The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Thanks guys, I did all the cleany stuff. Ugh... Going for a shot or going to the doctor at all unless I'm dying or year check up to please give me a shot ... Shit.. it was galvanized!! Doesn't galvanized mean clean? Lol.

I maybe going to take my chances here. I can still type and my dd knows my you're about to be in trouble looks. :)
I can't back it up right now but an ER doc once told me that there hasn't been a single case of tetanus reported if a person has only received one tetanus shot in their life. Now back to your regular programming

i would imagine that it would be unlikely in this case too

since it was a galvanized nail but ya never know

I agree...its good that it was galvanized...however she described it as a deep entry, which means it is extremely susceptible to infection...and that damn thing is gonna hurt for to get it treated and know that you are doing everything to prevent infection.

yes and i was somewhat misleading by accident it isnt the rust itself that causes

the problem but rather the pitted areas t of the rusty part harbors the bacteria

you are correct the deep wound is the bigger issue
If he was huffing because he was so nervous, why didn't he just get back in his fucking truck and wait for the police to get there. Because he was trying to be a hero, take down the kid who he had made a prejudiced determination must be a punk up to no good. Well, he was out of line. Take him out of the equation and Trayvon Martin would have gotten home safely with his Skittles and tea. Overzealous asshole wasn't even on duty and he's stalking people.

"On duty". You know, that is the guy I do not want on my neighborhood watch. A guy who has certain problems with certain people who is armed and trying to be some kind of damn Rambo.

I am black. This moron would have followed and approached me simply because I am black.

Fuck him. I hope he is found guilty and does 50 years for killing a kid who went to get skittles and ice tea. Martin WAS DOING NOTHING WRONG!

Consider this scenario.

Z is found not guilty.

Black citizens organize armed neighborhood watch patrols in Florida and follow white people around who look suspicious. :evil:

Remember when the black panthers actually thought they could legally carry guns...


Everything changes when the "other side" does

Governor Reagan told reporters that afternoon that he saw “no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons.” He called guns a “ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of good will.” In a later press conference, Reagan said he didn’t “know of any sportsman who leaves his home with a gun to go out into the field to hunt or for target shooting who carries that gun loaded.”
The Black Panthers And The Right To Bear Arms - disinformation

Zimmerman, comments? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
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autoZona cannot keep up with the thread topics, so s/he just wanders around aimlessly (as she so often does).

Zona claims to be black, but it is actually a fat white lesbian,

Anyway, it's dishonesty aside: wtf was it trying to say in its last post?

Zimmerman carried a gun.

Yeah. And?

What a fucking dishonest stupid odious little petty hack Zona is.
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autoZona cannot keep up with the thread topics, so s/he just wanders around aimlessly (as she so often does).

Zona claims to be black, but it is actually a fat white lesbian,

Anyway, it's dishonesty aside: wtf was it trying to ay in its last post?

Zimmerman carried a gun.

Yeah. And?

What a fucking dishonest stupid odious little petty hack Zona is.

I think it says a lot about this forum that you've only been here since February 2013 and already have 1307 rep points.

It appears that ugly nastiness is valued here. Way to go, USMessage Board!
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I can't back it up right now but an ER doc once told me that there hasn't been a single case of tetanus reported if a person has only received one tetanus shot in their life. Now back to your regular programming

Yeah, testarosa, go ahead and risk your health on that kind of vague information. I hate getting vaccinations or any other crap pumped into my body. Refuse to get a flu shot. don't take any medicines, won't even take cold medicine.

But a few years ago, I fell down and scraped my knees up with a bunch of dirty gravel. After reading about tetanus and how bad it is, I decided to go ahead and get a tetanus shot. Go ahead, read up about tetanus, and then make your decision.
autoZona cannot keep up with the thread topics, so s/he just wanders around aimlessly (as she so often does).

Zona claims to be black, but it is actually a fat white lesbian,

Anyway, it's dishonesty aside: wtf was it trying to ay in its last post?

Zimmerman carried a gun.

Yeah. And?

What a fucking dishonest stupid odious little petty hack Zona is.

I think it says a lot about this forum that you've only been here since February 2013 and already have 1307 rep points.

It appears that ugly nastiness is valued here.
See my sig. It explains how this person has all that rep. You see, he lost a bet with me. he at first honored that bet but came back as a different person....a sock.....and that is how he still has his reps. He made some kind of deal with the mods it seems to keep his rep, but lose the name Liability. or liarbility as we call him.

He has no honor. :doubt: NONE.
Thanks guys, I did all the cleany stuff. Ugh... Going for a shot or going to the doctor at all unless I'm dying or year check up to please give me a shot ... Shit.. it was galvanized!! Doesn't galvanized mean clean? Lol.

I maybe going to take my chances here. I can still type and my dd knows my you're about to be in trouble looks. :)

Don't be fooled by the term galvanized. It still rusts, and no, it isn't clean.
autoZona cannot keep up with the thread topics, so s/he just wanders around aimlessly (as she so often does).

Zona claims to be black, but it is actually a fat white lesbian,

Anyway, it's dishonesty aside: wtf was it trying to ay in its last post?

Zimmerman carried a gun.

Yeah. And?

What a fucking dishonest stupid odious little petty hack Zona is.

I think it says a lot about this forum that you've only been here since February 2013 and already have 1307 rep points.

It appears that ugly nastiness is valued here. Way to go, USMessage Board!

I think it says a lot about your ignorance to believe that I have only been here since February 2013.

I used to be the member with the username of "Liability."

Your stupidity is not valued.

Go figure.

Well, get an adult with a brain to assist you. Avoid all liberals though. The handicap in "thinking" is too much for most of them.

And Zona is a dishonest bitch sock, too. Seriously, Zona has no honor, integrity or inclination to EVER be honest. None.

Good thing your doctor will not be George Zimmerman.

With the way GZ overreacts, he would probably prescribe chemotherapy!

Now that was funny:thewave:

No. It wasn't. It was typical plodding trite tripe bullshit.

Cut him some slack...he was just joking.

What are your thoughts about GZ reaching for a "phone" just before he got hit...think someone following and then reaching for something when approached might have had something to do with him being punched?

Im down the middle on this one...but the reaching for a phone when the gun was in the same spot he was reaching says that he will have some explaining to do if the prosecutor presses it.

I can see the good and bad of each side...and that part of Mr Zs story disturbs me. Why would he be reaching for a phone if the cops were on their way...what was a phone call gonna do at that point...yet his gun was right there...isnt it reasonable to assume that he may have been reaching for that yet felt he had to tell the cops he was reaching for a phone? he says he reached for the phone but it must have been the wrong pocket...yeah but he was reaching in the right place for where his gun was holstered.

A neighborhood watch person following a teen packing heat is not a good thing, IMO and if it were my family member Id be pissed.

However, I dont like the race card being pulled by has no place in this case...the only people associating "hoodie" with "black" are those defending martin and desperately wanting to make it a race issue to intimidate a potential jury. If we want to get past color, then the same have to get past that type of behavior also...just my take.

I agree with a lot of your posts and I appreciate your research and in depth analysis...its what the forum is all about.
Now that was funny:thewave:

No. It wasn't. It was typical plodding trite tripe bullshit.

Cut him some slack...he was just joking.

What are your thoughts about GZ reaching for a "phone" just before he got hit...think someone following and then reaching for something when approached might have had something to do with him being punched?

Im down the middle on this one...but the reaching for a phone when the gun was in the same spot he was reaching says that he will have some explaining to do if the prosecutor presses it.

I can see the good and bad of each side...and that part of Mr Zs story disturbs me. Why would he be reaching for a phone if the cops were on their way...what was a phone call gonna do at that point...yet his gun was right there...isnt it reasonable to assume that he may have been reaching for that yet felt he had to tell the cops he was reaching for a phone? he says he reached for the phone but it must have been the wrong pocket...yeah but he was reaching in the right place for where his gun was holstered.

A neighborhood watch person following a teen packing heat is not a good thing, IMO and if it were my family member Id be pissed.

However, I dont like the race card being pulled by has no place in this case...the only people associating "hoodie" with "black" are those defending martin and desperately wanting to make it a race issue to intimidate a potential jury. If we want to get past color, then the same have to get past that type of behavior also...just my take.

I agree with a lot of your posts and I appreciate your research and in depth analysis...its what the forum is all about.

Its hard to get past race when In my opinoin, Zimmerman only looked twice at Martin BECASUE he was black. In my opinion. Everything else happened because of Zimmerman profiling Martin. IN MY OPINION.

I have a question. Did Zimmerman ever call the police on a suspicious white guy there? How many times did he call the police on black people there...?
No. It wasn't. It was typical plodding trite tripe bullshit.

Cut him some slack...he was just joking.

What are your thoughts about GZ reaching for a "phone" just before he got hit...think someone following and then reaching for something when approached might have had something to do with him being punched?

Im down the middle on this one...but the reaching for a phone when the gun was in the same spot he was reaching says that he will have some explaining to do if the prosecutor presses it.

I can see the good and bad of each side...and that part of Mr Zs story disturbs me. Why would he be reaching for a phone if the cops were on their way...what was a phone call gonna do at that point...yet his gun was right there...isnt it reasonable to assume that he may have been reaching for that yet felt he had to tell the cops he was reaching for a phone? he says he reached for the phone but it must have been the wrong pocket...yeah but he was reaching in the right place for where his gun was holstered.

A neighborhood watch person following a teen packing heat is not a good thing, IMO and if it were my family member Id be pissed.

However, I dont like the race card being pulled by has no place in this case...the only people associating "hoodie" with "black" are those defending martin and desperately wanting to make it a race issue to intimidate a potential jury. If we want to get past color, then the same have to get past that type of behavior also...just my take.

I agree with a lot of your posts and I appreciate your research and in depth analysis...its what the forum is all about.

Its hard to get past race when In my opinoin, Zimmerman only looked twice at Martin BECASUE he was black. In my opinion. Everything else happened because of Zimmerman profiling Martin. IN MY OPINION.

I have a question. Did Zimmerman ever call the police on a suspicious white guy there? How many times did he call the police on black people there...?

Just look at Zona and other scumbag dishonest hack bitches desperately attempting to still pretend that this case has anything to do with race.

What a fucking stupid lying rat twat Zona is.
I can't back it up right now but an ER doc once told me that there hasn't been a single case of tetanus reported if a person has only received one tetanus shot in their life. Now back to your regular programming

Yeah, testarosa, go ahead and risk your health on that kind of vague information. I hate getting vaccinations or any other crap pumped into my body. Refuse to get a flu shot. don't take any medicines, won't even take cold medicine.

But a few years ago, I fell down and scraped my knees up with a bunch of dirty gravel. After reading about tetanus and how bad it is, I decided to go ahead and get a tetanus shot. Go ahead, read up about tetanus, and then make your decision.

oh shit!! I was going to change the thread name to "can you really get tet". But my daughters teacher's son fell at Disney last year and got staff in his knee from it and spent forever in the hospital fighting for his life. She's a total Logical and was like who get staff from falling down at Disney and has all that drama?!?!? But there is happened. Totally forgot about that.

No. It wasn't. It was typical plodding trite tripe bullshit.

Cut him some slack...he was just joking.

What are your thoughts about GZ reaching for a "phone" just before he got hit...think someone following and then reaching for something when approached might have had something to do with him being punched?

Im down the middle on this one...but the reaching for a phone when the gun was in the same spot he was reaching says that he will have some explaining to do if the prosecutor presses it.

I can see the good and bad of each side...and that part of Mr Zs story disturbs me. Why would he be reaching for a phone if the cops were on their way...what was a phone call gonna do at that point...yet his gun was right there...isnt it reasonable to assume that he may have been reaching for that yet felt he had to tell the cops he was reaching for a phone? he says he reached for the phone but it must have been the wrong pocket...yeah but he was reaching in the right place for where his gun was holstered.

A neighborhood watch person following a teen packing heat is not a good thing, IMO and if it were my family member Id be pissed.

However, I dont like the race card being pulled by has no place in this case...the only people associating "hoodie" with "black" are those defending martin and desperately wanting to make it a race issue to intimidate a potential jury. If we want to get past color, then the same have to get past that type of behavior also...just my take.

I agree with a lot of your posts and I appreciate your research and in depth analysis...its what the forum is all about.

Its hard to get past race when In my opinoin, Zimmerman only looked twice at Martin BECASUE he was black. In my opinion. Everything else happened because of Zimmerman profiling Martin. IN MY OPINION.

I have a question. Did Zimmerman ever call the police on a suspicious white guy there? How many times did he call the police on black people there...?

Ridiculous question. Why dont you do the research and tell us? are the one bringing race into it.

And its your opinion? You seem to be the one profiling. He had a right to be suspicious...that is not the issue here and its not going to get you anywhere. Trayvon was seen initially standing in the middle of a yard in the rain of a neighbor that GZ you like it when strangers are loitering on your lawn when you arent home?

Not to mention the fact that a couple of weeks earlier another young person was spotted at the same neighbors house under the overhang on his porch smoking when once again the neighbor wasnt home.

So there was cause for some suspicion. Lets just say hypothetically that the same neighbors house was robbed that night. Whats GZ gonna say..."oh yeah I saw someone standing in the middle of your yard that night when you werent home, but I didnt think anything of it and just kept driving".

BTW, GZ did call the cops on the other person that was on the porch a couple of weeks earlier...they came and the kid was told to leave the porch...thats neighborhood watch and the neighbor appreciated it as anyone would.

Now should GZ be following a teen and holstering a gun...nope...he shouldnt, IMO. His reaction after he was approached by trayvon is also suspect...these are the facts that the prosecution needs to drill...racism isnt going to do it...because it is strictly speculation, opinion, assumption, facts.

Trials are won and lost based on evidence and how that evidence is presented to the jury. Racist assumptions are intimidation tactics...not evidence and a smart jury will discard and if you arent careful will hold against the accuser.
autoZona cannot keep up with the thread topics, so s/he just wanders around aimlessly (as she so often does).

Zona claims to be black, but it is actually a fat white lesbian,

Anyway, it's dishonesty aside: wtf was it trying to ay in its last post?

Zimmerman carried a gun.

Yeah. And?

What a fucking dishonest stupid odious little petty hack Zona is.

I think it says a lot about this forum that you've only been here since February 2013 and already have 1307 rep points.

It appears that ugly nastiness is valued here. Way to go, USMessage Board!

You don't know who he is?

Oh my.
hubby wants to know how fast it sets in, if we can make appointment for say... Next Wednesday and when I'll stop talking.
Can we AT LEAST agree to this.....

1. Zimmerman is not the worst person in the world, and often he tried (in his own way) to help guard his neighborhood from crime.

2. Because TM was a young black male and dressed in attaire that leaned toward the "saggy jeans, dark hoody, street" variety..GZ gave him extra attention. I.E, racially profiled him... at least to SOME degree.

3. GZ did not intend to KILL TM, but GZ's stalking nature may have led to fright on behalf of TM... resulting in GZ using excessive force that resulted in an unarmed minor's death.

^^^ Can we agree on these things?

If not, can we agree to pray for wisdom, honesty, and common sense?

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