The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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omg---are you seriously trying to put me on trial ?

No I'm trying to determine you consistency. Either you believe Zimmerman was completely truthful or you believe that Zimmerman may have not told the whole truth during his statements.

ask a real expert how far a man can move after being shot if you don't believe me-----you're grasping at straws on this body position shit.

The real question to ask the expert isnot can someone move after being shot.

The question is how far is someone likely to move after being shot through the heart with someone on top of you - which is the situation Zimmerman described.


Can someone get the facts wrong when retelling a story and not be lying ?


But then it will be up to the jury to factor the fact that you got facts wrong when it comes to giving weight to the credibility of your story.

You can pretty much guarantee that the prosecution will be picking the inconsistencies between the written, audio, and video reenactment and how it stacks up to logic and the physical/forensic evidence.

But at the end of the day the prosecution (from what has been publicly released) has a weak case trying to show what happened between the end of the dispacther call and the weapon discharge meets the standard required for Murder 2.

I've previously supplied a link to the audio where he said he was looking for a street sign, he also said he was looking for a street sign in his written statement.

OK, he went to the back of the houses to find a house number? When did they strart mounting house numbers on the back of houses? That and he walked past the front of houses with the lights on and the house numbers were clearly visible without going behind the houses.

There are only three streets in the development (Retreat View Circle, Twin Trees Lane, and Long Oak Way). Zimmerman lived there for over two years, was the Neighborhood Watch Captain, and had made dozens of calls to the police. Twin Trees Lane is the road entrance to both the north and south entrances, after entering on Twin Trees Lane you then turn onto Retreat View Circle. He didn't know the name of the street he turned on to / off of every time he entered or left the development? Hard to believe.


he was already behind the houses----he was heading to the front to look for a number. Where the light was---you think that's odd ?

I'm looking for a house number, I'm in front of houses with lights on (including garage lights with the numbers mounted right next to them) and walk behind the houses to find the numbers in the rear?

Ya, I think that's odd.

However Zimmerman said he went looking for a street sign. From his written statement:

"The suspect once again disappeared between the back of some houses. The dispatcher once again asked me for my exact location. I could not remember the name of the street so I got out of my car to look for a street sign."​

1. The dispatcher didn't ask for an exact location, the dispatcher asked with way the subject when (paraphrased).

2. When you heard Zimmerman exit the truck, the dispatcher did ask Zimmerman if he was following the individual. Zimmerman's reply was "Yes". Do during the call Zimmerman said he exited to follow Martin, but in his written statement he said it was to go behind the houses to find a street sign. Sounds like trying to craft a story after the fact.

3. When writing the statement, during the audio interviews, and during the reenactment - Zimmerman didn't know that Martin was talking on the phone. So there would be a witness that can testify about what she heard (and what she heard Zimmerman say is not hearsay as Zimmerman is able to take the stand and provide conflicting testimony).


zimmerman was discussing with dispatch the location you can tell he does not know

which street it was and was giving him directions to his truck

when zimmerman says he is running

then at that point the dispatcher clearly requested zimmermans assistance by asking him

which way he was running

and it sounds like he took off after him

several seconds go by before the guys asks zimmerman if he is following him

and zimmermans response

and then we d not need you to do that

zimmerman could have easily traveled that distance
No I'm trying to determine you consistency. Either you believe Zimmerman was completely truthful or you believe that Zimmerman may have not told the whole truth during his statements.

The real question to ask the expert isnot can someone move after being shot.

The question is how far is someone likely to move after being shot through the heart with someone on top of you - which is the situation Zimmerman described.


Can someone get the facts wrong when retelling a story and not be lying ?


But then it will be up to the jury to factor the fact that you got facts wrong when it comes to giving weight to the credibility of your story.

You can pretty much guarantee that the prosecution will be picking the inconsistencies between the written, audio, and video reenactment and how it stacks up to logic and the physical/forensic evidence.

But at the end of the day the prosecution (from what has been publicly released) has a weak case trying to show what happened between the end of the dispacther call and the weapon discharge meets the standard required for Murder 2.


the end of the day is what matters----the prosecution can only desperately try to appease the black politicians by putting up a good fight. Not guilty.
he was already behind the houses----he was heading to the front to look for a number. Where the light was---you think that's odd ?

I'm looking for a house number, I'm in front of houses with lights on (including garage lights with the numbers mounted right next to them) and walk behind the houses to find the numbers in the rear?

Ya, I think that's odd.

However Zimmerman said he went looking for a street sign. From his written statement:

"The suspect once again disappeared between the back of some houses. The dispatcher once again asked me for my exact location. I could not remember the name of the street so I got out of my car to look for a street sign."​

1. The dispatcher didn't ask for an exact location, the dispatcher asked with way the subject when (paraphrased).

2. When you heard Zimmerman exit the truck, the dispatcher did ask Zimmerman if he was following the individual. Zimmerman's reply was "Yes". Do during the call Zimmerman said he exited to follow Martin, but in his written statement he said it was to go behind the houses to find a street sign. Sounds like trying to craft a story after the fact.

3. When writing the statement, during the audio interviews, and during the reenactment - Zimmerman didn't know that Martin was talking on the phone. So there would be a witness that can testify about what she heard (and what she heard Zimmerman say is not hearsay as Zimmerman is able to take the stand and provide conflicting testimony).


zimmerman was discussing with dispatch the location you can tell he does not know

which street it was and was giving him directions to his truck

when zimmerman says he is running

then at that point the dispatcher clearly requested zimmermans assistance by asking him

which way he was running

and it sounds like he took off after him

several seconds go by before the guys asks zimmerman if he is following him

and zimmermans response

and then we d not need you to do that

zimmerman could have easily traveled that distance

From the time that Zimmerman's truck door closes to his acknowledgement of the dispatcher comment on not needing to follow is 11-13 seconds. You can measure it yourself on the audio of the call.

There is no way that Zimmerman gets from his truck on Twin Trees Lane to the event site that quickly after exiting and acknowledging the dispatcher. Then of course there is Zimmerman's own statements that say he continued on in the same direction after the dispatcher warning. Supposedly to go back there to find a street sign.

he was already behind the houses----he was heading to the front to look for a number. Where the light was---you think that's odd ?

Agree and he had a right to go wherever he wanted as did Martin...he wasnt breaking any laws. The dispatcher kept him engaged and he had agreed to meet the cops at the mailboxes, which it appears he was heading back to when the confrontation happened. I dont get it...he can walk where he wants to.

There's my initial problem. Martin had a right to go wherever he wanted...without being followed. If Z hadn't followed him, there wouldn't had been a death. It wasn't as though Martin was prowling around. He was walking eating skittles and drinking tea. I have to get past that.

Did Zimmerman say something derogatory about "he was tired of kids getting away with things?" I don't really know the evidence and would not want to be on the jury. I wouldn't want to be responsible for someone's life in jail. I would be on a jury. But wouldn't like it.

I agree...they both had a right to go where they wanted...I dont know why all the talk is about who went where and who should have went somewhere else...its irrellevant. The only thing relevant is what happened at the actual confrontation.

And yes, he made a comment as to "they always get away".
Check the dispatcher call again. After agreeing to meet the cops at the mailboxes, Zimmerman canceled that and instead asked the dispatcher to have the cops call him so they could meet once they were on site.


listen to the WHOLE thing and put it into context---you love to cherry pick the info but that ISN'T the whole truth. What was said next ?

Zimmerman: Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got
something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is.
Dispatcher: Just let me know if he does anything ok
Zimmerman: How long until you get an officer over here?
Dispatcher: Yeah we've got someone on the way, just let me know if this guy does
anything else.
Zimmerman: Okay. These assholes they always get away. When you come to the
clubhouse you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the
Dispatcher: So it's on the lefthand side from the clubhouse?
Zimmerman: No you go in straight through the entrance and then you make a left...uh
you go straight in, don't turn, and make a left. Shit he's running.
Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?
Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.
Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?
Zimmerman: The back entrance...fucking [unintelligible]
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok, we don't need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok
Dispatcher: Alright sir what is your name?
Zimmerman: George...He ran.
Dispatcher: Alright George what's your last name?
Zimmerman: Zimmerman
Dispatcher: And George what's the phone number you're calling from?
Zimmerman: [redacted by
Mother Jones
Dispatcher: Alright George we do have them on the way, do you want to meet with the
officer when they get out there?
Zimmerman: Alright, where you going to meet with them at?
Zimmerman: If they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the
club house, and uh, straight past the club house and make a left, and then they
go past the mailboxes, that’s my truck...[unintelligible]
Dispatcher: What address are you parked in front of?
Zimmerman: I don’t know, it’s a cut through so I don’t know the address.
Dispatcher: Okay do you live in the area?
Zimmerman: Yeah, I...[unintelligible]
Dispatcher: What’s your apartment number?
Zimmerman: It’s a home it’s 1950, oh crap I don’t want to give it all out, I don’t
know where this kid is.
Dispatcher: Okay do you want to just meet with them right near the mailboxes
Zimmerman: Yeah that’s fine.
Dispatcher: Alright George, I’ll let them know to meet you around there okay?
Zimmerman: Actually could you have them call me and I’ll tell them where I’m at?
Dispatcher: Okay, yeah that’s no problem.
Zimmerman: Should I give you my number or you got it?
Dispatcher: Yeah I got it [Phone Number redacted]
Zimmerman: Yeah you got it.
Dispatcher: Okay no problem, I’ll let them know to call you when you’re in the
Zimmerman: Thanks.
Dispatcher: You’re welcome.


in this transcript is visible

that dispatch was clearly engaging zimmerman to assist several times

1-Dispatcher: Just let me know if he does anything ok

2-Dispatcher: Yeah we've got someone on the way, just let me know if this guy does
anything else

3-Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?

4-Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?
I am inclined to believe a good portion of Zimmermans story because he is not going to say something in the interrogation room and at the scene the next that could possibly be dubunked by a neighbor who may have saw. We know of at least one neighbor that actually came out in the middle of it....the one that called police.

I still think a lot is being made of less relevant details. It all comes down to who can claim self defense first, imo. Whoever establishes that--wins.

the state has no evidence to prove their case. It's purely a political show trial.

What he said. Where's my that was easy button?
Can someone get the facts wrong when retelling a story and not be lying ?


But then it will be up to the jury to factor the fact that you got facts wrong when it comes to giving weight to the credibility of your story.

You can pretty much guarantee that the prosecution will be picking the inconsistencies between the written, audio, and video reenactment and how it stacks up to logic and the physical/forensic evidence.

But at the end of the day the prosecution (from what has been publicly released) has a weak case trying to show what happened between the end of the dispacther call and the weapon discharge meets the standard required for Murder 2.


the end of the day is what matters----the prosecution can only desperately try to appease the black politicians by putting up a good fight. Not guilty.

Sorry, I don't play the racial game as I don't see anything from that night that shows Zimmerman's actions were racially motivated.

If you want to play the race cards, I guess you can continue with someone that worries about what happened after that night. Personally I don't play Al Sharpton's game, but if you want a seat at his table, go for it.

I'm looking for a house number, I'm in front of houses with lights on (including garage lights with the numbers mounted right next to them) and walk behind the houses to find the numbers in the rear?

Ya, I think that's odd.

However Zimmerman said he went looking for a street sign. From his written statement:

"The suspect once again disappeared between the back of some houses. The dispatcher once again asked me for my exact location. I could not remember the name of the street so I got out of my car to look for a street sign."​

1. The dispatcher didn't ask for an exact location, the dispatcher asked with way the subject when (paraphrased).

2. When you heard Zimmerman exit the truck, the dispatcher did ask Zimmerman if he was following the individual. Zimmerman's reply was "Yes". Do during the call Zimmerman said he exited to follow Martin, but in his written statement he said it was to go behind the houses to find a street sign. Sounds like trying to craft a story after the fact.

3. When writing the statement, during the audio interviews, and during the reenactment - Zimmerman didn't know that Martin was talking on the phone. So there would be a witness that can testify about what she heard (and what she heard Zimmerman say is not hearsay as Zimmerman is able to take the stand and provide conflicting testimony).


zimmerman was discussing with dispatch the location you can tell he does not know

which street it was and was giving him directions to his truck

when zimmerman says he is running

then at that point the dispatcher clearly requested zimmermans assistance by asking him

which way he was running

and it sounds like he took off after him

several seconds go by before the guys asks zimmerman if he is following him

and zimmermans response

and then we d not need you to do that

zimmerman could have easily traveled that distance

From the time that Zimmerman's truck door closes to his acknowledgement of the dispatcher comment on not needing to follow is 11-13 seconds. You can measure it yourself on the audio of the call.

There is no way that Zimmerman gets from his truck on Twin Trees Lane to the event site that quickly after exiting and acknowledging the dispatcher. Then of course there is Zimmerman's own statements that say he continued on in the same direction after the dispatcher warning. Supposedly to go back there to find a street sign.



he crossed the street and the width of a townhouse

easily done in 11-13 seconds
listen to the WHOLE thing and put it into context---you love to cherry pick the info but that ISN'T the whole truth. What was said next ?

Zimmerman: Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got
something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is.
Dispatcher: Just let me know if he does anything ok
Zimmerman: How long until you get an officer over here?
Dispatcher: Yeah we've got someone on the way, just let me know if this guy does
anything else.
Zimmerman: Okay. These assholes they always get away. When you come to the
clubhouse you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the
Dispatcher: So it's on the lefthand side from the clubhouse?
Zimmerman: No you go in straight through the entrance and then you make a left...uh
you go straight in, don't turn, and make a left. Shit he's running.
Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?
Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.
Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?
Zimmerman: The back entrance...fucking [unintelligible]
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok, we don't need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok
Dispatcher: Alright sir what is your name?
Zimmerman: George...He ran.
Dispatcher: Alright George what's your last name?
Zimmerman: Zimmerman
Dispatcher: And George what's the phone number you're calling from?
Zimmerman: [redacted by
Mother Jones
Dispatcher: Alright George we do have them on the way, do you want to meet with the
officer when they get out there?
Zimmerman: Alright, where you going to meet with them at?
Zimmerman: If they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the
club house, and uh, straight past the club house and make a left, and then they
go past the mailboxes, that’s my truck...[unintelligible]
Dispatcher: What address are you parked in front of?
Zimmerman: I don’t know, it’s a cut through so I don’t know the address.
Dispatcher: Okay do you live in the area?
Zimmerman: Yeah, I...[unintelligible]
Dispatcher: What’s your apartment number?
Zimmerman: It’s a home it’s 1950, oh crap I don’t want to give it all out, I don’t
know where this kid is.
Dispatcher: Okay do you want to just meet with them right near the mailboxes
Zimmerman: Yeah that’s fine.
Dispatcher: Alright George, I’ll let them know to meet you around there okay?
Zimmerman: Actually could you have them call me and I’ll tell them where I’m at?
Dispatcher: Okay, yeah that’s no problem.
Zimmerman: Should I give you my number or you got it?
Dispatcher: Yeah I got it [Phone Number redacted]
Zimmerman: Yeah you got it.
Dispatcher: Okay no problem, I’ll let them know to call you when you’re in the
Zimmerman: Thanks.
Dispatcher: You’re welcome.


in this transcript is visible

that dispatch was clearly engaging zimmerman to assist several times

1-Dispatcher: Just let me know if he does anything ok

2-Dispatcher: Yeah we've got someone on the way, just let me know if this guy does
anything else

3-Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?

4-Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?

The first two are while Martin is on the street and before running.

The second two are not asking for an assist (as in follow the person to keep an eye on them) they are asking for which way the individual left from the location Zimmerman was at. They were not a request to follow. Especially since the dispatcher had told him specifically they did not need him to follow.

I'm looking for a house number, I'm in front of houses with lights on (including garage lights with the numbers mounted right next to them) and walk behind the houses to find the numbers in the rear?

Ya, I think that's odd.

However Zimmerman said he went looking for a street sign. From his written statement:

"The suspect once again disappeared between the back of some houses. The dispatcher once again asked me for my exact location. I could not remember the name of the street so I got out of my car to look for a street sign."​

1. The dispatcher didn't ask for an exact location, the dispatcher asked with way the subject when (paraphrased).

2. When you heard Zimmerman exit the truck, the dispatcher did ask Zimmerman if he was following the individual. Zimmerman's reply was "Yes". Do during the call Zimmerman said he exited to follow Martin, but in his written statement he said it was to go behind the houses to find a street sign. Sounds like trying to craft a story after the fact.

3. When writing the statement, during the audio interviews, and during the reenactment - Zimmerman didn't know that Martin was talking on the phone. So there would be a witness that can testify about what she heard (and what she heard Zimmerman say is not hearsay as Zimmerman is able to take the stand and provide conflicting testimony).


zimmerman was discussing with dispatch the location you can tell he does not know

which street it was and was giving him directions to his truck

when zimmerman says he is running

then at that point the dispatcher clearly requested zimmermans assistance by asking him

which way he was running

and it sounds like he took off after him

several seconds go by before the guys asks zimmerman if he is following him

and zimmermans response

and then we d not need you to do that

zimmerman could have easily traveled that distance

From the time that Zimmerman's truck door closes to his acknowledgement of the dispatcher comment on not needing to follow is 11-13 seconds. You can measure it yourself on the audio of the call.

There is no way that Zimmerman gets from his truck on Twin Trees Lane to the event site that quickly after exiting and acknowledging the dispatcher. Then of course there is Zimmerman's own statements that say he continued on in the same direction after the dispatcher warning. Supposedly to go back there to find a street sign.


This goes to that TM had the head start (on call) "he's running... toward the back exit..." where his dad lived, could have made it home and in the door... So did he wait?
he was already behind the houses----he was heading to the front to look for a number. Where the light was---you think that's odd ?

I'm looking for a house number, I'm in front of houses with lights on (including garage lights with the numbers mounted right next to them) and walk behind the houses to find the numbers in the rear?

Ya, I think that's odd.

However Zimmerman said he went looking for a street sign. From his written statement:

"The suspect once again disappeared between the back of some houses. The dispatcher once again asked me for my exact location. I could not remember the name of the street so I got out of my car to look for a street sign."​

1. The dispatcher didn't ask for an exact location, the dispatcher asked with way the subject when (paraphrased).

2. When you heard Zimmerman exit the truck, the dispatcher did ask Zimmerman if he was following the individual. Zimmerman's reply was "Yes". Do during the call Zimmerman said he exited to follow Martin, but in his written statement he said it was to go behind the houses to find a street sign. Sounds like trying to craft a story after the fact.

3. When writing the statement, during the audio interviews, and during the reenactment - Zimmerman didn't know that Martin was talking on the phone. So there would be a witness that can testify about what she heard (and what she heard Zimmerman say is not hearsay as Zimmerman is able to take the stand and provide conflicting testimony).


zimmerman was discussing with dispatch the location you can tell he does not know

which street it was and was giving him directions to his truck

when zimmerman says he is running

then at that point the dispatcher clearly requested zimmermans assistance by asking him

which way he was running

and it sounds like he took off after him

several seconds go by before the guys asks zimmerman if he is following him

and zimmermans response

and then we d not need you to do that

zimmerman could have easily traveled that distance

Why? TM was already running and turned out of sight (on recording) why didn't he keep going and be in dad's house. How did Z easily have travelled that distance with a head start? Explain it to me like I'm 10 years old. I dont get this part of it.
Zimmerman: Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got
something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is.
Dispatcher: Just let me know if he does anything ok
Zimmerman: How long until you get an officer over here?
Dispatcher: Yeah we've got someone on the way, just let me know if this guy does
anything else.
Zimmerman: Okay. These assholes they always get away. When you come to the
clubhouse you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the
Dispatcher: So it's on the lefthand side from the clubhouse?
Zimmerman: No you go in straight through the entrance and then you make a left...uh
you go straight in, don't turn, and make a left. Shit he's running.
Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?
Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.
Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?
Zimmerman: The back entrance...fucking [unintelligible]
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok, we don't need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok
Dispatcher: Alright sir what is your name?
Zimmerman: George...He ran.
Dispatcher: Alright George what's your last name?
Zimmerman: Zimmerman
Dispatcher: And George what's the phone number you're calling from?
Zimmerman: [redacted by
Mother Jones
Dispatcher: Alright George we do have them on the way, do you want to meet with the
officer when they get out there?
Zimmerman: Alright, where you going to meet with them at?
Zimmerman: If they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the
club house, and uh, straight past the club house and make a left, and then they
go past the mailboxes, that’s my truck...[unintelligible]
Dispatcher: What address are you parked in front of?
Zimmerman: I don’t know, it’s a cut through so I don’t know the address.
Dispatcher: Okay do you live in the area?
Zimmerman: Yeah, I...[unintelligible]
Dispatcher: What’s your apartment number?
Zimmerman: It’s a home it’s 1950, oh crap I don’t want to give it all out, I don’t
know where this kid is.
Dispatcher: Okay do you want to just meet with them right near the mailboxes
Zimmerman: Yeah that’s fine.
Dispatcher: Alright George, I’ll let them know to meet you around there okay?
Zimmerman: Actually could you have them call me and I’ll tell them where I’m at?
Dispatcher: Okay, yeah that’s no problem.
Zimmerman: Should I give you my number or you got it?
Dispatcher: Yeah I got it [Phone Number redacted]
Zimmerman: Yeah you got it.
Dispatcher: Okay no problem, I’ll let them know to call you when you’re in the
Zimmerman: Thanks.
Dispatcher: You’re welcome.


in this transcript is visible

that dispatch was clearly engaging zimmerman to assist several times

1-Dispatcher: Just let me know if he does anything ok

2-Dispatcher: Yeah we've got someone on the way, just let me know if this guy does
anything else

3-Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?

4-Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?

The first two are while Martin is on the street and before running.

The second two are not asking for an assist (as in follow the person to keep an eye on them) they are asking for which way the individual left from the location Zimmerman was at. They were not a request to follow. Especially since the dispatcher had told him specifically they did not need him to follow.


three and four certainly are

the questions are seeking information from zimmerman

as to what martin is doing where he is going
zimmerman was discussing with dispatch the location you can tell he does not know

which street it was and was giving him directions to his truck

when zimmerman says he is running

then at that point the dispatcher clearly requested zimmermans assistance by asking him

which way he was running

and it sounds like he took off after him

several seconds go by before the guys asks zimmerman if he is following him

and zimmermans response

and then we d not need you to do that

zimmerman could have easily traveled that distance

From the time that Zimmerman's truck door closes to his acknowledgement of the dispatcher comment on not needing to follow is 11-13 seconds. You can measure it yourself on the audio of the call.

There is no way that Zimmerman gets from his truck on Twin Trees Lane to the event site that quickly after exiting and acknowledging the dispatcher. Then of course there is Zimmerman's own statements that say he continued on in the same direction after the dispatcher warning. Supposedly to go back there to find a street sign.



he crossed the street and the width of a townhouse

easily done in 11-13 seconds

Sorry that is incorrect. From the location where Zimmerman said he parked his truck to the sidewalk, through the grassy area in front, past the townhouses and down the east/west path to the "T" intersection is approximately 171 feet.

We know that in that short time Zimmerman wasn't in a full out sprint since he was still talking on the phone and you can hear his voice and the wind.

I'm looking for a house number, I'm in front of houses with lights on (including garage lights with the numbers mounted right next to them) and walk behind the houses to find the numbers in the rear?

Ya, I think that's odd.

However Zimmerman said he went looking for a street sign. From his written statement:

"The suspect once again disappeared between the back of some houses. The dispatcher once again asked me for my exact location. I could not remember the name of the street so I got out of my car to look for a street sign."​

1. The dispatcher didn't ask for an exact location, the dispatcher asked with way the subject when (paraphrased).

2. When you heard Zimmerman exit the truck, the dispatcher did ask Zimmerman if he was following the individual. Zimmerman's reply was "Yes". Do during the call Zimmerman said he exited to follow Martin, but in his written statement he said it was to go behind the houses to find a street sign. Sounds like trying to craft a story after the fact.

3. When writing the statement, during the audio interviews, and during the reenactment - Zimmerman didn't know that Martin was talking on the phone. So there would be a witness that can testify about what she heard (and what she heard Zimmerman say is not hearsay as Zimmerman is able to take the stand and provide conflicting testimony).


zimmerman was discussing with dispatch the location you can tell he does not know

which street it was and was giving him directions to his truck

when zimmerman says he is running

then at that point the dispatcher clearly requested zimmermans assistance by asking him

which way he was running

and it sounds like he took off after him

several seconds go by before the guys asks zimmerman if he is following him

and zimmermans response

and then we d not need you to do that

zimmerman could have easily traveled that distance

Why? TM was already running and turned out of sight (on recording) why didn't he keep going and be in dad's house. How did Z easily have traveled that distance with a head start? Explain it to me like I'm 10 years old. I dont get this part of it.

i am not sure what you are trying to say

zimmerman did not have a head start

you can darn near walk across a street and across the width of a house in that time

let alone running it

as for martin and going home

witness 11 (girlfriend) said that martin was by his dads house

and this is when the phone fell out of his hand

if so how did his phone and his body end up eighty yards away
zimmerman was discussing with dispatch the location you can tell he does not know

which street it was and was giving him directions to his truck

when zimmerman says he is running

then at that point the dispatcher clearly requested zimmermans assistance by asking him

which way he was running

and it sounds like he took off after him

several seconds go by before the guys asks zimmerman if he is following him

and zimmermans response

and then we d not need you to do that

zimmerman could have easily traveled that distance

From the time that Zimmerman's truck door closes to his acknowledgement of the dispatcher comment on not needing to follow is 11-13 seconds. You can measure it yourself on the audio of the call.

There is no way that Zimmerman gets from his truck on Twin Trees Lane to the event site that quickly after exiting and acknowledging the dispatcher. Then of course there is Zimmerman's own statements that say he continued on in the same direction after the dispatcher warning. Supposedly to go back there to find a street sign.


This goes to that TM had the head start (on call) "he's running... toward the back exit..." where his dad lived, could have made it home and in the door... So did he wait?

He had already received an inbound call from Witness #8 (IIRC) near the clubhouse and that call continued for 4-minutes ending with the confrontation behind the townhouses.

After breaking sight with the individual that had been following him in a vehicle, he stopped to tell the girlfriend what was happening.

That's one of the weaknesses of Zimmerman's story(ies). He didn't know Martin was on the phone talking to someone (confirmed by phone records) during the written statement, audio statements, and reenactment video. At the time Martin is supposed to be back tracking, Martin is talking to someone else.

in this transcript is visible

that dispatch was clearly engaging zimmerman to assist several times

1-Dispatcher: Just let me know if he does anything ok

2-Dispatcher: Yeah we've got someone on the way, just let me know if this guy does
anything else

3-Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?

4-Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?

The first two are while Martin is on the street and before running.

The second two are not asking for an assist (as in follow the person to keep an eye on them) they are asking for which way the individual left from the location Zimmerman was at. They were not a request to follow. Especially since the dispatcher had told him specifically they did not need him to follow.


three and four certainly are

the questions are seeking information from zimmerman

as to what martin is doing where he is going

That's only dispatcher side. Z said he's running and he doesn't see him anymore and he's running toward the back entrance (where dads house is).

I may be just stupid and missing it so help me... Why didn't he just run to dads and be in the house?

Did he wait? I don't believe Z could have "overtaken" him, did Z cut him off? What happened at the end of that call when TM had lead?

Sorry, I'm stuck here, if someone can give me a logical I'll get off it and move on.
He stopped and this is where GF call is?


I'm off it.

Sorta. It still doesn't make sense that's what you'd do, but I'm not 17.
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