher call is to be expected. I would expect that the prosecution will present more exact records from the carrier during trial.

With that said most people don't realize there is probably a time sync between the police recordings and the inbound call from Witness #8. Examine the dispatcher call and run the audio, you'll find that approximately 2-minutes into the call Zimmerman points out that Martin is reaching into his pants/waistband at the same time that the inbound call is timed from the carrier. That call, from the customer records was 4-minutes, which in reality could be anywhere from 3-4 minutes depending on the rounding rules the carrier uses for charging. Again I would expect a more exact figure during trial.

We can expect an exact time for the dispatcher call, we know the duration of the dispatcher call, we can sync the Witness #8 to an approximate time in the dispatcher call. The question is the duration of the Witness #8 call to fit it completely into the timeline. Was it 3-minutes 5-seconds? Was it 3-minutes 35-seconds? Was it 3-minutes 59-seconds? I believe most carriers round up to the nearest whole minute for billing purposes. We will probably have to wait for that evidence to be presented at trial to know the final answer.


Gosh DANGIT, I love your hair splitting, it's to the millimeter/second.

I hadn't heard about this - why is *that? Aren't all PD calls recorded? Do you have anymore info on that? Do they have a real time/accurate transcript of the call?

You seem to have a pretty good grasp upon the intricacies of the evidence. I tried to stay up with the facts but got discouraged by the intense emotions associated with this case by both sides. You point out something like "the dispatcher never told Zimmerman to stay in his car" and all of a sudden you are a racist bigot. For me I believe the most important issues will be what happened 9:15 and 9:17 and will wait and see what the evidence is at trial..

Exactly right. We can expounder opinions here on the internet until the cows come home. At the end of the day would should eliminate all the extemporaneous crap that each side tries to introduce - much of it well never be placed before the jury.

I try to focus on the events that night and stay out of the media/racial aspects. I'll point out to either side when they make claims which are against logic and the physical/forensic evidence. Even I don't claim to understand it all, that is what the trial is for. For example the body location does not match Zimmerman's account and the dropped items don't match Zimmerman's account.

However, and with that said, IIRC there was some concern that the time stamps for the cell calls do not match the time stamps for the police dispatch calls... That the timing of the phone call with Witness 8 may have been skewed by a minute or two. Does your rendition of the timing resolve that issue?

Valid concern, more accurate records may have been released through discovery that I haven't seen, I'm mean there have been 10's of thousands of pages of discover in addition to audio, photo's, and video's.

The dispatcher call and the neighbor 911 calls were recorded on the same system so the time differential will be pretty consistent. *There is only one cell phone call that is part of the case not recorded by the Sanford police and that was the inbound call from Witness #8. I haven't seen exact records as part of the discovery, the only thing I've seen is the customer record which is less exact. Customer phone record time printing is normally rounded, so some time difference between the Witness #8's cell call and the dispatcher call is to be expected. I would expect that the prosecution will present more exact records from the carrier during trial.

With that said most people don't realize there is probably a time sync between the police recordings and the inbound call from Witness #8. Examine the dispatcher call and run the audio, you'll find that approximately 2-minutes into the call Zimmerman points out that Martin is reaching into his pants/waistband at the same time that the inbound call is timed from the carrier. That call, from the customer records was 4-minutes, which in reality could be anywhere from 3-4 minutes depending on the rounding rules the carrier uses for charging. Again I would expect a more exact figure during trial.

We can expect an exact time for the dispatcher call, we know the duration of the dispatcher call, we can sync the Witness #8 to an approximate time in the dispatcher call. The question is the duration of the Witness #8 call to fit it completely into the timeline. Was it 3-minutes 5-seconds? Was it 3-minutes 35-seconds? Was it 3-minutes 59-seconds? I believe most carriers round up to the nearest whole minute for billing purposes. We will probably have to wait for that evidence to be presented at trial to know the final answer.


Gosh DANGIT, I love your hair splitting, it's to the millimeter/second.

I hadn't heard about this - why is *that? Aren't all PD calls recorded? Do you have anymore info on that? Do they have a real time/accurate transcript of the call?

Sorry, if this is a - just let me know and I will, just wonder if you know off the top of your head without Scroogling around.
[MENTION=27360]Jackson[/MENTION] I can't find the original post, but I've been listening, [MENTION=43884]SantaFeWay[/MENTION] has and [MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION] have been listening, don't know who else.

The majority are answering with politically correct answers or what they think they should be saying, some are getting caught with agenda or bias the longer they are questioned, very few have come out and said they believe X. Most of them say they don't have an opinion, one said he didn't and then SNAP! With his Facebook opinion and agenda. I think it's going to be extremely difficult to get any kind of jury that doesn't have any bias and even when they do impossible to tell if someone with an agenda is in the mix. Other than very few exceptions most are lying thru their teeth. I have little faith. I'd have thrown my hands up and done eenie meenie minee moe by now if I had to question them. "I don't really have an opinion" is a gigantic red flag we've heard countless times so far. Maybe the other watchers could chime in here. But that's my take.

Well said...I listened quite a bit yesterday and sporadically the day before and it seems most are dying to be on this jury and are giving the answers they think the attorneys want to hear...however the attorneys seem well aware of what the jurors are doing.

Red Flag:

1) I dont have an opinion...
2) I always wait until I have all the evidence and so do all of my family and
3) Nobody I talk to knows much about the case or have an opinion.
4) I dont watch the news

The one guy who is a restaurant manager was an absolute joke...he repeated all of the red flags

I agree with [MENTION=43879]testarosa[/MENTION]...she had a good summation of what we have heard thus far. Even though testy wanted to axe one of my buddys....but I hold no grudges:eek:

Your buddy was nice and all but terribly inconsistent with answers and inconsistent means.................. :eusa_liar:
nor I but projecting our own feelings into this case is exactly why it's so bizarre. Huffing can also mean he's nervous. It doesn't mean he is running or even in a hurry.

If he was huffing because he was so nervous, why didn't he just get back in his fucking truck and wait for the police to get there. Because he was trying to be a hero, take down the kid who he had made a prejudiced determination must be a punk up to no good. Well, he was out of line. Take him out of the equation and Trayvon Martin would have gotten home safely with his Skittles and tea. Overzealous asshole wasn't even on duty and he's stalking people.

"On duty". You know, that is the guy I do not want on my neighborhood watch. A guy who has certain problems with certain people who is armed and trying to be some kind of damn Rambo.

I am black. This moron would have followed and approached me simply because I am black.

Fuck him. I hope he is found guilty and does 50 years for killing a kid who went to get skittles and ice tea. Martin WAS DOING NOTHING WRONG!

Consider this scenario.

Z is found not guilty.

Black citizens organize armed neighborhood watch patrols in Florida and follow white people around who look suspicious. :evil:
If he was huffing because he was so nervous, why didn't he just get back in his fucking truck and wait for the police to get there. Because he was trying to be a hero, take down the kid who he had made a prejudiced determination must be a punk up to no good. Well, he was out of line. Take him out of the equation and Trayvon Martin would have gotten home safely with his Skittles and tea. Overzealous asshole wasn't even on duty and he's stalking people.

"On duty". You know, that is the guy I do not want on my neighborhood watch. A guy who has certain problems with certain people who is armed and trying to be some kind of damn Rambo.

I am black. This moron would have followed and approached me simply because I am black.

Fuck him. I hope he is found guilty and does 50 years for killing a kid who went to get skittles and ice tea. Martin WAS DOING NOTHING WRONG!

Consider this scenario.

Z is found not guilty.

Black citizens organize armed neighborhood watch patrols in Florida and follow white people around who look suspicious. :evil:

I dont agree with the killing of Trayvon, but lets be fair here...Trayvon was a wannabe thug...he welcomed suspicion. He gave cause for suspicion not because of his color but because of his behavior and he wasnt shy about it...he boasted of it.

Im actually surprised he wasn't packin'...he was selling and buying guns unregistered.

Bringing race into this case suggests someone eager to incite violence...this case should be a red flag and accomplishing the exact opposite...anything else is hypocritical in my view.
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"On duty". You know, that is the guy I do not want on my neighborhood watch. A guy who has certain problems with certain people who is armed and trying to be some kind of damn Rambo.

I am black. This moron would have followed and approached me simply because I am black.

Fuck him. I hope he is found guilty and does 50 years for killing a kid who went to get skittles and ice tea. Martin WAS DOING NOTHING WRONG!

Consider this scenario.

Z is found not guilty.

Black citizens organize armed neighborhood watch patrols in Florida and follow white people around who look suspicious. :evil:

I dont agree with the killing of Trayvon, but lets be fair here...Trayvon was a wannabe thug...he welcomed suspicion. He gave cause for suspicion not because of his color but because of his behavior and he wasnt shy about it...he boasted of it.

Im actually surprised he was packin'...he was selling and buying guns unregistered.

Bringing race into this case suggests someone eager to incite violence...this case should be a red flag and accomplishing the exact opposite...anything else is hypocritical in my view.

Blame Z. Not me.
Consider this scenario.

Z is found not guilty.

Black citizens organize armed neighborhood watch patrols in Florida and follow white people around who look suspicious. :evil:

I dont agree with the killing of Trayvon, but lets be fair here...Trayvon was a wannabe thug...he welcomed suspicion. He gave cause for suspicion not because of his color but because of his behavior and he wasnt shy about it...he boasted of it.

Im actually surprised he was packin'...he was selling and buying guns unregistered.

Bringing race into this case suggests someone eager to incite violence...this case should be a red flag and accomplishing the exact opposite...anything else is hypocritical in my view.

Blame Z. Not me.

You just derailed!!!!
That's it. I'm getting the Trademarker out for the Zimmerman Trial, almost everything is tm'ed in the JoJo trial thread.

Here we go:

De-Rail Queen™ - that's me.

Here's another tm - surprise!

Geez Louise, there are so many tm's here once I get that thing out the sky is the limit. If [MENTION=43880]TW[/MENTION] would ever show up to this thread, we'd have a registered!! tm'er on hand to shoot straight to the top of the pile of gubbamint papers to registered tm.

Fuck Him™


This would be appreciated.



im not sure there would be a time stamp on it

this is one of the various versions of the event she gave

her story changed yet again once crump interviewed her
If he was huffing because he was so nervous, why didn't he just get back in his fucking truck and wait for the police to get there. Because he was trying to be a hero, take down the kid who he had made a prejudiced determination must be a punk up to no good. Well, he was out of line. Take him out of the equation and Trayvon Martin would have gotten home safely with his Skittles and tea. Overzealous asshole wasn't even on duty and he's stalking people.

"On duty". You know, that is the guy I do not want on my neighborhood watch. A guy who has certain problems with certain people who is armed and trying to be some kind of damn Rambo.

I am black. This moron would have followed and approached me simply because I am black.

Fuck him. I hope he is found guilty and does 50 years for killing a kid who went to get skittles and ice tea. Martin WAS DOING NOTHING WRONG!

Consider this scenario.

Z is found not guilty.

Black citizens organize armed neighborhood watch patrols in Florida and follow white people around who look suspicious. :evil:

Do it. You can be convicted too!
If he was huffing because he was so nervous, why didn't he just get back in his fucking truck and wait for the police to get there. Because he was trying to be a hero, take down the kid who he had made a prejudiced determination must be a punk up to no good. Well, he was out of line. Take him out of the equation and Trayvon Martin would have gotten home safely with his Skittles and tea. Overzealous asshole wasn't even on duty and he's stalking people.

"On duty". You know, that is the guy I do not want on my neighborhood watch. A guy who has certain problems with certain people who is armed and trying to be some kind of damn Rambo.

I am black. This moron would have followed and approached me simply because I am black.

Fuck him. I hope he is found guilty and does 50 years for killing a kid who went to get skittles and ice tea. Martin WAS DOING NOTHING WRONG!

Consider this scenario.

Z is found not guilty.

Black citizens organize armed neighborhood watch patrols in Florida and follow white people around who look suspicious. :evil:

There were already organizations and individuals last year that shot up cop cars, assaulted an innocent man wearing hoodies to prove a point, put out hits, showed up at some poor people's house that had nothing to do with it... You can't imagine and you don't know what you're talking about with that and I will be emotional on this point, because it was really really awful. This is a "normal" community. And God help us if it escalates to that kind of chaos again. Hopefully that initial heightened lunacy and witch hunt is over and there can be regular, run of the mill, fair justice.

Hardy har har.
[MENTION=27360]Jackson[/MENTION] I can't find the original post, but I've been listening, [MENTION=43884]SantaFeWay[/MENTION] has and [MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION] have been listening, don't know who else.

The majority are answering with politically correct answers or what they think they should be saying, some are getting caught with agenda or bias the longer they are questioned, very few have come out and said they believe X. Most of them say they don't have an opinion, one said he didn't and then SNAP! With his Facebook opinion and agenda. I think it's going to be extremely difficult to get any kind of jury that doesn't have any bias and even when they do impossible to tell if someone with an agenda is in the mix. Other than very few exceptions most are lying thru their teeth. I have little faith. I'd have thrown my hands up and done eenie meenie minee moe by now if I had to question them. "I don't really have an opinion" is a gigantic red flag we've heard countless times so far. Maybe the other watchers could chime in here. But that's my take.

I know lots of people who wouldn't give an opinion at this time because they don't know enough about the case. Not everyone are "trial watchers," you know. Nothing wrong with that if it's your hobby, but some people have other hobbies or other things they prefer to spend their time on.

Sometimes we get all embroiled in something and assume everyone else has the same level of interest. They don't.
"On duty". You know, that is the guy I do not want on my neighborhood watch. A guy who has certain problems with certain people who is armed and trying to be some kind of damn Rambo.

I am black. This moron would have followed and approached me simply because I am black.

Fuck him. I hope he is found guilty and does 50 years for killing a kid who went to get skittles and ice tea. Martin WAS DOING NOTHING WRONG!

Consider this scenario.

Z is found not guilty.

Black citizens organize armed neighborhood watch patrols in Florida and follow white people around who look suspicious. :evil:

There were already organizations and individuals last year that shot up cop cars, assaulted an innocent man wearing hoodies to prove a point, put out hits, showed up at some poor people's house that had nothing to do with it... You can't imagine and you don't know what you're talking about with that and I will be emotional on this point, because it was really really awful. This is a "normal" community. And God help us if it escalates to that kind of chaos again. Hopefully that initial heightened lunacy and witch hunt is over and there can be regular, run of the mill, fair justice.

Hardy har har.

Well, I feel just as emotional about what happened to Trayvon Martin and it was really, really awful. Hopefully we will have justice in this case and set an example for any future Nazi-like neighborhood watch dudes who think they can terrorize innocent citizens minding their own business and walking about on the streets of America. Even at night. Even wearing hoodies.
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Consider this scenario.

Z is found not guilty.

Black citizens organize armed neighborhood watch patrols in Florida and follow white people around who look suspicious. :evil:

There were already organizations and individuals last year that shot up cop cars, assaulted an innocent man wearing hoodies to prove a point, put out hits, showed up at some poor people's house that had nothing to do with it... You can't imagine and you don't know what you're talking about with that and I will be emotional on this point, because it was really really awful. This is a "normal" community. And God help us if it escalates to that kind of chaos again. Hopefully that initial heightened lunacy and witch hunt is over and there can be regular, run of the mill, fair justice.

Hardy har har.

Well, I feel just as emotional about what happened to Trayvon Martin and it was really, really awful. Hopefully we will have justice in this case and set an example for any future Nazi-like neighborhood watch dudes who think they can terrorize innocent citizens minding their own business and walking about on the streets of America.

drama queen. :cow:
If he was huffing because he was so nervous, why didn't he just get back in his fucking truck and wait for the police to get there. Because he was trying to be a hero, take down the kid who he had made a prejudiced determination must be a punk up to no good. Well, he was out of line. Take him out of the equation and Trayvon Martin would have gotten home safely with his Skittles and tea. Overzealous asshole wasn't even on duty and he's stalking people.

"On duty". You know, that is the guy I do not want on my neighborhood watch. A guy who has certain problems with certain people who is armed and trying to be some kind of damn Rambo.

I am black. This moron would have followed and approached me simply because I am black.

Fuck him. I hope he is found guilty and does 50 years for killing a kid who went to get skittles and ice tea. Martin WAS DOING NOTHING WRONG!

Consider this scenario.

Z is found not guilty.

Black citizens organize armed neighborhood watch patrols in Florida and follow white people around who look suspicious. :evil:

Ok. Considered.


Do you not foresee any reaction from the majority of whites?

The bottom line is simple. It's obvious.

Even if Zimmerman had some racist basis to consider Trayvon's behavior to be "suspicious," if all he did was follow the kid around, then anything that ensued is the product of his lawful behavior.

Try to get around that reality, but you are predestined to fail. Lawful behavior is lawful behavior.

An unlawful REACTION to lawful behavior does not negate the right of Zimmerman to defend himself.
Consider this scenario.

Z is found not guilty.

Black citizens organize armed neighborhood watch patrols in Florida and follow white people around who look suspicious. :evil:

There were already organizations and individuals last year that shot up cop cars, assaulted an innocent man wearing hoodies to prove a point, put out hits, showed up at some poor people's house that had nothing to do with it... You can't imagine and you don't know what you're talking about with that and I will be emotional on this point, because it was really really awful. This is a "normal" community. And God help us if it escalates to that kind of chaos again. Hopefully that initial heightened lunacy and witch hunt is over and there can be regular, run of the mill, fair justice.

Hardy har har.

Well, I feel just as emotional about what happened to Trayvon Martin and it was really, really awful. Hopefully we will have justice in this case and set an example for any future Nazi-like neighborhood watch dudes who think they can terrorize innocent citizens minding their own business and walking about on the streets of America.


Now I'm going back out of the opinion business and back into the trial business. But there is another side to it, and that is I don't think people can have an understanding of what happened last year unless you live here. We don't need another LA fiasco. This is backtracking and is a single incident creating a gap, making a divide, batting one against one where it shouldn't be. We've lost our perspective on this single incident and have blown it sky freaking high - up to the president. So people are emotional and shooting their mouths off on this one guy and this one incident like it's the "norm".

Haven't we gone far past the Black Panther's taking a hit? Why are we still here on national/presidential/Al Sharpton coverage on a local event. Why? A.G.E.N.D.A.

This is not how we are with people in our normal lives.

This should have never been what it blew up to be in this day and age. Ever. Then Al/Jesse, et al, made it so. They made it what it is in the spotlight for their own... agendas. Which based on this, I believe is separate you from me, make the gap as big as they can, otherwise they have no pulpit to speak on.

Aren't we fighting on the same team? I am. The enemy is the terrorists and chemical warfare, the economy, the same stuff that affects us all. Haven't we all been over together fighting this war, race excluded, as a team? THAT. Is our problem. Do we need aliens to invade to prove the point of "team"?

If we're going to talk about race - which I think has nothing to do with this - this is a catalyst for AGENDA and pulpit for causes of people who have nothing better to do - then I'll talk about it - but let's make a new thread for that.

See my signature file (except [MENTION=43882]Tink[/MENTION] and her Jesus butthole, just chalk that up to Tink lol)

Other than that, I'm watching the trial, the rest of this is divide, media, propaganda and bullshit continuing and continuing to propagate the divide and... regarding due process. There is none here because of all of this. This trial is something else and true "colors" are showing. Big Time.

And this is the last post I will make in this thread that goes to that.

Dirt bike and Duck O'clock. Off the lecture.

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