The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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What a fantasy based set of musings.


The wounds on the back of Zimmerman's head are consistent with his account.

The busted nose is consistent with his account.

The grass on HIS back is consistent with HIS account.

the grass stains on the knees of Trayvon Martin's pants is consistent with Zimmerman's account.

The close contact wound is consistent with Zimmerman's account.

there is no evidence that is not consistent with Zimmerman's account.

And you have no support for your weird-ass claim about the "trajectory" of the bullet wound. If you could EVER get a real expert to describe the mechanism for a bullet's path and direction inside of a body as it was engaged in some kind of struggle with the shooter, you'd be one unique advocate. Most experts worth their CV would trip over themselves to put all MANNER of caveats and provisos on any testimony concerning such a "course and direction" component of their testimony.

No. The truth is: with the physical evidence, the science speaks for itself. It is flatly consistent with the account Zimmerman gave right from jump street.

Zimmerman's wounds, grass on his back, are close proximity firearm discharge are consistint with Zimmerman and Martin being in a struggle. That is different then being consistent with the evidence which may presented with about the situation at the time the firearm was discharged.

there is no evidence that is not consistent with Zimmerman's account.

1. Per Zimmerman's account he stopped following Martin when told to do so by the dispatcher, his claim is he went behind the houses to find a street sign. Physical evidence from the development shows they don't mount street signs behind houses, they are placed at intersections. Street signs were located to the west and south of Zimmerman's truck, he traveled east.

2. Zimmerman describes walking back toward the truck on the east/west sidewalk. His account is that Martin punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground, Martin climbing on top, "whaling" away at his face, and then there being a struggle for the gun. However the physical evidence shows the body well down the southern walkway. A location inconsistent with Zimmerman's account.

3. The lack of GSR on the front of Zimmerman's jacket is inconsistent with his description of events by discharging the firearm between the two as they struggled.


People who are shot can still move.

hardy har. Correction: somewhere in between the three of you is the truth, keep posting. Hair splitting fact, logical take on it, realistic sarcasm and "check".
i just want a fair trial

hopefully those wanting on the jury with an agenda

will be weeded out

They got rid of one guy who seemed to be biased against Zimmerman....
And he was doing everything he could to get on that jury...

When I was in law school, one of my profs told us, 'there is a lie in every trial.' When someone sits all day every work day and listens to lies, they soon get the hang of spotting one. I think it IS possible to get a 'not guilty.' But then, that is the eternal optimism of one who has studied the law and still believes in the system.


Hello, sunshine! Speaking of which, it was a beautiful day here in Michigan today.
That's kind of presumptuous. The stippling and ME's report shows only that the muzzle of the weapon was very close to Martin's chest at the time it was fired. Being either in direct contract or in the 4-6 inch range. That is it, it does not confirm Zimmerman's story and there is actually another reasonable explanation that fit's all the evidence.

1. Martin's wound showing close proximity of the muzzle.
2. Zimmerman having GSR on his hands.
3. Zimmerman not having GSR on the front of his jacket or sleeves.
4. Zimmerman not having any Martin DNA for blood evidencec on the front of his jacket.
5. The trajectory of the bullet path being perpendicular to the plan of Martin's chest (in other words a straight in shot.)
6. Grass stains on Zimmerman's knees.
7. No grass stains on Zimmerman's jacket (IIRC, there we no stains on Zimmerman's jacket, it was Ofc. Smith (first resonder) that had in his report that the back of Zimmerman's jacket was wet and had grass on it, having grass on it and having grass stains are two different things.)​

Zimmerman's Story:
1. Zimmerman was on the ground at the time the weapons was discharged.
2. Martin was on top of him "whaling" (yes he used that term in the audio tapes) on Zimmerman's face, eventually they struggled for the gun which means Martin was bent over Zimmerman while being on top.​

Scenerio #1:
Two people are struggling on the ground, on is on the bottom and the other is on top bent over trying to get control of a firearm. The person on the bottom shoots the person in the chest, the person dies and the person on the bottom rolls the dead body off.

Scenerio #2:
Two people are struggling on the ground, on is on the bottom and the other is on top. The person on top has had enough and tries to get off OR the person on the bottom gains enough leverage to push the person on top off. During body separation the person that was on the bottom draws his weapon, extends his arm, points the weapon a the center of mass of the person that was on top and pulls the trigger.

1. When a firearm is discharge it generates GSR which exists the muzzle (contributing to the stippling of the skin (due to close proximity) but is also expelled out the ejection port (on a semi-automatic). With two bodies close together, no GSR was found on Zimmerman (except for his hands) indicative that his arm was extended way from his body. But with the chests of both parties close together, the shooters arm would have extended through the other body.

2. With the chests close together and Martin over Zimmerman, there was no blood evidence transferred to Zimmerman jacket.

3. The trajectory of the bullet being perpendicular to the plan of the chest would be difficult and unnatural to achieve for two reasons: (1) Zimmerman would have had to draw the weapon and maneuver it between the struggling bodies, and (2) he describes he and Martin struggling for the weapon. So a perpendicular chest shot under those conditions? I'd like to see some expert testimony on that.​

Scenario #2 is actually a more logical possibility given the available evidence then is scenario #1. Now this would depend on witnesses that actually were looking at the scene at the exact time of the shooting and can confirm the muzzle flashes occurred when Martin was on top. If that is the case, then scenario #2 is eliminated, but my recollection is that the neighbors were not on scene when the weapon was fired.


What a fantasy based set of musings.


The wounds on the back of Zimmerman's head are consistent with his account.

The busted nose is consistent with his account.

The grass on HIS back is consistent with HIS account.

the grass stains on the knees of Trayvon Martin's pants is consistent with Zimmerman's account.

The close contact wound is consistent with Zimmerman's account.

there is no evidence that is not consistent with Zimmerman's account.

And you have no support for your weird-ass claim about the "trajectory" of the bullet wound. If you could EVER get a real expert to describe the mechanism for a bullet's path and direction inside of a body as it was engaged in some kind of struggle with the shooter, you'd be one unique advocate. Most experts worth their CV would trip over themselves to put all MANNER of caveats and provisos on any testimony concerning such a "course and direction" component of their testimony.

No. The truth is: with the physical evidence, the science speaks for itself. It is flatly consistent with the account Zimmerman gave right from jump street.

Zimmerman's wounds, grass on his back, are close proximity firearm discharge are consistint with Zimmerman and Martin being in a struggle. That is different then being consistent with the evidence which may presented with about the situation at the time the firearm was discharged.

there is no evidence that is not consistent with Zimmerman's account.

1. Per Zimmerman's account he stopped following Martin when told to do so by the dispatcher, his claim is he went behind the houses to find a street sign. Physical evidence from the development shows they don't mount street signs behind houses, they are placed at intersections. Street signs were located to the west and south of Zimmerman's truck, he traveled east.

2. Zimmerman describes walking back toward the truck on the east/west sidewalk. His account is that Martin punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground, Martin climbing on top, "whaling" away at his face, and then there being a struggle for the gun. However the physical evidence shows the body well down the southern walkway. A location inconsistent with Zimmerman's account.

3. The lack of GSR on the front of Zimmerman's jacket is inconsistent with his description of events by discharging the firearm between the two as they struggled.


Zimmerman was looking for a house number not a street sign. He was heading toward the lit part of a street that he already new the name of. 9-1-1 asked him for info and he was trying to give it to them.
I am inclined to believe a good portion of Zimmermans story because he is not going to say something in the interrogation room and at the scene the next that could possibly be dubunked by a neighbor who may have saw. We know of at least one neighbor that actually came out in the middle of it....the one that called police.

I still think a lot is being made of less relevant details. It all comes down to who can claim self defense first, imo. Whoever establishes that--wins.
I am inclined to believe a good portion of Zimmermans story because he is not going to say something in the interrogation room and at the scene the next that could possibly be dubunked by a neighbor who may have saw. We know of at least one neighbor that actually came out in the middle of it....the one that called police.

I still think a lot is being made of less relevant details. It all comes down to who can claim self defense first, imo. Whoever establishes that--wins.

the state has no evidence to prove their case. It's purely a political show trial.
The actual evidence that comes into the trial will determine the opinion of most of us. We have heard many things, but what is concrete and comes in may be two different things.

Has anyone listened to the jury questions? How do you think the questioning is going and have there been many that you felt could really be impartial?
What a fantasy based set of musings.


The wounds on the back of Zimmerman's head are consistent with his account.

The busted nose is consistent with his account.

The grass on HIS back is consistent with HIS account.

the grass stains on the knees of Trayvon Martin's pants is consistent with Zimmerman's account.

The close contact wound is consistent with Zimmerman's account.

there is no evidence that is not consistent with Zimmerman's account.

And you have no support for your weird-ass claim about the "trajectory" of the bullet wound. If you could EVER get a real expert to describe the mechanism for a bullet's path and direction inside of a body as it was engaged in some kind of struggle with the shooter, you'd be one unique advocate. Most experts worth their CV would trip over themselves to put all MANNER of caveats and provisos on any testimony concerning such a "course and direction" component of their testimony.

No. The truth is: with the physical evidence, the science speaks for itself. It is flatly consistent with the account Zimmerman gave right from jump street.

Zimmerman's wounds, grass on his back, are close proximity firearm discharge are consistint with Zimmerman and Martin being in a struggle. That is different then being consistent with the evidence which may presented with about the situation at the time the firearm was discharged.

there is no evidence that is not consistent with Zimmerman's account.

1. Per Zimmerman's account he stopped following Martin when told to do so by the dispatcher, his claim is he went behind the houses to find a street sign. Physical evidence from the development shows they don't mount street signs behind houses, they are placed at intersections. Street signs were located to the west and south of Zimmerman's truck, he traveled east.

2. Zimmerman describes walking back toward the truck on the east/west sidewalk. His account is that Martin punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground, Martin climbing on top, "whaling" away at his face, and then there being a struggle for the gun. However the physical evidence shows the body well down the southern walkway. A location inconsistent with Zimmerman's account.

3. The lack of GSR on the front of Zimmerman's jacket is inconsistent with his description of events by discharging the firearm between the two as they struggled.


People who are shot can still move.

The bullet went through the heart and Zimmerman said after the shot he got on top of the body and spread the hands out.

Are you saying Zimmerman didn't tell the truth about getting on top of the body and that a heart shot body crawled down the sidewalk and into the grass?

Zimmerman's wounds, grass on his back, are close proximity firearm discharge are consistint with Zimmerman and Martin being in a struggle. That is different then being consistent with the evidence which may presented with about the situation at the time the firearm was discharged.

1. Per Zimmerman's account he stopped following Martin when told to do so by the dispatcher, his claim is he went behind the houses to find a street sign. Physical evidence from the development shows they don't mount street signs behind houses, they are placed at intersections. Street signs were located to the west and south of Zimmerman's truck, he traveled east.

2. Zimmerman describes walking back toward the truck on the east/west sidewalk. His account is that Martin punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground, Martin climbing on top, "whaling" away at his face, and then there being a struggle for the gun. However the physical evidence shows the body well down the southern walkway. A location inconsistent with Zimmerman's account.

3. The lack of GSR on the front of Zimmerman's jacket is inconsistent with his description of events by discharging the firearm between the two as they struggled.


People who are shot can still move.

The bullet went through the heart and Zimmerman said after the shot he got on top of the body and spread the hands out.

Are you saying Zimmerman didn't tell the truth about getting on top of the body and that a heart shot body crawled down the sidewalk and into the grass?


Listen to the re enactment thing again. Z claims that Martin even spoke after he was shot and humans CAN speak after being shot in the heart
The actual evidence that comes into the trial will determine the opinion of most of us. We have heard many things, but what is concrete and comes in may be two different things.

Has anyone listened to the jury questions? How do you think the questioning is going and have there been many that you felt could really be impartial?

right now at this stage the juror questioning is restricted to by agreement

of the state and defense to be pretty much limited to how much

they know about the case via various media (news radio facebook and such)
People who are shot can still move.

The bullet went through the heart and Zimmerman said after the shot he got on top of the body and spread the hands out.

Are you saying Zimmerman didn't tell the truth about getting on top of the body and that a heart shot body crawled down the sidewalk and into the grass?


Listen to the re enactment thing again. Z claims that Martin even spoke after he was shot and humans CAN speak after being shot in the heart

What a fantasy based set of musings.


The wounds on the back of Zimmerman's head are consistent with his account.

The busted nose is consistent with his account.

The grass on HIS back is consistent with HIS account.

the grass stains on the knees of Trayvon Martin's pants is consistent with Zimmerman's account.

The close contact wound is consistent with Zimmerman's account.

there is no evidence that is not consistent with Zimmerman's account.

And you have no support for your weird-ass claim about the "trajectory" of the bullet wound. If you could EVER get a real expert to describe the mechanism for a bullet's path and direction inside of a body as it was engaged in some kind of struggle with the shooter, you'd be one unique advocate. Most experts worth their CV would trip over themselves to put all MANNER of caveats and provisos on any testimony concerning such a "course and direction" component of their testimony.

No. The truth is: with the physical evidence, the science speaks for itself. It is flatly consistent with the account Zimmerman gave right from jump street.

Zimmerman's wounds, grass on his back, are close proximity firearm discharge are consistint with Zimmerman and Martin being in a struggle. That is different then being consistent with the evidence which may presented with about the situation at the time the firearm was discharged.

there is no evidence that is not consistent with Zimmerman's account.

1. Per Zimmerman's account he stopped following Martin when told to do so by the dispatcher, his claim is he went behind the houses to find a street sign. Physical evidence from the development shows they don't mount street signs behind houses, they are placed at intersections. Street signs were located to the west and south of Zimmerman's truck, he traveled east.

2. Zimmerman describes walking back toward the truck on the east/west sidewalk. His account is that Martin punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground, Martin climbing on top, "whaling" away at his face, and then there being a struggle for the gun. However the physical evidence shows the body well down the southern walkway. A location inconsistent with Zimmerman's account.

3. The lack of GSR on the front of Zimmerman's jacket is inconsistent with his description of events by discharging the firearm between the two as they struggled.


Zimmerman was looking for a house number not a street sign. He was heading toward the lit part of a street that he already new the name of. 9-1-1 asked him for info and he was trying to give it to them.

I've previously supplied a link to the audio where he said he was looking for a street sign, he also said he was looking for a street sign in his written statement.

OK, he went to the back of the houses to find a house number? When did they strart mounting house numbers on the back of houses? That and he walked past the front of houses with the lights on and the house numbers were clearly visible without going behind the houses.

There are only three streets in the development (Retreat View Circle, Twin Trees Lane, and Long Oak Way). Zimmerman lived there for over two years, was the Neighborhood Watch Captain, and had made dozens of calls to the police. Twin Trees Lane is the road entrance to both the north and south entrances, after entering on Twin Trees Lane you then turn onto Retreat View Circle. He didn't know the name of the street he turned on to / off of every time he entered or left the development? Hard to believe.

Zimmerman's wounds, grass on his back, are close proximity firearm discharge are consistint with Zimmerman and Martin being in a struggle. That is different then being consistent with the evidence which may presented with about the situation at the time the firearm was discharged.

1. Per Zimmerman's account he stopped following Martin when told to do so by the dispatcher, his claim is he went behind the houses to find a street sign. Physical evidence from the development shows they don't mount street signs behind houses, they are placed at intersections. Street signs were located to the west and south of Zimmerman's truck, he traveled east.

2. Zimmerman describes walking back toward the truck on the east/west sidewalk. His account is that Martin punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground, Martin climbing on top, "whaling" away at his face, and then there being a struggle for the gun. However the physical evidence shows the body well down the southern walkway. A location inconsistent with Zimmerman's account.

3. The lack of GSR on the front of Zimmerman's jacket is inconsistent with his description of events by discharging the firearm between the two as they struggled.


Zimmerman was looking for a house number not a street sign. He was heading toward the lit part of a street that he already new the name of. 9-1-1 asked him for info and he was trying to give it to them.

I've previously supplied a link to the audio where he said he was looking for a street sign, he also said he was looking for a street sign in his written statement.

OK, he went to the back of the houses to find a house number? When did they strart mounting house numbers on the back of houses? That and he walked past the front of houses with the lights on and the house numbers were clearly visible without going behind the houses.

There are only three streets in the development (Retreat View Circle, Twin Trees Lane, and Long Oak Way). Zimmerman lived there for over two years, was the Neighborhood Watch Captain, and had made dozens of calls to the police. Twin Trees Lane is the road entrance to both the north and south entrances, after entering on Twin Trees Lane you then turn onto Retreat View Circle. He didn't know the name of the street he turned on to / off of every time he entered or left the development? Hard to believe.


he was already behind the houses----he was heading to the front to look for a number. Where the light was---you think that's odd ?
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