The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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From the time that Zimmerman's truck door closes to his acknowledgement of the dispatcher comment on not needing to follow is 11-13 seconds. You can measure it yourself on the audio of the call.

There is no way that Zimmerman gets from his truck on Twin Trees Lane to the event site that quickly after exiting and acknowledging the dispatcher. Then of course there is Zimmerman's own statements that say he continued on in the same direction after the dispatcher warning. Supposedly to go back there to find a street sign.



he crossed the street and the width of a townhouse

easily done in 11-13 seconds

Sorry that is incorrect. From the location where Zimmerman said he parked his truck to the sidewalk, through the grassy area in front, past the townhouses and down the east/west path to the "T" intersection is approximately 171 feet.

We know that in that short time Zimmerman wasn't in a full out sprint since he was still talking on the phone and you can hear his voice and the wind.


a 171 feet is not far at all

it is a little more then fifty yards

the average time for the 50 yard dash is 6 seconds

it took zimmerman triple the time
zimmerman was discussing with dispatch the location you can tell he does not know

which street it was and was giving him directions to his truck

when zimmerman says he is running

then at that point the dispatcher clearly requested zimmermans assistance by asking him

which way he was running

and it sounds like he took off after him

several seconds go by before the guys asks zimmerman if he is following him

and zimmermans response

and then we d not need you to do that

zimmerman could have easily traveled that distance

Why? TM was already running and turned out of sight (on recording) why didn't he keep going and be in dad's house. How did Z easily have traveled that distance with a head start? Explain it to me like I'm 10 years old. I dont get this part of it.

i am not sure what you are trying to say

zimmerman did not have a head start

you can darn near walk across a street and across the width of a house in that time

let alone running it

as for martin and going home

witness 11 (girlfriend) said that martin was by his dads house

and this is when the phone fell out of his hand

if so how did his phone and his body end up eighty yards away

The girlfriend is Witness #8.

Here is a link to the interviews -->> Witness #8 Files: Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman Case | Presents They Always Get Away: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman Documents, Photos, Videos, Audio, and Articles

Can you provide us with a time stamp to what you claim?


he crossed the street and the width of a townhouse

easily done in 11-13 seconds

Sorry that is incorrect. From the location where Zimmerman said he parked his truck to the sidewalk, through the grassy area in front, past the townhouses and down the east/west path to the "T" intersection is approximately 171 feet.

We know that in that short time Zimmerman wasn't in a full out sprint since he was still talking on the phone and you can hear his voice and the wind.


a 171 feet is not far at all

it is a little more then fifty yards

the average time for the 50 yard dash is 6 seconds

it took zimmerman triple the time

It's father than Zimmerman would have gotten in about 12 seconds. Which is when he acknowledged the dispatcher.

He stopped and this is where GF call is?


I'm off it.

Sorta. It still doesn't make sense that's what you'd do, but I'm not 17.

No, the girlfriend call came in when they were back on Twin Trees Lane near the clubhouse and Martin was on the phone continuously until the call ended at the event site. The duration of that call was approximately 4-minutes.


OK, guys my laptop battery is about dead and ready to cut off. Been fun. "See" ya'll tomorrow.


The first two are while Martin is on the street and before running.

The second two are not asking for an assist (as in follow the person to keep an eye on them) they are asking for which way the individual left from the location Zimmerman was at. They were not a request to follow. Especially since the dispatcher had told him specifically they did not need him to follow.


three and four certainly are

the questions are seeking information from zimmerman

as to what martin is doing where he is going

That's only dispatcher side. Z said he's running and he doesn't see him anymore and he's running toward the back entrance (where dads house is).

I may be just stupid and missing it so help me... Why didn't he just run to dads and be in the house?

Did he wait? I don't believe Z could have "overtaken" him, did Z cut him off? What happened at the end of that call when TM had lead?

Sorry, I'm stuck here, if someone can give me a logical I'll get off it and move on.

"That's only dispatcher side"

yes as i indicated in the beginning

the dispatcher was engaging zimmermans help

i gave you 4 examples from the transcript

"Why didn't he just run to dads and be in the house?"

witness 11 said he did

but her oral testimony is different from her written statement

"I don't believe Z could have "overtaken" him,"

of course not

he didnt know where martin was

[Zimmerman: I don’t know, it’s a cut through so I don’t know the address.
Dispatcher: Okay do you live in the area?
Zimmerman: Yeah, I...[unintelligible]
Dispatcher: What’s your apartment number?
Zimmerman: It’s a home it’s 1950, oh crap I don’t want to give it all out, I don’t
know where this kid is.]

"What happened at the end of that call when TM had lead?"

i do not know what you mean
Do you think that if a person has bad character then it mitigates murder?

Wow. Can you work a little harder to be obtuse? I've seen bowling balls that are sharper than this.

An aggressive and/or violent personality supports the possibility that Martin instigated the confrontation with Zimmerman, as Zimmerman claims.

Good deflection of my question.

Answering you is a deflection? Or is it that you only wanted to hear answers that accepted your skewed, biased worldview as objective?
This jury selection exercise really emphasizes how important it is to make a good first impression. Not saying these little snippets mean much, but some people sound shifty and some people sound open and honest, just by listening to their voices alone.

I just want to yell "FOUL!" on this whole thing. Everybody knows, everybody has an opinion, it's impossible to determine who has an agenda, who is lying and who is on the up and up with any accuracy.

This is an impossible feat. It's not fair.

They need to file change of venue.

To where, though? This thing has been all over the national news. Where are they going to go that everyone doesn't have an opinion about it?
Why? TM was already running and turned out of sight (on recording) why didn't he keep going and be in dad's house. How did Z easily have traveled that distance with a head start? Explain it to me like I'm 10 years old. I dont get this part of it.

i am not sure what you are trying to say

zimmerman did not have a head start

you can darn near walk across a street and across the width of a house in that time

let alone running it

as for martin and going home

witness 11 (girlfriend) said that martin was by his dads house

and this is when the phone fell out of his hand

if so how did his phone and his body end up eighty yards away

The girlfriend is Witness #8.

Here is a link to the interviews -->> Witness #8 Files: Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman Case | Presents They Always Get Away: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman Documents, Photos, Videos, Audio, and Articles

Can you provide us with a time stamp to what you claim?


sorry it is getting late
I have a simple question. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was a "suspect" in the first place? Why did he follow him? What did Martin do wrong to start all of this mess?

Was he coming from a store with skittles and ice tea to go to his fathers home? What the fuck is wrong with doing just that?

Serious questions.
zimmerman was discussing with dispatch the location you can tell he does not know

which street it was and was giving him directions to his truck

when zimmerman says he is running

then at that point the dispatcher clearly requested zimmermans assistance by asking him

which way he was running

and it sounds like he took off after him

several seconds go by before the guys asks zimmerman if he is following him

and zimmermans response

and then we d not need you to do that

zimmerman could have easily traveled that distance

Why? TM was already running and turned out of sight (on recording) why didn't he keep going and be in dad's house. How did Z easily have traveled that distance with a head start? Explain it to me like I'm 10 years old. I dont get this part of it.

i am not sure what you are trying to say

zimmerman did not have a head start

you can darn near walk across a street and across the width of a house in that time

let alone running it

as for martin and going home

witness 11 (girlfriend) said that martin was by his dads house

and this is when the phone fell out of his hand

if so how did his phone and his body end up eighty yards away

No no no. On the call to non emergency Z says paraphrased "he's running, I don't see him he's running toward the back entrance"

So TM has a head start in the direction of his dads house and is out of Z's sight.. Z is huffing like he's following but he doesnt see him. You can hear the indecision in his voice, "tell them to meet me at the mailboxes... (Changes mind to see if he can find where TM went who still is doing the start on running toward dad rain) wait give them my number so I can tell them where to meet me - he's changed his mind there from mailbox meeting to he's going to see if he can see where he went. So my question and brick wall there is, why didnt TM keep on going to his dads? He could have been there.

Apparently (WW) he stopped (in the rain) and took/made another call to his GF in the middle of this running.

This whole behavior thing doesn't make sense (in the rain) to me.

Just hanging around in the rain, making calls, guy checking me out, rain, running from guy, stopping in rain, knowing guy is "following" me, another call. I'd have ran my ass home (rain and guy following me) .

I don't know... It doesn't make any sense to me unless someone is looking for some trouble. Don't jump on me for "looking for trouble", I'm trying to figure out why the hell this part of what happened is so bizarre. It's not what I would do.
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Why? TM was already running and turned out of sight (on recording) why didn't he keep going and be in dad's house. How did Z easily have traveled that distance with a head start? Explain it to me like I'm 10 years old. I dont get this part of it.

i am not sure what you are trying to say

zimmerman did not have a head start

you can darn near walk across a street and across the width of a house in that time

let alone running it

as for martin and going home

witness 11 (girlfriend) said that martin was by his dads house

and this is when the phone fell out of his hand

if so how did his phone and his body end up eighty yards away

No no no. On the call to non emergency Z says paraphrased "he's running, I don't see him he's running toward the back entrance"

So TM has a head start in the direction of his dads house and is out of Z's sight.. Z is huffing like he's following but he doesnt see him. You can hear the indecision in his voice, "tell them to meet me at the mailboxes... (Changes mind to see if he can find where TM went who still is doing the start on running toward dad rain) wait give them my number so I can tell them where to meet me - he's changed his mind there from mailbox meeting to he's going to see if he can see where he went. So my question and brick wall there is, why didnt TM keep on going to his dads? He could have been there.

Apparently (WW) he stopped (in the rain) and took/made another call to his GF in the middle of this running.

This whole behavior thing doesn't make sense (in the rain) to me.

Just hanging around in the rain, making calls, guy checking me out, rain, running from guy, stopping in rain, knowing guy is "following" me, another call. I'd have ran my ass home (rain and guy following me) .

I don't know... It doesn't make any sense to me unless someone is looking for some trouble. Don't jump on me for "looking for trouble", I'm trying to figure out why the hell this part of what happened is so bizarre. It's not what I would do.

nor I but projecting our own feelings into this case is exactly why it's so bizarre. Huffing can also mean he's nervous. It doesn't mean he is running or even in a hurry.
The first two are while Martin is on the street and before running.

The second two are not asking for an assist (as in follow the person to keep an eye on them) they are asking for which way the individual left from the location Zimmerman was at. They were not a request to follow. Especially since the dispatcher had told him specifically they did not need him to follow.


three and four certainly are

the questions are seeking information from zimmerman

as to what martin is doing where he is going

That's only dispatcher side. Z said he's running and he doesn't see him anymore and he's running toward the back entrance (where dads house is).

I may be just stupid and missing it so help me... Why didn't he just run to dads and be in the house?

Did he wait? I don't believe Z could have "overtaken" him, did Z cut him off? What happened at the end of that call when TM had lead?

Sorry, I'm stuck here, if someone can give me a logical I'll get off it and move on.

I dont think Z was referring to the same back entrance as on the map...I think he was referring to the other side of the Townhome building...which would still put him in good route to the fiances house. I think he meant Trayvon cut across the lawn and to the other side of the building where there is a get to the fiances house he would have to go all the way to the end of that street. Instead, trayvon came back around the other side of the building instead of just walking straight to the house.

At this time...Z had lost him and was according to him heading back to the truck...thats when Trayvon came up and said "do you have a problem"....that is when Z supposedly reached for his phone (I think gun) and said "Theres no problem" he was reaching for the phone or his right pocket area is when Trayvon punched him. Thats why I say that if this is pointed out by the prosecution, it is Z that is going to be seen as the initiator because he reached for his pockets...the prosecution is going to say trayvon was defending himself at this point because he didnt know what Z was reaching for and he had already been caught following him....this is the nuts of the case, IMO....the reach for the phone and the punch to the face.
This jury selection exercise really emphasizes how important it is to make a good first impression. Not saying these little snippets mean much, but some people sound shifty and some people sound open and honest, just by listening to their voices alone.

I just want to yell "FOUL!" on this whole thing. Everybody knows, everybody has an opinion, it's impossible to determine who has an agenda, who is lying and who is on the up and up with any accuracy.

This is an impossible feat. It's not fair.

They need to file change of venue.

To where, though? This thing has been all over the national news. Where are they going to go that everyone doesn't have an opinion about it?

See the post after that one where I said out of the frying pan into the fire :)
blah blah...i hope he does 50 years for killing Martin.

My opinion and my hope. We will all see. I am willing to go with whatever decision the courts deem fair. Are you? Will we hear how unfair it all is when he is found guilty?
Why? TM was already running and turned out of sight (on recording) why didn't he keep going and be in dad's house. How did Z easily have traveled that distance with a head start? Explain it to me like I'm 10 years old. I dont get this part of it.

i am not sure what you are trying to say

zimmerman did not have a head start

you can darn near walk across a street and across the width of a house in that time

let alone running it

as for martin and going home

witness 11 (girlfriend) said that martin was by his dads house

and this is when the phone fell out of his hand

if so how did his phone and his body end up eighty yards away

No no no. On the call to non emergency Z says paraphrased "he's running, I don't see him he's running toward the back entrance"

So TM has a head start in the direction of his dads house and is out of Z's sight.. Z is huffing like he's following but he doesnt see him. You can hear the indecision in his voice, "tell them to meet me at the mailboxes... (Changes mind to see if he can find where TM went who still is doing the start on running toward dad rain) wait give them my number so I can tell them where to meet me - he's changed his mind there from mailbox meeting to he's going to see if he can see where he went. So my question and brick wall there is, why didnt TM keep on going to his dads? He could have been there.

Apparently (WW) he stopped (in the rain) and took/made another call to his GF in the middle of this running.

This whole behavior thing doesn't make sense (in the rain) to me.

Just hanging around in the rain, making calls, guy checking me out, rain, running from guy, stopping in rain, knowing guy is "following" me, another call. I'd have ran my ass home (rain and guy following me) .

I don't know... It doesn't make any sense to me unless someone is looking for some trouble. Don't jump on me for "looking for trouble", I'm trying to figure out why the hell this part of what happened is so bizarre. It's not what I would do.

the girlfriends testimony is in question

there has been several versions

in her written statement she wrote that she thought

it was "just a fight"

in her oral testimony it sounds as if she has been coached

this is why the family attorney crump is being deposed
This jury selection exercise really emphasizes how important it is to make a good first impression. Not saying these little snippets mean much, but some people sound shifty and some people sound open and honest, just by listening to their voices alone.

I just want to yell "FOUL!" on this whole thing. Everybody knows, everybody has an opinion, it's impossible to determine who has an agenda, who is lying and who is on the up and up with any accuracy.

This is an impossible feat. It's not fair.

They need to file change of venue.

To where, though? This thing has been all over the national news. Where are they going to go that everyone doesn't have an opinion about it?

that is pretty much the question omara asked today

in his presser

he found it odd that so many possible jurors right there in the area

are unfamiliar with the case
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